The July 15, 2020 God Bless America 2020 American Indian Tribal News * Ernie C. Salgado Jr., CE0, Publisher/Editor President Richard M. Nixon: A True FriendRespectfully, Ernie OfC. Salgado the Jr. American Indian People Mark Trahant, Shoshone-Bannock, is editor of Indian Country Today. Follow him on Twitter - @TrahantReports Indian Country Today LLC, is a nonprofit, public media enterprise. Reader support is critical. We do not charge for subscriptions and tribal media Leonard Garment wrote a Room. “That was a big memo to President Richard thing,” Kilberg said, because Nixon on April 17, 1970, usually it was reserved for urging White House sup- heads of state or governors. port for a Senate bill to re- Thus, the White House was turn Blue Lake to the Taos recognizing the pueblo as Pueblo. such, sovereign govern- The land was taken from the ments. pueblo in 1906 and turned Kilberg recalled who was in into a national forest. The the room. The cacique, then pueblo refused compensa- 94-year-old religious leader, tion because it was deter- Juan de Jesus Romero. Paul mined to get the land back. Bernal, who was a secretary If the story has a familiar and translator. Unseen, she ring to it: It’s because the said, were two very im- land was illegally taken by portant canes, one from the President Theodore Roose- king of Spain and the other velt, now a figure at Mount from Abraham Lincoln, giv- Rushmore on land that the President Nixon meeting with leaders from Taos Pueblo and the administration. en to the pueblo. Supreme Court said was al- In December the same lead- so illegally taken. al lands. Give it to the pueb- a wonderful idea. He want- “This policy of forced termi- ers would come to Washing- “Over the years, since 1906, lo, he argued, and you’d ed to make a big deal of this. nation is wrong, in my judg- ton for the signing ceremo- this particular issue has ny, the official return of have to do the same for the The decision was made to ment, for a number of rea- snowballed,” Garment Utes, then the Navajos, then sons. First, the premises on Blue Lake to the Taos wrote. “It is now the single release the message as a Pueblo. the Cheyenne. “state paper” as opposed to which it rests are wrong. specific Indian issue and as Termination implies that the The cacique thanked the such of major symbolic im- The politics were complicat- a presidential speech. ed. Anderson was the men- federal government has tak- president for being there. portance.” Garment under- “A speech becomes distract- Then the president made tor to the Senate’s Interior ing, becomes a personality en on a trusteeship responsi- lined “the” to reinforce his bility for Indian communi- remarks, and Bernal again point. and Insular Affairs Chair- thin,” Garment said. man Henry Jackson, and the ties as an act of generosity had to translate for the ca- He outlined reasons for the “It didn't make sense to Nix- toward a disadvantaged peo- cique so this went on for 15, Nixon administration was on to make a speech about bill and cited the opposition trying to win support for the ple and that it can therefore 20 minutes. (both within the White the history of mistreatment discontinue this responsibil- “I was thinking, ‘Oh, gosh, Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. of the Indians in America, House and especially in the The threat was that Ander- ity on a unilateral basis am I going to be fired? Is Senate). “The question, the importance of independ- whenever it sees fit.” this guy just furious?’ Be- son and Jackson could be ence for Indian tribes and however, is what position “no” votes. Garment was President Lyndon B. John- cause I knew he was late for you as President should self-determination. Nobody … his next event,” Kilberg firmly for the announcement would know what he was son had also published a take, for both moral reasons and BeLieu against. message on Indian affairs -- said. “But he seemed to be and political reasons.” talking about. These state really engaged in it, and he Ehrlichman went into the papers were addressed to a and that too called for the The White House decided Oval Office to talk to Nixon. end of termination as a poli- lingered.” to go forward. Bobbie Kil- particular audience that's He returned with a big smile familiar with the social or cy. “I propose a new goal for At the end she was asked to berg, a White House fellow, on his face. “We got it.” our Indian programs: a goal join the president and walk was tasked with announcing political complexities of a “What happened?” Kilberg nation that dealt them with that ends the old debate to the East Wing. the president’s support for about "termination" of Indi- “I said: ‘Mr. President, I re- Taos. It was nearly the asked. “Well, John said Nix- some seriousness,” he said. on got red in the face and an programs and stresses ally apologize. I know that Fourth of July, and more The message was released self-determination; a goal said if he’s going to vote on July 8, 1970, and the took very long, and the senior people were on vaca- that erases old attitudes of translations can be very tion. against the ABM treaty over leaders of the pueblo were Blue Lake, well, goddamnit, paternalism and promotes cumbersome.’ invited to the White House. partnership self-help,” the On her way to the White let him do it. You go out “And he looked at me and House Press Room she ran “To the Congress of the Johnson message said. and do it.” United States: The first said, ‘Young lady, don't you into Ken BeLieu. Literally. One reason why the Nixon ever say that.’ He said, ‘That The two collided, papers Nixon was in. The paper Americans - the Indians - supporting Taos was sud- policy is remembered is that was one of the most moving, flew around, and he told her are the most deprived and much of Nixon’s program denly elevated into a presi- most isolated minority group wonderful experiences I've in no uncertain terms that became federal law. ever had at this White the statement could not be dential message, rejecting in our nation. On virtually Indeed the “golden era” of House. We did something released. She told him the termination and supporting every scale of measurement self-determination. (The - employment, income, edu- legislation was spurred by good that you ought to be memo had been cleared. this message ranging from proud of. We did something But he wanted to appeal. White House had already cation, health - the condition assigned Kilberg to work on the Indian Health Care Im- important for the Indian So they went into John Ehr- of the Indian people ranks the policy draft. She had at the bottom.” provement Act to the Indian community. And what the lichman’s office. Ehrlichman spent the summer working Finance Act. Anchored by hell, HUD can wait.’ And was the president’s domestic "The time has come to t h e Indian Self - then he went off.” on the Navajo Nation so had break decisively with the counselor (and in many “experience” in Indian af- Determination and Educa- ‘That was one of the most ways, deputy president). Be- past and to create the condi- tion Assistance Act. fairs.) tions for a new era in which moving, wonderful experi- Lieu said New Mexico Sen. Garment arranged for Taos ences I've ever had at this Clinton Anderson, a former Garment suggested pueblo the Indian future is deter- leaders be invited to the mined by Indian acts and leaders to be at the White White House’ secretary of agriculture, was House and for the meeting against the return of any trib- White House. The presi- Indian decisions,” the mes- dent immediately said it was sage said. to be held in the Cabinet California Indian Education, Inc. Soboba Indian Reservation, So. California Mail: P.O. Box 366, San Jacinto CA 92581 Phone 951.217.7205 * Email: CALIE.org “Making A Difference” Non-Profit 501(c)(3) * Tribal Organization CALIE.org Is The Number One American Indian Web Site In The World! The July 15, 2020 Page 2 of 7 Gray Panther Lady: “Who are you talkin' to?" 'You got something toh hydroxychloroquine say, little boy?' Source: The Blaze * By Dave Urbanski * June 30, 2020 * Title Edited by Ernie C. Salgado Jr., American Indian Reporter The multitude of young leftists ing fools — and served up her best who've been looting stores, destroy- rejoinder: "Is that the best you got, ing property, pulling down statues, es are Ineligible for dolly boy? Is that the best you got, and scaring away police over the last Loans” baby boy? Is that the best you got? month have grown so intoxicated on Is that the best you got? Go back to their newfound power that a miscal- school!" culation was bound to occur. Our heroine in a separate clip artic- And it happened Sunday by the ulated her reasons for defending the now-controversial statue of former Roosevelt statue and assessed what President Teddy Roosevelt in New she believes the left is really up to. York City, when a group advocating FOR THE PAPER LIST"What they're doing is trying to for the monument's preservation erase history," she said, adding that stood up to leftists who want it go Roosevelt was "one of our best pres- One very passionate older woman [email protected] ever" and that "it takes my took the leftists to task, pointing at “Who are you talkin' to, huh?” ing to stand in her face, but other breath away that something as beau- them and saying, "You are a domes- "You got something to say, little boy?' " nearby [email protected] warned him: "Don't go tiful and as magnificent as" the statue the woman yelled at the kid, who chest-to-chest with a woman.
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