I WEEKEND To In Area “The Memphis Urban League's workshop dealing with poverty in this'area will be held Friday and Saturday of this week on the THEY INSPIRE MAGICIANS-LeMoyne's basketball reeled by Miss Lora Ann Greene, left, a sopho­ LeMoyne College campus, it was announced by the Rev. J. A. team is given a good deal of encouragement more of 1358 Gleason. Trainer of the two groups McDaniel, local director of the league. and inspiration by the college's cheering squad, is Miss Lavettq Glover, center, physical educa­ The opening session , Friday Programs on the Local Level.” -captained by Miss Lois Deberry, right, a junior tion instructor at LeMoyne. morning, begins at 9 In Brownlee There will be a question-answer of 1931 Ledger, arid the all-girl drill team, di- HaU-wittrttie' Rev. Peter u. Craw­ period, followed by a report from ford of Ayery Chapel AME Church a resolutions committee. presiding. Greetings will be given by President Hollis F. Price of Le­ Practically all welfare agencies, Moyne and prayer wll be offered colleges and schools will be re­ by the Rev. John K. Johnson ot‘ presented at the conference, Rev. Idlewild Presbyterian Church. Mr. MODaniel said. LeMOYNE WHIPS The two-day conference |s open There will be three speakers at to the general public. the opening morning $ssion. El­ mer L. Guenther, executive dir­ ector of the Health and Welfare Planning Council of Memphis and TUSKEGEE, 67-57 Shelby County, Will discuss "Dim­ ensions of Poverty in Memphis and ridge, the Memphis sophomore The Magicians added Tuskegee to their list of victims Mon­ guari Capt. Paul Lowery, senior ShClby County.” day night but not before giving LeMoyne rooters a couple of guard from New Brighton, Pa., con­ ' Charles Fleer, executive director frightful moments. During those two upsetting stages of the tributed, too. of The Youth Development Fro- [ THE LONELY PORTER HOME-There is a t________________ T__ Y.„ — „«.■ game it looked as though the locals were trying to give the con­ DURING THE TRYING moments, gram, and L .B. Dow, manager of ghostly i buried Sunday, dll victims of fumes fronuan test to the visiting Tigers but they soon shook off their erring Coach Johnson called on four of the Tennessee Emploment'Security quietness in and around this neal-looking1 houseunventedhouse ' unvnntorl nmgas stove.t»nu« Mrs.Mr« Port",Porter, also fillo-felled £"/by his valuable freshmen —. Sidney Office in Memphis will discuss Ways and went on to coast to a 67-57 victory. ittnfti »Ac»——1 _ ___ «i.i » ... Weathers, Tyronne Battle, Ralph "Approved and Proposed Programs the home of I the fumes, is the only surviving member of At on Poverty." - their five sons, The LeMoynltes were off to an 40, and this lead they never gave Newkirk and McKinley Jones — family. • Bp- and all of them did quite well lot The luncheon which follows has excellent start and had the Tuske- up. five boys were tar.: geeans down, 9-0, at 16:31, but the Coach Johnson made frequent tho cause. been named the “Talk It Over Tigers fought back like champs and substitutions and at one time had Sophomore Marion Brewer had a Session." ■ Two robbers entered the of­ pulled ahead of LeMoyne, 18-17, at three freshmen on the floor. hand in the victory, too, as did The Friday afflrrnam Be^on fice of exclusive Castalia Heights fe-Mother Fights To Stay Alive ' 9:15. Major forces for LeMoyne were freshmen Ronnie Hooks arid George gets underway at 2 and continues Apartments around 5:40 p.m. Coach Jerry.. Johnson’s.charge. James ThKdon,, the. big .^qnior for­ Parks. ' until 4:00. Samuel Yette, executive ward from Louisville, and Cjeorge officer of the'Public Affairs, Saturday, tied up the manager collected their senses‘at’ this point Charlton was high man with his and managed to pull: ahead, 23-22, Fed, sophomore center from Pon­ slon of the Office of and escaped With $2,850 in long heaves, scoring 18 points, trail­ at 8:58. They held a slight lead tiac. They were power houses de­ Opportunity, will discuss "Thej Ec ed by Gordon and Bandridge, 13 cash. through halftime which ended: Le­ onomlc Opportunity Act; fensively and important cogs in each; Fed, 12; Weathers, 4; Lowery, Moyne 35, Tuskegee 31. the scoring department. mentation for the South.” The apartment complex, located 3, and Battle and Newkirk, 2 each. 8en>or Jimmy Charlton/forward A report from luncheon at 19® Garver, attracts some pro­ LOCAL FANS WERE given an­ Top man for Tuskegee was James They buried Eli Porter Sr. and his five sons in Church Cemetery other scare at 17:36 of the second from Syracuse, found his shooting sion leaders and a quest! fessional people as tenants ana Cauley, center, with 17. at Mason, Tenn, last Sunday afternoon and those who gazed upon eye and was a big asset to the wer period follows. rent per unit is around S9O a half when the battling Tigers knot­ LeMoyne’s battling eagers go the six bodies at the funeral home, at the church and at the grave­ ted the count, 38-38, At 11:00, the Magicians, and the same can be On Saturday morning,-star month. against the Benedict College five 9:30, K. B. M. Crooks Jr,, a side will be a long time forgetting it. Magicians were out front again, 48- said of. James (Sweet Pea) Sand­ from Columbia, S. C., this Thursday Will Be Replaced director of the Southern R The holdup men took tne money night at 8 o’clock on the Brlice Only members of) the Porter Shelby County Board of .Educa­ Office of the National after birding the resident man­ tion when admitted to John Gast­ Hall boards in a SI AC contest. family left Is the wife and mother, gue, will discuss "Relationship of ager, G. H. Banks. ■?. on. Willie Earl died two days tion this week approved a $311200 ON NEXT MONDAY NIGHT In Mrs. Louise Porter, .and she was low bid by Mayer Construction£1 the Urban League Program Mr. Banks was quoted by investi­ later. the Bruce gym, the -LeMoynltes still in . John Ga’Ston Hospital, un­ Company for building a new Sha­ pwnomic ppportunlty !AcF’ .. gating officers as saying both rob­ Bodies of the father and five MELROSE, B.T.W. meet Dillard of New Orleans, fol­ bers pulled pistols on him after able tp attend:the funeral of her dowlawn School. The old building A second speaker will beii Jc^in sons were viewed by relatives and lowed by contests on Jan. 15 against husband and sons. was destroyed laet year by fire caus­ Dyer, assistant commissioner oi entering the office. He said they the public Saturday at Lewis Fun­ Miles of Birmingham and Alabama told him, “Give us the money ana ed by lightning. Finance Administration, Tennessee The entire family was felled two eral Home. Funeral; services for A&M on Jan. 30, . we won’t hurt you.’’ , the six were held Sunday from The board aleo approved an Jip- * Economic Opportunity Authority. Sundays ago by fumes from an The locale will play three home He said the men forced him to Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Mason plication to the State Department He is scheduled to discuss “Pin.Fin­ unvented over-heated gas stove. Mr. TANGLE AGAIN! games In February, going against tell them the combination or tne of Education for continuation ot with the Rev. Jonas Maryland of ­ Philander Smith of Little Rock on ancing Economic Opportunity A.tl Porter, 38-yeaf-old Veteran em­ safe. Mr. Banks told police the ficiating. an adult literaoy project at Mitchell ployee of Plough Inc., and four of Feb. 3 and Allen of Columbia, S. holdup men threatened to snoot Road High ScboOL ■ - ■ A replay of the. thrilling championship match that closed out the Porter boys — Harvard Lee, C. on Feb. 8 and closing the season him in the head if he didn’t re­ Neighbors said Mr. Porter pur­ Shadowlawn Elementary School LeMoyne's ninth annual Holiday Basketball Tournament is expect; 12; Larry, 9; Eli Jr., 8, and Joe 3- Feb. 16 against Bethune - Cook­ veal the safe combination. chased the gas stove and connect­ was organized tn April 1958 byxon- were dead when neighbors and ed this Friday night when Melrose and Booker T. Washington man of Daytona Beach, Fla. $10, He said they emptied the cash ed it himself shortly after adding solidation with * part of Brunswick, police forced , their way into the meet In a Prep League contest with BTW as host. Washington's The Magicians have nine games register before tying his hands two rooms to the rear of his Fullview, Bridgewater, Oat Grove to play on the road in January and home at 1701 Ash. home. and prospect schools ln thrcouniy. Warriors defeated Melrose's Golden Wildcats in the final seconds behind his back and forcing him to February. He face down on the floor of the Mrs. Porter has sisters who re­ The school has over 600 .enrtìted of. the tourney, 58-57. Mrs. Porter, 32, and Willie Earl Destroys Church washroom at the rear or the of­ side in Peoria, III. and in Cleveland, and 22 faculty, members. Prof.®- Porter, 10, were In critical condi- Ohio. ward Gray is the principal. Fathers Bertrand and Hamilton, ed up 21. The new and almost completed fice. both looking for their first loop A couple of good ones are.siated Noah’s Chapel AME Church at The robbers fled through a back victory of the season, Will do battle for Monday night with Carver go­ Methodist Men Pleasant Ridge and Sledge was de­ doOr with $2,000 in cash and $850 Friday afternoon on the Hamilton ing against Melrose at Carver, and stroyed by fire New Year's Eve.
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