E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2005 No. 133 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- itual man who conveys his spirituality called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. in a very gentle and unassuming way. pore (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan). f We thank him for his service and for f traveling to the Nation’s Capitol this PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE morning and for offering the morning’s DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the prayer. PRO TEMPORE gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. GAR- f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- RETT) come forward and lead the House fore the House the following commu- in the Pledge of Allegiance. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TAKES REAL nication from the Speaker: Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey led the LIVES WASHINGTON, DC, Pledge of Allegiance as follows: (Mr. POE asked and was given per- October 19, 2005. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the mission to address the House for 1 I hereby appoint the Honorable CANDICE S. United States of America, and to the Repub- minute and to revise and extend his re- MILLER to act as Speaker pro tempore on lic for which it stands, one nation under God, marks.) this day. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. POE. Madam Speaker, people die J. DENNIS HASTERT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. f because of domestic violence: Rocio Al- varado, 27, Houston. Ella Marie f WELCOMING THE REVEREND Broussard, 26, Houston. Ericka PRAYER JOSEPH L. LOGRIP Cavazos, 28, Houston. Marivell Garcia, The Reverend Joseph L. Logrip, Pas- (Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania 22, Baytown. Ebony Johnson, 22, Hous- tor, Immaculate Conception Church, asked and was given permission to ad- ton. Keisha Joseph, 34, Houston. Levittown, Pennsylvania, offered the dress the House for 1 minute.) Florentina Matamoros, 31, Houston. following prayer: Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania. Maria Navarro, 37, Houston. Gloria Ann Father, all-powerful and ever-living Madam Speaker, I rise today to wel- Ozuna, 18, Houston. Ziba Poursheykhi, God, we do well always and everywhere come to our Nation’s Capitol and to 44, Houston. Susan Soogrim, 44, Bay- to give You thanks and praise. You this House Chamber Father Joseph town. Amanda Terlouw, 25, Houston. graciously share Your governance with Logrip of Immaculate Conception Par- Prudencia Vallejo, 62, Houston. us, a governance where life and free- ish in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and to Khadija Williams, 31, Humble. Sheila dom, worship and charity, justice and thank him for offering this morning’s Marie Davis, 35, Beaumont. Joyce peace, work and ownership are prayer, a custom dating back to the Volrie, 62, Beaumont. foundational to Your eternal plan. How Continental Congress, and one that is Madam Speaker, these victims were awesome this governance. How de- deeply embedded in the history and murdered by their intimate partner, manding this task. tradition of this body. spouse, or boyfriend this very year. Do- Give us, we beseech You, the gift of Father Logrip is a teacher, a pastor, mestic violence is not just a family wisdom, the great attendant at Your and a spiritual leader. He has been a issue but a criminal issue, a health throne, for Your wisdom renders right friend and mentor for me and for thou- issue, an American issue. Madam judgment and integrity of heart. sands of others. Father Logrip’s con- Speaker, America must be concerned Keep us safe and strong. Allow our tributions both in Bucks County and about what takes place in our families governance to be pleasing in Your eyes throughout our Commonwealth have and the murder of spouses in the do- and conformable to Your commands. made him an invaluable spiritual lead- mestic violence situation. That is just So we recognize You as the God of this er for Pennsylvanians of all faiths. the way it is. Nation and the Lord of this land. Under his guidance as pastor, the f As always, we ask this through Church of Immaculate Conception in BUDGET AND IRAQ Christ our Lord. Amen. Levittown, Pennsylvania has grown in f size and in faith, and it has enriched (Mr. EMANUEL asked and was given the lives of its parishioners and also permission to address the House for 1 THE JOURNAL the community around it. Father has minute.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The devoted his life to the well-being of his Mr. EMANUEL. Madam Speaker, Chair has examined the Journal of the church. He is a man of the people in a after racking up nearly $3 trillion in last day’s proceedings and announces working-class community. He is a new debt in the past 4 years, suddenly to the House her approval thereof. great communicator, and he is a spir- this Congress has decided to become b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8921 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:19 Jan 21, 2006 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 D:\FIX-CR\H19OC5.REC H19OC5 mmaher on PRODPC24 with $$_JOB H8922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 19, 2005 budget hawks. Tomorrow we are set to PENTAGON’S SPIN MACHINE AND continue their worn-out policies of tax slash up to $50 billion from essential THE CANCELLATION OF ED and spend. investments in America in order to cut SCHULTZ’S SHOW In conclusion, God bless our troops, taxes for the wealthiest 1 percent. To (Ms. LEE asked and was given per- and we will never forget September 11. pay for those tax cuts, we are cutting mission to address the House for 1 f health care, education, community in- minute.) WATER OBJECTIVES vestments, heating assistance, and nu- Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, according tritional programs. American tax- (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was to its own mandate, the Armed Forces given permission to address the House payers all the while are being asked to Network is supposed to provide polit- carry $445 billion invested in Iraq’s for 1 minute.) ical programming that is characterized Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, war. In Iraq we have built and ren- by fairness and balance, and should the turmoil surrounding the Katrina ovated 110 primary health care centers, provide ‘‘reasonable opportunities for aftermath and some of the winds of vaccinated 3.2 million children, but the presentation of conflicting views change here in Washington, DC, ob- right here this budget by the Repub- on important controversial public scures the fact that every 15 seconds a licans is cutting $10 billion from Med- issues.’’ child dies needlessly and hundreds of icaid. Now, the Bush administration’s Pen- millions of people worldwide are sick In Iraq we have rehabilitated 2,700 tagon has ignored that mandate, choos- from waterborne diseases. But a small schools, trained 36,000 secondary school ing to air Rush Limbaugh as its only bright spot is emerging for the United teachers. In America, we are cutting daily political programming. This is States leadership potential on this $806 million from public school funding the same man who spent weeks issue. I commend Senator FRIST for his and college assistance by billions of condoning and trivializing the abuse, personal concern and leadership in the dollars. We have funded 3,100 commu- torture, and rape of Iraqi prisoners. other body and bipartisan legislation nity development projects in Iraq, but Should this be the only political voice co-sponsored by Democratic leader this Congress is cutting $250 million that our soldiers hear daily around the Senator REED. In the foreign ops bill from community development block world? there is $200 million in the Senate grants. On Monday, our soldiers were finally version dedicated for water objectives, Madam Speaker, it is our duty to re- supposed to hear a differing voice, lib- a significant increase given that we are build Iraq, but Iraq’s future should not eral radio talk show host Ed Schultz. currently only spending $8 million in come at the expense of America’s. This However, the Pentagon called to in- the entire continent of Africa. Congress should be working to leave form Schultz minutes before his debut We await floor action on our bill out America stronger in the future, not that they were pulling his show. Why? of the House International Relations weaker. They did not give him an answer. Committee, the Paul Simon Water for Schultz tried to explain this decision the Poor Act, where Congress can act f to his listeners, saying on Monday that to pull together the pieces for a global the Pentagon does not want dissenting water strategy. It is easily within our REGULATING GOVERNMENT- voices or any other kind of speech un- power to meet our commitments to ex- SPONSORED ENTITIES less it is going to be promotional for tend safe drinking water and sanita- them. tion to over a billion people in need. (Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey asked Madam Speaker, perhaps more than f and was given permission to address anyone else our troops abroad deserve SPENDING REDUCTIONS the House for 1 minute.) to hear all political opinions from Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. home. Remember, this is a democracy. (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was Madam Speaker, I rise today to discuss given permission to address the House f an issue that may come before the for 1 minute and to revise and extend floor of this House next week.
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