CYNGOR CYMUNED DINAS POWYS COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES of the Monthly Meeting of Dinas Powys Community Council held in the Lee Hall, Dinas Powys, on Thursday, 12th March 2015. PRESENT: Cllrs. C. P. Franks (Chairman), Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies, V. Driscoll, J. R. Fanshaw, R. A. Foxwell, M. Hartrey, Mrs. M. R. Hayley, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. R. Reeves, A. R. Robertson, S. T. Thomas, and C. J. Williams. ALSO PRESENT: 1st Dinas Powys Scout Group: Mr. Mark Taylor – Scout Leader Patrol Leaders: Ifan Edwards, Ellis Wilson, Tomos Watkins, Tom Jenkins-Welch, Jack Feehan and Grace Taylor. 116. 1ST DINAS POWYS SCOUT GROUP The Chairman welcomed the distinguished guests to the Monthly Meeting of Council. The purpose of their visit was that in December 2014 Dinas Powys Community Council approved a donation of £300.00 towards the cost of purchasing a Lego Mindstorm Robot Kit and 1st Dinas Powys Scouts had agreed to bring the kit along and give a demonstration to Council. Mr. Mark Taylor thanked Council for inviting them to the Meeting and stated that he was known as ‘Skip’. The Patrol Leaders introduced themselves to Council. 1st Dinas Powys Scout Group was extremely pleased that Council had provided the resources for them to buy the Robot Kit which is not only technical but also computerised. Councillors were able to view the different things that the Robot could be changed into and given a short demonstration. Mr. Taylor stated that this kit assisted the Scouts in all kinds of ways. The Chairman thanked the representatives from 1st Dinas Powys Scouts Group for attending the Council Meeting. Mr. Mark Taylor and the Patrol Leaders left the Meeting. 117. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Cllrs. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey, K. Hatton, Mrs. M. R. Randall and J. H. Williams. 118. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr. S. T. Thomas declared an interest in matters relating to applications for Financial Assistance. 119. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES . The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 12th February 2015 having been previously circulated were taken as read, and on the Motion of Cllr. Mrs. M. R. Hayley and seconded by Cllr. J. R. Fanshaw it was RESOLVED - THAT such Minutes be approved as a true record subject to the following amendment: Item 110. Sycamore Trees – The Mount, Dinas Powys Cllr. S. T. Thomas had proposed that no action is taken on removing the trees which had been agreed by Council. 120. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES Public Footpath No. 25 – Ash Path – Litter Pick – Tuesday, 17th February 2015 Cllrs. C. P. Franks, Mrs. J. Jones, M. Hartrey and Mrs. V. M. Hartrey had carried out a litter pick of the Ash Path on Tuesday, 17th February 2015. Cllr. Mrs. Hayley suggested that St. Cyres School share the litter picking with children of the School. Cllr. Mrs. V. M. Hartrey, a School Governor, would be asked to raise this matter at the next St. Cyres School Governors Meeting. Land for Sale – Barry Road – Proposed Allotment Site Members were informed that the land in question was sold in one Lot at Auction on 11th March 2015. - 1 - Request – Installation of a BT Outreach Cabinet – The Southra, Dinas Powys One BT Cabinet had been moved from one side of Dinas Powys Common and installed opposite on the grass verge without Council’s permission as it was presumed by British Telecom (BT) that this land was unregistered. BT had also requested a further cabinet be suitably placed behind the existing cabinet. Council’s documents clearly indicate this land as being Common Land. It was proposed that both cabinets be installed on the uncultivated ground opposite, which is also Common Land. Following debate Council AGREED - THAT BT is informed that the existing cabinet must be removed from this area and also permission is not granted for the installation of the second cabinet. Silver Birch Trees - Dinas Powys Common Council AGREED to wait this season to see if there is any growth on the Silver Birch Trees. Footpath – Murch Lane (Watery Lane) to Cross Common, Dinas Powys Cllr. Mrs. J. Jones had been unable to check the condition of the footpath but would report at the next Council Meeting. King Edward VII (AD 1912) Water Fountain – The Twyn, Dinas Powys Council’s Insurance, Aviva, who had accepted Architectural Stone’s quotation, has agreed for the repairs to go ahead. Cllr. A. R. Robertson suggested consideration be given to remove the large lime tree which tree roots could affect the Water Fountain. Council AGREED - THAT once the water fountain is removed expert advice is sought on the condition of the tree roots. Cross Common Road Bridge The lack of action regarding Cross Common Road bridge and junction was further discussed. Councillors were informed that there is a new Cabinet Member responsible for the project. Council AGREED - THAT a letter should be sent to the new Cabinet Member requesting positive action. 121. TO AUTHORISE AND CONFIRM THE PAYMENTS OF ACCOUNTS Council was informed that it was necessary to refurbish the mower attachment to the tractor. New bearings were required and 18 new flails at a cost of £720.00 which included labour changes. Council unanimously AGREED – THAT the repairs should go ahead. Proposed by Cllr. A. R. Robertson, seconded by Cllr. V. Driscoll, and Council APPROVED the payments of accounts as submitted to the Meeting. TO RECEIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS 122. PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING On the Motion of Cllr. Mrs. M. R. Hayley and seconded by Cllr. J. R. Fanshaw it was RESOLVED - THAT the report of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 18th February 2015 be accepted subject to the following matters subsequently raised: Planning Application No. 2014/01525/PNA – Land between Pop Hill and Cross Common Road, Dinas Powys – Provide a dry track during Autumn/Winter months for tractors and trailers. Land to be used for cattle and hay crops The Chairman of Planning had agreed to send a letter to the Vale Council strongly objecting to the proposed dry track, to include that the road is to be used for agricultural purposes only, and highlight the narrowness of Cross Common Road. - 2 - Public Speaking at the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Planning Committee The Clerk was to circulate to all Councillors correspondence received from Mr. Jeff Wyatt, Operational Manager, Democratic Services, regarding Public Speaking at the Vale Planning Meetings. As the Vale has only recently introduced public speaking Council AGREED to review procedures in a month’s time. 123. HALLS COMMITTEE MEETING Due to the absence of the Halls Committee Chairman Cllr. J. R. Fanshaw, Vice-Chairman, gave the Halls Committee Report of the Meeting to Council. On the Motion of Cllr. Mrs. M. R. Hayley and seconded by Cllr. M. Hartrey it was RESOLVED - THAT the report of the Meeting held on Monday, 2nd March 2015 be accepted subject to the following matters subsequently raised: Benches – Lee Hall Garden Annual maintenance will be carried out in-house. Cllr. V. Driscoll offered to collect the plaques. Request for Replacement Fence Panelling – Boundary of Lee Hall Garden A resident had requested consideration be given by Council to pay half towards the cost of replacement fencing. Council’s responsibility regarding replacing the fencing on the boundary line between the Lee Hall garden and properties in Highwalls Avenue is being pursued. Lee Hall – Central Heating System Council AGREED proposals for Mr. H. Morgan to design a new central heating system, obtain tenders and supervise the work at a cost of £300.00. Mr. Morgan has been invited to attend the next Halls Committee Meeting scheduled to take place on Monday, 27th April 2015. Replacement of Hanging Baskets Council AGREED to the purchase of seven new professional hanging baskets with water reservoirs at a cost of £34.95 per basket, one bracket + VAT and delivery charges = £364.32. 124. FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES Due to the absence of the Finance and General Purposes Committee Chairman Cllr. S. T. Thomas gave the Finance and General Purposes Committee Report of the Meeting to Council. On the Motion of Cllr. J. R. Fanshaw and seconded by Cllr. R. A. Foxwell it was RESOLVED - THAT the report of the Meeting held on Monday, 9th March 2015 be accepted subject to the following matters subsequently raised: Holiday Play Provision A pre-Meeting was held to discuss ideas and budget for the holiday play provision. At the recent Finance Meeting when Councillors met with the Vale’s Operational Manager for Leisure and Tourism and the Play Development Officer the total cost of their proposed scheme in Dinas Powys was £2,430.00 which did not include hall hire fees. To reduce costs Members of the Finance Committee proposed considering the 4 day Playscheme sessions during 10.05-12.00 noon and 1.05-3.00 pm on 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th July (Monday-Thursday) being held at the Murchfield Community Centre at a cost of £1,580.00 + hall hire charges and the proposal for the Murchfield Community Centre to hold a film show on the morning of Friday, 31st July 2015. - 3 - Council AGREED – THAT a Sub-Committee is formed to fully pursue the Playscheme proposal and liaise with the Vale Officers. Sub-Committee Members appointed were: Cllrs. Mrs. J. Jones, J. H. Williams, J. R. Fanshaw and V. Driscoll. Applications for Financial Assistance Prior to discussing approval of Applications for Financial Assistance Cllr. S. T. Thomas left the room. Council AGREED to the donations recommended by Committee. Cllr. S. T. Thomas returned to the Meeting and continued the Finance Report. Temporary Part-Time Assistant to the Maintenance Manager – Summer – 2015 Council AGREED the employment of a temporary part-time assistant to the Maintenance Manager from May to September 2015.
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