• OUR EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES GUIDE FOR 1997! •:• Greater Newark's Hometn\Mn New"r· ~r ,s~ !1C:e 1 91 0=-----'·:'--·---------- ,•' .. 87th Year, Issue 2 © 1997 January 31 , 1997 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THIS WEEK ·More railcars . IN SPORTS coming Conrail representative told GlASGOW Newark officials thi · week th at they will definitely in crea e rail traffic on th e CSX rail line through EDGES the city when thei r expected merg ­ er goes th rough later thi s year. "They told Roy Lopata and l NEWARK IN during a meeting with them that See TRAINS , 4 ..... HOOPS 15 THRILLER. Many IN LIFESTYLE waiting for Choice School Choice numbers UoFD released thi week by the Chri. tina Di stnct confirmed initi al beli efs that some . choob cou ld go ove r PROFESSOR capacity without di stri ct interven­ TAKES tion . See SCH OOL CHOICE, 3 ~ + ACADEMIC UNDFR THE &S1 Almost 100 students. in the .6th grade classes at Drew-Pyle Elementary School spent two months creating ­ Towing CONFERENCE a simulation of the ocean in a second-floor corridor of the school. The walls and ceiling of the hallway were covered with murals which gave the effect of being underwa· regs OK'd TO BOSNIA. tar. In addition to a boat appearing to float overhead , the project also presented marine life and sounds 8 for viewers who walked through the "ocean ." Hoping to bring a tidal wave of According to teacher Son,dra Jones, the students began research on ocean life at the end of October. complaint down to a trickle, city Seven teachers worked with the students on the project, including Jones, Julie Valonls, Robin McCoy, ~o tm c il ha. pa. ed an ord inance Irene Morley, Peggy Doyle , Michele Amalfitano , and Angela Hagovsky. reg ul ati ng pri va,te towing in IN THE NEWS See TOWING , 12 ..... UTIUTIES Empty Main Street lot to bloom again HANGING By MARY E. PETZAK ni ght. for the site a number of times in the for a 20,000 squar -foot building to Mayor Ronald Gardner com­ pa t. be ca lled Chapel Center wa. ABOVE MAIN Sr. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER mended all those involved in the Jeffrey Lang of Th approved by city cou n il in 1989 design and planning for the two­ Commonwealth Group told council See ASTRA PLAZA , 13 ~ OPING TO FINALLY see story, L-shaped bui lding. "Thi, i. that they propo, e to develop the long-delayed development not your fir. t de, ign but I think it'. approximately 30,500 . quare-foot OKWITH 4 H at the corner of Chapel and your be. t de. ign," . aid tmcture with up to . even retai l Main street , Newark city council Gardner, noting that De. ign pace and 12 two-bedroom RESIDENTS. approved . ubdi vision of "A tra Collaborative, Inc. had apartments. Plaza Main Street ' on Monday submitted architectural A imilar subdivision plan INDEX NEWS 1-5, 12-13 POLICE BLOTif R 2 OPINION 6 LIFESTYLE 8 THE ARTS 9 DIVERSIONS 10 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 IN THE KITCHEN 14 SPORTS ' 15·18 OBITUARIES The proposed facade of Asll'l Plaza Main Stnet, has knetbole windows, broken roofllnes and other architectural elements dealgned to help t1tt t • • • tlratllrl 11tlllellllt•altllr Ulltll~g~ • n a..-DI CIIIINI alltt Main tlrelll. CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 2 • NEWARK POST • J AN ARY 31, 1~7 Visit us on the World Wide Web Can we Help? • Police Blotter is compiled each week from Madison Drive. Drugs found at high school the files of the Newark Police Department, On Jan. 25 around 10:30 p.m. a car window OHices: The paper's offices are located conve­ The New Castle County Police Department was sma hed and items taken fro m a car in a On Jan. 24 around noon three Newark High niently in the Robscott Building, 153 E. and the Delaware State Police by staff writer parking lot behind Video Work on Main School tudent were found at the chool with Chestnut Hill Rd., Newark, DE 19713. Office Mary E. Petzak. Street. marijuana. Police said charges are pending hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. during investigation. Phone: (302) 737-0724 Windows damaged Parking meters stolen Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 Goodwill window broken e-mail: [email protected] around city Police report that sometime between Jan. 17 and Jan. 20, unknown per on stole ix Responding to a report of breaking gla. s at On the Internet: http://ncbl.com/post/ Sometime between Jan. 20 at II :30 p.m. parking meters from the vicinity of 30 East Goodwill on Main Street around .I :45 a.m. on To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or 1-800-220- and Jan. 21 at~ a.m. unknown p~rso n hot a and 48 Ea t Main Street. Police are inve tigat­ Jan . 25, police found a 4-by-8-foot window 3311. Cost is $15.95 per year to New Castle pellet gun.at a living room window on Dallam ing. broken. No one wa found. County addresses. To begin a subscription , Road. No one·wa injured: • simply call. Sometime overnight on Jan. 21 to Jan. 22, To place a classified: Call1-800-220-1230 unknown per on rna hed in the rear window Gore store burglarized Fence damaged To place a display ad: Call 737-0724. of a vehi ~ tout the driver side window in a vehicl , -c:hd shot-a pel let gun at the rear win­ On Jan. 23 around 3: 15 a.m. unknown per­ Sometime between Jan. 25 at lO p.m. and son used a concrete lab to break the window HE STAFF of the Newark Post is anxious to assist dow of a vehicle, all on Christina Mill Road. Jan. 26 at 7 a.m. unknown persons pulled Treaders and advertisers. Reporters, writers, edi­ Sometime overnight on Jan. 21 to Jan . 22 at Gore Apparel in Suburban Plaza and down a fence ection at the residence of an tors and salespeople can be contacted as listed unknown per ons broke the driver side win­ remove property. Anyone with information i elderly woman on Haines Street. Police are below: dow of a vehicle, and shot out the driver ide asked to call police at 366-7 111 . investigating. James B. Streit, Jr. is the publisher of window of another vehicle with a BB, both on the Newark Post. He sets policies and manages all departments in the Newark office. Call him at 737-0724. Drinking party · Mary E. Petzak is a general assignment-~­ reporter. Her beat includes government, Police crack down on truants education and police news. She can be ends in arrests contacted at 737-0724. Marty Valania prepares the Newark police arrested eight adult and A police crackdown on truant in the the patrol were returned to their chool sports pages of this newspaper. The three juveniles at a re idence in George Read Newark area rounded up 47 students in or turned over to their parents or sports editor is seldom in the office, Village after re. ponding to a report of underage its first three days. According to fficer guardial1S. During the tir. t patrol , ffi ­ however, he checks in frequently. Leave drinking on Jan . 27 around I a.m. Police said a Cwt Davi s of the Newark Police, com­ cer al so arre ted one juvenile for pos­ messages for Marty at 737-0724. 15-year-old boy, found intoxicated and un on­ plaints from retailer in the College session of a concealed weapon when he Kelly Bennett is the Newark Post's staff scious, was taken to ,the emergency room at Square Shopping Center and d wntown was found to have a folding knife with photographer and production editor. Chri tiana Medical Center. Newark led to revitalization of the a 3-and-one-half-inch blade. Among his assignments is coordinating The juveniles were all charged with under­ Truant Patrol. Davis . aid police would be continu­ the entire staff's work and assembling it age alcohol consumption and relea ed to the "Thi i something we always had ," irig the patrols periodically as they do onto the news pages each week. Call him cu tody of fami ly members. Six adults under said Davi .. "We just don't always have with other pecial operations like Cop at 737-0724. 21 year of age were also charged with under­ time to devote to it." in Shop . Julia R. Samp~on is the office manager age consumption . The host of the event, Youth found off chool ground by and editorial assistant who processes Harold D. Davi , 22, and Joseph G. Davis, 21, most press releases. She prepares obitu­ were charged with providing alcohol to minor . aries and the Diversions calendar. Julia also writes feature and news stories. Contact her at 737·0724. Phil Toman has been the paper's arts QUB CoNrAGfS WANTRD :' editor since 1969. Well-known in the HE STAFF at the arts community, he writes his weekly Newark Post is current~ column from his Newark home. Leave Alleged rape _at U of D , T ly assembling its annu- messages for him at 737-0724. An 18-year-old woman ty police, the woman was not and black trousers. Following al edition of the Discover Other contributing writers include Jack Bartley, . magazine. Thi handy keep.­ Elbert Chance, Eric Fine, Marvin Hummel, Ruth M. to ld police he wa raped on a student. "She was walking the attack, the suspect fled Jan. 29 around 5:45 p.m.
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