TERMS:—$1.50 A YEAR. VOLUME XVIII.—NO. 2. HARRISONBURG, VA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2G. 1882. How tho French IHanngo. Anti-Monopolf. The FloMer City Furore. "A very prominent case but not more so PROFESSIONAL. MEDICAL. TO TIROIL. than a great many others that have come When wc Americans are bothering about The true meaning of this, is the people Tbx Commotion Cnnxcd by tbe Htatcment to my notice as having been cured by tbe ' OEO. U. GUATTAN, AI.FUKD TKHNYHOK. of A rhyxlclun. same means." ATTOSNKY-AT-LAW, nAmRisoHBOM.VA. worn CP "family help," it is aggravating to think vs. corporations ; it means the government Sonth Side of Ooart-Houne 8a««rp. how much better thoy manage these things of the many against the many being gov- An unuaual article from tho Rochester, "You believe than that Bright's disease [Written at the roqneet of the Mantnane for in Paris. A correspondent who has been erned by a few ; it means popular govern- N. Y., Democrat and Chronicle, was pub- can be cured ?" LIGGETT & LIGGETT, tho oiuetecnth centenary of Virgil', death.] ment, and not moncyocracy; It means per "I know it can. I know it from the ex- ATTORTfEYS-AT-LAW, Habrhoniioiio, Va. Offlce studying up those points writes ns follows: lished in this paper recently and has been perience of hundreds of prominent persons over the Poatoftlce. PrActlce ih State end FVderal X. Imagine tho convenience of having a sonal liberty, and not white slavery; in the subject of much conversation both in feet, it means all rights of tho citizen as professional circles and on the street. Ap- who were given up to die by both their Courte. eep38 STRONG Roman Virgil, thou that singcet Illon'e lofty nice, tidy woman coming up to your room physicians and friends." temples robod in Are, early in the morning, say 8 o'clock, cook- intendod to be guaranteed by Thomas parently it caused more commotion in F. A. DAINGERFIELD. Jeiferson,Jcifcrson, when he outlined the Constitu- Rochester, as tbe following from the same "You speak of your own experience, ATORNET AT.LAW. Habbkokdcbo. Va. JWOfflce lUon falling, Rome arising, wars, and filial ing your breakfast, and then doing all of what was it ?" South elde of Public SqiiBre. Id Swltzer'e new FACTS! faith, and Dido's pyre; your chamber work, sweeping, dusting, tion of our common country; it means paper shows ; _ hulldlDB, and leaving you ifl perfect order for the simply tho heritage of the American, born Dr. J. B. Uenion, who is well known not "A fearful one. I had fetr languid and n. day by 10 o'clock, and all this for the mod- in blood. only in Rochester, but in nearly every part uufiled for business for years. But 1 did E. A. 8HANDS, Landscape lover, lord of language more than It is because it means all these, that the not know what ailed me. When, however, ATTORMP.T-AT LAW, HAiiBieoHBUBO. Va. Offlce In A great many people «re asking erate sum of ten cents. Their charges are of America, sent an extended article to 1 found it was kidney difficulty I thought the old Clerh'e Offlce BnlldluB. up aUira. Cureful what particular troubles Brown's he that sang the Works and Days, actually but five cents an hour. Monopolistic corporations of tho United this paper, a few days since, which was ellentlon to collection of cUIidb. oepSS All the chosen coin of fancy, flashing out from A great many well-to-do families live in States are to day trembling at the popu- duly published, detailing his remarkable there was little hope and so did the doc- Ikon Bitters is good for. larity of tho anti-monopoly war cry, tors. I have since learned that one of tho GEOHGE E. 81PE, many n goldon phrase: this way, having the emme de manege two experience and rescue from what seemed physicians of this city pointed me out to ATTORVEV-AT-LAW. IfABRtxoHBOBO, Va. Offlce It will cure Heart Disease, Paral- hours three times a day to prepare their throughout the land, and see in the move- to be certain death. It would lie impossi- weet sldo of Ooart.y«rd Square. In Harrie Building Hi. ineuls and do the necsssary housework, ment the indisputable fact that their in- ble to enumerote the personal enquiries a gentleman on tire street one day, saying: Prompt Atteution to all legal builncca. jan30 ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con- Thou that singest wheat and woodland, tilth 'there goes a man who will be dead within For those who do not care to take early roads upon tho personal rights and liber- which have been made at our offlce as to a year.' 1 believe his words would have JOHN R. JONES, sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and vineyard, hive and horse and herd; brcaklast at home, there are the nicest little ties of tho people must stop. This coun- the validity of the article, but they have OOMMlSSlONER-IN-CHAUCKBTANniVSVK.AUrp, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. All the charm of all tho Muses often flowering places, called eremeriei, where yon can get try Is too extensive, and its population too been so numerous that further investiga- proven true if I had not fortunately secured AReiit. near the BIk Rnriug, Farrlaoubnrc. Va. In a lonoly word; a bowl of coflee or chocolate and a roll for great, for the representatives of some ten tion of the subject was deemed an edito- and used the remedy mrw known as vVan- Promnt attention to bnelnoa. (J lt tf Its wonderful curative power is ncr'a Sale Kindey and Liver Cure." TV. four or five cents. And those little estab- or twenty corporations to control their (the rial necessity. "And this caused you to manufacture ED. 8. CONRAD, simply because it purifies and en- Poet of the happy Tityrus piping underneath lishmcnts, in addition to their early break- people's) entire representatives, Executive, With this"end in view, a representative (atroOKBsoB to TAWcr.T a cosbad,) riches the blood, thus beginning at fast trade, sell fresh butter and eggs, milk Legislative and Judicial, of this paper called on Dr. Honion, at his it ?" ATTORNEY AT-LAW. HARBtBosntiBO. Va. Thebnal. his beeohen bowers; and cream, cheese and fruit. These corporations represent to-day 55.- rejidencc on St. Paul street, when tho fol- "No; it caused me to investigate. I neea of the late firm will recetee the attention of the foundation, and by building up Poet of the poet-satyr whom the laughing went to the principal cities, saw physi- the aurviclng partner, no2B It is surprising what a small amount of 000,000,000 and the interest upon that sum jowing interview occurred ; "That article the system, drives out all disease. shepherd bound with flowers; ovisions you can buy in Paris. Forex- alone, at 6 per cent., is thirty millions of f jr i> tor, has created quite a whirl- cians prescribing and using it and 1 there- provisions you can bqy in Paris. For ex- 0 OUr8i oc fore determined, as a duty 1 owed human- " WM. B. COMPTON, V. ample,nple, who would dare in Now York to dollars \>(st annum, which in the next ten winr; Are the statements about the terri- ity and tho suffering, to bring it within Lath or Woonaos A oootton.) will continue the A Latty Cured of Rheumatism. askk for two cents' worth of butter?butter ? Here years would be three hundred millions more |(|e conclition you were in. and the way FTacllMi of Low iu the Courte of Bockingham; the Chanter of the P61U6, glorying in the bll^ful their reach and now it is known in every Baltimore, Md., May 7, t88o. years again to bo, it isia a matter ol course, and the neat, clean to compound the interest, or speak of the y0U wcre rescued such as you can sustain ?" Court of Appeals of Virginia, and Oourta of the Cut- My health wa« much shattered by oking girl, always wearing a white apron extra profit accruing to them from thetho in- "Every one of them and mauy addition- drug store and has become a household t(vl StatOB. _ Rheumatism when 1 commenced Summers of the snakoicss meadow, unlabori- looking girl, always wearing a white apron necessity." taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and 1 andid cap, serves you over a snowy white crease in valuation of their landgrants and aj oneB Few people ever get so near the ' ^G. W. BERLIN, scarcely had strength enough to at- ous earth and oarless sea; other properties, independent of the ad- The reporter left Mr. Warner, much im- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HABBlPOSeono,Va., will prac- tend to my daily household duties. counterunter and cuts the exact amount with a other properties, independent of the ad- gravc aa j ,jir[ an,j then return, and i am pressed with tiie earocstncs and sincerity tice in the Courts ol Uookiugham and adjoining I am now using tne third bottle and I VI. wire,ire, never making a mistake, as is some- vance in the value of their franchises and j10t BUrpri9ec] that tho public think it countlea ami the United Statee Courts held at thla am regaining strength daily, and I Thou that seest Jjnirersal Nature moved by timesmes done in weighing,weighing. political power, which could be safely es- murvelous. It was marvelous." of this statements and next paid u visit to plneo, garofflce In Swltzor's now building on the chccmilly recommend it to all.
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