Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1964 The Origin and Original Meaning of Sacrificial Blood Offerings as Revealed in the Bible and Modern Scriptures Theo Emory McKean Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Mormon Studies Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation McKean, Theo Emory, "The Origin and Original Meaning of Sacrificial Blood Offerings as Revealed in the Bible and Modern Scriptures" (1964). Theses and Dissertations. 4929. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4929 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. 200ZOOor M THE ORIGIN AND orlORIGINALORI GINiAL N-MEANINGAXTING OF sacrificial BLOOD OFFERINGS AS REVEALED IN THE BIBLE ANDANTD MODERN SCRIPTURE A thesis presented to the department of graduate studies in religious instruction brigham young university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of arts by theo E mckean july 1964 acknowledgmentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS the writer wishes to extend sincere appreciation to those who have assisted him in the development of this thesis his wife leslie and son paul have devoted con- stant help and encouragement the advisory committee dr sidney B sperry and dr chauncey C riddle have given much needed technical assistance and constructivecriticismconstructive criticism ellis T rassmussen aided with the original planning and guided the writerthroughwriter through much of the research keith H meservy read the manuscript and offered many helpful suggestions iii TABLE OF CONTENTS chapter page I1 introduction 1 statement and justification of thesis problem description of additional basic source materials limitationsdelimitationsDede1imitat ionslons method of investigation existing studies of related interest definition of sacrifice II11 BLOOD SACRIFICE DIVINELY INSTUTED BY GOD 9 the coat of skins the divine command to adam illliiIII111 HUMAN development THEORIES OF ORIGIN 18 basic theories gift theory communion theory lifelifegivinge giving theory expiationlif theory magic theory IV ORIGINAL MEANING OF sacrificial BLOOD OFFERINGS 4 0 28 in similitude of christ preearthpre earth preparation the earth is the lords an approach to worship foundation of gospel covenant A holy nation symbolism GOD V PERSONAL qualifications REQUIRED BY 0 45 obedience holiness A broken heart and a contrite spirit iv chapter page VI BASIC TYPES OF OFFERINGS 55 burnt peace sin VII PREMOSAICPRE MOSAIC SACRIFICE 61 cain and able patriarchs universal practice VIII sacrifices UNDER THE LAW OF MOSES 67 the significance of ritual sacrifices unique to the law everything points to christ sacrifice and the prophets IX fulfillment IN CHRIST 89 atonement sacrament X BLOOD SACRIFICE IN THE FUTURE 100 XI SUMMARY AND conclusions 112 summary conclusions bibliography 118 v CHAPTER I1 introduction statement and justification of thesis problem the practice of offering sacrifices to a deity appears to have had existence in every religious system known to man one writer has suggested that public worship without sacrifice was altogether unknown in the ancient world iiitii111 based on the thesis that the institution of sacrifice embodied certain concepts which are just as important in the proper worship of god today as they were anciently this study endeavors to compile through analytical research materials which pertain to the origin and original meaning of sacrifi- cial blood offerings as practiced by one race of people the israelites and their progenitors although there is general agreement on the importance of sacrifice there exists a great divergence of opinion as to its origin meaning and moral significance four elements which seem to be largely responsible for the existing difference of opinion are 1 the lack of ex- plicit explanation on the inception of sacrifice in the old testament 2 the symbolic nature of sacrifice 3 the co- mplicated history of the israelites in respect to other nations abalabbabba hillel silver where judaism differed new york the macmillan company 1951957 p 79 I1 2 around them who also practiced forms of sacrifice 4 the subsequent exile of israel at the hands of foreign powers which seemed to necessitate a restructuring of their sacrifi- cial system it is recognized that there is need for source materials in addition to the old testament if a relatively complete un- derdersderstandingtentantendingtandingbandingstandingding of sacrifice is to be developed it will be clear from this that I1 do not propose to speak on the origin of sacrifice among men or on the first meaning which it may have had for such a discussion our net would have to be cast much more widely than in the old testament suffice it to say that those who have conducted such an inquiry are not agreed as to its re- conductedsults 1 W robertson smith has seen the necessity of admitting everyone who reads the old testament with attention is struck with the fact that the origin and rationale of sacrifice are tat2 nowhere fully explained 0 researchers have spent lifetimes and have written vol- umes in an effort to produce a clear concept as to when and why sacrifice was first established valuable as these con- tributions are the dilemma remains stanley thoburn in his dissertation for the boston university school of theology cites the problem as follows the exact nature of the origin of sacrifice will doubtless remain as a problem for scholarly haroidlharoldcharoldharold Hho rowley the meaning of sacrifice intn the oldoid0ad1d tetestamentstamentcament reprinted from the J bulletin of the john rylands library vol 33 no 1 september 1950 p 76 2wawW robertson smithsmiths relreireligionialqalggion of the semites london adam and charles black 1907 pisPIPp 1 3 researchresearchq for the origins carry one back into prehistoric times mligligi111 the lack of information which has been a limiting factor in past research efforts becomes the point of justification for this study the church of jesus christ of latter day saints possesses ancient scripture and historical information which is in addition to that found in the holy bible that church also possesses modern scripture which it declares has been revealed from god in this day in the same manner and for the same purpose as existed anciently these additional scriptural sources will be the chief contributors to any new orientation which might exist in this thesis and which may not exist in any other work thus far produced on the same subjectsubjects description of additional basic source materials it should be understood that these additional scriptural sources in no way attempt to supersede the biblical writings by their very nature they hold a close relationship to the old testament and as such are very productive in developing a more complete and unified understanding of what transpired anciently the additional scriptural sources will hereafter be referred to collectively as modeamodemmodern scripture they are the pearl of great price which contains writings relative to the C stanleystanley Thoburn 2 old testament sacrifice in the light of ugariticUgaritic literature microfilmed dissertation boston university school of theology 1954 p 60 4 early patriarchal and mosaic periods the book of mormon which presents an account of one branch of the israelitish nation coming out of its dispersion period and the doctrine and covenants which stands as a compilation of modeamodemmodern day revelations in addition to these basic scriptures numerous sources containing exegetical and commentary materials will be used insofar as they pertain to the thesis problem limitationsdelimitationsDe because of the nature of the principal sources to be used the study will be limited essentially to the animal sacrifice of the israelites and to the areas of origin and original meaning as far as the rite of sacrifice itself is concerned related information will be included whenever it seems necessary to clarify or give orientation to the work in general the ritualdetailritual detail especially of the mosaic sacrifices will not be considered as a part of the study except as it will contribute to the meaning of sacrifice itself method of investigation the research design began with a study of sacrifice from the bible coupled with an examination of certain rab- binical writings and biblical commentary materials the mo- dern scriptural sources were then studied in an effort to dis- cover significant elements of contributions as to the origin 5 and meaning of sacrificial blood offerings in ancient israel existing studies of related interest of many works in related areas the following theses and dissertations are mentioned 1 magic and the old testamenttestaments by hyrum P jones which attempts toeo dad3discoverscover the influentinfluencinfluence of magic upon old testament writings and acts of worship 2 an investigation of the contribution of latter davday revelation to an understanding of the atone ment of christ by eldon R taylor 3 A preliminary study in the primitive outcroppinlsoutcroppingsOutcroppings in the old testament by moroni west smith which shows evidence of practices such as animism totemism etc among hebrews 4 A study of certain typological references to the
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