annual lArports of Cl4r Offirrrs Of t4v Town of East T'll-longmrabow 31ttnuarg (first to Ueremher irr4irtg-first inetPPlt Httlt rFal iftFen Annual Reports OF THE Town Clerk, Treasurer, SELECTMEN, School Committee AND OTHER OFFICERS OF TIIE Town of East Longmeadow, January 1 to December 31, 1915. Springfield, Mass.: Cyrus W. Atwood, Printer. r 9 6. Town; Of Ecers. CLERK AND TREASURER. 0. Louis WOLCOTT SELECTMEN AND OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. FRANK C. BURTON, Chairman CHARLES L. COOLEY WALTFR M. FORSYTH ASSESSORS. 0. LOUIS WOLCOTT ( 1910. MERVIN H. PEASE ( 1917) JAMES H. RANKIN.( 1918) SCHOOL COMMITTEE. GEORGE H. WHEELER, Secretary ( 1916) MERVIN H. PEASE ( 1918) HENRY S. ASHLEY ( 191 T) TRUSTEES OF TOWN LIBRARY. MRS. MARY E. HuNN ( 1917) LAURENCE C. DAVIS ( 1916) MRS. MARY B. BURT ( 1918) WATER COMMISSIONERS. FRANK C. BURTON ( 1917) FRANK H. WHITAKER ( 1916) ARTHUR N. LONGEWAY ( 1918) COLLECTOR OF TAXES GEORGE F. KIBBE r ' FINANCE COMMITTEE EDWARD M. BURT WINSLOW S. CHAMI' LI\ EDn'A,RD E. ELLIS FRANK B. BURTON, Representing the Selectmen FRANK II. WHITAKER, Representing the Water Commission HENRY S. ASHLEY, Representing the School Committee 0. Louis WOLCOTT, Town Treasurer ACCOUNTANT 0. Louis- WOLCOTT 4 AUDITORS: EDWARD M. BURT JA) fES C. ROBBIE CONSTABLES. FRANK L. GOODRICH JAMES T. DONNELLY INSPECTOR. OF ANIMALS.. HERMAN W.- KING SLAUGHTER HOUSE INSPECTORS. GEORGE S. WOOD LUCIUS H. PRENTICE ' POUND KEEPER: . ASHER MARK•HAM° FENCE ' VIEWERS. SELECTMEN SEALER: OF WEIGHTS; AND M'EASUIIES. AND INSPECTOR OF COAL. HENRY S. ASHLEY SURVEYOR OF WOOD1 AND LUMBER. W. S. CHAMPLIN PUBLIC WEIGHERS. JOHN- F. WHITAKER F. H. WHITAKER GEORGE DURKEE L. E. WHITAKER WARREN CLARK Gu.Y M GOonWIN BOA RD OF HEALTH. SELECTMEN SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. ASHER M1 RKHAM FOREST FIRE WARD. ASHER: 1'I'rA RKHA f Principal Votes at Town Meeting Annual Town Meeting, February 1, 1915. Voted to accept the reports of the following town officers and committees as Printed in annual report: Library Trustees, . School Committee, Town Clerk, Selectmen, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Board of Health, Overseers of the Poor, Inspector of Animals, Slaughterhouse Inspectors, Water Commissioners, Asses- sors, Tax Collector, Town Treasurer, Accounting Com- mittee, Auditors, Accountant and Finance Committee. Voted to raise and appropriate, from 1915 tax, the sum of fifty dollars for the Legislative department. Voted to raise and appropriate, from 1915 tax, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for the Selectmen' s department. Voted that the town hereby authorize the Selectmen, the School Committee and the Water Commissioners, acting as a joint board to appoint an accountant, whose duty it shall be to keep the books of the town and such further duties as shall be prescribed by said joint board, the wages or salary and term of office of said accountant to be fixed by said joint board. Voted to raise and appropriate, from 1915 tax, the sum of three hundred dollars for accounting department. Voted that the salary of the Tax Collector be fixed at two hundred dollars per year, said rate to remain in force until other action is taken by the town. Voted that the salary of the Town Treasurer be fixed at two hundred dollars per year, this rate to remain in force until other action is taken by the town. 6 Voted that the salary of the Town Clerk be fixed at fifty dollars per year, this rate to remain in force until other action is talon by the town. Voted that hereafter all town officers required by state law or otherwise to furnish a bond, be required to give a, surety company. b9nd to be paid..fpr,by the town., V(?tecl; to, raise, ai.1((-, aP,propriate;. from 1915 .tax,,,the' sum of three hundred dollars for the Treasury Department. Voted--,to- raise-.and. appropriate; -from.-1915 tax, the sum, of ;tw.o- hundred and! fifty. dollars• for the. Collector' s Department: Voted rto, raise_and: appropri ate.,the. sumof four•.hun- dred. and: fifty dollars, from. 191.5, tax, for. the Assessor' s- Department'- Votedi.to, raise: ands appropriate, from. 1915: tax, the sum•.of' ore1undred-dollars for other finance accounts. Voted-.t to- raise. and; appropriate; from 1915. tax, the_ sum of:orie hundred dollars. fo_r.•the. Town Clerk' s- Depart- ment. Voted:;toy raise and: appropriate. the. sum. of one. hun- dre& dollars, from. 191.5, tax, for: election, and- registration. Voted to appropriate for Town Hall, fromestimated revenue, the: sum. of) three. hundred- dollars. Voted; to, raise, and appropriate, from. 1915 tax, the s.um, of three. hundred dollars; for repairs. and metal: fur= niturefor vault in the town..ball! Voted.to• raise: andi- appropriate, from 1915- tax, the su,m .oP one hundred- and: seventy.-five, dollars- ($ 1.75) for repairs of two rooms on the. first floor.,of: the town hall, in; order,that-,the.East.room. may be. usedfor•the- Library, and theAVest.one.for..town, ofFice, purposes. exclusively. Votedi to. raise and appropriate•the- sum• of: one thou- s, wd±doliars.'($ 1000), for the. Police,Department, the-same to be expended- under, the direction. of the- Selectmen .for such, police service, as they, deem. best-. Voted, t.o appropriate: and: raise, from. 1915 tax, the sum of one hundred, dollars for. Fire, Depart.ment. 7 Voted to'.Iti)pr6j>riate f'ro'm e'stima'ted i-evenud the' um of 't%venty=five dollars'•for' in'spection. Voted` to raise atid ' appropriate, from 1915' tax,• the sttm of tll'ree hundred dollars for- the Forestry Depart- titent,- ibcludiftg' planting and tHminitig trees, *insect pest work and- forest fires. Voted to" raise and appropriate, from 1915 tax, the sun-f of one lAffidred- and fifty, dollars for Health• Depart- tment. Voted to raise- grid appropriate, from• 1915 tax, the sitm-of•ftfty dollars for The• maintenance*of surface drains. Voted to rail.- and' alipropriate, from 1915 tax, the stun of two hundred dollars,-and to appropirate from esti- mated revenue the' sunr of fifteen hundred and fifty dol- ars- for highway maintenance, exclusive of street- liallts. Voted-to, accept and allow the relocation of a part of Pleasant street from the Center to- a point near land of Erick Runquist, as laid out by the Selectmen and as shown by plan and description filed with the Town Clerk. Voted to accept and allow the relocation of Chestnut street, as laid out by the Selectmen, as shown by plan and description filed with the' Town Clerk. Voted to adopt the recommendation of Finance Com- mittee for the placing of one additional street light on South Main street or Callender avenue, at discretion of Selectmen. Voted to approve the placing of' ttvo additional street lights on Elm street. Voted to raise and appropriate, from `I915 tax, the stim of twenty-nine liuhd' e'd dollars for street lights; the same to' cover the expense for' 145- lights now installed and thi•ee' aciclitioilal" lit,rhts appr'ove'd as per preceding votes, for service at' new rate' of$' 19'.25 per light quoted by Cehti-al Massachusetts Electric Company. Voted to appropriate ' from estimated revenue"the siini' of foitf' hUhdi fed ( 1611ars for highway construction. Voted to approp'r'iate $2500,' this' sum to be' used With an equal amount appropriated by 'the-State''to 'continue 8 the permanent improvement on the Shaker Road, between the State Line and the junction of the Stony Hill and Shaker Roads,$ 500 to be. raised from the tax levy of' 191.5, and the balance shall be raised by four notes of $500 each, which shall be paid from the tax levies of 1916, 1917, 1918 and 1919 and that the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen be authorized to borrow'$ 2000 and- give the town' s notes for same as stated above. The same to be used for McAdam pavement under specifications approved by the Massachusetts ' Highway Commission. Voted to raise and appropriate, from 1915 : tax, the sum of eight hundred dollars for Poor Dena.rtment. Voted to appropriate from estimated revenue the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for soldier' s benefits. Voted to appropriate the sum of fifteen thousand and five hundred dollars ($ 15, 500) for School Department, including schools, school- repairs and superintendent, five thousand dollars of same to' be `from estimated revenue and ten thousand and five hundred dollars ($ 10, 500) to be raised from 1915 tax. Voted to raise and appropriate the sum of one thou- sand dollars ($ 1000) for the purchase of a lot from Phoebe K. Purvis, on which the school committee have obtained an option, to be used for building a school house; and' to authorize the school committee to purchase the same provided satisfactory title can be obtained. Voted to appropriate the sum of four hundred dollars 400), from estimated revenue, for plans and specifica- tions for- a school building on North Main street, and that the Selectmen appoint a committee of two to act with the school committee to investigate the requirements for a school house to meet the probable needs of the town in this section and to obtain plans, specifications and esti- mates for a suitable building. Voted to raise and appropriate, from 1915 tax, the sum of four hundred and twenty-five dollars* ($425) for the Library, to include new stacks. 9 Voted to raise and appropriatC, from 1915 tax, the the sum of one hundred dollars for unclassified expendi- to res. Voted to appropriate from estimated revenue, the sum of thirteen hundred dollars ($ 1300) for maintenance and operation of Water Department. Voted to appropriate from estimated revenue the sum of five hundred dollars ($ 500) for service and sales work of Water Department.
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