RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXV, NO, 51, RED BANK, N.J., THURSDAY, JUNE 10,1943. SECTION ONE—-BAGES 1- TO 16 More Than 250 Boners Fido, Quit Biting Marlboro Farm Sold Red Bank's Newest 40 Testify They Did Bike Rider*' Legs Business House Dogs that roam the street*, ICo Give Blood Thursday causing motorists to make sud- To Wetterberg Bros. Formally Opens Not Vote In November den stops, or get Into Victory gardens and cause owners'to tear their hair, now have a .new Snyders Extend Cordial Red Cross Mobile Unit To Make pastime, Councilman Thomas M. 133-Acre Quackenbuish Estate Was Part Sterner'« Attorney,Rests Case Qopslll stated Monday at the Invitation to Public to • Fourth yi«it To Red Bank Red Bank council meeting, and Of A Grant From King George II In Charge Of Fraudulent Voting he asked that the public co- ' Inspect Beautiful Store operate to put a stop to it. Mr». J, Marshall Booker, chairman The complaint against the an- Dr. loul, F. Wetterberg,' prom- the Quackenbush farm will be In- Forty men and women, unosf o{ Uie Monmouth county blood donor imals'Is that they chase bicycle inent neurologist, and his brother cluded under thla name. Tho Wot- Snyder's, Bed Bank's newest busi- hem a number who are not even eotvlco of the County Bod Crois Commencement At riders, hipping at their legs and Harold have purchased a farm of terbergs specialize In tho breeding ness house, which is also.the largest 24 Graduates To 'osldents of Monmouth county, have chapter, and Mrs. Harold Spear, vice sometimes.tearing their trous- 133 : acres ~ adjoining their farm In and raising of registered Aberdeen store In the town featuring exclus- told Circuit Court Judge Robert V. chairmen, assisted by MM. Frank Bprdeh Stadium ers. At times the dogs aim a Marlboro township from the Charles Angus beef cattle, registered Poland ively ladles'; men's and boys'- wearp Receive Diplomas Kinkead at"'Freehold that they did " Oroff, and Mrs. WilHany MattlrtwJ, bit higher with more devastate QuackenbusK estate. The Quacken- China pigs and. New Hampshire Bed takes a full page In today's edition not vote in the third ward, third dls- chairman of Bed Bank end Shrews- Ing, effect. Dogs Just don't like bush farm Is on both sides of the poultry; -, -Tho-Wottorborgs-expoot-to jjf_the_Register_to extend a most cor- irlct of Long_Branch_last November bury township respectively, have bike riders, the councilman stat- range 150 pigs and 3,000 chickens on dial invitation" fd?~the "p'uBIlc~16~at-~ 1, ris. they are "recorded~as having At Rumson Tonight Wickatunk-Gordon corner road. It tend their formal opening. At Highlands— completed final arrangemonta for the ed, adding that the police had has been In the Quackenbush fam- the former Quackenbush farm, the lone. AH testified for E. Donald fourth visit to Red Bank of the blood received many complaints. ily for generations, being part of a soil .of which is especially adapted Sterner, Republican candidate fop bank mobile unit. The unit will be' 53 Graduates to Calling upon dog owners to for this purpose. The original H. & James J. Wymbs Is surrogate who lost to the Incumbent, grant of land from King George II I* farm purchased In 1911 through at the Mothadlst church next Thurs- keep their animals tied up, if of England. The sale was effected Joseph L, Donahay, by 14 votes, Thej day, from 1:15 p. ro. until 8:15 p. m. Receive Diplomas— they display any proclivities'to Mr. Strykcr will be used for breed- Valedictorian; Betty defeated candidate Is contesting tho To date, approximately r 200 volun- bite bike riders, or cause dam- by Paul R, Stryker, Holmdol real ing and ranging beef cattle. election on the ground . that fraud estate and Insurance broker. teers liave made appointments, Some Away at War age in other ways, the police Mr. Strykor has sold to Mr. and Parker, Salutatorian vas perpetrated in the district A recent operation or other,illness, commissioner declared, "Just On the farm Is-a ten-room colon- Mrs. Wilbua C. Hammond of Holm- Tying in with the testimony of the. at the discretion of the' examining The commencement exercises of because dogs have a license It ial farmhouse in excellent condition. del, an attractive home on the north 40, was the statement of J. Howard. the senior class of Rumson high certainly doesn't give them the Highlands grrammar school com- dootor. may rule out ;a donor. Other The house has wide board pine floor- side of the Holmdel-Red Eank road mencGment exorcises will take place Harlng, New York city handwriting donors not acceptable are those with school will be held this evening at right to take a chew out of a Ing, exposed hand-hewn ceiling In Holmdel village. It was the for- expert, made to the court from tho 6:45 o'clock in the Mary Owen Bor- cyclist's leg." next Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the exceedingly, low blood pressure or beams, several large fire places, step- mer residence property of Mr. and school auditorium, where 12 girls witness stand last Thursday that at den stadium, located directly behind Councilman Gopslll, who him- Mrs. William E. Gould, who have least 33 ballots were marked by tho •who show definite symptoms of the high nctiool on Ridge road, Fif- up and step-down rooms and a large and 12 boya will receive their diplo- anemia, those with o, definite history self cuts a pretty figure on a central hall. Three large barns and moved to Allenhurst. mas from Bernard Creighton, presi- same perBOn. Two other ballots, ao-> ty-three graduates will receive tbolr bike, in answer to a question, cording to Mr. Harlng, were marked of malaria in the last. 15 years, or diplomas from Richard J. Rogers, the usual outbuildings are on the The property consists of a large dent ot the board of education, after those who havo had any form of denied that Fldo had ever plot on which la located a modern being presented by the principal, W. by the same man, but. were kept Sr,, president of the. board of ed- chased him. place. : tuberculosis •within the past IB or The present Wetterberg place Is sevcn room house and three-car gar-. Bard Wright. apart from the 33 by him because ucation. Many ot the beys will re- they boro erasure marks. 20 years. Colds or sore throats make ceive them in absentia as they are known as the H. & L. farm, and Tho commencement address will a donation of blood inadvisable, as serving In the Armed Forces. bo delivered by Rev. Thomas A. The testimony. of these 40 persons, well as pregnancy, within the pre- Grlbbin, pastor of tho Church of together with Frank Anaataala'a ac« ceding 10 or 12 months. No epil- In case of rain, the program will "Bengy" Van Vliet Our Lady of Perpetual IJclp, High- count of how John S. Angerio, who eptics are acceptable. • be shifted to the school auditorium, lands. Betty Anna Parker will give like Anostasia, is a member of the where reserved seat holders will be Edward Brooks, Jr., the salutatory and James J. Wymbe Volunteers should not eat a meal provided for first. Ample seating district election board, handled a for four hours before coming to the Receives Letter the valedictory address. The Lions number of unused ballots during space for all will ba available In the club medals will be presented by unit, howover It la advisable to have stadium. election day, constitutes the back at least a cup of tea or fruit Juice From An Admirer Appointed Policeman Charlea J. Greenfield, a member of bone of Mr. Sterner's case which, immediately before your appoint- In lieu of the regular commence- the school board, and an official of except for the testimony of five more ment, Please do not have any milk ment epoaker, the class will present Twipllght post, American Legion of persona, three of them bedridden, hns or cream or fats of any kind, a symposium on tho topic, "The Fu- Mrs. Ella Van Dorn Highlands, will- present tho Legion been completed. ture for Which We 'Fight." This LEIGH MILLAR awards.. ' Mrs. Booker and Sirs. Spear have dramatic offering, written by Jane J. Victor Carton, Aabuty Park, ' this message tor donon, past and Markell Sends Gift New Officer Replaces Albert Hov. Leon Martorano, im,?tor of Woodruff, will present Ideas on alms The Invitation states that Snyder's Highlands Methodist church, will Mr. Sterner's attorney, rested his prospective, and for all who are in- for thd future aa portrayed by a. believe you will be pleansantly sur- case late Monday afternoon after terested in knowing what happens To Young Graduate give the Invocation and benediction. cast of characters. E. Newman, Now In The Army prised when you visit their establish- Tho songs, "You're a. Grand Old which Ward Kremer, Asbury Park, to this blood: "Tour blood is fight- ment, which Is located at 32-34 Broad counsel for Mr. Donahay, asked the ing at vorlotiB battle fronts! Thous- The program: r "Bongy" VanVllet, nine-year-old Flag" and "Coming In On a Wing Edward Brooks, Jr., 29 of John street, in the store formerly occupied and a Prayer," will be «ung by the court for an interval In which to ands of jrauy ml'es from the com- Processional, . _ . son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Van have his own handwriting expert Stir Spangled Banner Vllet of ShrewBburyry6ungest"gradu-" street__was__appolnted to the R??L by Schulte-Unlted.
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