United Nations Environment Programme Terminal Evaluation Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Bermejo River Binational Basin: Phase II (Bermejo SAP II) Hugo Navajas and Mario Schreider Evaluation Office October 2011 CONTENTS Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Executive Summary 6 1. Introduction 9 1.1 Programme Background 9 1.2 Purpose of the Evaluation 12 1.3 Methodology 12 2. Achievement of Objectives and Results 13 2.1 Overall Findings 13 2.2 Impacts by Strategic Area 16 2.2.1 Area I: Institutional Development and Strengthening 16 2.2.2 Area II: Environmental Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation 19 2.2.3 Area III: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources 22 2.2.4 Area IV: Public Awareness and Participation and Replication 25 2.3 Relevance 27 2.4 Effectiveness 28 2.5 Efficiency 31 2.6 Review of Outcomes to Impacts (ROtI) 32 3. Sustainability and Catalytic Role 40 3.1 Sustainability 40 3.2 Catalytic Role and Replicability 41 4. Processes Affecting the Achievement of Results 42 4.1 Degree of Preparation 42 4.2 Implementation Strategy and Adaptive Management 44 4.3 Participation of Stakeholders and Public Awareness 45 4.4 Commitment of the Countries 46 4.5 Financial Management 47 4.6 UNEP Coordination, Supervision, and Support 48 4.7 Monitoring and Evaluation 50 5. Programme Rating Based on the Evaluation Criteria 52 6. Conclusions 55 7. Lessons Learned 58 8. Recommendations 59 2 FIGURES 1. Map of the Bermejo River Binational Basin 2. Strategic Areas of the Binational Strategic Action Programme for the Bermejo River Basin 3. Binational Strategic Action Programme for the Bermejo River Basin: General Objectives and Indicators 4. Strategic Area I: Objectives and Indicators 5. Strategic Area II: Objectives and Indicators 6. Strategic Area III: Objectives and Indicators 7. Strategic Area IV: Objectives and Indicators 8. Annual Programme Expenditures by Country, 2001-2010 9. Review of Outcomes to Impacts (ROtI) 10. Distribution of Funds by SAP Strategic Areas 11. Distribution of Funds by Country, 2001-2010 12. Institutional Framework of the Bermejo SAP II ANNEXES 1. Evaluation Technical Report 2. Sampling of Bermejo SAP II Projects considered by the Evaluation Team 3. Strategic Areas of the Bermejo SAP II: Objectives and Indicators 4. List of Bermejo SAP II Projects 5. People Interviewed 6. Bibliography 7. Terms of Reference for Evaluation ___________________________________________________________________________ The Evaluation Team wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided by the members of the Binational Commission for the Bermejo River Basin (COBINABE), the National Technical Office of the Pilcomayo and Bermejo Rivers (OTNPB), the Regional Commission of the Bermejo River (COREBE), and the technical teams, as well as the representatives of the national, provincial, departmental, and municipal governments who were interviewed, and the individuals involved in the sample projects. In particular they wish to thank Ambassador Luis Cavadini (First Delegate for Argentina and President pro tempore of COBINABE) and Mr. Alejandro Romero (Executive Director of the OTNPB) for their valuable assistance in organizing visits and travel to different areas in the Basin. Many thanks to you all. This report was first prepared in Spanish at the request of COBINABE, in order to facilitate the participation of those involved in the evaluation process. We apologize if any errors were introduced in the report during the translation process. The Spanish version should be considered as the official report. 3 Acronyms and Abbreviations APA Provincial Water Administration (Administración Provincial del Agua), Chaco Province Bermejo SAP II “Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Bermejo River Binational Basin Phase II” Project CAR Regional Advisory Committee (Comité Asesor Regional) CB Binational Committee (Comité Binacional) CBC Binational Coordination Committee (Comité Binacional de Coordinación) CORB Binational Bermejo River Basin (Cuenca Binacional del Río Bermejo) CCR Regional Coordination Committee (Comité de Coordinación Regional) CD Steering Committee of the Bermejo SAP II (Comité Director) CETHA Center for Alternative Humanistic Technical Education (Centro de Educación Técnica Humanística Alternativa), Tarija, Bolivia CI Interministerial Committee (Comité Interministerial) CIC Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee (Comité Intergubernamental Coordinadora), Countries of the Rio de la Plata Basin COBINABE Binational Commission for the Development of the Bermejo River Basin (Comisión Binacional para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Río Bermejo) COREMA Federal Environmental Council (Consejo Federal de Medio Ambiente), Argentina COHIFE Federal Water Council (Consejo Hídrico Federal), Argentina CONIAG Interagency Water Council (Consejo Interinstitucional del Agua), Bolivia COREBE Regional Bermejo River Commission (Comisión Regional del Río Bermejo), Argentina DAT Transboundary Environmental Assessment (Diagnóstico Ambiental Transfronterizo) DSD/GS OAS Department of Sustainable Development/General Secretariat, Organization of American States EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EVARSA Evaluación de Recursos S.A., Argentina (Private company) FERINOA International Exhibition of Northern Argentina (Feria Internacional del Norte Argentino) FMAM Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF, in English) GEF Global Environment Facility (FMAM) INA National Water Institute (Instituto Nacional del Agua), Argentina INFOPER Institute of Continued Education (Instituto de Formación Permanente), Tarija, Bolivia INHALAS Groundwater Institute for Latin America (Instituto de Aguas Subterráneas para Latinoamérica), National University of Salta, Argentina ISARM Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management NWA Northwestern Argentina OAS Organization of American States NGO Non-Governmental Organization OTNPB National Technical Office for the Pilcomayo and Bermejo Rivers (Oficina Técnica Nacional para los Ríos Pilcomayo y Bermejo), Tarija, Bolivia PIR Project Implementation Review UNEP United Nations Environment Programme POT Land Use Plan (Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial) 4 PDDES Departmental Plan for Economic and Social Development (Plan Departamental de Desarrollo Económico y Social), Tarija, Bolivia PROBER Comprehensive Management Programme for the Binational Bermejo River Basin (Programa de Gestión Integral de la Cuenca Binacional del Río Bermejo) RB Yungas Yungas Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de Biosfera de las Yungas) SAP Startegic Action Programme (in this report, it refers to the SAP for the Bermejo River Binational Basin) SEMADES Secretariat of the Environment and Sustainable Development (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable), Salta Province, Argentina SIG-BERMEJO Information System for the Management of the Bermejo River Basin (Sistema de Información para la Gestión de la Cuenca del Río Bermejo) SPAP Provincial Potable Water Service (Servicio Provincial de Agua Potable), Formosa Province, Argentina SUNIBRON Provincial Bromatological Unit (Superior Unidad Bromatológica), Jujuy Province, Argentina UGICH Integrated Watershed Management Unit (Unidad de Gestión Integrada de Cuencas Hidrográficas), Jujuy Province, Argentina ULMS Juan Misael Saracho Autonomous University (Universidad Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho), Tarija Department, Bolivia UNAS National University of Salta (Universidad Nacional de Salta), Salta Province, Argentina UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UPCA Provincial Water Coordination Unit (Unidad Provincial Coordinadora del Agua), Formosa Province, Argentina 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Project “Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Bermejo River Binational Basin (Bermejo SAP II)” was conceived with the overall objective of promoting the sustainable development of the Basin through priority actions in institutional development and strengthening; environmental conservation, protection, and rehabilitation; sustainable management of natural resources; public awareness and participation; and replication of activities. The Project was approved for a period of 4.5 years, with financing of US$ 11.04 million from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), although execution lasted nearly ten years, spanning 2001 to 2009. In strategic terms, the Project sought to generate replicable demonstrative impacts, promote the comprehensive management of the Basin, and mobilize financing to make execution of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) viable over the long term. 2. The Evaluation Team believes that the Bermejo SAP II was a relevant, well-founded, and forward-looking project. The Project’s design was a result of a diagnostic, consultative, and participatory process conducted during the preparatory stage (1997 to 2000) during which a Transboundary Environmental Assessment (DAT) was conducted. The objectives and strategic areas of the Project were aimed at handling the basic causes of the environmental problems identified during the DAT. Likewise, the consultation process helped to identify and prioritize sub-projects that met local and institutional needs associated with the different jurisdictions within the Basin. 3. The findings of the evaluation indicate that the Bermejo SAP II, at this stage, partly achieved its objectives. Significant progress has been made toward achieving the overall objective and the objectives of the strategic areas, but additional support and time are needed for such progress to fully materialize. In particular, the Binational
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