CELL COUNT - # 71 FALL ISSUE - 2013 - P A S A N - WHO WE ARE … d) PASAN also provides ongoing support, net- b) PASAN produces a quarterly bulletin en- working, resources and training for AIDS Ser- titled CELL COUNT. This unique publication, PASAN is a community-based AIDS Service vices Organizations (ASOs) and other commu- which is written and edited primarily by Organization that strives to provide commu- nity groups across Ontario. We assist ASOs to prisoners and ex-prisoners themselves, is nity development, education and support to set up their own prison outreach and support the only newsletter in Canada providing an prisoners and ex-prisoners in Ontario on HIV/ projects, and act as a referral "hub" for HIV uncensored forum for prisoners and youth AIDS, hepatitis C virus (HCV) and other harm positive prisoners and youth in custody who in custody to explore and share their own reduction issues. are transferred from one region to another, experiences, ideas, and fears about HIV/ PASAN formed in 1991 as a grassroots re- thereby helping to ensure a continuity of sup- AIDS. PASAN distributes 6,800 issues a sponse to HIV /AIDS in the Canadian prison port. year to prisoners, institutions, and agencies system. across the country. CELL COUNT is free for Today, PASAN is the only community-based II. OUTREACH & EDUCATION prisoners and people living with HIV/AIDS organization in Canada exclusively providing in Canada. HIV/AIDS and HCV prevention education and c) PASAN is also available to conduct free a) PASAN conducts HIV prevention education support services to prisoners, ex-prisoners, organizational and staff training for agencies youth in custody and their families. programs in many adult and youth institutions and institutions working with prison-affected, in the southern Ontario region. An integral and drug using populations. We have experi- part of this program is our Peer Educators' ence in conducting training not only for com- WHAT WE DO … Group, which is made up entirely of ex- munity workers and ASO staff, but also for prisoners living with HIV/AIDS. Peer speakers probation/parole officers, youth custody staff, 1. SUPPORT SERVICES accompany PASAN staff for educationals in prison social workers and case management prisons, youth facilities, and other institutions. officers. PASAN offers support services to prisoners, We have found that our Peers are often best youth in custody and their families, as well as able to get across HIV/AIDS information in III. STRATEGIES to other organizations working on HIV/AIDS these settings. and/or prison issues. These services include: Since our beginnings in 1991, PASAN has al- a) Individual support counselling, case manage- ways maintained a focus on systemic issues of ment, pre-release planning and referrals for HIV/AIDS and prisons. Our work is based in prisoners and youth in custody living with HIV/ a recognition and defense of the fundamental AIDS, primarily in Ontario region institutions. human rights of prisoners, and our perspec- We can assist our clients in accessing proper tive derives from PASAN's brief entitled HIV/ medical care and support while incarcerated, AIDS in Prison Systems: A Comprehensive Strat- as well as help to arrange housing and medical/ egy (June 1992). This document, which out- social support upon release. Much of this sup- lined 40 recommendations for implementing port is coordinated via telephone through a comprehensive HIV/AIDS strategy in the collect calls, although we also do in-person Canadian prison system, served as the impe- support whenever possible. To date, PASAN tus and the basis for the report by the federal has worked with more than 400 HIV positive government's Expert Committee on AIDS in prisoners and youth in custody in over 30 Prisons (ECAP) in February 1994. different institutions (both federal and provin- In June 1996, PASAN released the follow-up cial) in six different provinces. document HIV/AIDS in Youth Custody Settings: b) The only National AIDS Hotline specifically A Comprehensive Strategy which specifically for prisoners. We accept collect calls from addressed the needs of youth in custody. In prisoners across Canada at 416-920-9567 and May 1999, PASAN released a new document can help you with your questions about HIV/ on male-to-female transsexual/transgendered AIDS, and help you get the support you need. prisoners and HIV/AIDS. c) An emergency financial assistance fund PASAN organized the First National Workshop which provides limited financial support for on HIV/AIDS in Prison (Kingston, 1995). both provincial and federal prisoners and PASAN has made presentations on HIV/AIDS youth in custody living with HIV/AIDS. We can in prisons at the XI International Conference on help with things like replacement fees for birth AIDS in Vancouver (July 1996) and has ap- certificates, S.I.N. cards and other necessary peared before the Parliamentary Subcommittee ID and we have a small fund to help people on AIDS in Ottawa (Nov 1996) and the Presi- newly released from prison. The availability of dential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS in Wash- these funds vary, and we require proof of HIV ington, DC (June 1998) and the Canadian Hu- status for people accessing the fund. man Rights Commission (Oct. 2001) 2 FALL 2013 - CELL COUNT - OUTREACH & SUPPORT SCHEDULE - - INSIDE THIS ISSUE - IMPORTANT: Programs run on one Unit only per month. If you want to see a worker or PASAN Services/Schedule …………....….. 2-3 attend a program put in a request to the Volunteer Coordinator or the Social Work Dept. Bulletin Board ……...…………..……........… 4 PROVINCIAL (ON) News on the Block ….....………..……… 5-14 Men: CECC – Groups/1on1: Sign-up sheet; Request to Social Work Dept; Call PASAN Poems .…...………………….………… 14-16 1 1: CNCC – Groups/ on Sign-up sheet; Request to Social Work Dept; Call PASAN DON JAIL – 2nd Wed of each month from 3:00-4:30 HWDC – Groups/1on1: Sign-up sheet; 4th Wed; Call PASAN Health & Harm Reduction ………..…... 17-18 MAPLEHURST – Groups/1on1: Sign-up sheet; 1st & 3rd Wed; Call PASAN OCDC – 1on1: Call PASAN PenPals ……………………....……………. 19 THE EAST – Groups/1on1: Run twice a month; Call for a program on your unit THE WEST – Groups/1on1: Run twice a month; Call for a program on your unit Women: Resources ……………………....………… 20 CNCC – Every 3rd Fri of each month; Sign-up Unit 9 Programs VCW – Call PASAN - ABOUT CELL COUNT - FEDERAL (ON) Men: PASAN publishes ‘Cell Count’, 4 Issues per year. We try to visit each prison at least 3 times a year. We visit: Warkworth, Collins Bay, It is sent out for FREE to Clients & Prisoners. Bath, Frontenac, Millhaven, Fenbrook, Beavercreek and Pittsburgh. If you are on the outside or part of an organization, We see people individually or in group settings and talk about HIV/AIDS, Hep C, Harm please consider a subscription @ $15 per year. Reduction and Health Promotion. If you wish to know more or have HIV please contact us to find out when we will be at your institution. Publisher: PASAN Women: 314 Jarvis St, #100, Toronto, ON, M5B 2C5 GVI – Call PASAN Circulation: 1,700+ ~ Recirculation: ?,???,??? Editor: Tom Jackson YOUTH (GTA) All original artwork, poems & writings are the We visit different youth facilities, group homes, etc. throughout the City of Toronto on a sole property of the artist & author. regular basis. For more info call Trevor or Joan. ___________________________________________ Fair Dealing & the Canadian Copyright Act: Section 29.1: “Fair dealing for the purpose of criti- FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF THESE PROGRAMS cism or review does not infringe copyright” CALL PASAN COLLECT AT: 416-920-9567 Section 29.2: “Fair dealing for the purpose of news ___________________________________________ reporting does not infringe copyright” - HIV+ CLIENT SERVICES - - ARTISTS IN THIS ISSUE - In order to be a client & access these services you need to have confirmed HIV+ status. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cover: Herz (Thanx ‘Out of Bounds’!) ¨ PHONE HOURS - Mon - Fri from 9-5, except Tuesday mornings Page 6: András Tóth ¨ DROP-IN - Mondays 1:30-3:30 (except holidays) Good food & 2 TTC tokens Page 8: Marian Avramescu ¨ NURSE - 1st & last Monday 1:30-3:30 every month Page 9: Awantha Artigala ¨ ID CLINIC - 1st & 3rd Thursday 10:30-11:30 every month Page 11: Rodrigo de Matos ¨ RELEASE FUNDS - $50 (twice a year max.) ¨ TTC TOKENS - 3 per week Mon @ 10, or Tues @ 1:30 if Mon is a holiday ¨ HARM REDUCTION MATERIALS - Mon - Fri from 9-5, except Tuesday AM (Safer-Crack-Use-Kits, Safer-Needle-Use-Kits, Piercing Needles, Condoms, etc…) Sometime s we and the phones are very busy so … please keep trying !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CELL COUNT - FALL 2013 3 - EDITOR’S NOTE - - DROP-IN - - NURSE - The ‘Summer Issue - #70’ of PASAN CLIENTS A Nurse at PASAN! Cell Count was banned from On the 1st & last Monday of every month 10 buckets/joints in Canada. Mondays 1:30 - 3:30 1:30 - 3:30 ‘Public Health Info’ & See you then! • Information and education regarding: ‘Freedom of Speech’ are still: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Medications ‘Not Respected in Canada’! - Nutrition PenPals: Pls write ONLY to - FAMILY VISITATION - - Community Health Resources ads in the most recent issue, most of the older ads - HIV/AIDS understanding aren’t there. All undeliverable mail is destroyed. F.E.A.T. for Children of Incarcerated Parents was - Complications to HIV/AIDS Sorry folks, but this PenPal system is going through founded in 2011 to support the needs of the over (i.e. Opportunistic Infections) some changes. About 150 penpal ads come in for 15,000 children in the Greater Toronto Area that each issue & there’s only space for 60. So it’s the have a parent in the criminal justice system. • Assessments of emerging health issues ‘Grab-One-Outta-The-Big-Bag’ method now.
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