Award Redeployment Environment Comptroller Hawaii Environmental gets soldiers, chief gets national airmen national recognition return recognition page 3 page 4 page 5 Hawaii State Department of Defense pupukahipupukahi: “harmoniously united” Vol. 38, No. 4 3949 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495 October 2003 - March 2004 Calendar June 8, Tuesday Excellence in Federal Government Awards Luncheon, Sheraton Waikiki, Hawaii Ballroom, 10:45 a.m. June 10-13 Hawaii National Guard Youth Training, Kalaeloa, see your Family Support coordinators for more details. June 11, Friday Kamehameha Day, state holiday only. June 19, Saturday Hawaii National Guard Youth CHalleNGe Academy graduation, Pearl SCHOFIELD ACTIVATION CEREMONY -- Company C, 193rd Aviation, Hawaii Army National Guard, joins City Cultural Center, 11 a.m. 25th Infantry Division (Light) soldiers for a ceremony in March for units deploying to Iraq and Afghani- stan. Master Sgt. Stephen M. Lum photos July 2, Friday Hawaii Foodband salute to the Hawaii National Guard, Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroon, 6-9 p.m. July 5, Monday Chinook unit in Iraq Independence Day, federal and state holiday observed. By 1st Lt. Jeffrey D. Hickman and Master Sgt. Stephen M. Lum July 17-31 More than 200 Hawaii Army Na- Annual training for most Hawaii Army tional Guard soldiers from Com- National Guard units. pany C, 193rd Aviation, departed in March for a one-year deployment August 14, Saturday to Iraq in direct support of Opera- 297th Supply & Service Battalion Reunion, Building 282 (Rainbow tion IRAQI FREEDOM. Hangar), Kalaeloa, 12 - 5 p.m. (for The CH-47D Chinook heavy lift more details, see announcement on helicopter company joins its sister page 4). unit, Company B, 193rd Aviation (Afghanistan), in the Central Com- August 20, Friday mand theatre. Admission Day, state holiday only. “Charlie 193rd completed more than two months of grueling seven- September 6, Monday days-a-week training in prepara- Labor Day, federal and state holiday. tion of this mission,” said Capt. Jo- seph C. Laurel, company com- EXECUTIVE ALOHA -- Gov. Linda Lingle addresses the deploying Com- mander. “In addition to the medi- pany C, 193rd Aviation, soldiers prior to their departure. cal and logistical requirements, the unit logged long hours on the Stacy, informed about the possibil- for all the members to come home weapons qualification ranges and ity of being deployed. “For months, safely. convoy training.” he kept saying they might go, so CHARLIE -- continued on page 4 Unit guidon bearer, Spc. Dwayne when it finally happened, it wasn’t Torres, a refueler from Waipahu, that big of a surprise. We were ex- STANDARD is excited to go. “They may send us PRESORTED pecting it,” said Stacy. Families and HONOLULU, HI PERMIT NO. 243 to Iraq, but they will never be able U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE to take us away from Hawaii,” said Flexibility keeps head cool friends can write Torres. “Home will always be with us.” Torres is a political science One of the lessons that can be Co. C, 193rd major at the University of Hawaii learned from this deployment is and a third-year ROTC cadet. The the “Big F”- Flexibility. Within the Aviation, at: advice Torres would like to pass on last month of deployment prepara- to anyone going through deploy- tions, changes occurred daily. The Soldiers name ment exercises: “Keep an open instability was hard for the fami- C/193 mind, stay focused, and the time lies because events were planned will fly faster.” And Charlie Com- and time-off scheduled, but it was TF 185 Aviation pany, a helicopter unit, will fly. for the good of the unit. The last thing anyone would want is for the LSA ANACONDA Iraq mission possible soldiers to be unprepared once in- Spc. Gene Muller, a full-time country. What everyone wants is Office of the Adjutant General Adjutant Office of the State of Hawaii State Department of Defense Department 3949 Diamond Head Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495 APO AE 09391 Guard member, kept his wife, are overprepared rather all of them in our thoughts Command Notes than underprepared. and prayers until they re- I want to mention that turn home safely. I also Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee 193rd Aviation. They were there are four airmen from want to assure their fami- The Adjutant General mobilized in early January the 154th Wing, Hawaii Air lies that we will do every- and worked very long hours National Guard, currently in thing we can to take care of the U.S.-led Coalition Provi- in preparation for their de- Iraq. They are working lo- our own. If the family of one sional Authority in Iraq ployment to Iraq. I know it gistics issues for the U.S. of our deployed soldiers or has held firm on a June has not been easy, espe- military there. airmen needs assistance, 30 deadline to turn over cially since those soldiers We wish all of our soldiers they should not hesitate to control to the Iraqis, had little time to spend with and airmen who are head- contact our Family Support U.S. military forces will their families, but I’d rather ing to Southwest Asia the Group at 732-1823. be needed to maintain send soldiers into Iraq who very best and we will keep stability there for some time. Do all of he global war on ter- these indications mean rorism has chal- that the 29th Separate In- Tlenged our military fantry Brigade will be called resources like no other to active duty? We don’t time since World War II. know what the future will The 25th Infantry Division bring, but it would be pru- (Light), from Schofield Bar- dent to prepare for a possible racks, has soldiers in Iraq deployment. and will soon have thou- I had the privilege to visit sands more in Afghanistan. our first group of aviation Virtually every active duty soldiers in Kandahar, Af- combat arms unit has ghanistan, around Christ- spent at least one tour of mas time to see their liv- duty in Central Command’s ing and working conditions. area of responsibility. My I can tell you that the living counterpart in Idaho, Maj. conditions are spartan, but Gen. John Kane, recently livable, and the Army is tak- told me that the only Army ing good care of our soldiers. Guard unit that has re- They did a magnificent job mained intact in that state keeping the 10th Mountain for service is the band. Here Division helicopters flying in Hawaii, we sent off an- so that our forces can con- other 60 soldiers from Com- tinue anti-terrorism efforts pany B, 193rd Aviation, to in Afghanistan and I’m sure Afghanistan and nearly 200 the Bravo Forward 2 will do soldiers from Company C, the same. IN-COUNTRY -- Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee, the adjutant general, stops at Kandahar Air- 193rd Aviation, are in Iraq I am also very proud of the port in Afghanistan on his way to visiting Company B, 193rd Aviation (Forward 1), for a year of duty. Although soldiers from Company C, soldiers this past December. Departmental News Commissary benefit For more informa- of “Laulima” and urged Keeping laptops - User security Battery unlimited for tion, visit: www. soldiers to work to- desert operational functioning properly - Holds charge Applications: ( i.e. - Charges in commissaries.com/ gether for the good of By Cpl. Reid K. Suzuki retirees, Reserve, Fedlog, Formflow, printers) recommended time the community Co. B, 193rd Aviation (Fwd 1) Guard - Function improperly Battery port: against the abuse of While deployed, we If you didn’t get the Drug abuse - All files intact - Locks battery in found that we needed a awareness/ drugs. This round of - Makes good contact word, President George Hardware drug prevention/ comprehensive check- - No corrosion W. Bush signed the prevention CPU fan awareness training list to troubleshoot - Charge meter works National Defense Au- In the effort to curb -Free of dust and was provided to over problems with our com- properly thorization Act for Fis- the use of illegal drugs cleaned regularly puters. Here is our list: cal Year 2004. The fol- in the organization, 320 soldiers of the lowing members and the Hawaii Army Na- HIARNG. Exterior their dependents are tional Guard Army Also, in December - Outside case damage: permitted unlimited Substance Abuse Pro- 2003, the adjutant gen- cracks or dents - Keyboard: missing, access to commissar- gram Office, with sup- eral approved the in- pupukahi sticky or malfunctioning ies: port from the Counter- crease in random test- ing of HIARNG person- keys State of Hawaii Department of Defense ! Members of the Ready drug Office, provided nel to a minimum 80 - Touch pad: track dead pupukahi: harmoniously united Reserve (which in- drug awareness and spots, right and left click percent of authorized clude members of the prevention education buttons The pupukahi is funded and published bimonthly by the State personnel for Training of Hawaii, Department of Defense, 3949 Diamond Head Road, Selected Reserve, Indi- to four HIARNG units in - Screen: any blank spots Year 2003-2004. The Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-4495. Phone (808) 733-4258, fax vidual Ready Reserve December. Gary Shi- or missing lines when (808) 733-4236. It is an offset publication. Views and opin- and Inactive National mabukuro, president HIARNG random test- viewed ions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ing requirement is the Departments of the Army and Air Force. All photos are Guard) and members of of Laulima Hawaii (a Drives Hawaii National Guard photos unless otherwise credited. Cir- the Retired Reserve drug awareness and higher than the NGB - Floppy drive: dents, culation: 7,700.
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