DECEMBER 16, 1987 25 CENTS VOLUME 17 NUMBER 51 f a it h Second-grade students at the Bayshore Hebrew Academy, Lloyd Road and Church Street, Aberdeen, light a menorah as Hanukkah starts. Pictured are (front row, l-r) Elana Groeschler, 7, of Aberdeen, Danny David, 8, of Aberdeen, Anna Klinger, 7, of H aziet, (back row) Matthew Critelli, 7, of Port Monmouth, and Lisa Bergman, 7, of Aberdeen. For a round-up of Hanukkah activities, see Page 5. ...FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING NEEDS! STUFF YOUR STOCKINGS! I p P R E C I S D N ENJOY THE LIKES OF: * CROCODILE DUNDEE LM --------------------------------- ------ WINDOW & DOOR, INC. * INDIANA JONES AND EXCALIBUR STORM DOORS • NORDIC WINDOW & DOORS .THE TEMPLE OF DOOM MAGNE - SEAL REPLACEMENT DOORS * CRIMES OF THE HEART and hundreds more! Replacement Windows Colors Available Patio Storm Doors MEASURE • INSTALL • GUARANTEE SAVE UP TO 50% ON INSTALLATION Porch Enclosures 25 MAIN ST. (Rear Suite) 389-8292 Eatontown Area 542-1934 STORJER CABLE Middletown Area 739-4355 DECISION?... PRECISION! fri GET A REAL KNITTING MACHINE Special Happy Holidays to A ll our new neighbors from Perm with ...SEE THEM ALL AT Cut & Style J m $ 4 4 9 9 KAREN’S It 8 Hie SPINSTERS CIOSET Reg. $65.00 Special Added A Total Service Salon i m r 21 THROCKMORTON AVE. 201-389-3355 Bonus Hair • Skin • Nails 1 Block from Ft. Monmouth MC-VISA-AMEX-DISC FREE Retail Size Hours: Tues.-Fri. 9am lo 9pm G ift certificates^ Nexus available for Conditioner By Appointment all occasions PUNCH CARDS •COMPUTERIZED, DOUBLE BED Valid with coupon only 152 Highway 35 Eatontown WE CATER TO THE M. KNITTER EXP. 2/29/88' (Across from Ft. Monmouth) 544-0350 WILLIAM A. SACHS, DPM TOTAL FOOT CARE - Adults & Children cPerfectcI* l Fungus & Ingrown Nails • W arts, Corn & Calluses Bring this coupon in for a Diabetic Foot Care • Hammer Toes • Bunions • Heel Pain SET- 15 M IN U T E Office & Hospital Surgery FREE SESSIO N EXPIRATION DATE 20 Avenue at the Common * _ _ . _ . 23 MAIN TEATONTOWN, NJ 2/14/88 & Hwy. 35 Day- Evening, Saturday Hours Suite 101A, Shrewsbury (201)389-2555 ALL OF THE EATONTOWN MERCHANTS A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON THE INDEPENDENT, DECEMBER 16, 1987 3 INSIDE STORY McClintock O fficial retires to be mayor Colts Ncck Committeeman Mi­ chael Caponegro is retiring after serv­ ing the township for 12 years. His de­ of Colts Neck sire to protect the community’s rural COLTS NECK — Mayor Henry Meisner qtmosphere has been a lop priority. will hand over the reins of government next P A G E 6 month to veteran Township Committee­ man Thomas McClintock. Road work opposed The committee has not yet named a re­ placement for retiring Committeeman Mi­ Holmdel’s plan to realign the east­ chael Caponegro, although officials acknow­ ern end of Van Brackie Road has met ledged that a choice has already been made. strong opposition from a small group of residents. McClintock has served on the committee for eight years, from 1971 to 1976 and from P A G E 12 1985 to the present. He served as mayor in 1975. H istory preserved He was also a member of the Planning Board when not holding a seat on the com­ Gertrude Neidlinger became cura­ mittee. tor of the Spy House Museum, Mid­ dletown, after touring the world as a Before moving to Colts Neck in 1968, singer. McClintock was active in Long Branch's go­ vernment, where he served as chairman of a P A G E 14 charter-study commission and then was elected the city’s first mayor. H ousing efforts fail Caponegro, a retired Army colonel, has Efforts to include housing for se­ served 12 years on the committee, including nior citizens in Middletown’s afforda­ three terms as mayor. ble housing plan have failed, accord­ He has been instrumental in the forma­ Photograph by David C. Grametbauer ing to an objector to the plan. tion of a municipal police department. ‘HERE’S M Y LIST’ P A G E 1 6 He currently serves on the negotiating Lauren Chapman told Santa Claus what she wants for Christmas at a holiday team developing a contract between the ceremony Saturday at the Hazlet Municipal Building. Hank Okuszka had the township and the policemen’s association. starring role. M arino tapped Democrat Martin Marino has been chosen to be Hazlet’s next mayor. O’Grady named as Maher’s successor P A G E 22 candidates called for the direct election of affect municipal department heads. GOP said to agree the mayor by the voters. The mayor now is He said that Parkinson and Handlin had K elley leaves office selected by the Township Committee. written a similar letter concerning the possi­ Retiring Keyport Police Chief Mi­ to rotate top position When running for committee seats last bility of directly electing the mayor. chael E. Kelley looks back on his 31 year, Raynor and O’Grady sent letters to The peaceful selection of Maher’s succes­ years on the force By Liz Sheehan Assemblymen Joanne smith and Joseph Az­ sor is in sharp contrast to last year, when a battle between two factions of the township P A G E 1 0 zolina, both Republicans representing Mon­ MIDDLETOWN — Deputy Mayor Ray­ mouth and Middlesex counties, asking them Republican party erupted. mond O’Grady will succeed James Maher how to permit the direct election of the Olga Boekel, who was named the towns­ To call The Independent as township mayor next month. mayor. hip’s first woman mayor in 1986, was ous­ At a Township Committee meeting Mon­ At the time, Raynor said that when a ted the following year, when Raynor and Advertising................................542-4000 day night, Committeeman Britt Raynor said mayor serves for only one year, as under the O’Grady voted with Maher to select Maher C irculation................................254-7000 that he, O’Grady, and the two recently elec­ present system, it takes half the year to learn for the post. C lassified.....................1-800-521-0744 ted committeemen, Patrick Parkinson and the job. Maher had been mayor in 1985. Before the committee selected a mayor, Editorial......................................542-9402 Amy Handlin, have agreed that O’Grady The candidates proposed to have a direct­ will be mayor in 1988. Boeckel, Committeeman Charles Carroll ly elected mayor serve three years and be a and outgoing Committeman Ricliatd Mc­ Press releases and advertising copy Raynor will serve as deputy mayor, member of the Township Committee. O’Grady said. Kean tried to change the date of the reorga­ may be brought to The Independent “That’s a touchy question,” O’Grady said nization meeting, traditonally conducted office at 1 Register Plaza, Shrewsbu­ There have been reports that Raynor will when asked Sunday about his 1986 position Jan. 1, to Jan. 7. ry- become mayor in 1989. on the election of the mayor. The delay was planned to permit time for Handlin and Parkinson reportedly also A study would have to be done on the an ordinance they had passed to become have been scheduled to take a turn in the changes required to elect a mayor directly, effective. INDEX _____________ mayor’s seat, if the GOP retains control of he said. The ordinance required four votes to the committee. A new form of goverment might be requi­ elect the mayor. It would have blocked Ma­ B U S IN E S S .................................................. 38 During the election campaign, several red, O’Grady said. That, he added, could her’s election. C L A S S IF IE D ..................................... 49-55 ENTERTAINMENT .................................. 37 IN TH E S P O T L IG H T ..........................:... 14 LETTERS ........................................................ 4 Montecalvo denies oil spill charge O B IT U A R IE S ............................................. 42 O P IN IO N ........................................................ 4 According to police, an eyewitness iden­ that the cost of the cleanup included ma­ P EO PLE IN TH E N E W S ........................ 24 Lawyer says street tified the Montecalvo truck. terials, equipment and labor. POLICE BEAT .......................................... 43 But McCloskey said the truck was on the She said that it was difficult for the crews PROPERTY LINES ......................... 40-41 not on truck route way to Woodbridge, and the road where the to remove rain-soaked leaves coated by the S P O R T S ............................................. 48-48 spill happened was not on its route. oil. WHAT'S HAPPENING ........................... 26 By Liz Sheehan “It is not a logical route for the truck to The leaves are now being stored on asp­ take,” he said. halt so they will not contaminate anything, WILLIAM R CANINO MIDDLETOWN — An oil spill, which she said, and will be inspected by the state Vice President According to McCloskey, the basis for the cost the township $7,000 to clean, was not police charges was a witness who saw the Department of Environmental Protection. DAVID THALER caused by a Keyport construction company, Montecalvo was involved in another P u b lis h e r company’s truck leave a job site on Half the firm’s attorney said Monday. Mile Road, and said it was leaking oil. local police matter Aug. 31, when a worker JUD ITH S. KLEIN employed by the company was buried in a Executive Editor Last week, police charged Montecalvo But no one saw it leaking oil where the Contractors, Keyport, and the truck’s dri­ construction ditch on Half Mile Road and JUDITH McGEE FEENEY spill happened, the lawyer said. Managing Editor ver, Oliver Smith, with violating a state law died.
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