AH the Newi of SECTION BED DANK and Surrounding Towni Told Fearleisly and Without BU* RED BANK TER ONE Iiaued Wsekly, entered BI Second-Class Mutter at the Pt>Bt- Sill)! rrlption Prlre: On* Year 12.00, VOLUME LIX, NO. 11. o flic a at Red Hank, N. J., urn) >r thi Act of March 8, IS 19. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1936. Six Months, 11.00, Single cop?1. 4c. PAGES 1 TO 12. TAKES PARTNERS Makes Protest Retired Business PASSED ON Albert S. Miller About Insurance And Financial Scotch Labor Day * Before Council Man Passes On Takes Two of His Dennis K. Byrne Tells Rumson Marcus M. Davidson Died Sun- Reunion and Field Officials Municipal Insurance day Morning at His Home of Business Should be Awarded Complications in His 76th Force As Partners on the Pro Rata Basis. Year—Funeral Tuesday. Games at Holmdel Criticism of the manner in which Marcus M. Davidson, one of Red tho insurance business of the Hum-Bank's best known residents, passed Marie C Riordari United Scottish Clans and New Firm Includes His Son, William A. Miller, and eon borough council is handled was away at his homo on Leroy place expressed at the regular meeting of shortly before noon Sunday from a Daughters of Scotia of Benjamin A. Crate—Change Will Not Affect the mayor and council Thursday complication of diseases in his 76th New Postmaster night by Dennis K. Byrne, real es- year. He had been in failing health for several months but his condition New Jersey to Have Big Sales Force or Business Methods. tate and insurance agent. Mr. was not thought exceedingly serious At Shrewsbury Byrne referred to policies on until a few days before his death Time at Sylvan Forum vehicle equipment which were writ- when recovery became doubtful, ten by him last year, but Issued this Wife of Former County Road The Albert S. Miller Shoe com- mainess at the Bergen location un- year through tho o.nce of William Mr. Davidson was born in Glen pany 1B tho name of tho new firm .11 October, 1012, when Mr. Ford H. Hlntelmann. Falls, New York, the son of the late Supervisor Succeeds Richard Julius and Amelia Davidson. He was which has taken over the well- lthdrew from tho firm, and since Mr. Byrne directed his remarks to T. Beak, Postmaster Since known footwear business of Albert .hen Mr. Miller has carried, on under Sheldon T. Coleman, chairman of the educated in the village school and To Last All Day ALBERT S. MILLER. later graduated from Union college MARCUS M. DAVIDSON. S, Miller. The nocessary^papers In ia solo ownership and management. finance committee, which was au- Opening of Office in 1923. at Schenectady. the transaction wcro prepared and Ihortly after tho dissolution of the thorized to Issue the insurance. Hi signed Tuesday. Tho new ilrm be- ford & Miller firm Mr. Miller charged Mr. Coloman with playing At an early ago. he took'up a com- Mis3 Marie C. Riordan, wife of and Into the Night lought tho three-story brick building mercial career, starting out as a clerk i?an operation the aame day. Mem- Lincroft Barn politics and said Mr. Coleman had Road Program James Riordan of Sycamore avenue, bers of the firm are Albert S. Mil- rected by Mr. Borgen and re- remarked to a third person that Mr. jn his father's store in Schenectady. Shrewsbury, former Monmouth coun- modeled it for his own occupancy. Hintelmann should receive the busi- On.frequent trips to New York City ler, his son, William A. Miller, and ty road supervisor, has been appoint- The greatest gathering of Scottish Benjamin A. Crate. William A. Mllcr has been in the Destroyed By ness in return for his services to the he visited this section. Arranged For ed postmaster nt Shrewsbury to BUC- itoro as a salesman for the past 17 Republican party. Ho liked Red Rank so much and ilans In the history of New Jersey ceed Richard T. Beak, who has been vill take pliice on Labor day at tho rears and Mr. Crato has been In the visualized its future that he decided I postmaster since the office was estab- Fire On Monday Mr. Byrne is a member of the to go into business for himself and In Middletown iylvan forum on Thcron McCamp- store for the past IB years. Both board of education and is active in lished 13 years ago. William A. Miller and Mr. Crato arc locate here. He opened a store in ell's Rnniancssin (arm at Holmdel. the Democratic party. Ho said the what was then the Chadwlck build- Mrs. Riordan, who is vice president ; will be an all-day celebration, graduates of Dr. Scholl's orthopedic Spontaneous Combustion is school board handled its insurance Township Committee Passes of the Shrewsbury Democratic club, linic. ing. His method of merchandizing mateur sports contests [or lads and Thought to Have Started Fire business on a pro rata basis among was far sighted and he opened his Resolutions to Place Bitumi- received ofllcial notice Monday morn- isslcs and the ladies will begin at 10 Tho other employees of the store those actively engaged in the busi- ing of her appointment. She was .. m. and continue until noon. In the •111 continue with tho now firm, they Which Destroyed Building on store on a one-price principle which born at New York and moved to ness in the borough. He asked as a was something entirely new in the nous Surfaces on Thorough- iftcrnoon, at 2:30 o'clock, amateur being Alex L. Pepin and Frank A Highlands when a youngster. She Everett Road. taxpayer that in the future the coun- rural districts at that time. fares. iports contests for men will open, Collins, salesmen, and Miss Ella H cil consider the matter from that was brought up in Highlands, attend- ind continue till 6 o'clock. Prizes Davis, bookkeeper. angle, By strict application to business ed Highlands grammar school and is and by absolutely fair dealings his •ill bo awarded. Only Scots and Albert S. Miller has been associat- Whipped by a strong west wind, Mayor Neilson Edwardg told Mr. Two resolutions providing for tho a graduate of Atlantic Highlands heir families and relatives may com- ed with the establishment for 44 fire destroyed a large barn and store- business prospered right from the improvement of various roads with high school and Trenton State Teach- Byrno he knew of several Insurance start. In order to accommodate his >ete in any of these games. ears, Btarting at tho age of 18 inhouse Monday morning shortly after brokers in the borough who never bituminous surfaces were passed by ers' college. On the sports field, the great level 1888, earning a weekly wage of $4. 10 o'clock on the Louis W. Horr es- receive any insurance business from increasing business ho had to en- he township committee of Middle- The Rlordan3 have been residents eadow of 40 acres, will be seen the Ho toiled from 7 a. m, to 0 p. m. ate on Everett road, Lincroft. The the council or the school board. The large the store several times. In own township last Thursday after- of Shrewsbury for* the past 13 years ;ames which have carried Scotland'! dally, and on Saturdays this was In-)rlgin of the fire is unknown but it business, he said, was being handled 1910 he bought the building, which noon. A report on tho matter was and have one daughter Elinore. Mr. lame around the globe: tossing the was one of the largest in Red Bank's made by Thomas B. Day, township creased from 7 to 11. Even on Sun- aa thought to have been caused by In the beat interests of the borough, and Mrs. Riordan have always been aber, soccer, a quoit tournament, dayB Mr. Miller's tasks did not halt, ipontaneous combustion of hay. which factor should be of first im- business district, and remodeled the supervisor of roads. State aid is re-- Democrats and have been active in hot putting, as well as tho tug-of- for on those days he adjusted the The fire was discovered by She--portance, the mayor continued. Mr. entire three-story structure. On No- quested and the total cost is rsti- the Shrewsbury organization. It is •ar, broad and high jumping, horse- keroseno lamps at 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. lan Hunt, a neighbor, who rushed Coleman said no precedent had been vember 19th of that' year he re- mated at $11,370, of which $1,570 is expected that she wilt take over her hoe pitching, racing and other con- An Interesting notation may be o tho barn and saved a Ford sui- established just because the insur- opened what was then the largest to be paid by the township and $!),-duties either Saturday or Monday. ests for both men and women. Also, seen beneath boxes of new shoes on >urban. Farm tools and a sprayer ance had been distributed among clothing house in the state. 800 by the state. Ono resolution Her appointment is for four years. hero will bo Highland and eword calls for the improvement of a por- one of the store shelves, whero in •allied at approximately $500 were several agents during the .past two Mr. Davidson was not only a suc- In talkingg with a Registeg r reprep - lancing and bagpipe playing. A pencil Is written, "Albert Miller, lestroyed. The bulldlngWaa Insured. years, Mr. Byrne's request that the cessful clothing merchant, buL also a tion of the Kutswamp road and thesentative, Mrs.
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