Everything you need for Memorial Day CALL TODAY Honey Annuals, Perennials, Geraniums, and Cemetery Boxes! for a comprehensive Bee Hand Cut Steaks, Fresh Ground Hamburg, Hot Dogs Orchard Sweet Corn, Bee Pollen, Raw Honey, our own BBQ Sauces hearing evaluation, Honey Bee Orchard Expanded Full Deli, Cheeses Sign Up 695 Main St. hearing loss rehabilitation, 107 E. Main St., W. Brookfield Fresh Pasta Salad For Holden, MA 01520 education and counseling. 508-867-9900 & More for your Cookouts CSA’s Our goal is to improve the lives of people with hearing loss Matthew Moreno, Au.D. OPEN 9-6 •7 DAYS WEEK Doctor of Audiology We Grow 90% of Our Produce & Flowers in Season On Our Own Farm! through better hearing and quality hearing care services. We Guarantee Quality & Will Not Be Undersold No Risk, No Obligation, Call 508-829-5566, holdenhearingaid.com JAMES J. OSTROMECKY, D.D.S. NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS Patient Focused, Family Operated Dentistry WELCOMED! Comprehensive Examinations and Treatment Planning Lower Dose Digital Imaging • Enchanced Oral Cancer Screening Technology Patient Education • Coordination of Services with Specialists • Patient Liaison Services We welcome Altus, BC/BS, Cigna, Delta, Guardian, and MetLife. For an appointment, call 508-885-6366 or visit our website at www.ostromecky.com HOURS: Mon, Tue, & Thu 8am-6pm Payment Plans Available Through Wed 7am-2pm • Fri 7am-Noon CareCredit and Retriever Mailed free to requesting homes in East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer Vol. XXXVIII, No. #20 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.STONEBRIDGEPRESS.COM Friday, May 18, 2018 Berthiaume takes seat in narrow victory BY KEVIN FLANDERS The final tally at the May 8 election other three precincts combined. But ter member of the Spencer Celebrations NEWS STAFF WRITER was 390-333 in Berthiaume’s favor, with the 118-71 Precinct 3 count helped her Committee. “I have a great support SPENCER – Less than 60 votes only 57 votes separating the candidates clinch the seat. group around me, and I am looking for- proved to be the difference in the race vying for the seat vacated by former “I can’t thank everyone enough for ward to working with the Board to help for a selectman’s seat, with Wendy selectman John Stevens. Precinct 3 their support, from the people who held this town wherever I can.” Berthiaume narrowly defeating powered Berthiaume to victory, who signs to those who made phone calls and Turn To BERTHIAUME, A3 Christopher Woodbury. led Woodbury by just 10 votes in the wrote letters,” said Berthiaume, a char- page Town makes Boulay takes easy victory to selectboard BY KEVIN FLANDERS by a count of 228-104, col- assisting residents. decision to NEWS STAFF WRITER lecting nearly 70 percent of “I would like to thank all EAST BROOKFIELD the votes. He is no stranger of my supporters for their – Incumbent Selectman to municipal leadership, hard work and efforts. It sell Sugden Theodore Boulay cruised serving 12 years on the is they who deserve this to victory last week, eas- Zoning Board as chairman win,” Boulay said. “Over Kevin Flanders photo ily defeating challenger and 11 years on the Finance the past several weeks, the building Selectman Theodore Boulay earned Andrew Lynch at the May Committee before becom- support and feedback have re-election in convincing fashion ing a selectman. Looking BY KEVIN FLANDERS 8 election. NEWS STAFF WRITER last week. From left, Judy Shute, Boulay was elected to his ahead, he is eager to con- Turn To BOULAY, page A11 Joe Kularski, and Cheryl Brodak second term on the Board tinue serving the town and SPENCER – The uncertainty sur- show their support for Boulay. rounding the future of the Sugden Block building has loomed almost as large as the building itself in recent years. But regardless of what the next Write in candidate Tripp takes seat on selectboard chapter brings for the building, it will no longer be owned and leased by the BY KEVIN FLANDERS were projecting Planning Board mem- learned that he is now a selectman as NEWS STAFF WRITER town. ber John Tripp to fill a vacant Board well. Selectmen, acting on behalf of NORTH BROOKFIELD – Town elec- of Selectmen seat – especially consid- Tripp’s 111 votes were enough to get Spencer’s Building and Property Reuse tion season is always filled with plen- ering that his name wasn’t even listed him past fellow write-in candidate Ron Committee, recently announced that ty of surprises throughout the region, as a candidate on the ballot. But when Ryel, who earned 83 votes. The news none bigger than the results of last the final results were posted by Town Turn To BUILDING, page A17 week’s election in town. Clerk Sheila Buzzell after an odd May Turn To TRIPP, page A2 It’s fair to assume that few people 7 election, the write-in nominee Tripp Annual one day festival in West Brookfield tomorrow BY KEVIN FLANDERS The annual Asparagus and Flower tion is under 4,000, the event is not only “The Asparagus Festival is a great NEWS STAFF WRITER Heritage Festival is set for Saturday, a boon for vendors at the festival but event that has become known far and WEST BROOKFIELD – Even though May 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the also restaurants and businesses along wide,” said Ed Londergan, the vice the official start of summer isn’t until town common. The event regularly Routes 9 and 67. president of the Quaboag Historical June, residents from throughout the draws around 10,000 people to town to The event also showcases the com- Society. “At last year’s festival, I talk- area always ring in the summertime check out dozens of crafters and food munity to guests who visit from across fun with a longtime festival in town. selections. For a town whose popula- New England. Turn To FESTIVAL, page A17 Spencer plans collection day for electronics First step to ed reform passes BOSTON – On Thursday, students, Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Boston) and was On Saturday, May 19 from 9 a.m. to These items are banned from the parents, and teachers filled the State co-sponsored by 36 senators. The bill 1 p.m., the town of Spencer’s Office of normal waste stream and with only House as the Massachusetts Senate would implement the recommendations Utilities & Facilities will host a comput- two days a year to dispose of these unanimously voted to pass a key edu- of the bipartisan Foundation Budget er component, television, microwave, items Spencer residents should avail cation reform bill to update the state’s Review Commission which found the printer, copier, and any other electron- themselves of this opportunity. All sur- 25-year-old funding formula. foundation budget formula is drasti- ic components collection day at the rounding communities are welcome to The bill, An Act Modernizing the Spencer Highway Garage, 7 Meadow Turn To ELECTRONICS, A11 Foundation Budget for the 21st Century Turn To FIRST STEP, A11 Road. page (S.2506), was introduced by Senator page 2 SPENCER NEW LEADER • Friday, May 18, 2018 NEW LEADER NIBLETS BROOKFIELD GARDEN CLUB the public. Meet Diederick Leertouwer, at Senior Living at Prouty, 195 Main bar will be available throughout the COME TO OUR PLANT SALE Ed the Wizard, Clowns for Kidz, ani- St., Spencer, join Jean Strauss of East day offering freshly made items. In the Saturday, May 26 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. mals for petting, food, wonderful food. Brookfield as she shares behind the event of inclement weather, vendors on the Brookfield Common. A large Free games for kids, face painting, 100 scenes stories of one of the most beloved with or without tents will be able to variety of plants from our members’ juried vendors of wonderful things to films of all time. Jean has written two set up in the Parish Hall. For more gardens as well as local nurseries. take home. books with Charmian Carr (who played information or to obtain a registration Come and look for what will grow Bring your own frog to jump at 1:30. Lisl von Trapp) and is a font of infor- form to reserve a space, please contact best in “your” garden. The Brookfield Everything of the earth, arts and arti- mation. The program is free and open Susan at (508)864-0660 or steixeira925@ Agriculture Commission will be there sanal. help the blacksmith make a nail to the public. Parking and entrance on gmail.com. with their tractors to parade around and stamp it with your initials. Listen Pope Street, off Grove Street. Call (617) STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT the Common and will be parking along to music, visit asparagus alley, savor 431-4937 to reserve a seat or questions. WORCESTER – Jacqueline Andrade, Common Street. They will also be “giv- the home baked pies. Fun, Fun, Fun! FLEA MARKET & CRAFT FAIR of Spencer has been inducted into the ing away” pumpkin and flower growing BERTHIAUME OFFICE HOURS Women of Christ Church, Rochdale Chi Alpha Sigma honor society at kits for children. Garden Club members State Rep. Donnie Berthiaume will will hold its 6th annual Flea Market Becker College. Andrade is pursuing a will be there to assist with your pur- hold office hours Thursday, May 17 at and Craft Fair Saturday, June 2 from 9 degree in veterinary science, pre-veter- chases. East Brookfield Senior Center at 11:00 a.m-2 p.m., 1089 Stafford St. There will inary concentration. Chi Alpha Sigma, ASPARAGUS FESTIVAL THIS am. Constituents and town officials are be something for everyone; beautifully the National College Athlete Honor WEEKEND invited to meet with him to express any handcrafted items, seasonal plants and Society, recognizes junior and senior West Brookfield Asparagus Festival concerns, ideas, or issues that they may honey products, attic treasures, collect- student-athletes who maintained a 3.4- on Saturday, May 19 on the West need assistance with.
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