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GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XCV Acanthorhynchia cf. lorioli, first Axes of unidentified plants fr. identificatn in England, 139. Lr Devonian of Brecon, 227. Accounts & estimates, xvii-xxxi. ADAMS, F. D., Wollaston Medal Bach y graig (Llandrindod), 400, awarded to, lxxxvii-lxxxix. 404 fig. 405; sect. in stream Africa (C.), peneplains in, cxi, NE. of, 406-8. exii. Bagshot Beds, of Kingsclero area, Akeman Street Station (Bucks), 246-7, 250. ammonite successn in brick-pit BAILEY, E. B., cxx, 133, 379; at, 135-222 figs. pls. viii-xi. receives Lyell Fund for W. Q. Alligaticeras aUigatus, 180. KENNEDY, xcviii; on glacial pseudograciosus sp. nov., 161 drifts, 330-1. pl. ix. Bakkabrunir (Iceland), sect. at, . sp., 180. 264-6 fig. pls. xvi-xvii; toss. Alnus, 269 pl. xviii. plants fr. interglacial beds at, Ammonite successn in brick-pit 268-70 fig. pl. xviii. at Akeman Street Station, ' Ball beds,' Filey, 316. 135-222 figs. pls. viii-xi. Ballstones (or ' crog-balls ') in Ampyx bisectus sp. nov., 421-3 Wenlock Limest. of Dudley, pl. xxiY. 47-54 figs. ; arching & sagging Anataso, in Porto. rocks of Vale of strata round, 59. of Eden, 280, 283 table. Barmouth (Merionethsh.), 1, 7, Annual Report of Council, ix- 28; see also Cell Fechan Farm. xvi. Barrington (Northumberland), Anticlinal regions in Colwyn Bay glacial drifts at, 319-21 fig. distr., 337. pls. xx, xxi. Apartments, resolutns on meet- Barytes, in Perm. rocks of Vale ing cost of redecoration, exxiv. of Eden, 280, 283 table. Apatites, large, in Scottish mon- Basalts, overlying interglacial beds chiquitie rocks, cxviii-cxx. in N. Iceland, 261, 263 et sqq. Arch~eocyathina, fr. Lr Cambr. Basement Beds (Wenlock Limest.) of Flinders Ranges, cxx. of Dudley, 39, 44 fig. 45-6; ARK~LT., W. J., 259--60; on the ballstones in, 48-51 figs. 53; ammonite suceessn at the Wood- at Daw End, Walsall, 54-5 fig. ; ham Brick Company's pit, conditns of depositn of, 57-9. Akeman Street Station, Buck- ' Bavin' at Dudley Castle Hill, 47. inghamshire, & its bearing on 'Bearer' {Wenlock Limest.) of the classifieatn of the Oxford Wren's Nest (Dudley), 45. Clay, 135-220 figs. pls. viii-xi BE•SON, W. N., Lyell Medal 221-2. awarded to, xci-xciii. Arthrostigma gracile, 226. BergArfoss (Iceland), sect. at, A spidoceras ( Euaspidoceras ) 266-7 figs. pl. xv. babeanum var. subcostata, 162-3 .Betula, 269. pl. ix. BIGSBY Medal awarded to A. E. ( J .) clynelishense nom. TRUEMAN, xcv-xevii. nov., 180-1. ' Bioherms,' the term, 54. ( ) hirsutum, 181. ' Biostromos,' the term, 54. ( ) aft. ovals, 163. Biding quarry (Warkworth), 319. Auditors elected, vii. Birtley (Durham), Glacial ' lake ' Auger, hand-, surveying by, 238- site at, 323-4 pl. xx. 40 fig. BLoc, A. C., obit. of G. Australian continental mass, in- STEFANn~I, ci--cii. fluence on tectonic evolutn Bluestone Grit, W. Merionethsh., of region, iv, v. 4, 6 fig. 7, 8 fig. 23, 24, 27, 28. Q.J.G.S. No. 380. 447 2 H 448 GENERAL INDEX [vo1. xcv, Bodlondeb (Denbighsh.), slumped Caledonian folding in Colwyn beds at, 354-6 figs. Bay distr., 372, 374. Botcherby clay-pit (Carlisle), CaUiphylloceras demido~, 141-2. glacial drifts at, 317-8 fig. Cambrian (Lr) manganese ore Borrowdale Volcanic Series, of W. Merionethsh., 1-35 figs. source of minerals in Perm. of pls. i-ii. Vale of Eden, 284, 285-6. Camnant Brook (Radnorsh.), 388 ; BOSWELL, P. G. H., 377. exposures in Ordov. rocks in, Boulonnais (France), Oxford Clay 391-4 map, sect. in, 204-5. CAMPBELL, R., obit. of A. W. Bourkelamberticeras henrici, 173. GrsB, ciii-civ. intermissum, 172. Canada, structures in Pre- lamberti, 170-2. Cambrian of, 109-33 ~ ~,m. Brachiopod fauna, Ordov., dis- v-vii [maps, sects.]. tributn of, in Builth-Llandrin- Canadian Malartic Mine (Quebec), dod inlier, 405, 436-40 fig. structures in Pre-Cambrian in, Bracklesham Beds, of Kingsclere 121-5 map, sects. area, 247-8, 250. Cap Rock (Wenlock Limest.) of Brecon Beacons quarry (S. Wales), Wren's Nest (Dudley), 45. Lr Devonian plants fr., 224-7 Capel Croes Engan (Denbighsh.), pl. xiii. slumped beds at, 366. Brightia glyptum, 144 pl. viii. Capel Horeb (S. Wales), Lr matheyi, 145-6 pl. viii. Devonian plants fr., 223-4 pl. svevum race villersensis, 144- xii. 5 pl. viii. Capel Moriah (Denbighsh.), 337, Brockram, Vale of Eden, 275, 340, 366 ; Salopian slumped 277 ; heavy minerals in, 282-3 beds at, 343-4 fig. tabIe; source of, 284. Cardioceras cordatum, zone of, in BROMEnEAD, C. E. N., 260. Dorset, 198. Brookite ?, fr. Perm. rocks of (Scarbur~ceras), Vale of Eden, 281,283 table. 156-7 pl. x. BROUWER, H. A., on the tectonics Careg-wiber (Radnorsh.), 388, 389, of the Lesser Sunda Is., iii-vi. 396. Bryn-y-Maen (Denbighsh.), 351 ; Carlisle (Cumberland), sect. in slumped beds in distr., 365-6; glacial drift at, 317-8 fig. B.-y-m. fault, 339, 353. Carmel (Denbighsh.), 343. Buckinghamshire ; see Akeman Cameddau Farm (Radnorsh.), 389. Street Station. CARR, J. W., obit., cii-ciii. Builth-Llandrindod (Radnorsh.) CARRUTHERS, R. G., on northern inlier, stratigr. & fauna_! suc- glacial drifts; some peculiari- cessn in, 383-445 figs. pls. ties & their signii%ance, 299- xxvii-xxxii [maps]. 330 figs. pls. xix-xxii 333. BURTON, T. H., obit., cii. Cassiterite, fr. Triassic basement BUSK, G. H., explanatory note breccia of Dufton Park Brow, on the block diagram of the 281, 283 table. Gt Rift Valley fr. Nakuru Castell (Denbighsh.), vert. sect. to Lake Magadi (pl. xiv), at, 357-8. 231-3; on sliding of submarine Castle Bank (Radnorsh.), 388. deposits, 378-9; exhib, block Cefn Du (Denbighsh.) area, Salo- diagram of Gt Rift Valley, cix. pian slumped beds in, 358-63 BUTLER, A. J., the stratigr, of fig. pl. xxvi [map], 371. the Wenlock Limestone of Cefn-y-garlleg (Denbighsh.) area, Dudley, 37-74 figs. pl. iii Salopian slumped beds in, 346- (maps) ; Daniel-Pidgeon Fund 51 maps, sect. 371. awarded to, cxxi. Cell Fechan Farm (Barmouth), Bwlch Llwyn (Radnorsh.), 388. manganese ore fr., ll fig. 12 fig. Bwlch y cefn (Radnorsh.), 389, 13 fig. 15 fig. 400; exposures in Ordov. rocks Cementation of Perm. rocks of nr, 396-7, 403-5. Vale of Eden, 29I-3. Bwlch y fedwen (Radnorsh.), CHk~MBERLIN, T. C., on glaciers, 389, 396. quoted, 302. part 4] GENERAL INDEX 449 Chankula ttill (NE. Rhod.), 79. Cox, L. R., elected auditor, vii. Chester Moor (Durham), Glacial Creniceras renggeri, 150-1 pl. ix. ' lake '-site at, 324 pl. xxi. Cretaceous valley-floor peneplain Chibougamau distr. (Quebec) ; see of L. Nyasa region, 75-107 figs. Opemiska Copper Mine. pl. iv [maps]. Chirua R. (Nyasaland), pebble- ' Crog-balls ' ; see Ballstones. mounds of, 90-1. Cross-folds, 115 pl. vi; in Ontario Chlorite in manganese ore of mines, 118-9; association w. W. Merionethsh., 18, 19, 21, gold deposits, 115, 120. 23 ; in Perm. rocks of Vale of Cryptolithus gibbosus; see Didy- Eden, 281, 283 table. mograptus speciosus. Choppington Station (Northum- Cwm Amliw (Radnorsh.), sects in berland), glacial drifts at, 319. Order. nr, 408-10 map. C~UBB, L. J., elected auditor, vii. Cwm brith Bank (Radnorsh.), 396. Cil Cyehwyn (Merionethsh.), 7. Cwm brith Hill (Radnorsh.), 388. Cil Glasin (Denbighsh.), 346, 348. Cwm Mawr (Merionethsh.), 7. CLARINGBUL:L, G. F., exhib, speci- Cwm Mynach (Merionethsh.), 7. mens of monchiquitic rocks w. large apatites, cxix. Clays, plastic, of Reading Beds Daelisbrekkur (Iceland), inter- in Kingsclere area, 242-3; glacial beds at, 263. mottled, of same, 244; pressed DANIEL PIDOEOI~ Fund, award of, glacial, equal flow around frag- cxxi; report on, xiv. ments in, 302, 303, 308-9 pl. DAVIES, A. MORLEY, 221. xix; in drift at Coatham Stob, Daw End (Walsall), crog-balls in 308-12 figs. pls. xxi-xxii; col- Wenlock Limest. at, 49, 54-5 lectn of samples of, 327-8; fig. see also London Clay. Dawn (Denbighsh.) fault, 339-40, Cleavage, in Salopian sediments 359. in Colwyn Bay distr., 340. DE LA BEOHE, H. T., photographs Closes Cliff (Filey), sect. in of his home in Jamaica exhib, w. glacial drift at, 314-5 fig. note on ancestry, cxxi. Coatham Stob (Durham), sect. Deep-seated structures, relatn to in glacial drifts at, 307-13 figs. orogenesis, 128-32 fig. pls. xix-xxii. DERRY, D. R., on some examples Colwyn Bay (Denbighsh.), geol. of detailed structure in early of, 335-82 figs. pls. xxiii-xxvi Pre.Cambrian rocks of Canada, [maps]. 109-33 figs. pls. v-vii [maps, Compton (Surrey), derived am- sects.]. monites in Bargate Beds of, Devonian (Lr) plants fr. S. Wales, 205-6. 223-9 pls. xii-xiii. Coniaurum Mine (Ont.), structures Dialogite in manganese ore of W. in Pre-Cambrian in, 116-8 Merionethsh., 16 et sqq. pl. vii. Dicellograptus divaricatus, 429, 430 Contraction cracks in manganese figs. ore, W. Merionethsh., 14-16 Didymograptus bifidus & Ogyginus fig. 19, 26. corndensis, zone of, in Builth- Cooksonia, 224. Llandrindod inlier, 388, 390, downtonensis sp. nov., 224 391-7 figs. faunal characteristics pl. xii. of, 397. hemisphaerica, 224. murchisoni, zone of, in pertoni, 224. Builth-Llandrindod inlier, 388, Corals in ballstones in Wenlock 389, 390, 400-5 maps; faunal Limest., 47, 48, 49, 53. characteristics of, 405-6. COmCER, F., obit., ciii. --speciosus & Cryptolithus gib- COULSON, A. L., Murchison Fund bosus, subzone of, in Builth- awarded to, xeviii. Llandrindod inlier, 390 et sqq. ; Council, Annual Report of, ix- distributn of fauna of, 398-9. xvi; election of, xxxii. Dinosaur Beds (Cret.) of L. Nyasa Court (Radnorsh.), 391, 393. region, 75, 82, 88, 90, 91; ? in Cox, A. IT., 133-4. Zambesi Valley, 102, 103. 450 GENERAL INDEX [re1. Xcv, Diphwys (Merionethsh.), man- Eden, Vale of, petrogr, of Penn.

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