ACRO ADB Asian Development Bank ECA Economic Commission for Africa IDMC Internal Displacement Monitoring (United Nations) Centre AfDB African Development Bank ECHA ExecutiveCommitteeon IDP Internally Displaced Person AGDM Age, Gender and Diversity Humanitarian Affairs (United Nations) Mainstreaming IFRC International Federation of Red ECHO European Commission Cross and Red Crescent Societies ALAC Advice and Legal Aid Centre Humanitarian Office IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on ART Anti-retroviral therapy ECOSOC Economic and Social Council Development ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian (United Nations) IGASOM IGAD Peace Support Mission in Nations ECOWAS Economic Community of West Somalia AU African Union African States ILO International Labour Organization AU/PSC African Union Peace and ECRE European Council on Refugees and IMF International Monetary Fund Security Council Exiles IOM International Organization for EDF European Development Fund Migration CBCP The Sö öping/Cross Border ELENA European Legal Network on IPSAS International Public Sector Cooperation Process Asylum Accounting Standards CBM Confidence-Building Measures EPRS Emergency Preparedness and IRC International Rescue Commettee Response Section (UNHCR) CCA Common Country Assessment (UN) IUCN World Conservation Union ERC Emergency Relief Coordinator CCCM Camp coordination and camp (United Nations) management (cluster) ERT Emergency Response Team JAM Joint Assessment of Needs Mission CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against ESC Emergency Shelter Cluster JICA Japan International Cooperation Women Agency EU European Union CEB Council of Europe Development Bank EUFOR European Force CERF Central Emergency Response Fund LAIC Legal Aid and Information Centre ExCom ExecutiveCommitteeoftheHigh (formerly Central Emergency Revolving Commissioner’s Programme LOU Letter of Understanding Fund) CES Central Emergency Stockpile FAO Food and Agriculture Organization MDGs Millennium Development Goals CHAP Common Humanitarian Action Plan MERCOSUR Mercado Común del Sur - Common Market of the Southern Cone CoE Council of Europe GDP Gross domestic product MINURSO United Nations Mission for the COP Country Operations Plan GLIA Great Lakes Initiative on AIDS Referendum in Western Sahara CPA Comprehensive Plan of Action GPS Global Positioning System MONUSCO United Nations Organization CPR Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Reconstruction Network Technische Zusammenarbeit Republic of the Congo GWA Goodwill Ambassador MOSS Minimum Operational Security Standards DAFI Albert Einstein Academic Scholarship Programme for Refugees MOU Memorandum of Understanding HIV and AIDS Human Immunodeficiency DaO Delivering as One Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency MSRP Management Systems Renewal Project DPA United Nations Department of Syndrome Political Affairs DPKO United Nations Department of IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee NAP National Action Plan Peacekeeping Operations ICMC International Catholic Migration NATO North Atlantic Treaty DRC Danish Refugee Council Commission Organization DRC The Democratic Republic of the ICRC International Committee of the Red NEPAD The New Partnership for Africa’s Congo Cross Development ICT Information and Communications NFIs Non-food items EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction Te c h n o l o g y NGO Non-governmental Organization and Development ICVA International Council of Voluntary NRC Norwegian Refugee Council EC European Commission Agencies NWFP North West Frontier Province (Pakistan) 124 UNHCR Global Appeal 2011 Update NYMS OAS Organization of American States UNCT United Nations Country Team WASH Water,Sanitation and Hygiene (cluster) OCHA Office for the Coordination of UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Humanitarian Affairs (United Nations) Tra d e a n d D e ve l o p m e n t WFP World Food Programme ODA Official Development Assistance UNDAF United Nations Development WHO World Health Organization Assistance Framework OECD Organization for Economic WLL Women Leading for Livelihoods Cooperation and Development UNDG United Nations Development Group OHCHR (UN) Office of the High ZAR Zone d’accueil des réfugiés Commissioner for Human Rights UNDP United Nations Development Programme OHR Office of the High Representative (Bosnia and Herzegovina) UNDSS United Nations Department of Safety and Security OIC Organization of the Islamic Conference UNEP United Nations Environment Programme OIOS United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization OMS Operations Management System UNFPA United Nations Population Fund OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian PCWG Protection Cluster Working Group Air Service PISG Provisional Institutions of UNICEF UnitedNationsChildren’sFund Self-Government (Kosovo) UNIDO United Nations Industrial PRRLP Post-Repatriation and Development Organization Rehabilitation Livelihoods Programme UNIFEM United Nations Development PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Fund for Women UN-IP United Nations Integrated QIPs Quick Impact Projects Development Programme UNJLS United Nations Joint Logistics Centre RAHA Refugee-Affected and Hosting Areas UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service RLU Regional Legal Unit UNMEE United Nations Mission in RSD Refugee Status Determination Ethiopia and Eritrea UNMIK United Nations Interim SAARC South Asian Association for Administration Mission in Kosovo Regional Cooperation UNMIL United Nations Mission in Liberia SDC Swiss Agency for Development and UNMIS United Nations Mission in Sudan Cooperation UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs SGBV Sexual and gender-based violence and Crime SRSA Swedish Rescue Services Agency UNOMIG United Nations Observer SRSG Special Representative of the United MissioninGeorgia Nations Secretary-General UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works on HIV and AIDS Agency for Palestine Refugees UNAMA United Nations Assistance UNVs United Nations Volunteers Mission for Afghanistan UNAMI United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq UNHCR Global Appeal 2011 Update 125.
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