·.· TI-lE· . ,.. ... ~ . ' . An~ua1 Administration· Report :: ·.· OF THE · .. ;' AUNo'H STATE I FOR THE YEA~ 1922=2J. '. .. • P~r~r.c.:>. Ar tHE u AuNDH StATE PB..ESS" At:~DH. THE· Annual Admini~tr~tjon Report. OF THE . AUNDH STATE IN THE SAT·ARA AGENCY FOR TN~ yeAR · .9,,~·*.~~ FRoM, ' . THE KARBHARI, AUNDH STATE. ' ,, ' ' ~ ;·I ' • To, THE POLITICAL AGENT, SATARA.: ·'·' . ' Aundh,5th July1923. Sir,• I have the honour to submit, by di~ection: o£ the Chiefsaheb, ~e,~nnual· Administration Report of the Aundh State fo~ the year 1332 Fasli ending Sth : June 1923. · · · 2. The usual Appendices as per list annexed accompany, • 2 CHAPTER I. GENERAL AND POLITICAL. 3. The area of the State is 501 square miles. For the sake of ,.. }.· administrative convenie~ce it is divided into three Area, Population and gross Talukas and three Thanas. The population of the Revenue of the State- State, as per Gen~ral Census of 1921, is 64,560. The gross Revenue based on the average of the past five · years i$ Rs. 3,53,003-15-1. · · 4. No tribute is pait.i by the State to the Paramount Power or to· any Tribute. other State. 5. The Chiefsaheb Shrimant Bhawanrao Shriniwasrao alias Balasaheb ' ...... Pandit Pratinidhi is a Deshastha Yajurvedi Brahmin. v Family·· He is 54 years.of age. He is a graduate (B. A.) of ·the Bombay University, a Treaty Chief and a First class Sardar. His Ranisa~eb's ·name. is· Shrimati ·sowbhagyawati Ramabaisaheb . alias Maisaheb.· The Chiefsaheb has got three sons and three daughters, The eldest son Shrimant Trimbakrao alias Rajesaheb is 30 years old. The second son Shrimant Parashuramrao alias Appasaheb is 10 'years old. He is studying at the S. S. High School, Aundl;l in the IV standard. The third son is in the 6th year. His name is Shrimant Bhayasaheb. The eldest daughter Shrimati Wasantikabai alias Taisaheb is 4 years old. ·The second d~ughter is 2 years old and her name is Shrimati Varshataisaheb. The youngest daughter· Shrimati Sundrataisaheb who was born in the month of February last is running her. 5th month. 6. Shrimant Rajesaheb is a double graduate ( B. A. , LL. B. ) of the · Bombay University and was called to the Bar at .the Shrimant Raje~heb's Middle Te~ple in London on the 17th of November family· 1922. His wife's name is Shrimati Sowbhagyawati . · Parvatibaisaheh alias Vahinisaheb. He has got two daughters aqd a son. Shrimati Krishnabai alias Akasaheb the elder daughter is 8 years old. The younger daughter Shrimati Mainataisaheb is 3 years old. The son is 4 years old and is not named as yet. 7. Shrimant Rajesaheb who was in England returned to India as ·· . expected 'with his family and Mr. P. A. Inamdar . Arrival of Shrimant Raje- M. A.'· B. Sc. Superintendent of Education and sahebin India· Director of Industries of the State on the 4th .of i August last. At the time _of his landing the Chiefsaheb, ' some of the State officials and a large number of his friends and relatives were present at the APollo Bunder to receive him. He·arrived at Aundh on the 9th of· August 1922 when he received a welcome from the people of Aundh and· from prominent gentlemen from all the parts of the State and outside who had specially come for the occasi~n .. He ~as taken ~o t~e Palace in. a. grand proces­ sion and received ·addresses from several public institutions. A grand Darbar was held in honour o£ his sa!e return to India with brilliant success in the work he . 3 Jiad taken in hand. Mr. P. A. Inamdar was also cordially welcomed and cong~· tulated for his having achieved excellent success in the work for which he had gone to Europe. · 8. The Chiefsaheb's nephew Shrimant Sbriniwasrao alias Annasaheb passed the Matriculation Examination this year and Chiefsaheb's nephew• has joined the Deccan Colfege, Poona. He is now 17 · years of age and enjoys good health. 9. The important domestic event in the Chiefsaheb's family ~uring the year of report was the sad demise of his grand-son Domestic events. Shrimant Gangadharrao 1 ( Shrimant Rajesaheb's youngest son) who was born at Paris. He died of convulsions all of a sudden in London on 19th July 1922. 10. Another event of note in the Chiefsaheb's family was the ~thread ceremony of his second son Shrimant Appasaheb, Thread ceremony of Chief- which came ·off successfully on the 28th of March last •. saheb's son· Grand preparations were made for the occasi~n. Mr.; E. Clements, District Judge, Satara, Shrimant Ba]a .. saheb Patwardhan, Chief of Miraj (senior), Rao Bahadoor Vasudeorao Pandit Bar-at-Law, Nagpur, Rao Bahadonr R. R. Kale M. L. C., Satara and many ·other gentlemen graced the occasion by their presence. All the guests were most cordially received and were given the best hospitality. · · Political. ll. During the year under report, the Chiefsaheb bad the pieasure o£ interviews in Poona and Mahableshwar with His , Interviews· Excellency the Governor, the Honourable Members of· Council, the Honourable Ministers to the Government, the Commissioner C. D. , the ~gent for Sardars in the Deccan, the Director of Agriculture, the Registrar of Co-operative Credit Societies and other high officials of Government. He had also the pleasure of receiving return visits from almost· all these officers. · ' · · · The Chiefsaheb had also the pleasure of several interviews· with Mr. A. Master and Mr. J. Ghosal, C. I. E. the then Political Agents, Satara. \Vhile in Satara he had also the pleasure of interviews with Mr. E. Clements,' District Judge, Satara, Mr. Jolly, Assistant Judge, Satara, Mr. Baskerville, Assist· ant Collector, Satara, and Mr. Manley, District Superintendent of Police, Satara. These officers were also pleased to pay him return visits. 1 12. In the month of August last, the Chiefsaheb had the honour of Chiefsaheb's attendance at attending the Darbar h~ld in Poona by His Excellency the Darba.r for the Sardars the Governor for the Sardars in the Deccan. in the Deccan· 13. In the month of October last, the Chiefsaheb had the pleasure of attending the Red Cross Fete organized by Mrs. Chiefsaheb's attendance at Master at Sa tara in connection with the Red Cross theRedCrossFeteatSatara. Week in Bombay. He was one of the supporters o£ the mo,·ement and bad sent some articles in aid of it. · 4 14. The ~hiefsaheb had the pleasure · of attending the · unveiling ·~-h~~t~~~~·~ ~tt~9~nc~ ~t cex:emony pf the Mahratta War Memorial performed the unveiling ceremony of the by His Excellency the Governor at the Shan war Mabratta War Memorial· Wada Poona in the month of November 1922. " . , . -,. .., ~5. I!! ~c~r~~nce ~~h the wishes of Government complete suspension of ~11 a~tiviti~s for two roinutes was observed throu.gh .. Suspension of an ac~.~~~ 9!1~ !he who]~ Stafc on· the 11th day of November in Jhe State- . 1922 'at il A.M. in honour of the ~rm}.~tice Day. ~~· -~~e :airth Day of His Gracious Majesty the Ring Emperor ~~s l:'~]li~ ~t>!i~~' Q!l ~~ou11t. pbserved as a pqblic holiday throughout the whole of ~i~ g~~ci?,ll~ M~~~~~ th9. .Stat~ and all the offices .and s~~ools wer~ closed on King's Birth· Day· · that account, ' 11. · Mr. A· Master, I. c. S., the then Political Agent of Satara was . ' pleased to pay a· visit to Aundh in the month of Oc~o .. .~~~t~ th! Po!\*~~ ~ge.~t her last. During his stay he ·saw ~everal public instit~~ ~-\~d~: · tions and expressed his~ satisfaction about them, · ' I ·•· • • ~~~ _T~~ ~\sti;lg~i~~~d p.~so~s who ~isited. · Atmdh during the year · · · \l~d~f rep,o.rt w~re the Honourable Sir M, H, W. Yi~~~. '?! ~9P~,~~ ~~ ~3:Yw.'\r~, :(\. C. I. £. , I. C. S., Member of Council lOllS to Aundh. an4 ~f· :a. Clements, Dis~ict and Sessions Judge, . · · Satara. H·is Hogq~ss ~hri Jagat Guru Shankaracharya Vidya Shankar Bharatee ( Dr. Kurt~oti) of the Sankeshwar and Karweer Maths w~~ ~~~o ~~~~e~ .~o ~~1 ~ Y~S!t t9_ ~~pdh. so~n ~.ft~r t~~ ~~~~ ~f ~~i yea~. 1~,. During the year o£ report the Chiefsaheb made a tour a.s u~ual in ·: 'all the Talukcls ot the St~te for the Jamabandi artd ~o~r.l!' inspection wo~~· -~e8ides the. he~ q.~arter s~ation~. ~f . the Taluias he visited ~qme 'villages· i,n ·e(lch Talukl\ in ordt;r, ta f$ee th«J condition o£ the people; and to a.SC:"ertain t~eir ·~ants and th.ey w~r.~ 'tte~d to as far. as po.$sible. He alSQ visite<l Boixlbay, .Poena, Satara and Mahableshwar for administrative purposes. · · ·20; ~fte~ ~is t:~t,urn f~om :t:n~~an~, ~~ at~ai~in~ ~.~ dist~nction · of .a · · · · ~~~ri~t~r-at.-~!-'!• SM,'tm~%1~ ~aJe.s~heb ~a~ be.en C\sso .. Aclministrativ• Relorma. ciated with the administration of the State. The Chief- .... k •: ... - t'!' ,.......... ;;,... ¥. :. ,·,1. t • ' :, .• • • .: ... - •• " ••• ) ' ;. ! • ~ •.•· . f' ; " •• " •• · · · · · ·· sab~b w~ pleased to entrust him wi~h the d.uties. of · putting into shape a new ~~e~~ 'oJ" ·~ep~~~~·t~· ·~eo~g~~1iza,tio.~ ·w.hi<;h w~s . satisfactorily formulated by him and sanctioned by the Chiefsaheb~ Uptill now' · thcr. K~~~~~i ~s¢ 19 su~rvis~ th~ wo~k o( aU the departments of the State un_~~· ~~ ~~n~r~l '?~~he C~~~fsah~b. Now. all the departments of the State have . been divide<;\ ~.t~. ~~v.tt,~ gr:o~p~ ~u<;l e~ch gr.oup.
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