• Starte rs • • Salads • BUFFALO'S FAMOUS CHICKEN WINGS DRESSINGS Av.ulatff in Tr-ad,tiofl;il Of' BoMlei.s House (Brick Viii&& GOLl"ml. Corocord Grape Seed d Mild, HediJm, H« or H~ Swe,et d v· aigrette).UteWsarr,,ic~.laibl.Rancti (.~,y-Whltit WN 8o~ Celery Stk:kt. 81-.i Cht<ff• DrffSln,: a,t,c(CaL>«I ' 12.20 ENHANCE YOUR SALAD - (CaL816) ' 16.45 ..,_ Sllcod CNdotft '4.50 ,.._ (ul 1088) '20.90 TERRAPIN (GF. V) NEW YORK CHEESE & Spinach. Bema, Toasted Almonds., Shaved Yancey's Chutlnet FRESH FRUIT PLATTER M d Ct.ee,e, Dried Cl'W)erTles. 8ri0 V • Gow-ri oe< Concord d Yancey"s hncy N,ow York Saice Arduri CMet,": Crape. Seed V1fWl"'tte XXX· Sturp ~ Bvlblo w_,. CMdd:ar,Scnwtwry Chan:loM.q I/Ytllte C~.Gouda. Se:uon.11 Fruit. Dried mlit. (CaLSS7) '11.90 tll)ced Nuts. lewnton\ Horoey, Cot.wn:r.o·s 8tJ1Mtte (Cal, 103") '11 .70 GARDEN (V. VG. OF) Hoced Ltut1«. Cucumber, Ci.ck f\!as. Tomata, Onion. VOIJt0nl. LOADED FRIES M Chclc<ol"- V.,tonan C..._)abpeno Pl-ppen.GrMn ~ d Ho,.,s~ Y&11ce,.-s f01.1r.O,. ecM ~uc• '"""(Cal. 200) '4.25 ....... (Cal. 452) '9.50 (ul 1181) '9.50 Enhance '<ltth 8xon 12.00 - -----, CHARCUTERIE Ba.ttlstOfli Sopre-5wC... Hot It.Ji.In d and Genoa Salamis, Pldded\legeu,bl,ts, ~ 11omr.!b..Kalaimta 0~ Weber's Hon ~h H, ~ Co~.io"s B-cuette. (Cal. 914) ' I 0.25 BRUSCHETTA M Tomato. Onlctl. Garik:. a.sit Yancefs Chi do d lalWNC GbM, C01t:1nio's ~ • (Cal.260) '9.15 SUMMER SOUP (GF, V, VG. OF) Vegeables.. Lerds, Fresh Hem Bowl (Cal WJ) 16.25 CHILLED ASIAN NOODLE (V. OF) Lo Mtll"I. Bok Choy. Cabbltt, Zucch•nl.Y .. ow Sqi,u.hr, R.otmd SOUP DU JOUR '6.25 R.d~Pldd.dv.pat,lts.RedOnlon.Carrou.~ Seeds.Ban Sprouts. ubntro, ~wV-crette BASKET Of COSTANZO'S BREAD '3.50 d (Cal.506) '11.75 BASKET OF FRIES (OF) '4.50 \ TASH.r-.Y LO("t.L ITEM'. C.f Gll.Hr'\:Hll ,/ '•lG[TARIAN •'• .t.GA1'i I1f OA!RYFRll • Gourmet Burger Bistro • • Sandwiches & Wraps • ~ of Frendl Fries or Small 'fern9in Sabid Oioke ot ~ Fttes or SmallTetnr*I Wld For a wu ol&.lfblo.~ bw CNcbnWlnp u a slde.$4.lS For a Wb of Bufblo. s~four CNcbn ~ as a side, $4.lS (Tndil:lclNI or 8onelffs.) (Tra~ or Boneless) ..,.,.,.. .... <oolotd to l'l'ltdll.ffi-Wtll .,.. Ntw'rortt StM4: hdttl law FALLS CLASSIC ... G1-t Laite,. Chc:4<:I Ch( Sptl,,, Hix, d __ _ d NY Hard Roll Sliced Sa,-f Bfff, (c.1.750) •14.50 Horserad,ti, Jw Jus, Saked NY Caraw-1.y A.ol BRIDAL d &Kon-Onion & JlbpetloA.ellih. (Col. 707) ' 15.25 Y1.ncey's Fancy Hlflle Cheddar. l.opnborry,WNt• Wwe BBQ Sauce. CILANTRO-LIME CHICKEN SANDWICH S,,,.,CH<x. Gnl t<I ar.t. Olwro-Um,t OlmlChl.n\ NY Hard Roll d Guacatnolt. Jaiap.no Ptpptrs. Olced Tomuoti. Sptin, Mr..r. NY M.ard Roll (c.J.934) '15.95 (c.J.681) '14.75 BARRELED OVER Appf•Baoon Chutney. 8uff:ak> Wirt Sp, d, SfK'w'c Hlx. d NY Hard Roll BUFFALO CHICKEN WRAP (C,,. ll'5) 'I5.95 8ontl.» Wit.,_"'-um &/fbJo SaUN, IAttu<:._Tonwo. B&eu 0..... Dtwsltl&, ChitddM-ja~ T~ (c.1.607) ' 13.00 CHICKEN CAESAR WRAP Qw..d 8teasc. ~ Lettuc:e. Y <ey's Cl ""'-­ d Caew Ofuslrc, Spin.ad\ Toran.a (Cal 916) • 14.25 CHILLED VEGETARIAN WRAP ~ Zucdllnl,,Sq~t\ Red Feppw; Chid< Peu,~M lettuee, Tortlato. ~ Onion, Hert>-Cheesie $prfld. Sf>i~Tortib THREE SISTERS (C,,.4711) ' 13.00 TOINt~I R~ Mouar.-a. &alAtNC Glu•. d Sf>rini H«. NY H1.rd Roll (C,,. 846) 'IS.9S \ TASTE '\IY LOCAL HMS Gr GLvTEN FRH ' ,'[GETA.l!.lAN ,l, '.'[GAN :..r DAIRY mu • Featured Items • WHIRLPOOL (V) (i 8,ari11,.Cavattpp1hso.. ~Pottll:itla.~. Niagara Falls State Park is proud to --""'"'-""'-·c.n.......... Cldl _ S.- partner with T ,ste NY to feature CC>l"O! 1 14.lS locally made foods and beverages in 14.SO the Restaurant at the Top of the Falls, souvenir shops, and snack bars. Help BUFFALO MAC & CHEESE---°""'"" d l&ttl.l ~v.aca,p Puu. 8otloeltu 0 us to support these local businesses by ...S..~ Ytneey°\ Houw-M ~- looking for the TUil during -a-.c..-c....°"""' (Ol.1050) '16.lS \n your visit! STl:OHAN"S BEEF Slctd s..r.d IN(,~OwNcl...-n. Oe4&~Q.-.-- The Taste NY program promotes New COL"'l ' 16.50 York-made food and beverages through retail stores, events, and concessions. (C,I."') '16.95 With the incredible agricultural richness in this state and some of the ,½ NIAGARA FISH & CHIPS ~ kw,rcttl{~,.....,_,_ best craft beverages and cuisine In the llwlr.alo-ar-.d ,.,.. lhofl Av 8,m-.d HJd6od C:1111..w,Tarw Sa..ce.ff'Wld\ Fl'lti world, there is no better time to taste (C,1.19') '16.lS New York's local flavor. • Beverages • 8- P -Avon. N Y Butistonl Mc.iu • Buffalo. NY FOUNTAIN BtVERAGES 13.4S Br ck Vi lace Go - Mayv,llo, NY Free RcfHIJ Byrne 01 ry - Syn.cuse, NY Pt-p", Diet~ s-n Hu. Root 8eer, Hounuln Dew, Lemonade, 5--.¥N<eMd ked Tu, UM~ffied l<ed Tea Cosunzo·s Bakery - Cheektowaga. NY Crysul Beach L ~·:in berry - San.top Sprini,s. NY # ~ BYRNE DAIRY HILK 13.60 '-...) WN(• Hdk;, Cho<olat~ H1lf< Fly nz B son BreNcry - Buffalo. NY Gr•u lakes Ch H" - Cuba, NY HOT BEVERAGES 13.lS frff Rdilh, Hcilnt1. & Weber Buffalo, NY ColfM., Oeeal ~ Hot Te&. Hot Choc.OQ.t• Lew1ston's Honey . Lewinon, NY long Cl ffW ne:ry . Nlaga~ County. NY JUICE 13.60 Yance:y·s fancy Cheese • Corfu. NY Crat1btny, ~.A,pt.TOM4to. ~-PiMapple Niagara Falls State Park , ,c,t\IB\\i\ ~~~ Niagara Falls has the honor of being ~ Designed by -~ the oldest state park in the United ~ \•i ... renowned land· States, formed in 1885. It goes with­ ii-W~ scape architect ~ out saying that warer is the main Frederick Law attraction of Niagara Falls.About 300 acres of the over 400-acre stau~ park Olmsted, Niaga.ra Falls are under water. Although not the State Park is an enduring highest waterfalls in the world, they legacy of the man who be· move a.n incredible volume of water lieved that Niagara belongs (more than 280 ton.s per second) to all of us. Native vegeta· over the precipice. The rushing w.iter ~ .i tion and wildffowers di.splay drains from four of the five great I what Olmned described as lake.s: Superior, Michigan. Huron, and Tenop,, Towe, ( I 833-1873) the "exceeding loveliness Erie. before it plunges over the falls. of the rock foliage." The park's network of footpaths through wooded areas and along the banks of the Ni­ agara River allows visitors to see nawre at her best• • According to legend. the honeymoon trend was started in 180 I when the daughter of future U.S. Vice Mrs.Annie Taylor, a 6).year· Pres.ident Aaron Burr, old widowed school teacher, Theodosia, and her new decided a trip over the falls husband, Joseph Alston, in a wooden barrel was her traveled to Niagara ticket to fame and fortune. On Falls a rew months October 24. 1901.she became before their mar- the first person to survive a Aerial perspective o( Ntogoro F-ols, ore.a 1882 riage. Then in 180-4, several trip over the falls and as she months after his marriage, emerged from her barrel, she Jerome Bonaparte, (Napoleon's younger brother) honeymooned at the reportedty said, "No one ought falls with his American bride, Elizabeth Patterson. to ever do that again," .
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