VPWRITING & CORRECTION INSTRUMENTS Use this quick and handy guide to fi nd your writing instrument VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ of choice: LUXOR MICRA RETRACTABLE VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ 132 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠǨ' 152 GRIP BALLPOINT PEN SET BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ 134 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ)ʖȸɰʙʖȸʑɠ 152 Pack consisting of 5x 1.0mm medium tip. Retractable mechanism, also has a BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ5Hʓɵɸɗ 163 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ/ʋʦQʏʢɨ 153 rubberised grip for eff ortless writing. BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ5HʤUDFWɪɬȵɏ 136, 162 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ3ʑʢPʋȸʑQɢ 153 (Pens available individually, see page 137). RB 5ɼɸȵʑʁEɪɸɗ 138 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ6HʎʦʢLʤɨ 156 RB 5ɼɸȵʑʁEɪɸɗ5HʤUDFWɪɬȵɏ 141, 163 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ)Ⱦȭɏɇʑɠ 156 CP &ɪɸʙLʔUʋɿʕɨ3ʑɚ 143 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ3ʑʢPʋȸʑQɢ,ɻɖ 156 C &ʝʢȾHFʤLʝɚ)ʙʦLɍ 143 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ3ʋʖQɢ 156 C &ʝʢȾHFʤLʝɚ3ʑɚ 144 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ7ʂʕʖUɢ 157 C &ʝʢȾHFʤLʝɚ7ʋȼɏ 145 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ)ʙʖSɭKʋUɢ 157 P 3ʑQʎɵɗ/HDɍ 145 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ:ʕLɀɰERʋUɍ 157 P 3ʑQʎɵɗ0HɭKʋʜLFɪɗ 146 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ2ǎ3 158 P 3ʑQʎɵɗ 148 M 0ʋʁȴʑɠ+LɳɴʙLɳKɀʑɠ 160 CM &ʕʖQɈ0ʋʁȴʑɠ 149 GT *LIɢ7Uʋɨ 162 S 6Kʋʢȼʑȸʑɠ 149 FP )ʝʦQWʋʖɚ3ʑɚ 163 E (UDȿʑɠ 150 CODE DESCRIPTION LUX17805BC Luxor Micra Retractable Grip Ballpoint Pen Set (Carded 5’s) VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ LUXOR SPRINT LUXOR SUPER LUXOR MULTI GRIP BALLPOINT VALUE PACK VALUE PACK PEN SET Pack consisting of highlighter, Pack consisting of a Pack consisting of 5x 1.0mm gel pen, ranger ball pen, gel pen, 3 stick pens, medium tip. Retractable pencil, eraser, sharpener, scale highlighter and mechanism. Rubberised grip in a neat polypropylene box. permanent marker. for eff ortless writing. (Pens available individually, see page 136). CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION LUX12405BC Luxor Sprint Grip Ballpoint Pen Set (Carded 5’s) LUX1350 Luxor Super Value Pack LUX1326 Luxor Multi Value Pack (Carded) VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ LUXOR LUXOR BACK LUXOR STARTER PACK TO SCHOOL STUDENT Pack consisting of a Pack of 2 ball point ESSENTIAL permanent marker, pens, permanent Pack of 3 ball point highlighter, stick marker, highlighter pens, sign pen, pen, mechanical and sign pen. highlighter and fi ner. pencil (05) and lead case. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION LUX1340 Luxor Starter Pack (Carded) LUX1321 Luxor Back To School (Carded) LUX1301 Luxor Student Essential (Carded) 132 WRITING & CORRECTION INSTRUMENTSVP VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ LUXOR STUDENT KIT LUXOR STUDY MATE SET Pack consisting of 4 x ranger Pack of 1 pencil, ball point pen, ball pens, smart mechanical whiteboard marker, highlighter, pencils, lead case, eraser, sharpener and eraser. sharpener, 4 x wood free pencil on a blister card. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION LUX135212BC Luxor Student Kit (Carded) LUX1320A Luxor Study Mate Set (Carded) VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ LUXOR HOME & LUXOR HOME & OFFICE PACK OFFICE MATE Pack consisiting of a textliter, Pack of 2 stick pens, retractable ball CD marker, whiteboard marker, point pen, CD marker and highlighter. micropoint pen, smart mechancal pencil and 2 x lead cases. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION LUX1334 Luxor Home & Offi ce Mate (Carded) LUX1354 Luxor Home & Offi ce Pack (8 Piece) VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ LUXOR OFFICE PACK LUXOR ASSORTED COMBO PACK Perfect for all your offi ce 1350A = Pack consisting of 3 Textliters, 2 Permanent Markers, 1 CD Marker, 2 Rollerball, 2 Microball requirements. Pack includes – Pens, 3 Gel Pens, 2 Clutch Pencils, 2 Leads. 1350B = Pack consisting of 3 Textliters, 3 Highlighters, Textliter, Twin Permanent Marker, 2 Rollerball, 2 Microball Pens, 3 Gel Pens, 2 Clutch Pencils, 2 Leads. Rio Gel Pen, Rollerball Pen, Micropoint, Mechanical Pencil CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION LUX1350A Luxor Assorted Combo Pack-II (17 Piece) LUX1353 Luxor Offi ce Pack (Carded) LUX1350B Luxor Assorted Combo Pack-I (17 Piece) 133 VPWRITINGBP & CORRECTION INSTRUMENTS VP 9ɪʙɂɏ3Dɭɖ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ LUXOR EXECUTIVE PACK LUXOR FOCUS ICY Pack consisiting of 2 x textliter, Rio gel pen, twin CD and DVD marker, permanent marker, roller pen, BALLPOINT SET micropoint pen, 2 x ball pens, smart mechanical pencil and 2 x lead cases. Ridged tip for eff ortless writing. Ultra low viscosity ink. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION LUX1355 Luxor Executive Pack (12 Piece) LUX17609BC Luxor Focus Icy Ballpoint Set (Carded 9’s) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ LUXOR FOCUS BALLPOINT ARTLINE BALLPOINT PENS Ridged tip for eff ortless writing. Ultra low viscosity ink. For home, offi ce and schools. Smooth writing, Artline quality. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION LUX1771 Black CODE DESCRIPTION LUX177020CS Value Pack 20’s LUX1772 Blue 529927 1.0mm (Black) CODE DESCRIPTION LUX17705BC Set (Carded 5’s) LUX1773 Red 529928 1.0mm (Blue) 529929 1.0mm (Red) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BIC PRISMO BALLPOINT PEN FOSKA ECONOMY BALLPOINT PENS BIC entry level ball pen. Cap matches ink colour. Medium point. Foska economy ballpoint pen 50’s. CODE DESCRIPTION PEN0020XH0927 Black CODE DESCRIPTION PEN0021XH0927 Blue BC000001 Medium (Blue) CODE DESCRIPTION PEN0022XH0927 Red BC000002 Medium (Black) BC000003 Medium (Red) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BIC CRYSTAL MEDIUM BALLPOINT PEN PENFLEX XS BALLPOINT PEN BICs Crystal ballpoint pen is a favourite in millions of homes, offi ces and schools. The pen has a clear Writes smoothly without dotting, blobs, or skips. Writes up to 2000 metres. 1mm Medium tip. barrel with visible ink level. The cap colour matches the ink colour. This pen writes for more than 2km’s long. Medium point pen. CODE DESCRIPTION BC010076 Medium (Blue) CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION BC010116 Medium (Black) BC010106 Medium (Red) 893234 Medium (Blue) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ PENFLEX BALLPOINT PEN PENTEL SUPERB BALLPOINT PEN Writes smoothly without dotting, blobs, or skips. Writes up to 2000 metres. 1mm Medium tip. Fine Ballpoint Pen. Clear cap makes the Superb the most unique ballpoint on the market. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION BK77A 0.7mm (Black) BK77D 0.7mm (Green) 893630 Medium (Black) CODE DESCRIPTION BK77B 0.7mm (Red) BK77P 0.7mm (Pink) 893623 Medium (Blue) 893616 Medium (Red) BK77C 0.7mm (Blue) BK77V 0.7mm (Violet) 134 WRITING & CORRECTION INSTRUMENTSBP BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BIC CRISTAL LARGE BALL PEN BIC ORANGE FINE BALLPOINT PEN Large point (1.6mm) ballpoint pen with tinted barrel. Cap matches ink colour. Writes 35% smoother BIC’s Orange fi ne is a high precision pen for writing on any type of paper. Foolproof colour-coding than a ballpoint pen. means you can’t go wrong – the cap is the same colour as the ink colour. With BIC Orange fi ne, you are sure to get smooth, regular writing every time. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION BC010857 Large (Blue) BC010166 Fine (Blue) CODE DESCRIPTION BC010858 Large (Black) BC010246 Fine (Black) BC010226 Fine (Red) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ STAEDTLER BALL PEN - STICK STAEDTLER BALL PEN - STICK (BOX OF 50) Ballpoint pen with cap and clip. 4 colours. Metal tip. 2 line widths, fi ne and medium. Medium with indelible ink conforming to ISO 12757-2. 50 pieces per box with indelible ink. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION 430F2CP502 Fine (Red) 430M2CP502 Medium (Red) 430F3CP502 Fine (Blue) 430M3CP502 Medium (Blue) CODE DESCRIPTION 430F5CP502 Fine (Green) 430M5CP502 Medium (Green) 430FCP502 Fine (50 Per Box) 430F9CP502 Fine (Black) 430M9CP502 Medium (Black) 430MCP502 Medium (50 Per Box) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ PENFLEX NEON BALLPOINT PEN BIC CRISTAL FINE BALLPOINT PEN Comes in a variety of bright, luminous colours. Writes smoothly without dotting, blobs, or skips. BICs Cristal fi ne ballpoint pen is suitable for offi ces, homes and schools. The pen has a tinted orange Writes up to 2000 metres. 1mm Medium tip. barrel with visible ink level. Fine point 0.8mm. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION BC010028 Fine (Blue) CODE DESCRIPTION 893081 Medium - Assorted Colours (Box of 50) BC010029 Fine (Black) BC010039 Fine (Red) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ STAEDTLER® PILOT BPS-F/M BALLPOINT PEN BALLPOINT PENS Features colour-coded cap with pocket clip and clear Set of 10 assorted colours in poly bag. barrel for viewing ink supply. Slip-proof grip and The barrel colour is the ink colour. balanced design ensures comfortable, eff ortless writing. Available in Wallets. CODE DESCRIPTION 3010001 Fine (Black) 3010002 Fine (Red) 3010003 Fine (Blue) 3010004 Fine (Green) 3010008 Fine (Violet) 3010009 Fine (Pink) BPSFW4 Fine (Wallet of 4) BPSFW6 Fine (Wallet of 6) 3020001 Medium (Black) 3020002 Medium (Red) 3020003 Medium (Blue) 3020004 Medium (Green) 3020008 Medium (Violet) 3020009 Medium (Pink) CODE DESCRIPTION BPSMW4 Medium (Wallet of 4) 43235MPB10 Ballpoint Pens (10 Assorted Colours) BPSMW6 Medium (Wallet of 6) 135 BPWRITING & CORRECTION INSTRUMENTS BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ PILOT BPS-GP-F/M/B/XB BALLPOINT PEN FABER-CASTELL 1431 SP-ICE BALLPOINT PEN A soft rubber grip having a triangular cross-section is used to allow the thumb, index and middle fi nger 0.7mm Ballpoint pen with translucent body and cap. to adopt natural positions. A stabilized writing centre position is achieved through the lowering of the centre of gravity. CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION 3220001 Fine (Black) 3230001 Medium (Black) CODE DESCRIPTION 3220002 Fine (Red) 3230002 Medium (Red) CODE DESCRIPTION A143121ICB 0.7mm (Red) CODE DESCRIPTION 3220003 Fine (Blue) 3230003 Medium (Blue) 3240001 Broad (Black) A143151ICB 0.7mm (Blue) A143199ICB 0.7mm (Black) 3220004 Fine (Green) 3230004 Medium (Green) 3250001 Extra Broad (Black) BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ BP %ɪɸʙSʝʖQɢ PILOT BPP-GPL-F/M SUPER GRIP LIGHT BALLPOINT PEN PENTEL SUPERB BALLPOINT WALLET A soft rubber grip having a triangular cross-section is used to allow the thumb, index and middle fi nger to adopt natural positions. A stabilised
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