AMERICAN Single Copy $1.00 Annual $9.00 SCIURRE DANCE SEPTEMBER 1983 SHINDIG IN THE EARN See Center Spread MAGNIFICENT! • 4oPL • .8% 14:5;'. Clinton Irresistible Sound The Model P-400 "BOSS" is the Finest Professional Sound System Available. It hes power enough for 300 squares yet is small and lightweight for quick convenient portability. FEATURES Floating pickup/turntable suspension so that an accidental bump will not cause needle skip. Dual speed control— normal and extended range (0-80 r.p.m.)— and automatic speed change from 33 to 45 r.p.m. Two separately adjustable microphone channels. BUILT-IN music-only monitor power amplifier. Optional remote music control. Tape Input and output. A $1000 value— but priced at just $725! Call or write today for details. Say you saw it in ASD (Gracia Burdick) CLINTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY, PO BOX 505, CLINTON CT 06413 Tel: 203-6647548 2 AMERICAN SCJURRE ORNCE SEPTEMBER 1983 THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE VOLUME 38, No. 9 WITH THE SWINGING LINES ASD FEATURES FOR ALL LEADERSHIP TIPS 4 Co-editorial 5 By-Line 15 Advice for "Charlie Browns" 7 Meandering 23 State Line 11 Don't Forget To Remember 13 How To Spot Square Dancers SQUARE DANCE SCENE 15 Advice for "Charlie Browns" 23 State Line 17 Available Angels 49 Speaking of Singles 19 Clogging Is Healthy 52 Challenge Chatter 21 The Mainstreamer 70 International News 25 Linelight 83 Dateline 27 Hemline 89 33rd National Convention 29 Encore 31 Rhyme Time 33 Best Club Trick 34 Convention Conversation 31 Rhyme Time 38 Dancing Tips 59 Choreo Ratings 50 Shindig In The Barn 73 Facing the L.O.D. 54 In Memoriam 75 Flip Side/Rounds 65 Dandy Idea 85 RID Pulse Poll 68 People 97 Book Nook ran CALLERS 97 Finish Line 36 Flip Side/Squares 100 Laugh Line 39 Calling Tips 40 Easy Level Page OUR READERS SPEAK 60 Creative Choreography 6 Grand Zip 64 PS/MS 34 Straight Talk 74 Steal A Little Peek 54 Square Line 84 S/D Pulse Poll 86 Underlining the Note Services Workshop Editors Publishers and Editors Ed Fraidenburg Bob Howell Stan & Cathie Burdick Howie Shirley Feature Writers Member of NASRDS Harold & Lill Bausch Dave Fleck National Association of S&R/D Suppliers Mary Jenkins Russ & Nancy Nichols Gene & Thelma Trimmer Bev Warner AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE Magazine Editorial Assistants (ISSN 0091-3383) is published by Burdick Enterprises. Second class postage paid Mona Bird Virginia Bridgman at Huron, Ohio. Copy deadline first of Mary Fabik Bob Mellen month preceding date of issue. Sub- Mef Merrell scription: $9.00 per year. Single copies: $1. each. Mailing address: Box 488, Record Reviewers Huron OH 44839. Copyright 1983 by Bur- Frank & Phyl Lehnert John Swindle dick Enterprises. All rights reserved. American Spuaredance, September 1983 3 Aar 160. 4 • 0-- -• • Happy New Year! Oops! Happy New Season. September always seems more of a new beginning to me than January 1. September is the time to make plans for the dance season, get ready for special events, and plunge into our com- mitments with renewed energy and en- thusiasm after summer's re-creation. September, 1945, was a new begin- ning- that's when ASD was first pub- lished by Charley Thomas in New Jer- sey, under the name American Squares. Charley wanted to improve communica- tion in the square and folk dance field. What a far-reaching vision! We are proud to be continuing the thirty-eight year old tradition of publishing that started with Charleys first mimeo'd ef- forts. keeps the "survivors" interested? What If, as many of us believe, square dan- appeals to them, and how can we "mar- cer participation peaked during the ket" it to prospective dancers? We pro- bicentennial celebrations (evidenced by pose this as a discussion topic at your decreased class attendance and club next dancer federation, caller associa- participation in recent years), we are cur- tion or dance committee meeting? We're rently on a gentle downswing. Looking interested in hearing your answers, back over the years that ASD has been although we think we know what the monitoring the activity (and we've been most common answer will be- FUN! dancing almost that long), the square Have a FUN-tastic Dance Season for dance activity has had many ups and 1983-84! downs. But it survives! And survives Oh! And a Happy Birthday to ASD! healthily in most areas! Why? What RUTH & REUEL deTURK THE As NEW as Tomorrow- 1606 Hopmeadow Street Always full NEW nylon organ- Simsbury, Conn. 06070 dy crisp (for silhouette) Pet- Routes 10 - 202 ticoat with nylon leader line in .1 Opp. Bowling Lanes at the each ruffle heading of the two GRANBY LINE skirts (6 in all) and bottom Phone: 203-658-9417 finished new and pretty with nylon eyelet lace. WHITE-RED- PINK-BLUE-BLACK Sizes S-M-L $49.98 ,f; Be creative with NEW CANDY MOLD of danc- .1" ing couples for candy or cake. Exclusive with 4. Ter-, ""• rz r. • OX YOKE- 4 square dancer couples in a plastic mold $3.00 1 Counting Cross Stitch- NEW in square dancing motifs and sampler ri motifs for gifts or door prizes or to make and sell to raise money. 4 different dancing couples in color- each motif ... $3.00 Twirl Your Lady — Allemande Lett — Balance Forward and Back — Do-si-do Also a book of 5 pus. black and white motifs. Vol of Square Stitches (none like above). Also 6 pgs. Round Stitches Each booklet $7.00 (No dancer motifs In Vol. III nor In Round Stitch book) Single Pattern (black and while) Dancers in State Outline. Order your state $2.00 Add $3 DO shipping for Petticoat; $1.50 for any other order Sand foeFREE MaN Order Catalog 4 American Squaredance, September 1983 days before conventions open. Don Parkinson tells how to do it. Watch for a future feature, also by this new con- II BY-LINE tributor from Lake Jackson, Texas. If you're looking at another hobby you're loath to desert, you'll enjoy Marilyn Dove's story of her husband's At the beginning of a new season. fishing and square dancing activities. dancers may consider entering a new C.L. Welker, who also did the August phase of the square dance activity. The cartoon, sends his humorous contribu- feature articles this month reflect some tions from nearby Mansfield, Ohio. of the options: Al Eblen encourages us Last, but certainly not least, of this to concentrate on "remembering" in month's contributions came from Wally classes and workshops; Dewey and Bob- Schultz in the form of photos and story bie Paul point out that clogging is very about the Baker's barn dance (cover and healthful exercise for a number of center spread), an old-fashioned shindig reasons; Norman Christensen reports in with modern western dancing— perfect rhyme his experiences in learning combination! rounds; Bev Warner has advice for those thrust into leadership positions that in- volve using the mike. Al and Bev are fre- NEW RECORD COMPANIES quent ASD contributors; Norm and the We're always pleased to see now Pauls are new. square dance labels on the scene, alow- For those going back to help at class, ing more callers an opportunity for ex- Bob Carmack has tips for angels. Bob is posure. We urge readers to watch for a caller on 4BarB Records and owns his releases on these new companies: own barn near Springfield, Missouri. Chicago Country of Chicago; Lamon of Do all those in the activity have a Charlotte, N.C.; Ponderosa of Kent, "special- look? We've long played the Wash.; Unicorn of Jackson, Ohio, and game of spotting square dancers in the MW of Escondido, Cal. • \ THE BRIGHTEST IDEA EVER i( LISTEN FIRST - BUY LATER The only way for a really "bright" caller to keep current with all the great new music coming out. Add to this the convenience and speed of toll free ordering of records, and you have the finest tape service anywhere in the world. • 3-Year S&R/13 Calendars Available 8'/2")(11", 1983, 1984, 1985 HANHURST'S 3508 Palm Beach Blvd. Fort Myers, Florida 33905 (813) 332-4200 Need Records in a Hurry? Call Toll Free 1-800-237-2442 American Squaredapce, September 1983 5 Just to tell you I find your magazine of value and interest and appreciate all the effort you put into the production. I gain a great deal of help in your specialized columns and my dancers profit in turn. I call for two senior groups and then for a developmentally handicapped, three Thanks so much for entering our copy square group in Bellevue, one senior about Ms. Donna Beach in your June group in Bothell and one in Seattle. issue. Our association appreciates your Quite a challenge (talk about challenge thoughtfulness. I will also see that Don- dancing) and terrifically rewarding and a na receives your magazine that you sent. joy to do. Robert Van Allen Janice Thomas Williamsport, Pennsylvania Woodinville, Washington Don't know how else to say it. Thanks again! The painting is beautiful and the article was just great. I truly feel very DANCERS, honored. Osa Mathews Palm Springs, California Turn Your Tape Reco,rtr.r ON and Orr Keep up the good work. We enjoy the VVithuut Leaving The Dance Floor Bausches' column and the good sense expressed. We deplore all the gimmick THE SWITCH multi-part new ideas. Mainstream is ade- • Pocket Sire • Powerful *Wireless quate for good dancing. Dancing to the • Remote Control Switch phrase and good styling are more enjoy- • Operates Up To 300 Feet able.
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