In 2000 the UN Security Council adopted Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security". It acknowledges the disproportionate effects of war and conflict on women, as well as the influence women can and must have in prevention and resolution of conflict, and in peace and reconstruction processes. Its main goals are to enhance women's role and decision-making capacities with regard to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and peace building; and to significantly improve factors that directly influence women's security. Finland launched its National Action Plan on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 in 2008. The main objective of this research is to contribute to the understanding of, and provide practical recommendations on, how the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland can: i) Implement Finland's National Action Plan on 1325 through development cooperation, especially its commitment to facilitate women's participation in decision-making in conflict situations, peace processes and post-conflict activities, as well as to protect women in conflicts; ii) Support conflict prevention and post conflict development by strengthening women's role, and empowering women in countries with fragile situations; and; iii) Monitor and measure the Security and Peace Women, progress of such implementation. In addition, the study explored three specific, innovative themes relevant for the question of Women, Peace and Security: i) Involvement of Men; ii) Internally Displaced Persons; and iii) Environment. This study was carried out from April to December 2009 and included case studies in Kenya, Nepal and North-Eastern India, all of which represent countries or areas in diverse and complex conflict and post-conflict situations. Kenya and Nepal are long-term development cooperation partners of Finland. North-Eastern India, which has had an on-going, protracted conflict since 1947, was selected on the basis of the relatively numerous women's groups in the area which have had extensive, successful experience in promoting gender equitable policies. Paula Banerjee, Pirkko Poutiainen, Ishita Dey, Shiva Dunghana, Wanza Kioko, Ms Päivi Mattila, Martin Muhindi Development Communication PO BOX 456 FI-00023 GOVERNMENT, FINLAND Telephone: +358 9 1605 6370 Telefax: +358 9 1605 6375 Women, Peace and Security Exchange: +358 9 16005 internet: Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 E-mail:[email protected] in the Context of Finnish Development Policy With case studies from Kenya, Nepal and North-East India um_woman_peace_and_security_kansi_2.indd 1 21.10.2010 11:23 Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “WOMEN, PEACE AND SECURITY” in the Context of Finnish Development Policy With case studies from Kenya, Nepal and North-East India FINAL REPORT 31 January 2010 Research Team: Dr Paula Banerjee (Research Team Leader) • Ms Pirkko Poutiainen (Research Co-Team Leader) • Ms Ishita Dey • Mr Shiva Dunghana • Ms Wanza Kioko • Ms Päivi Mattila • Mr Martin Muhindi MINISTRy FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS The ideas, opinions and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the authors only, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Copyright by Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland Cover Photos: Rauni Haapamäki, Matti Nummelin Erweko Painotuote Oy, 2010 ISBN 978-951-724-890-7 Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “WOMEN, PEACE AND SECURITY” in the Context of Finnish Development Policy With case studies from Kenya, Nepal and North-East India FINAL REPORT 31 January 2010 Table of contents FOREWORD ...................................................................10 AbbREviATiOns ........................................................... 12 EXECUTivE sUMMARY ..................................................16 inTRODUCTiOn .............................................................26 1.1 Purpose, objective and scope of the project (TORs) ........................................................ 26 1.2 Methodology used, data collection and analysis .............................................................. 27 2 ThEORETiCAl AnD COnTEXTUAl FRAMEWORk ........32 2.1 Traditional and non-traditional security ........................................................................... 32 2.2 Framework for the present study of UNSC Resolution 1325 within the Finnish development cooperation context ....................................................................... 36 3 EXpERiEnCEs WiTh iMplEMEnTing UnsC REsOlUTiOn 1325: RElATED ACTiviTiEs AnD nATiOnAl ACTiOn plAns in OThER COUnTRiEs ......42 3.1 Focus of UNSC Resolution 1325 implementation .......................................................... 42 3.2 Multilateral donors, including NGOs, and the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 .... 45 3.3 Regional actors and experiences ................................................................................... 51 3.3.1 African Union (AU) ................................................................................................... 51 3.4 Bilateral actors (Nordic countries) and experiences ......................................................... 53 3.5 Implementation of national action plans ......................................................................... 54 4 pARTiCipATiOn, pROTECTiOn AnD pREvEnTiOn: nEEDs AnD pRiORiTiEs in kEnYA, nEpAl AnD nORThEAsT inDiA ..............................................58 4.1 Impact of conflict on women and girls ............................................................................ 58 4.2 Role of women in conflict situations ............................................................................... 61 4.3 Women’s participation in decision-making in conflict situations, peace processes and post-conflict activities ................................................................... 64 4.3.1 Participation of women in formal peace negotiations and on peace committees .......... 64 4.3.2 Participation of women in governance structures ...................................................... 67 4.3.3 Informal participation .............................................................................................. 71 4.4 Protection of women and girls in conflicts ...................................................................... 75 4.5 Women’s role and empowerment in conflict prevention and post-conflict development ...... 81 5 spECiFiC REsEARCh ThEMEs ...................................85 5.1 IDPs – women’s voices in rehabilitation and reconstruction processes ............................. 85 5.2 Environment and gender justice ..................................................................................... 89 5.3 Role of nen in implementation of Resolution 1325 .......................................................... 93 5.4 Monitoring of the implementation of Resolution 1325 ..................................................... 99 5.4.1 Reporting and monitoring of NAP implementation .................................................... 99 5.4.2 Implementation of national action plans for implementation of Resolution 1325 ........ 101 5.5 Partnerships and networks .......................................................................................... 103 6 REspOnsE OF DiFFEREnT ACTORs TO ThE nEEDs AnD pRiORiTiEs OF ThE iMplEMEnTATiOn OF REsOlUTiOn 1325 ..............................................105 6.1 Government gender strategies, policies, and Resolution 1325 ....................................... 105 6.1.1 National action plans (NAPs) for implementation of Resolution 1325 ........................ 105 6.1.2 ‘Best practises’ of the government of Nepal ........................................................... 110 6.1.3 ‘Best practises’ by government of Kenya ................................................................ 113 6.2 Donor response to UNSCR 1325 in Kenya and Nepal (including CSOs) ........................... 115 6.2.1 Nepal .................................................................................................................. 115 6.2.2 Kenya .................................................................................................................. 120 6.3 Finnish development cooperation, Finland’s national action plan, and Resolution 1325, in case study countries ............................................................... 123 6.3.1 Kenya .................................................................................................................. 123 6.3.2 Nepal .................................................................................................................. 131 7 COnClUsiOns..........................................................143 8 RECOMMEnDATiOns ................................................152 8.1 Focus of Finland’s support to implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 ........................ 152 8.1.1 General recommendations ..................................................................................... 152 8.1.2 Economically sustainable development .................................................................. 153 8.1.3 Socially sustainable development ........................................................................... 153 8.1.4 Ecologically sustainable development ..................................................................... 154 8.1.5 Support partner countries in the preparation and implementation of their National Action Plans (NAPs) for implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 ...... 155 8.2
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