May 12, 1993 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9889 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IMPORT ANOE OF FEDERAL We must discard the posture of neglect and they could attend cultural activities in SUPPORT FOR THE ARTS embrace the arts as the astounding resource greater Rochester, including the Rochester they are. There is no better way to do that Museum and Science Museum, George East­ than through support for our nation's federal man House, Rochester Philharmonic Orches­ HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER arts agencies, which have already changed tra and the Sonnenberg Gardens. Each and OF NEW YORK the face of the American cultural landscape. every Member can boast of such groups and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The NEA has reached every corner of the activities in their Districts, which at one Wednesday, May 12, 1993 country, funding works of folk arts, media time or other have been aided by NEA centers, choruses. jazz musicians, museums, grants. Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I was musical theatre, works of visual art as well Mr. Chairman, we cannot afford to have pleased to testify yesterday, May 11, 1993, as state and local arts agencies. With this the potential talent of our children laying in before the House Interior Appropriations Sub­ rise in the number of arts organizations has waste. As we address the funding for the fed­ committee to urge continued support for our come increased audiences and access to the eral arts agencies, we must evaluate the Federal arts agencies-the National Endow­ arts. need for greater arts education and the enor­ As arts groups have proliferated, they have mously powerful role which the arts can ments for the Arts [NEA] and Humanities have in the education and lives of our na­ [NEH] and the Institute of Museum Services had an enormous and positive economic im­ pact on the areas in which they have devel­ tion's young people. Ironically, our art pro­ [IMS]. The arts are an asset for the Nation oped. Throughout America, be it in urban or grams are disappearing just when they are which have simply been underutilized. The rural areas, cultural institutions and artistic needed most, for the arts are perhaps the arts have a significant role in the economy, offerings have made profound and dramatic most effective means of improving education urban renewal, education, and cross-cultural contributions to the economic vitality of en­ methods, across all curriculum disciplines. understanding. Simply put, the arts must be tire regions. Attracting increased business. Arts education programs are not the only arts offerings facing reduction or elimi­ made a priority in the national agenda. revenue, jobs, tourism, restaurant and other related spending, the arts are very often a nation. Due to difficult economic conditions, I hereby insert the statement I made before an unwarranted assault on the arts over the the subcommittee to be printed in the RECORD. city's best economic asset. For instance, arts and cultural institutions in Cleveland gen­ past few years, and a decline in corporate STATEMENT OF CONGRESSWOMAN LOUISE M. erate an annual economic impact of $168 mil­ giving, virtually every artistic discipline is SLAUGHTER ON THE FISCAL YEAR 1994 BUDG­ lion for the city (in comparison to the $79 facing some of the worst conditions seen in ETS OF THE FEDERAL ARTS AGENCIES million which was generated the same year years. Simply put, our nation's arts organi­ Mr. Chairman and Members of the Sub­ by professional sports) and created 6,300 net zations are fighting for their lives. All of committee, I am honored to appear before these organizations are continuing to fight new jobs. Similar results have been found as they have throughout the years-by budg­ you today as Chair of the Congressional Arts throughout the country: the economic im­ Caucus to testify on the Fiscal Year (FY) et tightening, shorter seasons and innovative pact of arts and cultural organizations on methods for staying afloat while still pre­ 1994 budgets of our nation's federal arts the economy of Atlanta was greater than agencies, namely the National Endowments senting outstanding performances and serv­ for the Arts (NEA) and Humanities (NEH) $625 million in 1992; in San Francisco, the icing the community through education and and the Institute of Museum Services (IMS). overall arts-related economic value to the outreach programs. Yet, these groups are Before I begin, I must express my deep admi­ local economy in 1987 was found to be be­ facing increasingly dire circumstances while ration for the Chairman and the Subcommit­ tween $1.2 and $1.3 billion; and, studies in we at the federal level are doing less. Those tee for the commitment you have consist­ Florida and North Carolina completed in 1988 who criticize federal arts funding as support­ ently shown in ensuring that the American estimated the impact of the arts to be great­ ing the elite have it completely wrong. It is arts remain vital and that they are enjoyed er than $1 billion in each state. the public funding-however small-that as­ by citizens in every corner of the country. However profound the effect of the arts on the economic level, the arts play a role in sists arts organizations in touring and in This nation is indebted to you for the sen­ reaching out to underserved areas. sitivity, knowledge and devotion you have communities of every size that cannot be It is past time that we as a nation declare demonstrated on this issue. matched or duplicated by anything else. the importance of the arts and of the NEA We have in the arts an asset for our nation Quite simply, the arts foster a sense of com­ and proceed with the vast work that can and that has been under-utilized. While Amer­ munity pride and understanding, bridge gaps must be done. We have in the NEA a remark­ ican artists are respected, emulated and imi­ between seemingly widely divergent groups, able success story- an agency that has and tated the world over, we have somehow and inspire and motivate children as well as continues to accomplish its mission of nur­ treated the arts as a second thought--as a adults. In a tangible way, the arts can redi­ turing and supporting every type of Amer­ frill, an adornment or as something marginal rect lives and help to build bridges where ican art, helping to ensure access to the arts or tangential. They are none of these things. they have formerly been burnt. by every American, and acting as a catalyst The arts are part and parcel of what it is to Artists and cultural organizations, how­ to private arts giving. In fact, in 1992, NEA be an American, of the way we live our lives ever, do not only respond to crisis. Much of grants of $123 million generated matching as well as the way in which we record the es­ their work, day in and day out, is directed funds estimated at $1.4 billion-an eleven­ sence of the American experience for future toward serving their communities, and these fold return. generations. programs are directly affected by Federal I commend President Clinton for recogniz­ But, perhaps more importantly, the arts aid. Each Member has within his or her Dis­ ing the importance of the federal arts agen­ are vital to be here and now, to the very suc­ trict arts organizations which, despite dire cies and his recommendation to fund these cess of our nation-economically, socially financial conditions, maintain outreach and agencies at: $174.593 million for the NEA, and spiritually. The arts must be made a education programs aimed at every segment $177.491 million for the NEH and $28.777 mil­ part of our national agenda, not simply be­ of the community. lion for the IMS. As we all know, these are cause they enrich our lives but because they For instance, in my District in the Roch­ difficult budgetary times. But much can be are at the very core of our economy, the edu­ ester area, the Garth Fagan Dance Com­ accomplished by this Congress and Adminis­ cation of our children, the rebuilding of our pany-an internationally acclaimed modern tration by recognizing and articulating the cities, and the balance of trade. In the arts, dance company-is funded by the NEA and importance· of the arts in the lives of every we have an economic catalyst which can an­ offers matinee performances for junior and American. chor a community and revitalize a ravaged senior high school students from inner-city It is important to note that the arts com­ community. In the arts, we have a creative schools. Organizations such as the Memorial munity does not ask for special treatment-­ educational tool which can keep children in Art Gallery and Arts Reach also offer out­ only fairness. Currently, all federal arts school and boost ability in virtually every standing programs which serve at-risk stu­ spending allotted in the Administration's FY other discipline. In the arts, we have a dents and every segment of the community. 1994 budget--including the NEA, NEH, IMS, means to communication, understanding and Through its Community Partners Program, Smithsonian Institution, National Gallery of healing which-as we have seen- our cities Arts Reach distributed more than 3,000 tick­ Art, etc.-comprises 0.05 percent of the total desperately need. ets free of charge to at-risk youth so that budget. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.
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