Non-Profit Memphis Heritage, Inc. Organization 2282 Madison Avenue at U.S. Postage Paid Edgewood Memphis, TN Memphis, TN 38104 Permit No. 965 MEMPHIS HERITAGE KEYSTONE Memphis Heritage’s 2014 Preservation Series Memphis Heritage ADAPT-A-DOOR windows. Entrance fee for each MHI’s Preservation lecture Reilly will discuss the develop- IS COMING SO YOU KNOW door is $25.00. All door artists series will unfold throughout the ment of The Majestic Grill in the WHAT THAT MEANS…IT’S TIME FOR OUR DUNKIN’ DONUT who complete their door design month of March. Presentations historic Majestic Movie Theatre. DOOR DASH projects will receive 2 tickets to will begin at 7:00 P.M. on each of March 31 – SPECIAL ADD ON! MHI's annual Adapt-A-Door the October fundraiser auction the first four Mondays at How- A tasting of dishes from a couple Dunkin Donut Door Dash is and party! ard Hall, 2282 Madison Avenue of restaurants in the series by lo- coming Saturday, April 26th be- The first step is our Dunkin (around the corner from East cal chefs. This additional event is ginning at 10 A.M. to Memphis Donut Door Dash where en- parkway) As of press time there not included in the price of the Heritage’s Howard Hall. Adapt-A- trants choose a door that fits were only a half-dozen seats lecture series. Attendance and Door is a fun event that brings a either their pre-planned project left for the popular series. This fee will be explained during the large crowd to Howard Hall every or whim. In the past, partici- year’s topic is Amazing Memphis lecture series. The cost will be Issue: 2 Vol.17. - April 2014 | | March Memphis Heritage Keystone October for the silent auction of pants have either said that they Restaurants Past and Present. nominal. some pretty amazing works- all had a specific project in mind Speakers are going to focus on Call 901-272-2727 for more made from repurposed doors or or stated Cont’d Pg2 the history, unique features, the details. food, and the current status of each restaurant and building (in Memphis Heritage Yard Sale the case of those no longer serv- Memphis Heritage’s every new members from among the us at info@memphisheritage. ing). other year yard sale is coming up donors. org or call 901-272-2727. Bring Our speakers this year are the this May! The exact date is pend- We hope to top that one us those items and help us give following: ing but we’ll notify you as soon plus some this year! So clean Memphis Past a Future! Hope to Monday, March 3 – Vincent as it is firm. out those closets and garages see you there! Astor will discuss the amazing We do our major Architec- and donate your items (we want genres of Memphis Restaurants tural Auction every other year anything that you think will sell) INSIDE THIS ISSUE: that have had lives in historic so we now plan to have an “his- to Memphis Heritage. Donation buildings and areas. Plus a few toric” yard sale during the years of all items are tax deductable Heard on the Streets more thrown in for good mea- and all the money will go to help Blast from the Past we do not hold the Architectural Neighborhood News sure! Auction. Keep this in mind when Memphis Heritage do what we Ten in Limbo Monday, March 10 – Karen you are planning to donate that do for all of you in the Memphis END of SAM COOPER Carrier will discuss the birth of great old chair of Dad’s or that set community. Drop items off at ANNUAL MEETING & NOMINEES Cielo’s/Molly Fontaine’s in his- of napkins that your Mom would Howard Hall2282 Madison Av- 11th Annual Youth and toric Victorian Village. enue anytime. Once we set a Architectual Design never get rid of. Competition Monday, March 17 – Charlie Memphis Heritage is a won- date for the event, we’ll suggest Historic Properties Trading Block Lambert (Lessie Gates’ Coach derful organization that can a deadline. Architectural Glossary House/Four Flames and Jus- benefit from your donations! We also need volunteers to Updates on Endangered tine’s.) Charlie promises a deli- Our 2014 “Historic” Yard Sale will help sort and price items before Properties Membership Update cious surprise at the end of his be held, as usual, at Howard Hall. the sale as well as volunteers the presentation! Our last Yard Sale was very suc- day of the Yard Sale. If you have Monday, March 24 – Deni cessful and we acquired some any questions you may contact 2 owner, Robert “Prince Mongo” crowdfunding. Read more at Hodges recently transferred the Broad Avenue Arts District’s the property to a nonprofit website broadavearts.com. that was reportedly dissolved • In other Broad Avenue news: | March - April 2014 | March MEMPHIS HERITAGE by the state. The Memphis a new venue for performances KEYSTONE Comic and Fantasy Convention that has an unusual day job will has plans to repurpose the be opening soon. Consider iconic building for a number the Water Tower Pavilion, The Keystone is a publication of Memphis Heritage, Inc. of educational, organizational opening this spring, as a part- Memphis Heritage’s mission is to and artistic purposes. All time amphitheater when it’s stimulate an appreciation for our that needs to happen is an finished being a loading dock Memphis Heritage Keystone heritage and preserve historic agreement that is approved (built in 1945) during the day. places. Our offices are at 2282 by the court and work can The industrial amphitheater Madison Avenue. You can write begin. Watch for more news will have terraced seating and to us or call us at 901-272-2727. soon! still have enough space for Or visit our website at • In recent weeks, the grand those big trucks during the www.memphisheritage.org. We’ve heard… new entry to Overton Park at week. Executive Committee Sam Cooper and East Parkway • The Chisca Hotel is very Joey Hagan—President - Ashlar Hall will hopefully has taken shape in the form of active lately. The 100-year- Aaron Chestnut—Treasurer change hands and be new paving, benches and the old hotel, purchased for Leigh Gilliland—Secretary repurposed soon. The Castle, bike sculpture known as “Bike $900,000 in 2012, has been John Griffin—Past President as it is commonly known, Gate”. Once the Hampline vacant for twenty years and Hal B. Howard Jr.—Ex Officio sits at 1397 Central and is an is finished, connecting the will have over 150 apartments Directors impressive 11,000 square Greenline to Overton Park plus commercial space. The Robert Paulus feet. Vacant since 1996, via Tillman and Broad, riders $24 million project will bring Carol DeForest Antonio Raciti Ashlar Hall has been on the will able to start at Overton life to one of the city’s big Dan Johnson Robert Tom market for years and tied Park and ride all the way to empties and add quite a few Chris Sullivan Carl Raff up in environmental court Shelby Farms. The Hampline more residents to the South Keith Kays, AIA for some time. The current was funded through Main area. Amy Schaftlein Marty Gorman, AIA Kathy Manning Loeb Adapt-a-door Cont’d from Pg1 MHI Staff MEMPHIS HERITAGE June West—Executive Director that they thought the door was Carrie Stetler­­—Admin Asst. cool and hoped for inspiration. runs on Publications/Website Such inspiration has resulted Committee in impressive furniture such as Robert Tom—Chair wine racks, buffets, a working Dan Johnson Rick Keenan Mark Parrish electric guitar, a soapbox derby Charlie Lambert Robert Lanier car and too many other projects to mention. Ad Sales: Mark Parrish Entrants “adopt” their door at Graphics/Layout: Rick Keenan Howard Hall that Saturday, then Come join us For advertising information “adapt” it into something amaz- contact ing over the next few months April 26th at 10:00 am Mark Parrish, (901) 857-2353 and return it to Howard Hall for [email protected] our big fundraiser in late Oc- impressive works come out of Copyright © 2014 Memphis Heri- tober. We ask that you keep at Get Involved tage, Inc. least 50% of the original door or those with no design or art back- All rights reserved. ground. Adapt-A-Door is an As with any volunteer organiza- window as part of the project tion, we are only as strong as our event where people have a blast talents and interests to our many and be willing to part with the member support and involve- and both entrants as well as bid- activities. Becoming a member is finished product to support MHI. ment. Memphis Heritage needs ders get to support historic pres- the first step. When you join, you Last year, an artist bid on his own both your financial support and ervation in Memphis. will receive an annual subscrip- project to hang in his office. He your energy in order to achieve To sign up as a 2014 Door Art- tion to The Keystone, and notice lost and later was happy that the our mission of saving, improv- ist go to www.memphisheritage. of all events. Members are also winning bidder was so excited ing, reusing, and maintaining ar- org. Join us, make a one-of-a-kind entitled to vote in the annual to have his work. These works of chitecturally and historically sig- piece that helps raise money for election of Board members and art have people in bid-offs and nificant buildings, open spaces, Memphis leading historic pres- officers.
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