Publications Publications in refereed journals based on ESO data (2011) The ESO Library maintains the ESO Telescope Bibliography (telbib) and is responsible for providing paper-based statistics. Access to the database for the years 1996 to present as well as information on basic publication statistics are available through the public interface of telbib (http://telbib.eso.org) and from the “Basic ESO Publication Statistics” document (http://www.eso.org/sci/libraries/edocs/ESO/ESOstats.pdf), respectively. In the list below, only those papers are included that are based on data from ESO facilities for which observing time is evaluated by the Observing Programmes Committee (OPC). Publications that use data from non-ESO telescopes or observations obtained during ‘private’ observing time are not listed here. Absil, O., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Berger, J.-P., Lagrange, A.-M., Chauvin, G., Alecian, E., Kochukhov, O., Neiner, C., Wade, G.A., de Batz, B., Lazareff, B., Zins, G., Haguenauer, P., Jocou, L., Kern, P., Millan- Henrichs, H., Grunhut, J.H., Bouret, J.-C., Briquet, M., Gagne, M., Gabet, R., Rochat, S., Traub, W., 2011, Searching for faint Naze, Y., Oksala, M.E., Rivinius, T., Townsend, R.H.D., Walborn, companions with VLTI/PIONIER. I. Method and first results, A&A, N.R., Weiss, W., Mimes Collaboration, M.C., 2011, First HARPSpol 535, 68 discoveries of magnetic fields in massive stars, A&A, 536, L6 Adami, C., Mazure, A., Pierre, M., Sprimont, P.G., Libbrecht, C., Allen, D.M. & Porto de Mello, G.F. 2011, Mn, Cu, and Zn abundances in Pacaud, F., Clerc, N., Sadibekova, T., Surdej, J., Altieri, B., Duc, barium stars and their correlations with neutron capture elements, P.A., Galaz, G., Gueguen, A., Guennou, L., Hertling, G., Ilbert, O., Le A&A, 525, 63 Fèvre, J.P., Quintana, H., Valtchanov, I., Willis, J.P., Akiyama, M., Allevato, V., Finoguenov, A., Cappelluti, N., Miyaji, T., Hasinger, G., Aussel, H., Chiappetti, L., Detal, A., Garilli, B., Lebrun, V., Lefèvre, Salvato, M., Brusa, M., Gilli, R., Zamorani, G., Shankar, F., James, O., Maccagni, D., Melin, J.B., Ponman, T.J., Ricci, D. & Tresse, L. J.B., McCracken, H.J., Bongiorno, A., Merloni, A., Peacock, J.A., 2011, The XMM-LSS survey: optical assessment and properties of Silverman, J. & Comastri, A. 2011, The XMM-Newton Wide Field different X-ray selected cluster classes, A&A, 526, 18 Survey in the COSMOS Field: Redshift Evolution of AGN Bias and Adams, E.R., López-Morales, M., Elliot, J.L., Seager, S., Osip, D.J., Subdominant Role of Mergers in Triggering Moderate-luminosity Holman, M.J., Winn, J.N., Hoyer, S. & Rojo, P. 2011, Twenty-one AGNs at Redshifts up to 2.2, ApJ, 736, 99 New Light Curves of OGLE-TR-56b: New System Parameters and Alvarez-Candal, A., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Licandro, J., Cook, J., Mason, E., Limits on Timing Variations, ApJ, 741, 102 Roush, T., Cruikshank, D., Gourgeot, F., Dotto, E. & Perna, D. 2011, Adén, D., Eriksson, K., Feltzing, S., Grebel, E.K., Koch, A. & Wilkinson, The spectrum of (136199) Eris between 350 and 2350 nm: results M.I. 2011, An abundance study of red-giant-branch stars in the with X-Shooter, A&A, 532, 130 Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy, A&A, 525, 153 Amanullah, R., Goobar, A., Clément, B., Cuby, J.-G., Dahle, H., Dahlén, Adibekyan, V.Z., Santos, N.C., Sousa, S.G. & Israelian, G. 2011, A new T., Hjorth, J., Fabbro, S., Jönsson, J., Kneib, J.-P., Lidman, C., α-enhanced super-solar metallicity population, A&A, 535, L11 Limousin, M., Milvang-Jensen, B., Mörtsell, E., Nordin, J., Paech, K., Afonso, P., Greiner, J., Pian, E., Covino, S., Malesani, D., Küpcü Yoldaş, Richard, J., Riehm, T., Stanishev, V., Watson, D., 2011, A Highly A., Krühler, T., Clemens, C., McBreen, S., Rau, A., Giannios, D. & Magnified Supernova at z = 1.703 behind the Massive Galaxy Hjorth, J. 2011, GRB 050502B optical afterglow: a jet-break at high Cluster A1689, ApJ, 742, L7 redshift, A&A, 526, 154 Ammons, S.M., Rosario, D.J.V., Koo, D.C., Dutton, A.A., Melbourne, J., Agafonova, I.I., Molaro, P., Levshakov, S.A. & Hou, J.L. 2011, First Max, C.E., Mozena, M., Kocevski, D.D., McGrath, E.J., Bouwens, measurement of Mg isotope abundances at high redshifts and R.J. & Magee, D.K. 2011, AGN Unification at z ~ 1: u - R Colors and accurate estimate of Δα/α, A&A, 529, 28 Gradients in X-Ray AGN Hosts, ApJ, 740, 3 Agra-Amboage, V., Dougados, C., Cabrit, S. & Reunanen, J. 2011, Sub- Anderson, D.R., Collier Cameron, A., Gillon, M., Hellier, C., Jehin, E., arcsecond [Fe ii] spectro-imaging of the DG Tauri jet. Periodic Lendl, M., Queloz, D., Smalley, B., Triaud, A.H.M.J. & Vanhuysse, M. bubbles and a dusty disk wind?, A&A, 532, 59 2011, Spin-orbit measurements and refined parameters for the Albert, L., Artigau, É., Delorme, P., Reylé, C., Forveille, T., Delfosse, X. & exoplanet systems WASP-22 and WASP-26, A&A, 534, 16 Willott, C.J. 2011, 37 New T-type Brown Dwarfs in the Canada- Anderson, D.R., Smith, A.M.S., Lanotte, A.A., Barman, T.S., Collier France Brown Dwarfs Survey, AJ, 141, 203 Cameron, A., Campo, C.J., Gillon, M., Harrington, J., Hellier, C., Albrecht, S., Winn, J.N., Johnson, J.A., Butler, R.P., Crane, J.D., Maxted, P.F.L., Queloz, D., Triaud, A.H.M.J. & Wheatley, P.J. 2011, Shectman, S.A., Thompson, I.B., Narita, N., Sato, B., Hirano, T., Thermal emission at 4.5 and 8 μm of WASP-17b, an extremely large Enya, K. & Fischer, D. 2011, Two Upper Limits on the Rossiter- planet in a slightly eccentric orbit, MNRAS, 416, 2108 Mclaughlin Effect, with Differing Implications: WASP-1 has a High Anderson, D.R., Collier Cameron, A., Hellier, C., Lendl, M., Lister, T.A., Obliquity and WASP-2 is Indeterminate, ApJ, 738, 50 Maxted, P.F.L., Queloz, D., Smalley, B., Smith, A.M.S., Triaud, Alcalá, J.M., Stelzer, B., Covino, E., Cupani, G., Natta, A., Randich, S., A.H.M.J., West, R.G., Brown, D.J.A., Gillon, M., Pepe, F., Pollacco, Rigliaco, E., Spezzi, L., Testi, L., Bacciotti, F., Bonito, R., Covino, S., D., Ségransan, D., Street, R.A. & Udry, S. 2011, WASP-31b: a low- Flaccomio, E., Frasca, A., Gandolfi, D., Leone, F., Micela, G., Nisini, density planet transiting a metal-poor, late-F-type dwarf star, A&A, B. & Whelan, E. 2011, An X-shooter survey of star forming regions: 531, 60 Low-mass stars and sub-stellar objects, AN, 332, 242 Andrei, A.H., Smart, R.L., Penna, J.L., d'Avila, V.A., Bucciarelli, B., Alcalá, J.M., Biazzo, K., Covino, E., Frasca, A. & Bedin, L.R. 2011, IRAS Camargo, J.I.B., Crosta, M.T., Daprà, M., Goldman, B., Jones, 12556-7731: a "chamaeleonic" lithium-rich M-giant, A&A, 531, L12 H.R.A., Lattanzi, M.G., Nicastro, L., Pinfield, D.J., da Silva Neto, D.N. & Teixeira, R. 2011, Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool Objects. Barucci, M.A., Alvarez-Candal, A., Merlin, F., Belskaya, I.N., de Bergh, I. Targets, Proper Motions, and First Results, AJ, 141, 54 C., Perna, D., DeMeo, F. & Fornasier, S. 2011, New insights on ices Andreuzzi, G., Bragaglia, A., Tosi, M. & Marconi, G. 2011, Old open in Centaur and Transneptunian populations, Icar, 214, 297 clusters and the Galactic metallicity gradient: Berkeley 20, Berkeley Bassa, C.G., Brisken, W.F., Nelemans, G., Stairs, I.H., Stappers, B.W. & 66 and Tombaugh 2, MNRAS, 412, 1265 Kramer, M. 2011, The binary companion of PSR J1740-3052, Andrievsky, S.M., Spite, F., Korotin, S.A., François, P., Spite, M., MNRAS, 412, L63 Bonifacio, P., Cayrel, R. & Hill, V. 2011, NLTE strontium abundance Bast, J.E., Brown, J.M., Herczeg, G.J., van Dishoeck, E.F. & in a sample of extremely metal poor stars and the Sr/Ba ratio in the Pontoppidan, K.M. 2011, Single peaked CO emission line profiles early Galaxy, A&A, 530, 105 from the inner regions of protoplanetary disks, A&A, 527, 119 Annibali, F., Grützbauch, R., Rampazzo, R., Bressan, A. & Zeilinger, Baştürk, Ö., Dall, T.H., Collet, R., Lo Curto, G. & Selam, S.O. 2011, W.W. 2011, Nature vs. nurture in the low-density environment: Bisectors of the HARPS cross-correlation function. The dependence structure and evolution of early-type dwarf galaxies in poor groups, on stellar atmospheric parameters, A&A, 535, 17 A&A, 528, 19 Bate, N.F., Floyd, D.J.E., Webster, R.L. & Wyithe, J.S.B. 2011, A Antoniadis, J., Bassa, C.G., Wex, N., Kramer, M. & Napiwotzki, R. 2011, Microlensing Measurement of Dark Matter Fractions in Three Lensing A white dwarf companion to the relativistic pulsar PSR J1141-6545, Galaxies, ApJ, 731, 71 MNRAS, 412, 580 Batista, V., Gould, A., Dieters, S., Dong, S., Bond, I., Beaulieu, J.P., Antoniucci, S., García López, R., Nisini, B., Giannini, T., Lorenzetti, D., Maoz, D., Monard, B., Christie, G.W., McCormick, J., Albrow, M.D., Eislöffel, J., Bacciotti, F., Cabrit, S., Caratti o Garatti, A., Dougados, Horne, K., Tsapras, Y., Burgdorf, M.J., Calchi Novati, S., Skottfelt, C. & Ray, T. 2011, POISSON project. I. Emission lines as accretion J., Caldwell, J., Kozłowski, S., Kubas, D., Gaudi, B.S., Han, C., tracers in young stellar objects: results from observations of Bennett, D.P., An, J., The MOA Collaboration, T.M.C., Abe, F., Chamaeleon I and II sources, A&A, 534, 32 Botzler, C.S., Douchin, D., Freeman, M., Fukui, A., Furusawa, K., Artigau, É., Martin, J.C., Humphreys, R.M., Davidson, K., Chesneau, O.
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