LINC-NIRVANA { Twice As Nice { Installation and User's Manual Doc. No. LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-010 Short Title TAN Installation and User's Manual Issue 4.044 Date February 13, 2020 Prepared . .Richard . .J. Mathar . .(MPIA) . February . 13, . 2020 . Name Date Signature Approved ...................................................................N. N. Name Date Signature Released . .N. N. Name Date Signature ii LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-010 { TAN Installation and User's Manual { Issue 4.044 Change Record Issue Date Sect. Reason/Initiation/Documents/Remarks 0.131 2016-11-08 all created 4.044 February 13, 2020 all SVN version 16205M LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-010 { TAN Installation and User's Manual { Issue 4.044 iii Contents 1 OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Acronyms..........................................1 1.2 References..........................................3 2 INSTALLATION5 2.1 Environment........................................5 2.2 SVN.............................................5 2.3 Compiler..........................................6 2.3.1 openSUSE......................................6 2.3.2 CentOS.......................................6 2.4 Atlas.............................................7 2.4.1 CentOS.......................................7 2.4.2 openSUSE......................................7 2.4.3 gfortran.......................................8 2.5 Ice..............................................8 2.6 Compilation.........................................9 2.6.1 Patches....................................... 10 2.6.2 Installation..................................... 10 3 CONFIGURATION 12 3.1 IIF FITS Header Keywords................................ 12 3.2 ICS FITS Header Keywords................................ 12 3.3 Port numbers........................................ 13 4 Linc-Nirvana 14 4.1 Angles............................................ 14 4.1.1 Standard Spherical Astronomy.......................... 14 4.1.2 Parallactic Angle.................................. 16 4.1.3 LBTO Coordinate System............................. 19 4.1.4 Nominal Angles................................... 21 4.1.5 Derotator Angles.................................. 22 4.2 Orientation of patrol camera images........................... 23 4.2.1 Calibration..................................... 23 4.2.2 Guiding Offsets................................... 28 4.3 Infrared Detector Images.................................. 29 4.3.1 Orientation..................................... 29 4.3.2 Derotation..................................... 29 4.3.3 WCS......................................... 30 4.4 User Interface........................................ 31 4.4.1 plotSkyTrack.py.................................. 31 4.4.2 Star catalogues................................... 31 4.5 Notes on the IIF...................................... 40 4.5.1 Wait For End-of-slewing.............................. 41 4.5.2 Offset of the Rotator Polynomials........................ 41 4.5.3 Direct Access via Python............................. 42 4.6 Commands......................................... 43 iv LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-010 { TAN Installation and User's Manual { Issue 4.044 5 IR OPTICS 55 5.1 Atmospheric Dispersion.................................. 55 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING 56 6.1 FAQ............................................. 56 7 EXTERNAL SOFTWARE 57 7.1 LBTO SW.......................................... 57 7.1.1 Telescope Simulator................................ 58 7.1.2 Telescope ICE Interface.............................. 63 7.2 Python........................................... 65 7.3 Xephem........................................... 65 7.3.1 Installation..................................... 65 7.3.2 LBTO parameters................................. 66 7.3.3 Where is the LBT?................................. 67 7.4 doxygen........................................... 67 List of Figures 1 Parallactic angle of δ and h ................................ 17 2 Parallactic angle of δ and h for visible objects...................... 18 3 Image orientation at instrument focus.......................... 20 4 Effect of elevation on SX PCam image.......................... 24 5 Effect of elevation on DX PCam image.......................... 25 6 plotSkyTrack GUI..................................... 32 7 Coverage of SE in DX GWS................................ 33 8 Coverage of SE in SX GWS................................ 34 9 Coverage of SE in DX HWS................................ 35 10 Coverage of SE in SX HWS................................ 36 11 Image oreintation in GWS focus............................. 37 12 Bearing mismatch in GWS focus............................. 38 13 Air Dispersion....................................... 55 14 TCS simulator....................................... 60 15 KFP coordinate system.................................. 64 LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-010 { TAN Installation and User's Manual { Issue 4.044 1 1 OVERVIEW A recent version of this document is in my home page and a slightly older in the LN documentation archive. The API is in this URL. 1.1 Acronyms AO Adaptive Optics API Application Programmer Interface BASDA Basda Applications Services Devices Architecture (of Twice-As-Nice) CCD Charge Coupled Device ccw counter clock wise cw clock wise DEC declination coordinate of the ICRF DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DNS Domain Name Service DX Right (dexter) arm of the LBT optics EDT Engineering Design Team http://www.edt.com/ ESO European Southern Observatory http://www.eso.org FFTS Fringe and Flexure Tracking System of Linc-Nirvana FITS Flexible Image Transport System http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov GEIRS Generic Infrared Software GUI Graphical User Interface GWS Ground-layer Wavefront Sensor (of Linc-Nirvana) HWS High-layer Wavefront Sensor (of Linc-Nirvana) ICE Internet Communications Engine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Communications_Engine https://doc.zeroc.com/ IIF Instrument Interface of the LBT http://wiki.lbto.org/twiki/bin/view/SoftwareProducts/TCSsoftware IP Internet Protocol IR Infrared LBT Large Binocular Telescope http://www.lbto.org/ 2 LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-010 { TAN Installation and User's Manual { Issue 4.044 LBTO Large Binocular Telescope Observatory http://www.lbto.org/ LINC LBT Interferometric Camera http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/LINC/ LN LINC-NIRVANA LUCI LBT NIR spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral-Field Unit for Extragalactic Research http://www.mpe.mpg.de/ir/lucifer MCS Mount Control System http://wiki.lbto.org/bin/view/Software/MCSPUBuildAndInstall MJD Modified Julian Date MPIA Max-Planck Institut f¨urAstronomie, Heidelberg http://www.mpia.de MPIfR Max-Planck Institut f¨urRadioastronomie, Bonn http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de NCP North Celestial Pole NIRVANA Near-Infrared / Visible Adaptive Interferometer for Astronomy PC Pre-Commissioning Run (of Linc-Nirvana) PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PCS Pointing Control System (of LBT) PLX PLX Technology, http://www.broadcom.com/products/pcie-switches-bridges/software-dev-kit RA Right Ascension rpm RPM package manager rpm.org SE Star Enlarger (of Linc-Nirvana) SOFA Standards of Fundamental Astronomy http://www.iausofa.org SVN Subversion http://subversion.apache.org SX Left (sinister) arm of the LBT optics TAD transverse atmospheric dispersion TAI International atomic time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Atomic_Time TAN TwiceAsNice https://svn.mpia.de/trac/gulli/TwiceAsNice TCS Telescope Control System UTC Universal Time Coordinated VM Virtual Machine WCS World Coordinate System http://atnf.csiro.au/people/mcalabre/WCS/ XML Extensible Markup language https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-010 { TAN Installation and User's Manual { Issue 4.044 3 1.2 References References [1] R. J. Mathar, LINC-NIRVANA - Generic Infrared Software, Graphical User Manual, LN- MPIA-MAN-ICS-007 (2 Oct. 2018). URL https://www.mpia.de/~mathar/public/LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-007.pdf [2] F. Kittmann, LINC-NIRVANA - EDTpdv Camera User Manual, LN-MPIA-MAN-ICS-004 (14 Mar. 2007). [3] I. F. W. Group, Definition of the flexible image transport system (FITS), version 4.0 (2016). URL https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_standard.html [4] K. R. Lang, Astrophysical Formulae, 3rd Edition, Vol. II of Astronomy and Astrophysics Library, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1998, E: In the second line of (5.45), sin A should read cos A. [5] R. J. Mathar, Spherical trigonometry of the projected baseline angle, Serb. Astr. J. 177 (2008) 115{124, E: the sine in the equation on the second line of p 117 should be squared. doi: 10.2298/SAJ0877115M. [6] W. M. Smart, Text-book on Spherical Astronomy, 4th Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1949. [7] S. E. Urban, P. K. Seidelmann (Eds.), Explanatory supplement ot the Astronomical Almanach, 3rd Edition, Univ. Science Books, 2012. [8] H. Karttunen, P. Kr¨oger,H. Oja, M. Poutanen, K. J. Donner (Eds.), Fundamental Astronomy, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1987. [9] L. G. Taff (Ed.), Computational Spherical Astronomy, Wiley, New York, Rochester, 1981. [10] J. Oprea, Geometry and the foucault pendulum, Am. Math. Monthly 102 (6) (1995) 515{522. doi:10.230/2974765. [11] S. Newcomb (Ed.), A compendium of spherical astronomy, Dover Publications, 1960. [12] S. Egner, T. Bertram, LINC-NIRVANA - Field Rotation, lN-MPIA-TN-SYS-002 (06 Apr. 2009). URL https://svn.mpia.de/trac/gulli/ln/archive/Archive/LN%20Documentation/ Technical%20Notes%20(TN)/Systems%20Engineering%20(SYS)/LN-MPIA-TN-SYS-002.pdf [13] D. Miller, LBT Project, LBTO coordinate system description, 002s105 (22 Jan. 2010). URL http://abell.as.arizona.edu/~hill/xlbt/lbts/002s105b.pdf
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