SPRING 2020 YEAR ABROAD SEMINARY STUDENT SPENDS YEAR STUDYING IN CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND S TEGALL SEMINARY SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION STEGALLSCHOLARSHIP.COM 0065796579 SStegalltegall SpringSpring 20202020 NL.inddNL.indd 1 22/24/20/24/20 22:44:44 PMPM Seminary Student Spends Year Studying in Cambridge, England Melanie Foust is a second-year seminary Melanie is currently studying at Wesley student at Candler School of Theology at House in Cambridge, England this school year Emory University and current recipient of a through a program offered by Candler. Accord- Stegall Scholarship. She received her under- ing to their website, Wesley House is a “commu- graduate degree from Asbury College and is nity of Methodist scholars and students at the a member of First United Methodist Church heart of the University city of Cambridge. Since (FUMC) of Pensacola, Fla. She anticipates 1921 it has been a gateway for students in the graduating from seminary in May 2021 and Wesleyan tradition into the excellent resources looks forward to serving in the Alabama-West for learning in the University of Cambridge.” Florida (AWF) Conference. “Melanie is incredibly bright, very dedicat- “Melanie is a shining example of hearing ed, and sincerely wants to serve as an effective God’s call and taking the leap of faith to answer United Methodist minister,” says Dr. Karl K. the call,” says Rev. Brandon Bures, Associate Stegall, foundation president. “She is a shining Pastor at FUMC Pensacola. “Our church sup- example of our wonderful students and, inter- ports her with our prayers and gifts, and we give estingly, lives on ‘Jesus Lane’ in Cambridge.” Melanie Foust Photo courtesy of Paul God thanks and praise for Melanie’s dedication We asked Melanie to share with us about her Robertson to her studies and her commitment to God.“ experiences studying in England. “My call to ministry began from a desire to journey along- side people throughout their lives of faith. As I continue in my discernment process as a certifi ed candidate in the AWF con- ference, I am grateful for all the people who continue to journey alongside me. Th rough Candler’s international exchange program, I’m excit- ed to be spending my second year of seminary studying in Cam- bridge. Th is is made possible through a partnership with Wesley House, the Methodist college, in collaboration with the Cam- bridge Th eological Federation and the University of Cambridge. I am working towards a Diploma in Th eology and Ministry this year, before returning to Candler for my fi nal year of seminary. From classes that ask big questions about God and the church to classes that foster interfaith understanding, I am learning what it means to be part of a global community as I study with people from all over the world. Our lived experiences and theological understandings are diverse. Th rough studying and worshiping in community, we are given the opportunity to learn more of God, each other, and ourselves. Th rough an internship this year with a local congregation, I’m also learning more about the British Methodist Church. I’m learning to sing a few more of Charles Wesley’s 6,000+ hymns! I would like to thank each and every donor of the Stegall Foundation. Your support is what makes seminary a reality for me. Th ank you for your prayers, your fi nancial support, and your encouragement. While being so far away this year, it’s in- Wesley House students, with Foust pictured credibly heartwarming to know I have the prayers and support second from the right, are pictured at Wesley of people back home.” Chapel in London. Melanie Foust The Stegall Seminary Scholarship Foundation is a 501(C)(3) non-profi t foundation, and all gifts are tax deductible. Gifts for our Seminary students should be mailed to Dr. Karl K. Stegall, Seminary Scholarship Foundation, P. O. Box 241661, Montgomery, Alabama 36124-1661. 0065796579 SStegalltegall SpringSpring 20202020 NL.inddNL.indd 2 22/24/20/24/20 22:44:44 PMPM In Memoriam: Eileene Dempsey Griffi th Eileene Griffi th, one of the most gener- In Eileene’s native state of West Vir- ous supporters of our seminary students ginia, there is a great tradition at the Uni- and secretary of our Foundation’s Board versity of West Virginia’s home football of Directors, died on November 25, 2019. games. At the close of the game, when it A native of Weston, West Virginia, Eileene is obvious that West Virginia has won, graduated as Valedictorian from Weston the sold-out crowd in that Mountaineer High School in 1957 and attended Kent stadium stand in unison on the home side State University. She and her husband, of the fi eld and sing lustily the song made Bob, along with their children, moved to popular by John Denver years ago, “Take Montgomery in 1976 and became totally Me Home, Country Roads.” It contains involved in many outreach ministries of those lyrics, Almost heaven, West Virgin- the United Methodist Church. Several ia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah years ago, Eileene caught a vision of the River. Life is old there, older than the trees, signifi cant diff erence that she could make younger than the mountains, growing like in the lives of our seminary students. She a breeze. Country roads, take me home, to contributed very, very generously annual- the place I belong, West Virginia, moun- ly, gave memorial/honor gifts on a weekly tain mama, take me home, country roads. basis, and took the time to include our I hear her voice, in the morning hour she Eileene Griffi th Scholarship Foundation in a signifi cant calls me, radio reminds me of my home far an eternal home, a home not made by way at the time of her death. away. Driving down the road, I get a feel- hands, but eternal in the heavens. Jesus With an outward and inward beauty, ing, that I should have been home yester- said to her as He says to all of us who put Eileene loved life in all of its fullness. day. Country roads, take me home, to the our trust in Him, “Let not your heart be At the time of her death, she was plan- place I belong, West Virginia, mountain troubled…in my Father’s house are many ning to leave in a couple of weeks with a mama, take me home, country roads. mansions.” (John 14:1-2) granddaughter on a trip to Australia, as Eileene Dempsey Griffi th found not We give thanks to God for the life of a gift to her granddaughter who had just only a home in West Virginia, but more this dear lady who is now safely in her graduated from college. importantly, she found in Jesus Christ heavenly home! Stegall inducted into UA College of Education Hall of Fame On February 15, 2020, Dr. Karl K. Ste- life, I stand on the shoulders of my family gall was inducted into the University of members, teachers, and friends.” Alabama (UA) College of Education Hall Stegall graduated from UA with a of Fame. Stegall serves as the volunteer Bachelor of Science degree in 1958. His president for the Stegall Foundation. degree from The College of Education Upon receiving the honor, Stegall led him to teach and coach basketball in remarked, “There are many individuals Flomaton, Ala. until 1961, when he decid- who are more deserving, but none could ed to enter seminary to become a United be more appreciative. Whatever measure Methodist minister. of success that I might have achieved in Introducing Dr. Stegall at the ban- quet was Dr. Melba Richard- Karl and Brenda Stegall son, a fellow Hall of Fame was established in their honor and has member and member of First since raised over $10 million, from United Methodist Church of which earnings were distributed to 51 Montgomery. Richardson said, students this past year. “Upon his retirement from the “Simply put, Brenda and Karl help ministry in 2007, he and his students, and those students, in turn, wife, Brenda, who, by the way help scores of other people...all in the was a member of the (UA) name of education,” she said. Million Dollar Band, made the Additional information about the In- biggest decision to impact duction Ceremony may be found on our Th e Stegall Family others. The Stegall Foundation website, stegallscholarship.com www.facebook.com/stegallscholarship www.stegallscholarship.com Our website accepts online donations. 0065796579 SStegalltegall SpringSpring 20202020 NL.inddNL.indd 3 22/24/20/24/20 22:44:44 PMPM NON-PROFIT ORG STEGALL SEMINARY SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION US Postage P. O. BOX 241661 PAID Permit # 395 STEGALL MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36124 SEMINARY Montgomery AL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT [email protected] FOUNDATION WWW.STEGALLSCHOLARSHIP.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/STEGALLSCHOLARSHIP RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED A Scholarship Foundation with a Simple Mission! One of the most fascinating cities in all of the world Since the inception of our Scholarship Foundation, you is Ephesus, located in present day Turkey. Th e Apostle have faithfully partnered with us as individuals, church- Paul spent three years in Ephesus, more than any oth- es, and Sunday School Classes. In addition, we received in er place in his missionary journeys. When he came near the mail this past week a check in the amount of $5,500 the end of his life and found himself a prisoner in Rome, from the United Methodist Women at First United Meth- Paul took out his pen and wrote a letter to the Ephesians odist Church of Prattville. Th is great gift came as a result in which he included these words, “It was He who gave of their Cheese Ball Sale during the month of December.
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