All the News Every Thursday Morning of All the Pointes rosse e,ws Complete Nelvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News Ent'!red a1> :>eeona LJaSb Mala:J «, $5.00 Per Year VOL. 25-NO. 51 the Post OffIce at Detroit, Mlch GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. DECEMBER 17, 1964 lOc Per Copy 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section I IIEADLINES St~dents Prepare for Open House Goodfellow Multiple Family Elderly Man of the Paper Sales Hit in Darl{ WEEK Total $8,183 Residences Given On Jefferson As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News Public Responds Gene,r- Walter Zentgrebe, 75, I ously; Pointe lions and Woods' Approval Struck at Bedford Light; '------------""1 Had Been Bending Thursday, December 10 I Woods lions Say Over His Papers AFTER RECEIVING a report. Drive Is Best Council Amends Zoning Ordinance Despite Advisory from his Commission on Heart Disease. Cancer and Strokes, Ever Referendum Held Which Showed Walter Zentgrebe, 75, of Pre~ident Johnson yesterday The Poi n t e responded Voters Were Against Proposal 829 Westchester, was a pledged a concerted drive in more generously this year The Woods City Council at a special meeting Goodfellow and wanted to Congress and the nation to aid I during the annual Goodfel- Monday night, Dec~mber 14 approved the proposed do his share, (as he had Federal efforts against these low Newspaper S al e s on amen~ment to Ordmance 88, the zoning ordinance, to done many times before). diseases. The corr.mission's re-I Monday, December 14, than permIt the construction of multiple family residential to help bring happiness to port proposed programs which the sales held in 1963, ac- buildings. ,~,,........ needy Pointe families dur- would cost nearly $3 billion II cording to information re- The vote was five to two. ing the Christmas holidavs. 0\ er the first five years. .\'lost I 1 d b th h. f T W He was killed at the inter- of the money would be Federal. II ease y e c aIrmen 0 . ~he Council, in addition, spe. WO 0men with additional help from the Grosse Pointe Lions and clflcally zoned two areas in the section of Jefferson and states. Th~ program call for a the Grosse Pointe Woods Woods to allow for such con. Terror:zed BdE.'ford, early M 0 n day system of 60 regional centers i Lions Clubs, struction. One area is the prop. 1.1 morning, December 14. where Americans can get the I The Pointe Lions collected erty presently owned by Wood. B R bb I • Mr. Zentgr:be took this as- best in diagnosis and rare for a total of $5,77S, as compared row Woody, immediately west y 0 ers :sIgn~ent statIon at the in1('r. heart disease. cancer and! to $5,079 last year; and the of Mas'>n school on Vernier ,sectIOn at ahout 6 a moOit WaS strokes. i Woods Lions, $2,405, as com. road. The other is that parcel I very dark. At 6:20 a.m., he was ~ * ~ I pared to $2,171 last year. The of land on the northwest corner Quartet BeHeved Bent on I struck and killed by a car dri\ cn Friday, December 11 ! former set a goal of $7,500 this of Eight Mile road and Mack Robbing Brother Ran- ' b\' Keith W. Pfeil,tucker, 20. of L'. S. C 0 :\1: .\'1I S S ION ER \ year, and the latter, $2,000, avenue, owned by Babcock and k H . B df d [1021 Lakepointe. going east on ESTHER Carter ruled yesterday C h air man of the Grosse Sons. sac orne In e or Jefferson. in ~leridian, Miss. that a con- Pointe Lions 1964 sales was The sale of the Woody prop. Road ~efore The traffic light was green in feSSIOn obtained from one of. Carl Schweikart., and the Woods erty to Charles Merrill of 8t. Flee Ing Pfeilstucker's favor, at J eITer. Lions, Rex H. Johnston. Clair Shores has been contino the 19 white mcn arrestcd in gent upon the Council's deci- . I son and Bedford. and he wel~t the slaYing of three young civil , Both stated that their respec. sion on the zonin!!:am d t Four men terrorIzed a' through, when suddenly a m:m s nghts workers was hearsay and I tive sales collections were the 35' . '1' en men. \62-year-old Par k woman; form appeared before him. The freed the men who were arrest. I best ever contributed by a gen. .Cltlzen.s Attend and her 97-year-old mother I youth applied his brakes imme- ed last Friday. In Thursday's I Ierous public, and the monies A pubh.c heann~ held before on Saturday December 12 diately, but too late to avo~d preliminary hearing the Com. Ireceived will go a long way in the speCIal meetm.g was at. and ransack~d their house: hitting the figure in front of missioner ruled there was not I I helping the blind, the needy t~n.ded by approxImately 35 h'l .t. f th him. In the front seat with sufficient cause to convene 2 I families and other civic activi. cItIzens who were either ViO-lW 1 e WaI fmgth or a1? o etr I Pfeilstucker, was his wife, Geor- grand jury. The confession was Shown decking the halls of Monteith TA WA Y. Monday morning, fourth grad- ties in their respective com. Jently pro or con toward the mem ber 0 e famI ly 0 gina, 21. suvposed to have been made by Elementary School in preparation for er Christy Sue Carolan waved her munities. amendment. Many p.-esent felt C? m e ~ome, apparen.tly . Horace Barnette who 'was not last evening's open house are third grad- "magic wand" to light the tree, while Aiding the Pointe Lions in that an advisory referendum WIth the mtent to rob hIm. Flrst Seen by Wife in the courtroom at thf' prelin. ers in Mr. William Lutz's class. Assembl- all classes gathered to sing carols. The selling Goodfellow newspapers held several years ago on the Held captives in their home Pfeilstucker told Park police ary hearing. It was on the basis ing the fire - proof Christmas are staff of Monteith invited parents, grand- were the policemen and fire- multiple family developments were Gertrude Rudolph, who that he was driving in the east men of the Park, City, Farms should be made the basis of the was gagged and handcuffed. and I lane of Jefferson at ahflut 35 of his ab",cnce that Miss Carter j (left to right) BRUCE WHEELER, parents, friends and neighbors to visit and Shores; and the Woods CoundI's decision. the mother. whose name wa~ I miles an hour, and wa5 ap. ruled that his testimony was not ' DA VID SCHADL~R, DELISA ALLEN, all classrooms where Christmas work ad m i s s a b 1e. Although the Lions were assisted by the per. The Council on the other not given. Both were ordered I proaching Bedford, when the CAROL FISHBACK, and KAREN AT- done by pupils was displayed, charges were dismissed, the sonne I of the Woods Deuart- hand, received petitions in to remain quiet under threat of \ light turned green. He was Federal Government has the , ment of Public Safety. favor of the move from prop- bodily harm. Their home is at about 15 feet before the light, Both Schweikart and John- erty owners within 300 feet of 1417 Balfour road. when his wi f e screamed. :ig::a~~ r~I;: t~~d~~~~~n~l~~ore Center Plans \Bon Secours Hospital's ston said that they are aware the proposed developments. According to information rc "There's a man!" He jammed that there are some people who Multiple fa mil y residential leased by Park ~oIice Chief on h~s b~akes and swerved ~o did not have an opportunity to buildina has been an issue in Arthur Louwers, MISS Rudolph. the rIght 10 an attempt 10 aVOid Saturday. December 12 ! Yale Program Civil Suit Against City buy a paper on Monday, and the Wo~ds for many years. Rec- as was her nightly custom, went hitting the man, but too late. WHILE 100 anti.Communist may want to make some kind ommendation to change the zon. to the back yard to open the Police said that Mr. Zen<1rebe Cuhans attempted yesterdav to: F Cheld St t e C- -t C t storm the front entrance to' the' or l ren ar s In IreDI / our of contribution. ing ordinance was made by the gate and the garage door for I had been stooped over clther l'nited :"lations headquarters. a, .~~ ~~----- To those who are interested, Planning Commission to the her brother,. Harry. Rudolph. adjusting, or about to 'lift his cont ..ibutions to the Pointe Council. The Commission had who customanly arrIves home bag of papers and was not seen single shell. aimed at the build. I' ..Judge Joseph A. Moynihan Hearing Case in which Lions can be mailed to Carl studied the problem fur many between 8:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. unt'l he to'd t B ing. was shot over the river' Annua ChrIstmas Event I" H Ob ' P .• T 'k t 15317 E J ff d'l f h' b t h h' ISO eree. eeause from Queens and fell about 100 i Being Held Sunday nstJtutton opes to tam ermlsslon 0 Schkel ar , ast e er. months and had employed pro~ al y, rom IS u c er s op 10 of th d k f th h d son, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich fessional advice The Council the Gratiot Central Market, 1429 th fe tarthnetsstho ~ t' our an yards from shore.
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