GOLDSEKER FOUNDATION 40 YEARS Corporation • Corporation es es • alternative direCtions • ameriCan Communities trust • ameriCan diaBetes a ssoCiation (maryland aFFiliate) • ameriCan red Cross - Baltimore regional Chapter • ameriCan visionary art museum • anti-deF amation league oF B’nai B’rith • apostoliC housing C ervi s 1 a pplied esidential r d ata ata aith r F esour nter i C es • aids a rts rts e very very d ay • ay ya Baltimore • Baltimore ya aF a sso C iated Bla iated his T ro Charities • ince the ince aF C S k Charities• outh • y t he a sso C iated: Jewish Community Federation o JewishCommunityFederation iated: or Children and F ates ates C dvo a he Goldseker Foundation was created he Goldseker Foundation was created T of and foresight the generosity through (1898–1973). Goldseker Morris his original bequest of $11 million from estate in 1975, the Goldseker Foundation than has granted $93 million to more and projects organizations 570 nonprofit area. metropolitan in the Baltimore celebrates forty years of annual report grant-making by listing, along the borders the in recipient grant every pages, its of history. foundation’s aturity • aturity m n i tion Ac F Baltimore • Baltimore ingdom • k a sso Child’s a C iation o iation aryland • aryland F Baltimore Baltimore m F a rea rea ealty Corporation • • Corporation ealty r rts a Baltimore • Committee anagement m or- B a l rea a Baltimore • Foundation ture C hite C r a Baltimore • Center ndian i an C meri a Baltimore • dvisors a Baltimore • 2000 Baltimore • useum m ailroad r o B& • C d aryland- m on B udu a • rantmakers g 1000 Friends o Baltimore assoCiation For retarded Citizens • Baltimore Bar Foundation • Baltimore Braille a ssoCiation • Baltimore Center For the perForming arts • Baltimore Child aBuse Center • Baltimore City CounCil • Baltimore City department oF eduCation • Baltimore City department oF housing and Community development • Baltimore City Foundation • Baltimore City m edi C al s o C iety • Baltimore City iety • Baltimore holarship Fund • holarship Fund • sC Chairman’s message hool sC p u B li ndependent C i his annual report commemorates the Goldseker Foundation’s 40th year of grant-making. These are just a few examples of how the Goldseker board has tried to make strategic investments sC hools • Baltimore City hools • Baltimore During that time, an original $11 million bequest has steadily grown to an endowment in the creation, development, and growth of promising nonprofit institutions capable of delivering presently valued at nearly $100 million. The foundation has made over $93 million in grant sustained impacts that extend beyond finite grant periods. As stewards of assets intended by Morris awards to more than 570 local nonprofits. This year, on behalf of Baltimore’s people and Goldseker to “give aid and encouragement to worthy individuals to continue their education, iation • Baltimore • Baltimore iation C institutions, we honor their work and accomplishments by listing in this report every grant establish themselves in business, overcome such adversities as accident or illness, or to maintain sso a recipient in the foundation’s history. The foundation is proud to have supported so many or support themselves or their families,” the foundation has sought and prioritized opportunities r esear outstanding organizations that have made such important contributions to our community. to fulfill his wishes. Furthermore, we have entrenched ourselves in the Baltimore community to be C able to initiate grant-making, rather than waiting for grant requests. h and mprovement mprovement i When the foundation’s namesake, my uncle Morris Goldseker, passed away leaving his assets to d T City • Baltimore evelopment Foundation create the foundation, I was at the beginning of my business career and philanthropy was largely It is impossible to reflect on the foundation’s four decades of existence and the evolution of unknown to me. When I took on the unexpected responsibility of chairman and the foundation its grant-making and investment priorities and philosophies without acknowledging how difficult le • Baltimore le • Baltimore B made its first grants 40 years ago, little did I know that this nascent enterprise would play such an and painful 2015 has been. Hard-won gains to improve public safety and national perceptions oundta important role in helping shape Baltimore’s emerging philanthropic sector and forge some of the of Baltimore were greatly set back by the unrest of this past spring. The underlying causes of r city’s leading civic institutions. the disaffection experienced by so many communities were decades in the making. It will take ousing h considerable time and effort to begin restoring the public’s confidence, and that will occur only While it is hard to imagine today, the foundation’s initial hiring of staff, opening an office, providing through tangible and sustained actions that must clearly and continuously demonstrate shared a phone number, and then publishing an inaugural annual report were viewed as innovative. and universal commitment to justice, inclusion, and equality. As disheartening as the events of Although not by intentional design, the Goldseker Foundation found itself at the vanguard of a 2015 were, they brought into even greater focus the importance of sustaining the work being oFF i C burgeoning movement of local and national foundations and nonprofits in the earliest stages of done by the foundation’s grantees. e o F the artnership • Baltimore • Baltimore artnership development, organizing to more purposefully direct their efforts and resources toward Baltimore’s p m greatest needs. This came at an opportune time when public corporations and their headquarters On the occasion of this 40th anniversary commemoration, I am reminded of all the dedicated Collegetown • Baltimore ayor ousing h were beginning to disappear from the Baltimore landscape. professionals who have so ably served the foundation as members of the board of directors, investment and advisory selection committees, and staff. They have brought distinction to the Over decades, there has been a welcome professionalization of philanthropy and the advent foundation’s work, and it has been a great privilege and honor to be associated with their efforts of a number of best practices to make foundations more effective and transparent within the on behalf of the people of Baltimore. It has also been a pleasure to welcome Matt Gallagher as eritage • Baltimore • Baltimore eritage h communities where they work and serve. The Goldseker Foundation has consistently focused on CEO after the long tenure of Dr. Timothy Armbruster, to whom I owe special thanks for playing the thoughtful development of this growing field and placed particular emphasis on grant-making such an instrumental role in formulating the foundation’s programs and shepherding its growth for n etwork • Baltimore Community • Baltimore etwork that supports organizational capacity building. I am especially proud of the foundation’s formative 34 of our 40 years. work in helping create the Baltimore Community Foundation and the Association of Baltimore tart • Baltimore • Baltimore tart s Area Grantmakers. The steady development and growth of these institutions have expanded the ealthy ealthy reach and impact of local philanthropy. h Sheldon Goldseker Through the years, the foundation has been fortunate to be among the earliest supporters of many Chairman d other now thriving nonprofits like the Associated Black Charities, Children’s Scholarship Fund, December 2015 evelopment Comprehensive Housing Assistance Inc., Healthy Neighborhoods, and the Maryland Food Bank hoanalysis • Baltimore • Baltimore hoanalysis as well as promising newcomers like the Baltimore Corps, Impact Hub Baltimore, and Baltimore’s C a llian sy Promise. On a smaller scale, over the past 15 years the foundation has also made almost 200 p C or F Management Assistance Grants to help local nonprofits increase their effectiveness and financial • Community Foundation e • Baltimore sustainability through improved governance, planning, and professional development. By establishing priorities in grant-making, as the foundation grew, we were able to make an impact in other areas of philanthropy, such as neighborhood development. • Baltimore Foundation Foundation • Baltimore B u h 2 3 Baltimore Food Baltimore etwork • • etwork n mployment e Baltimore • Foundation onomy eC & y C ien C i eFF Baltimore • rust t holarship sC ational C du e Baltimore • Corporation evelopment d Baltimore • hool sC esign d Baltimore • esponse r Crisis Baltimore • revention p y C regnan p and arenting p y, C regnan p ent C doles a on il C Coun Baltimore • Corps Baltimore • ending l Community Baltimore Baltimore integration partnership • Baltimore Jewish CounCil • Baltimore JoBs in energy proJeCt • Baltimore mediCal s ystem • Baltimore mental health s ystems • Baltimore metropolitan CounCil • Baltimore montessori puBliC Charter sChool • Baltimore museum oF art • Baltimore neighBorhood CollaBorative • Baltimore neighBorhood indiCators a llian C e • Baltimore e • Baltimore n president’s message eigh B orhood arly College Baltimore • • College Baltimore arly e r esour hool sC n 2013, as I was preparing to assume my new role at the foundation, I received a copy of unrest not seen since the turbulence of the 1960s and an unprecedented level of violence. Even C igh e Bank • Baltimore • Baltimore e Bank h Morris Goldseker’s last will and testament, the instrument through which the foundation Baltimore’s
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