TRANSACTIONS OF THE LINNAEAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK Volume IV. Studies in the Life History of the Song Sparrow I By Margaret Morse Nice New York April 1937 ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google ConrU\i\ PLATE 1— SONG SPARROW (Melosp/za melodia} Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google STUDIES IN THE LIFE HISTORY OF THE SONG SPARROW VOLUME I A POPULATION STUDY OF THE SONG SPARROW By Margaret Morse Nice Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google To my Friend Ernst Mayr Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google C? I1,1 . .2 NV TABLE OF CONTENTS ^ -- \8 FRONTISPIECE ....... ... ..... Plate } Y" PAGES --- <. INTRODUCTION ....... ........ ^2 ifs 1 CHAPTER I ^VJ C-j THE SOXG SPARROW AS A FOR SUBJECT STUDY --------- 3.7 A. Suitability as an Object for Study. B. Resume of the Life History. C. Technique of the Investigation. D. Summary. CHAPTER II TIIK SONG SPARROW AND ITS ENVIRONMENT ---------- 8-17 A. The Climate. Chart I. B. The Habitat. Map I. Plate II. (Facing page 16.) C. Relations to Other Animal Species. 1. Invertebrates. 2. Reptiles. 3. Other Birds. 4. Mammals. D. Summary. CHAPTER III WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS -------- ... 18-2$ A. Measurements. Chart II. B. Weights. Chart III. 1. Weights Throughout the Day. Table I. 2. Weights Throughout the Year. Table II. a. Weights in Winter. b. Weights in Spring. and 3. Weight Age. C. Summary. CHAPTER IV MIGRATORY STATUS OF THE SONG SPARROW ON INTERPONT ----- 29-42 A. The Transients. B. The Winter Residents. C. Residents and Summer Residents. 1. "Individual Migration." 2. Stability of Migrating and Non-migrating Behavior Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google PAGES 3. Inheritance of Migratory Behavior. Charts IV and V. 4. Numbers of Residents and Summer Residents. 5. Differences Between Residents and Summer Residents. 6. Comparison With Other Species. 7. Discussion of "Individual Migration" in the Song Sparrows. D. Summary. CHAPTER V SPRING AND FALL MIGRATION -- - • - 43-56 A. Spring Migration. 1. Migration in Relation to Temperature and Time of Year. Table III. Charts VI and VII. a. Discussion of Some Contrary Theories. 2. Migration of Individual Males. Table IV. 3. Migration of Individual Females. Table V. 4. Migration in Relation to Sex and Age. B. Fall Migration. C. Summary. CHAPTER VI TERRITORY ESTABLISHMENT .-.. .... 57-60 A. The Establishment of Territory. B. Territory and the Development of Song. C. Summary CHAPTER VII - - TERRITORY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR - 61-69 A. Territory in the Fall. 1. Singing in the Fall. 2. Taking up of Territories. B. Behavior in Winter. C. Behavior in Spring. 1. Song and Temperature. Table VI. Charts VIII, IX, X. 2. Defense of the Territory. D. Summary. CHAPTER VIII - THE TERRITORIES FROM YEAR TO YEAR 70-83 A. The Territories of the Adult Males. Maps 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. B. The Returns of the Females. Map 8. C. Territories of the Males Banded in the Nest. Map o. D. Territories of the Females Banded in the Nest. Map 10. E. Territories of Song Sparrows Banded in Our Garden. F. Some Family Histories. Maps 11, 12, 13, 14. G. Summary. Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google Ill CHAPTER IX PAGES THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE SEXES ------------ 84.91 A. The Situation During One Season. 1. Desertions. 2. Is There a Reserve Supply of Unmated Birds? B. The Situation from Year to Year. C. Bigamy. D. Sexual Selection. E. Summary CHAPTER X THE NESTS OF THE SONG SPARROW ----- 92-96 A. Position of the Nests. Plate III. (Facing page 32.) B. Security. C. Building Technique. D. Building of Old and Young Birds. E. Summary. CHAPTER XI THE START OF LAYING ----------------- 97-107 A. What Factors Influence the Start of Laying? B. The Start of Laying in Relation to Temperature. Table VII. Charts XI, XII, XIII, XIV. C. The Start of Laying and Other Factors. D. The Start of Laying of Other Species. E. Dates of Laying of Individual Females. F. Summary. CHAPTER XII THK EGGS OF THE SONG SPARROW ------------- 108-121 A. The Number of Eggs in a Set. B. Time of Replacement of a Destroyed Set. C. The Color of the Eggs. D. The Size of the Eggs. Table VIII. 1. Average Size of Eggs in Relation to Various Factors. 2. Weights of Sets. E. Inheritance of Color, Size and Shape. F. Summary. CHAPTER XIII INCUBATION ----- -.._...... 122-129 A. Role of the Female. 1. Length of Incubation. 2. The Rhythm of Incubation. Table IX. B. Role of the Male. Table X. C. Summary. Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google CHAPTER XIV PAGES CARE OF THE YOUNG ------ .... 130-133 A. Care of the Young in the Nest. Table XI. B. Intervals Between Broods. Table XII. C. Summary. CHAPTER XV -- - • - NESTING SUCCESS AND FAILURE - 134-151 A. The Number of Young Fledged Per Pair in One Season. B. Size of Sets and Size of Broods. Tables XIII, XIV. Chart XV. C. Completely and Partially Successful Broods. Table XV. D. Numbers of Young Raised in 211 Nests in Six Seasons. Table XVI. I. Comparison with Other Studies of Nest Success. Table XVII. E. Analysis of the Loss of Eggs and Young. Tables XVIII, XIX. Chart XVI. F. Summary. CHAPTER XVI - , - THE COWBIRD IN RKLATION TO THE SONG SPARROW - 152-165 A. The Cowbird as Parasite. 1. Non-specialization of the Cowbird. a. The Incubation Period of the Cowbird. 2. Relations to its Own Species. 3. Relation to its Breeding Area. 4. Relation to its Hosts. a. The Eggs of the Cowbird. b. The Nestling Cowbird. c. Destruction of Eggs of the Host. B. The Song Sparrow as Host. C. The Effect of the Cowbird on the Song Sparrow. Tables XX, XXI. I. The Incidence of Cowbird Parasitism on Interpont. D. The Success of the Cowbird on Interpont. E. Summary. CHAPTER XVII - SURVIVAL OF THE ADULTS - - - - 166-179. A. Survival of the Adult Males. Table XXII. Chart XVII. B. Survival of the Adult Females. Table XXIII. C. Losses and Replacements in the Population. Table XXIV. D. Proportion of First- Year Birds in the Population. Table XXV. E. Summary. Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google CHAPTER XVIII PAGES SURVIVAL OF THE YOUNG ---------------- 180-189 A. Return of the Fledged Young. 1. The Number of Nestlings that Returned. Table XXVI. a. The Sex Ratio of the Returned Nestlings. 2. The Distances from the Birth Place at which the Young Birds Settled. 3. Do Young Return to their Birth Place? B. Survival of the Fledged Young. I. What Percentage of Fledged Young Should Survive till the Following Spring in order to Maintain the Population? Table XXVII. C. Summary. CHAPTER XIX AGE ATTAINED BY SONG SPARROWS ------------ 190-198 A. The Average Age of Song Sparrows. B. Potential Age. C. Age Composition of a Song Sparrow Population. Tables XXVIII, XXIX. D. Mortality Factors. E. Summary. CHAPTER XX SOME POPULATION PROBLEMS . 199-208 A. Factors Influencing the Size of a Song Sparrow Population. B. The Course of Events on Interpont. Table XXXI. C. Comparison with Other Studies. Chart XVIII. D. Some Theoretical Considerations on Population Problems. E. Summary. SUMMARY -------------------- 209-212 A. Response of the Song Sparrow to Climatic Influences. B. Relations to the Flora and Fauna of the Habitat. C. Territory. D. Relations between the Pair. E. Some Physiological Responses. F. Population Problems. Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google vi APPENDIX I PACES THE TECHNIQUE OF THE INVESTIGATION - -------- 213-220 A. The Course of the Study. B. Trapping the Birds. C. Banding Methods. D. Nomenclature and Records. 1. The Banding Record. 2. Card Catalog. 3. Key Tables. 4. Daily Records. 5. Field Note Books. 6. Maps. 7. Nest Record. E. Plan of Work. APPENDIX II SOME STATISTICS COXCERNING SONG SPARROW BANDING ON INTERPOXT - 220-221 A. Total Song Sparrow Population Given M and K Numbers. B. Returns of Birds Banded, 1928-1935. APPENDIX III NESTING CENSUSES ON UPPER INTKRPONT - 221-223 APPENDIX IV • - -- FURTHER DATA ON COWBIRDS : RKTURNS AND WEIGHTS 223-224 A. Returns. B. Weights. 1. Weights of Young Raised by Song Sparrows. 2. Weights of Adults in Grams. APPENDIX V -- METEOROLOGICAL DATA FOR COLUMBUS. Tables XXXII, XXXIII - 224-225 BIBLIOGRAPHY ... 226-239 - - INDEX OF SUBJECTS 240-243 -- - -- - INDEX OF SPECIES 244-247 Generated for member (Columbia University) on 2015-12-16 05:48 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015006891488 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google INTRODUCTION For the past eight years the writer has concentrated on the study of the life history of one species of bird.
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