Social Protec on Assessment-Based Na onal Dialogue Towards a Na onally Defi ned Social Protec on Floor in the Republic of Tajikistan Ar om Sici and Grigorii Deg arev produced this report on behalf of the Social Protec on Floor (SPF) Working Group in the Republic of Tajikistan Social Protec on Assessment-Based Na onal Dialogue Towards a Na onally Defi ned Social Protec on Floor in the Republic of Tajikistan Interna onal Labour Organiza on International Labour Organization, 2018. Copyright © International Labour Organization, 2018. First published 2018. Publications of the International Labour Office enjoy copyright under Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. Nevertheless, short excerpts from them may be reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated. For rights of reproduction or translation, application should be made to ILO Publications (Rights and Licensing), International Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland, or by email: [email protected]. The International Labour Office welcomes such applications. Libraries, institutions and other users registered with reproduction rights organizations may make copies in accordance with the licences issued to them for this purpose. Visit www.ifrro.org to find the reproduction rights organization in your country. Social Protection Assessment-Based National Dialogue. Towards a Nationally Defined Social Protection Floor in the Republic of Tajikistan / ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. – Moscow: ILO, 2018. xxviii; 164 p. ISBN 978-92-2-133059-2 (print); ISBN 978-92-2-133060-8 (web pdf) ILO Cataloguing in Publication Data The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Labour Office concerning the legal status of any country, area or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. The responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles, studies and other contributions rests solely with their authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by the International Labour Office of the opinions expressed in them. Reference to names of firms and commercial products and processes does not imply their endorsement by the International Labour Office, and any failure to mention a particular firm, commercial product or process is not a sign of disapproval. ILO publications and electronic products can be obtained through major booksellers or digital platforms, or ordered directly by email: ilo@ turpin-distribution.com. Visit our website: www.ilo.org/publns or contact [email protected]. For full details visit our website: www.ilo.org/publns or contact [email protected]. Printed in the Republic of Tajikistan. Cover photo/ILO copyright © 2018 1. Review: socio-economic context, development strategy and social protec on system in the Republic of Tajikistan Contents Preface ..................................................................................................................... XI Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ XIII Execu ve summary .................................................................................................. XV List of abbrevia ons .......................................................................................... XXVIII Introduc on .............................................................................................................. 1 1. Review: socio-economic context, development strategy, and social protec on system in the Republic of Tajikistan .......................................5 1.1. Socio-economic context: territory, demographic situa on, economic development, standards of living, poverty reduc on and prospects of sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan ................................................................................. 5 1.2. Na onal development strategy and programme of the Republic of Tajikistan ............................................................................... 23 1.2.1. Na onal Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030 ......................................................................... 24 1.2.2. Mid-Term Development Programme ....................................................... 25 1.3. Social protec on concepts, subsistence minimum, social protec on and health care system in the Republic of Tajikistan .......................................... 26 1.3.1. Concept of social protec on in the Republic of Tajikistan ........................ 26 1.3.2. Minimum social standards, subsistence minimum and minimum consumer budget .............................................................. 28 1.3.3. Social protec on and health care ............................................................. 31 1.4. Social expenditures on health, educa on, social protec on, social insurance and pension insurance ............................................................. 40 2. Assessment-Based Na onal Dialogue on social protec on in the Republic of Tajikistan: targets, methodology, and process ...........................45 2.1. Targets and objec ves ........................................................................................ 45 2.2. ABND methodology in the Republic of Tajikistan ............................................... 46 2.2.1. Building assessment matrix ...................................................................... 46 V Social Protec on Assessment-Based Na onal Dialogue 2.2.2. Es ma on of expenditures for implemen ng the iden fi ed priority recommenda ons and relevant scenarios ............ 46 2.3. ABND in the Republic of Tajikistan: process and recommenda ons .................. 48 2.3.1. The fi rst step: assessment matrix ............................................................. 48 2.3.2. The second step: iden fi ca on of na onal priori es and implementa on scenarios ................................................................ 52 2.3.3. The third step: issue and submission of the analy cal report to the working group ............................................................................... 55 2.4. Transla on of recommenda ons into scenarios and Rapid Assessment Protocol es ma on methods ........................................ 56 2.4.1. Transla on of recommenda ons into scenarios ..................................... 56 2.4.2. Es ma on method: Rapid Assessment Protocol tool ............................. 56 2.4.3. Steps of SPF es ma on in Tajikistan ........................................................ 58 3. Strategy for the extension of social protec on fl oors, social protec on programmes, gaps, recommenda ons, and scenarios for the Republic of Tajikistan .......................................................... 63 3.1. Strategy for the extension of social protec on fl oors in the Republic of Tajikistan ............................................................................... 63 3.2. Health care services ............................................................................................ 66 3.3. State social insurance ......................................................................................... 78 3.3.1. Temporary disability benefi t ..................................................................... 79 3.3.2. Maternity benefi t ..................................................................................... 81 3.3.3. Family and child benefi ts .......................................................................... 85 3.3.4. Funeral grant for a poor family member .................................................. 88 3.3.5. Unemployment benefi t ............................................................................ 89 3.3.6. Conclusions and recommenda ons on state social insurance ................. 92 3.4. Pension provision: contributory pensions and non-contributory social pensions ................................................................ 93 3.4.1. Old-age pensions: contributory pension and non-contributory social pension ....................................................... 94 3.4.2. Invalidity benefi t ..................................................................................... 101 3.4.3. Survivors’ benefi t ................................................................................... 105 3.4.4. Conclusions and recommenda ons: mandatory contributory pensions and non-contributory social pensions .................................... 110 3.5. Targeted social assistance ................................................................................. 112 3.6. Social services ................................................................................................... 118 VI 3.7. Fiscal space for social protec on ..................................................................... 125 1. Review: socio-economic context, development strategy and social protec on system in the Republic of TajikistanContents 4. General conclusions ........................................................................................... 129 Annexes ................................................................................................................. 131 Annex I. Health care for all ....................................................................................
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