sufimanzil.org Tableeghi Jamath Tableeghi Jamath Author:- Allama Asshaik Moulana ARSHADUL QADERI Kadesallahu sirrahl azeez. Translated by: Proffessor NAIM JAMALI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is time to hand out bouquets and accolades to a number of enthusiastic individuals who voluntarily came forward in the preparation of this most significant work to date. We extend our profound appreciation and gratitude to all the Members and Trustees of the Imam Ahmed Raza Academy who worked as a team in this direction, sacrificing their valuable time and leisure in the cause of the Deen. Our first accolade goes to Professor Naim Jamali for rendering the book into english. To Moulana Abd ar-Rauf Soofie who worked tirelessly and painstakingly checking the translation against the Urdu text. To Hazrat Moulana Mohammed Nassir Khan Al-Qaderi for the proof- reading and valuable suggestions. To Brother Sayyad Ebrahim Al-Qaderi and Brother Nazir Ahmed Abdur Raheem Al-Qaderi for double-checking the proof and making innumerable trips to and from the Press. To Brother Abdul Munaaf Suleman for the typing. We would be failing in our duty if we do not acknowledge the generosity of our various donors, without their assistance this book would not have appeared. May Allah shower His Blessings and Mercy on each and every individual who was involved in the venture. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The World Islamic Mission (South Africa) takes the pleasure in sincerely thanking its Chief Patron and International President, MUBALLIGH-E-ISLAM HAZRAT MOULANA SHAH AHMED NOORANI SIDDIQUE AL-QADERI for entrusting and making available this vital file on the MISSION of the TABLEEGHI JAMAAT to the S.A. Branch of W.I.M. He has handed this file to the National President Moulana Abdul Hadi Al-Qaderi for editing and publication in South Africa. This book would not have become a reality 1 sufimanzil.org Tableeghi Jamath without the guidance and inspiration of His Exalted Emminence. He deemed it fit enough to place this emmense responsibility on the shoulders of the WORLD ISLAMIC MISSION (South Africa) to execute the task of printing this important thesis. Hazrat Maulana Shah Ahmed Noorani Siddique is very well known internationally as an emminent scholar, pride and joy of the Islamic World. Following the footsteps of His Illustrious Father, The Roving Ambassador of Islam, Hazrat Moulana Abdul Aleem Siddique Al-Qaderi Al-Madani (Rahmatullah Alay), he has dedicated his entire life to International Islamic Missionary Work. We pray to Almighty Allah to grant Moulana Shah Ahmed Noorani good health and long life to continue propagating and upholding the pristine teachings of the AHLE-SUNNAT-WA-JAMAAT internationally. May the Lord of Power and Wisdom, Allah the Almighty by the Wasila-e- Uzma of His Unique Rasool Muhammed Mustafa (Salalahu-Alayhi-Wa- Sallam) shower His infinite RAHMAH on the graves on 4 exceptionally important Spiritual Masters in my life whose divine guidance and duas has ushered my life to the service of Islam. They are: 1. SULTAANUL-AWLIA GHOSAL-AZAM SHEIKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI 2. ALA-HAZRAT IMAAM AHMED RAZA KHAN AL-QADERI 3. PEER-O-MURSHID GHOSUL-WAQT MUFTI AZAM SHA MUSTAFA RAZA KHAN AL-QADERI 4. MY BELOVED FATHER AL-HAM SHEIKH ABDUL WAHAB CHISHTI (Rahmatullah-Alay-Him) By the Grace of Almighty Allah and Karam of His Beloved Habeeb, SAYYADANA MUHAMMED (Alayhis Salaatu-Was-Salaam), the World Islamic Mission with the invaluable co-operation of the IMAM AHMED RAZA ACADEMY (South Africa) hereby takes the pleasure in presenting THE TABLEEGHI JAMMAT FILE to the Muslim Ummah for their reading pleasure. 2 sufimanzil.org Tableeghi Jamath WA-SALALLA-HO-TA’ALA ALA SAYYADINA MUHAMMADIN WA A’ALIHI WA ASHABIHI AJMA’EEN WAL HAMDU LILLAHI RABBIL A’ALAMEEN SHUKRAN WAS SALAAM (President) WORLD ISLAMIC MISSION (South Africa) IMAM AHMED RAZA ACADEMY (South Africa) 12 RABIUL-AWWAL SHAREEF 1407 4 NOVEMBER 1987 INTRODUCTION I begin, the Introduction with the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficient and Merciful Sustainer of the Worlds and with thousands of Salutations to the Mercy of the Worlds. At the outset I would like to extend ny sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Members of the Imam Ahmed Raza Academy of Durban - South Africa, with particular reference to its dynamic President, Hazrat Moulana Abd Al-Hadi Al-Qaderi Razvi and to a young and vibrant star in the Islamic literary field Moulana Mohammed Nassir Khan AlQaderi for presenting me the honour and privilege of writing the Introduction to this english translation of Hazrat Allarna Arshadul Qaderi’s blockbuster work “Tableeghi Jamaat”. The Urdu original 9f this ingenious work has already taken the Islamic world by storm which subsequently precipitated a hue and cry from the english-knowing Muslims of the world to have this great work of the Islamic World’s greatest pen, Mujahid-e-Ahle Sunnat Hazrat Allama Arshadul Qaderi of “ZALZALA” fame, rendered into the english language. Alhumdulillah? The long-cherished desire of the Muslims of South Africa and the entire Muslim World has been fulfilled by the Imam Ahmed Raza Academy in conjunction with the World Islamic Mission of South Africa for this commendable achievement. The book has been rendered into english by Professor Naim Jamali of Pakistan with tremendous amount of work put in by Moulana Abd ar-Rauf Soofie in its preparatory stages. The concerted efforts of a large number of enthusiastic individuals whose services have been recorded in our “Acknowledgements” has enabled this work to see the light of day 3 sufimanzil.org Tableeghi Jamath BRIEF BACKGROUND TO THE SUBJECT MATTER IN THIS BOOK Ever since the advent of Islam some 1400 years ago the adversaries of Islam have continued to increase and will go on increasing till the Day of Judgement as predicted in numerous Ahadith. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) had to undergo inumerable hurdles and hardships in Mecca and the birth of Islam was only achieved after excruciating pain and labour. In the face of such determined and resolute opposition from the Kufaar-e- Quraish, the undeniable Message of Islam was proclaimed which culminated in the splitting of the Meccan Community into three distinct Jamaats. The first group who wholeheartedly accepted the message was known as Jamaat-e-Muslimeen. The second group, v1ich vehemently rejected the message was Jamaat-eKafireen. The third group wh4’jnwrd1y rejected and insulted the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Divine Messe but outwardly pretended to accept Islam was known as Jamaat-e-Munfiqeen. Incidently, specific chapters on all these three Jamaats can be found in the Holy Quran. Needless to say that after the pssae of over 100 years, these three Jamaats are still existing today. However, torthe-purpose of this disclosure we will focus our attention on the third Jamaat, the Munafiqeen, because of its relevane-y—to the subject matter in this book. DEFINITION OF A HYPOCRITE Before proceeding further in expounding in some detail regarding this third Jamaat, it is necessary that the reader first sufficently acquints himself with the definition of a Munafiq (Hypocrite) in the light of the Quran and the Ahadith. The simplest manner in which to describe a Munafiq to the lay- Muslim is thus; the present-day Kufaar are divided into two groups. The one whose Kufr is open is called a Kaafir and the other whose Kufr is hidden is called a Munafiq. In brief, the Munafiq is a hidden Kaafir. You must be wondering how and where can a person hide his Kufr where a Muslim cannot see it. BELIEFS OF THE MUNAFIQEEN 4 sufimanzil.org Tableeghi Jamath The beliefs of the Munafiqeen who lived during the time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) makes interestitig reading and something to really ponder about. After scanning the pages of the books of Ahadith we discover that the Munafiqeen in the era of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) had the following beliefs and characteristics. Space does not permit to deal with each incident in detail as found in the books of Ahadith, the gist should siffice. I. They were in the habit of insulting and degrading the dignity of Allah’s Beloved Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). 2. They considered the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) as an ordinary man like themselves and that he was completely powerless. 3. They were strongly opposed to the intercession (Shafa’at) of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). 4. They outrightly rejected the Wasila (medium) of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). 5. They laughed and jeered at the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) knowledge of the Unseen. 6. They were in the habit of sitting amongst themselves in groups in the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) Mosque, perpetually creating mischief and disunity amongst the Believers. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Companions finally threw them out of the mosque and the Munafiqeen were compelled to build their own mosque nearby called Masjid-e-Dirar, subsequently Allah ordered the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to burn and raze their mosque to the ground. After 1400 years the Munafiqeen of this 15th Century built their mosque in the same vicinity where Masjid-eDirar once stood. This mosque is now called Masjid-e-Noor. Wha an appropriate coincidence. THE PERFECT POST-MORTEM This invaluable book was specifically written for the Muslim masses who are unfortunately and generally simple-minded, unwary and tragically gullible. It 5 sufimanzil.org Tableeghi Jamath is strongly recommended that the Muslims saturate themselves with this book in order to safeguard themselves from these thieves of Faith masquerading as Muslims and your friends, deceiving and hood-winking the simple and unwary Muslims behind their artificial garb of piety. This great work deals entirely with the Munafiqeen of this 15th Century of Islam who were in incubation for 1400 years and have now emerged in our midst under a new label.
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