Communion Practice: We believe that Christ is truly present in Holy Communion and, as we try to be faithful to Christ in the serving of this Sacrament, we ask that everyone be examined and instructed by the Pastor before receiving Holy Communion. All confirmed members of this parish, who have been regularly examined by the Pastor, are welcome to partake of the Holy Eucharist today. We also welcome the members who are in good standing of any of the parishes served by the Bishop, Pastors, and Deacons of The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA), and who have spoken to the Pastor prior to the service. Members of other Lutheran parishes or other denominations are kindly asked to refrain from communing today. The Pastor would be glad to make an appointment with anyone to discuss our teachings and/or our parish. A Prayer upon Entering Church Almighty, Ever-Living God, grant that I may gladly hear Thy Word and that all my worship may be acceptable unto Thee; through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen. A Prayer before Communion Dear Savior, upon Thy gracious invitation I come to Thine Altar. Let me find favor in Thine eyes that I may approach Thy Table in true faith and receive The Feast of Whitsunday the Sacrament to the salvation of my soul. Amen. May 31st, 2020 A Prayer after Communion O Thou blessed Savior Jesus Christ, Who hast given Thyself to me in this Sts. Peter & Paul Ev. Luth. Church, U.A.C. holy Sacrament, keep me in Thy faith and favor; as Thou livest in me, let me A Parish Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America also live in Thee. May Thy holy Body and Blood preserve me in the true faith 215 N. Main St., Ste. 1-D unto everlasting life. Amen. Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 412-6330 A Prayer at the Close of the Service www.spplc.org Grant, I beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the Word which I have heard this Pastor Jerald P Dulas day may through Thy grace be so engrafted in my heart that I may bring forth (864) 832-9005 (home) the fruit of the Spirit; through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen. [email protected] “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I Scripture quotations are from the New King James edition, copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 Thomas Nelson said to you.” St. John 14:26 Publishers, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Order of Divine Service The Agnus Dei TLH p. 28 Sit Prelude “All’ Ehr’ und Lob’” George Th. Miles The Distribution The Ringing of the Bell Stand Silent Prayer The Post-Communion Canticle “The Nunc Dimittis” TLH p. 29-30 Stand The Thanksgiving (“And His mercy endureth forever”) TLH p. 30 The Processional Hymn “Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid” ∆ TLH 236 The Post-Communion Collect TLH p. 31 The Confiteor Sit The Invocation and Address TLH p. 15 The Hymn “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord” TLH 224 Versicles TLH p. 15 Stand Confession and Absolution TLH p. 16 The Salutation TLH p. 31 The Introit (Tone 4) INSERT The Benedicamus TLH p. 31 The Kyrie TLH p. 17 The Benediction TLH p. 31 The Gloria in Excelsis TLH p. 17-19 Silent Prayer The Salutation TLH p. 19 Sit The Collect for the Day INSERT Announcements Sit Postlude “Wie schön leuchtet” Michael Praetorius The Lesson Joel 2:28-32 After each Lesson: V: This is the Word of the Lord. ∆—indicates a hymn ending in a Doxological stanza; please stand. R: Thanks be to God. The Epistle Acts 2:1-13 The Greater Alleluia INSERT Stand The Sequence Hymn “Holy Spirit, Come, We Pray” INSERT The Holy Gospel St. John 14:23-31 The Athanasian Creed INSERT Sit The Hymn “Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple” TLH 228 The Sermon We Will Make Our Home with Him Stand The Offertory “Create in Me A Clean Heart, O God” TLH p. 22-23 Sit The Recitation of the Catechism The Table of Duties Stand The General Prayer TLH p. 23 Sit Hymn “O Holy Spirit, Enter In” TLH 235 Stand The Preface TLH p. 24 The Proper Preface TLH p. 25 The Sanctus and Benedictus TLH p. 26 The Lord’s Prayer TLH p. 27 The Verba Domini TLH p. 27 The Pax Domini TLH p. 27 An Excerpt from Luther’s Writings Announcements “The festival we call ‘Pentecost’ had origin as follows: When God was about to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, He permitted them to Daily Readings for the Octave of the Feast of Whitsunday celebrate the Feast of the Passover on the night of their departure; and Morning Evening commanded them on every annual recurrence of the season to observe Today: 1 Sam. 1; John 14:15-21 1 Samuel 2; the same feast in commemoration of their liberation from bondage and Ephesians 4:7-16 their departure from Egypt. Fifty days later, in their journey through Monday: 1 Sam. 3; John 4:5-26 1 Samuel 4; the wilderness, they arrived at Mount Sinai. There God gave them the Acts 2:42-47 Law, through Moses; and there they were commanded to observe Tuesday: 1 Sam. 5; Acts 2:14-36 1 Samuel 6; annually, in commemoration of that giving of the Law, the fiftieth day Ezekiel 47:1-12 after the Feast of the Passover.” From Martin Luther’s Sermon in the Wednesday: 1 Sam. 7; Acts 2:37-47 1 Samuel 8; Church Postil for Pentecost, 1544. Isaiah 45:18-21 Thursday: 1 Sam. 9; John 14:1-22 1 Samuel 10; In Our Prayers: Isaiah 45:22-25 ▪ For all those who are sick or infirmed, especially, Emily Friday: 1 Sam. 11; John 15:1-25 1 Samuel 12; Benson, Peggy Holder, Jo Kope, Betty Ramsey, Brandon Jeremiah 9:23-26 Dennie, Nellie Noegel, Judy Horn, Richard Noegel, Patricia Saturday: 1 Sam. 13; Jn. 16:31—17:26 1 Samuel 14; Bachand, Tamara Jack, Mike Miller, Doris Armstrong, Isaiah 44:6-8 Barbara Miller, Matthew Scholten, Vince Bost, Janice Heitener, Ray Heitener, Pat Stefanski, Sherrill Smithey, Rev. Praying the Psalter Daily in Matins and Vespers: Floyd Smithey, Martin Kope, Bill Kope, Sally Kope, David Morning Evening Heiser, and Rev. Mark Mueller. Today: Psalms 48-49, 148 Psalms 145, 149-150 ▪ For Silvia diGregorio that her faith may by strengthened. Monday: Psalms 90, 1-4 Psalms 19, 5-8 ▪ For our bishop, the Rt. Rev. James D. Heiser. Tuesday: Psalms 90, 9-11 Psalms 19, 12-17 ▪ For the parishes served by our diocese, especially, St. Paul Ev. Wednesday: Psalms 90, 18 Psalms 19-22 Lutheran Church, Taylorsville, NC; and her pastor, the Rev. Thursday: Psalms 90, 23-25 Psalms 19, 26-30 David Carver. Friday: Psalms 90, 31-32 Psalms 19, 33-34 ▪ For our seminary, St. Ignatius Evangelical Theological Saturday: Psalms 90, 35 Psalms 115, 143, 36-37 Lutheran Seminary. ▪ For all those who serve in the military, especially, Nicholas Book of Concord Readings for the Week: Silva. Monday: The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, XXI.40—XXII.8 ▪ For those struggling with addiction, especially, Thomas Allred Tuesday: The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, XXII.9—XXIII.4 and John Monahan. Wednesday: The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, XXIII.5-13 ▪ For those affected by the coronavirus. Thursday: The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, XXIII.14-27 ▪ For those who are suffering unemployment. Friday: The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, XXIII.28-42 ▪ For those near death. ▪ For those celebrating a birthday this week. Reciting the Catechism Daily: ▪ For those celebrating an anniversary this week. Sunday: The Ten Commandments ▪ For those traveling this week. Monday: The Apostles’ Creed, The Lord’s Prayer Tuesday: Holy Baptism, The Office of the Keys and Confession Wednesday: The Sacrament of the Altar Thursday: The Prayers to Mike Miller. Friday: The Table of Duties Saturday: Christian Questions with Their Answers Ask the Pastor The Rev. Joshua Sullivan of Holy Cross Ev. Luth. Church, Kerrville, Hymns for the Week: TX puts out weekly videos dealing with a wide range of theological Morning: TLH 228—“Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple” topics. Please check them out and subscribe to be notified when a new Evening: TLH 235—“O Holy Spirit, Enter In” one is published at http://www.youtube.com/user/ATPHolyCross. Calendar for the Octave of the Feast of Whitsunday Parish Assembly Meeting Today: The Feast of Whitsunday—Red Our next parish assembly meeting will be next Sunday, June 7th, 2020 10:00 a.m. Divine Service during the Bible class hour. We will discuss the purchase of icons for 11:15 a.m. Bible Class our sanctuary, and calling Rev. Floyd Smithey, Jr. as Deacon of Sts. Monday: Whit-Monday—Red Peter and Paul to serve as missionary to Knoxville, TN. Please make Tuesday: Whit-Tuesday—Red plans to be there. Wednesday: Spring Ember Day—Violet Mike Miller’s Baptismal Anniversary To Read in Preparation for this week’s Festivals: Thursday: Within the Octave of the Feast of Whitsunday—Red Today—The Feast of Whitsunday Friday: The Festival of St. Boniface of Mainz, Bishop and Old Testament Lesson: Joel 2:28-32 Martyr/Spring Ember Day—Red Epistle: Acts 2:1-13 Saturday: Spring Ember Day—Violet Gospel: St. John 14:23-31 D-Day Next Sunday: The Feast of the Holy Trinity—White June 1st—Whit-Monday 10:00 a.m.
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