Faculty of Resource Science and Technology Systematic study of the genus Paracostus C. D. Specht (Costaceae) from Northern West of Sarawak: Leaf Morphological and Anatomical Aspects Nabilah Syakirah Binti Mohd Ali (49837) Bachelor of Science with Honours (Plant Resources Science and Management) 2017 UNIVERSITI MAL<\ YSIA SARAWAK Grade: Plea se tick (v) Fmal Year P roject Report [2J Masters D PhD D DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL WORK ThIS declaration 18 made on the , \" ...... ..day of ..........:l"" ...... year ......<:>0\ .... 1­ .. , Student 's Declaration: [ •••1VI'\\'l.\\..A\I""._ • • -- " !''A:-llU\l'\•••••".~ - - --- -_1l._1 ..,"- - _ •••••• t\"o'Mll " -_. - _IIq...- - _ ,• •••••••A"IH~~ __ _ J. _.'l\~\..'N __ • ••••• __ • ___~aCCcI: • __ _...... .... _' ....s-c~~ _• _ __ • •• ••I\~•••••• "X.1\I-Jc..lI:._____ ..... <;''j (P LEASE J [DI C TE NAM E, MA TRI C NO. AND FA CULTy) hereby decl a r that the work entjtled, S~s \""'~ t ,c. st""'''''l c>{: {'roE C!tt: N'4< ~""'A~\ "~fICE,f\G"' , , , T"o,:;: '~dIt\E''j;,'l:;i:,;i"0:':'S'IWA:.LAI':"i.Ei\i' ''''''''ffiliSlOi(flW'.ni''lfli~\~·AL18 my of'l!;lnal wOl'k, [ haw not copied fr om any other students' work or from any other sources w1th the exception where due r{'fer ence or a. c kno w l C' d ~~ m e nt is made explicitly in the tl.:! xt, nor h s a ny pa r I. uf the ,,'or k been written for Ol e by another pe rson. Date submitted Na m~ uf th~ Sl udent (M a tr ic N o,) Supervisor's Declaration: I.."'"""""I= ........ .m,,........= .,..............'\ -A'no\...- u.- ,\<:.h-...... ----- --..... (.S \"'PER VI SOR S NAME), h Cl'f' by certl' fy tha t the work entitl e d E. 3)1~'. ~))~: 5~~ , !:...~ . ~s --~~!.....~ .~~>. (T[ TL E) was p repared by the 1"'.0«> ....,"""'" "-""', ~t · ~ !\"",pr..,.,~~ "''l'' """'.... "'" aforementIO ned or a bove menlloned student. and was sunmllted to the "FACULTY' as a * . 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(~~ Stude nt's s ignatll!'p __'__~___<::­____ SuperVisor's signature: '5 ~ :>O~ (Date) (Da te) ;.mmll MHzlummlj ~ Lecturor Curre nt Address: _WI) 0' kc:onwce S<iOllCC ODd r.,,110'''01) ;:)'$ '~h c.~~ :lQ1.&C"\ , '~o ~\o. Uvt~ , tNlVERsm MALAYSIA SARA IN AI­ Notes: * If the Project/Thesis is CONFIDENTIAL or RESTRI CTED, pleuse a ttacb together as annexure a letter from the or ganisation \\lith the date of restriction indicn tl"ri , and the reasons for the - confidentiality and restriction . [The instrument was prepared by The Centre for Academ ic Information Service"J Systematic study of the genus Paracostus C. D. Specht (Costaceae) from Northern West of Sarawak: Leaf Morphological and Anatomical Aspects Nabilah Syakirah Binti Mohd Ali (49837) This report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours (Plant Resource Science and Management) Plant Resource Science and Management Programme Faculty Resource Science and Technology Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 2017 APPROVAL Name of candidate : Nabilah Syakirah Binti Mohd Ali Title : Systematic study of the genus Paracostus C. D. Specht (Costaceae) from Northern West of Sarawak: Leaf Morphological and Anatomical Aspects. ………………………….. (Dr. Qammil Muzzammil Abdullah @ Meekiong Kalu) Supervisor …………………………... (Dr. Freddy Yeo Kuok San) Coordinator Plant Resource Science and Management Programme Faculty of Resource Science and Technology Universiti of Malaysia Sarawak DECLARATION This report is done for the subject of STF 3015 Final Year Project 2 2016/2017. It is based on my original work except for quotation and citation which have been acknowledged. I declared that it has not been submitted previously or currently to any other degree at University of Malaysia Sarawak or any other institution. ________________________________ Nabilah Syakirah Binti Mohd Ali Plant Resource Science and Management Programme Department of Plant Science and Environmental Ecology Faculty of Resource Science and Technology University of Malaysia Sarawak June, 2017 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, first and foremost all the praises to Allah S.W.T., peace and blessings be upon the Prophet of mercy, Muhammad and His companions. Alhamdulillah with Allah s.w.t permission, I manage to complete my final year project paper. Thus through this acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to people involved and help me during this project. A special thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Qammil Muzzammil Abdullah @ Meekiong Kalu, for given me the opportunity to conduct this project and all the advice, patient, encouragement, help and guidance in order for me to complete this project. Thanks also to the Post Graduate student, Aimi Syazana and Nur Syauqina Syasya, my bestfriend Nur Ismaniza, my lab mate Nur Azieya, Gloria Rinya, Nur Amanina, Muslihah and Nurul Izzati and many more that help and guide me during the entire lab and field work. To the most important person in my life, my father Mohd Ali Bin Jamaluddin, my mother, Siti Zaharah binti Wahab, my siblings Muhammad Abbas, NurHilal and Aqilah thank you for all your endless love, advice and support all this time. Not to forget Muhammad Luqman who always help and give advice and moral supports to me. Thanks to all the support and help that I have gain throughout this project that become an inspiration for me to complete this Final Year Project. Thank you all ii TABLE CONTENT List Table Page Declaration i Acknowledgement ii Tables of Contents iii List of Tables & Figures iv List of Abbreviation v Abstract 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Problem Statement and Objective 4 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Order Zingiberales 5 2.2 Costaceae 8 2.3 Paracostus C. D. Specht 11 2.4 Distribution of Paracostus 13 2.5 Plant Anatomy 14 CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS 18 3.1 Material 18 3.2 Method 18 3.3 Morphology Study 20 22 3.4 Anatomy Study 21 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS 22 4.1 Genus Paracostus C.D. Specht 22 4.2 Mapping of The Study Site 24 4.2 Paracostus Morphology 25 4.2.1 Paracostus Leaf Apex and Base 25 4.2.2 Key Identification Morphological Characteristic 32 4.3 Paracostus Leaf Anatomy 33 4.3.1 Stomata on Adaxial 35 4.3.2 Stomata on Abaxial 37 4.3.3 Trichome 38 4.3.4 Petiole of Paracostus sp. 39 4.3.5 Key Identification Anatomical Characteristics 43 4.4 Paracostus sp. Morphological Description 44 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 48 CHAPTER 6: REFRENCES 50 CHAPTER 8: APPENDICES 54 iii LIST OF TABLE List Table Page Table 1: The result of the leave morphology 30 Table 2: The average reading of Paracostus morphology parameter reading 32 Table 3: The result of the stomata of Paracostus species 35 Table 4: Result of the petiole cross-section of Paracostus 43 LIST OF FIGURE List Figure Page Figure 1 : The picture of the Zingiberales order plants 8 Figure 2 : Cladogram of Costaceae 2 Figure 3 : Picture of Paracotus muluensis and Paracostus paradoxus. 13 Figure 4 : The location of taxon sampling 20 Figure 5 : Example of leaf measurement of Paracostus species 21 Figure 6 : Picture of the Paracostus plant 23 Figure 7 : Picture of the map study site of selected Paracostus species 25 Figure 8 : Picture of the apex of the Paracostus leave 27 Figure 9 : Picture of the base of the Paracostus leave 28 Figure 10 : Picture of the type of stomata in Paracostus 36 Figure 11 : Picture of the stomata on the adaxial of Paracotus leave 37 Figure 12 : Picture of the stomata on the abaxial of Paracotus leave 38 Figure 13 :Picture of the trichrome on the abaxial of the Paracostus leave 39 Figur Figure 14 : Picture shows the structure of the petiole cross section 40 Figure 15 : Picture shows the petiole cross section of the Paracostus species 41 Figure 16 : Picture shows the drawing of the petiole cross section shape 42 Figure 17 : Picture of the P.
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