I _ . _ I I . _ _ _ -- -- -- ___ -. -.... -- ... .._ THE RUSSIAN REVIEW An AmericanQuarterly Devoted to Russia Past and Present July 1990 Vol 49 No. 3 Price $8.00 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ISSN 0036-0341 This content downloaded from on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:19:17 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ll~R13~*1~WL11~3 S The Crisis of Russian Autocracy Nicholas II and the 1905 Revolution Andrew M. Verner Two men loom large in the waning days of the Russian empire: Lenin and Nicholas II-the former by force of his personality and ideas, the latter by virtue of his inherited dominion over one-sixth of the earth. Yet, although the victor has commanded scholarly attention commensurate with his historical importance, the loser has not. Nicholas was the linch- pin of the autocratic system, but his key role has been largely ignored except for some dismissive or hagiographic treatments. Andrew Verer redresses this neglect by providing both a fascinating psychological biog- raphy of the ruler and a probing analysis of his part in the revolutionary crisis of 1905. Studiesof the HarrimanInstitute, Columbia University Cloth:$35.00 ISBN 0-691-04773-1 New in paperback Mothers of Misery ChildAbanonment in Russia David L. Ransel "There were two central foundling homes in Russia, one in Moscow, one in St. Petersburg.... [In this book] no significantaspect of their history is left untouched, and many issues are de- scribed and analyzed in rich detail.... the book becomes, in part, a history of rural Russia over a one-hundred-fifty- year period, or, more accurately,of the provincialhinterlands of the two capi- tals.... "--Reginald E. Zelnik, AmericanHistorical Review Now in paper:$12.95 ISBN 0-691-00848-5 ATYOUR BOOKSTORE OR Princeton University Press 41 WILLIAMST.* PRINCETON,NJ08540 * (609)258-4900 ORDERS800-PRS-ISBN (777-4726) This content downloaded from on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:19:17 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE RUSSIAN REVIEW An American QuarterlyDevoted to Russia Past and Present Vol. 49 July 1990 No. 3 SPECIALISSUE ON ALEXANDER BOGDANOV Contributorsto the Special Issue ..................................... vi From the Editor ....................................................... vii ARTICLES AlexanderBogdanov, Vpered, and the Role of the Intellectualin the Workers'Movement John Eric Marot ............................ 241 AlexanderBogdanov and the Theory of a "New Class" John Biggart ............................... ................ 265 DISCUSSION On Intellectualsand the New Class Zenovia A. Sochor .............. 283 The Problem of the Socialist Intelligentsia AndrzejWalicki .......... 293 Red Queen or White Knight?The Ambivalencesof Bogdanov Aileen M. Kelly .................................................... 305 REVIEWARTICLES Soviet Policy towardthe ThirdWorld: The Long Road to Thermi- dor-and Beyond? Melvin Croan ..................... .......... 317 The Soviet Union, EasternEurope and the ThirdWorld, edited by Roger E. Kanet The Soviet Union and the Strategyof Non-Alignmentin the Third World, by Roy Allison The Limits of Soviet Power in the Developing World, edited by Ed- ward A. Kolodziej and Roger E. Kanet BOOK REVIEWS Uncollected Writingson Russian Literature,by D. S. Mirsky. Hugh McLean ......................................... 321 The Supernaturalin Slavic and Baltic Literature:Essays in Honor of Victor Terras,edited by Amy Mandelkerand RobertaReeder. Irene Masing-Delic ............................................... 323 Esthetics as Nightmare:Russian LiteraryTheory, 1855-1870, by Charles A. Moser. Caryl Emerson ............................... 326 I This content downloaded from on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:19:17 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CriticalEssays on Ivan Turgenev,by David A. Lowe. Dale E. Peterson .................................................. 327 The Revolution of Moral Consciousness:Nietzsche in Russian Litera- ture, 1900-1914, by Edith W. Clowes. Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal ................................ ......... 329 Boris Pasterak's My Sister-Life: The Illusion of Narrative,by KatherineTieran O'Connor. Charles Isenberg .................. 330 Four ContemporaryRussian Writers,by RobertPorter. KathleenParthe .................................................... 331 Modernismto Realism on the Soviet Stage: Tairov-Vakhtangov- Okhlopkov, by Nick Worrall. LaurenceSenelick .......... ... 333 MotherRussia: The Feminine Myth in Russian Culture,by JoannaHubbs. MaureenPerrie ........................ ........... 334 The PetrineRevolution in Russian Architecture,by James Cracraft. Lindsey Hughes ................................................... 336 The Architectureand Planningof Classical Moscow: A CulturalHis- tory, by Albert J. Schmidt. James Cracraft ..................... 337 ImperialRussia, 1700-1917: Essays in Honor of Marc Raeff, edited by Ezra Mendelsohn and MarshallS. Shatz. SamuelH. Baron ... 338 Islam and the Russian Empire:Reform and Revolution in Central Asia, by Helene Carrered'Encausse. David MacKenzie .......... 339 Midpassage:Alexander Herzen and EuropeanRevolution, 1847-1852, by JudithE. Zimmerman. Sidney Monas ........................ 340 Russian Officialdomin Crisis: Autocracyand Local Self-Government, 1861-1900, by Thomas S. Pearson. WalterPintner .............. 342 Russia's Rulers underthe Old Regime, by Dominic Lieven. W.Bruce Lincoln ................................................. 343 Russian Teachersand PeasantRevolution: The Politics of Educationin 1905, by Scott J. Seregny. TerenceEmmons ...................... 345 1905 in St. Petersburg:Labor, Society, and Revolution, by GeraldD. Surh. Henry Reichman ........................................... 346 Istoricheskaiakontseptsiia N. I. Kareeva:Soderzhanie i evoliutsiia, by Vasilii Pavlovich Zolotarev. J. ThomasSanders .................. 348 Jan WaclawMachajski: A Radical Critic of the Russian Intelligentsia and Socialism, by MarshallS. Shatz. JeremiahSchneiderman ... 349 The Blackwell Encyclopediaof the Russian Revolution, edited by HaroldShukman. Donald J. Raleigh ........... .................. 351 The Memoirs of Anastas Mikoyan:Volume I-The Path of Struggle, edited by Sergo Mikoyan. Robert V Daniels ..................... 352 Engine of Mischief: An Analytical Biographyof Karl Radek, by Jim Tuck. AbrahamAscher ..................................... 353 Zapiski sovetskogo advokata:20-e-30-e gody, by N. V. Palibin. Eugene Huskey .................................................... 354 With Stalin against Tito: CominformistSplits in Yugoslav Commu- nism, by Ivo Banac. Carole Rogel ............................... 355 The Genesis of the Stalinist Social Order,by Pavel Campeanu. ArthurE. Adams ................................................... 356 II This content downloaded from on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:19:17 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions The Russian Challenge and the Year2000, by AlexanderYanov. Ralph T. Fisher, Jr. ........................................ 357 The Soviet Union and the Challenge of the Future:Stasis and Change, edited by Alexander S. Shtromasand Morton A. Kaplan. Donald W.Treadgold .............................................. 358 Political Justice in the USSR: Dissent and Repressionin Lithuania, 1969-1987, by Thomas A. Oleszczuk. RobertA. Vitas .......... 360 Soviet Steel: The Challenge of IndustrialModernization in the USSR, by Boris Z. Rumer. John Garland ................................ 361 Soviet Nuclear Strategyfrom Stalin to Gorbachev:A Revolutionin Soviet Military and Political Thinkingby Honore M. Catudal. RaymondL. Garthoff .............................................. 362 Afghanistanand the Soviet Union, edited by Milan Haunerand Robert L. Canfield. StephenFrederic Dale .............................. 364 Politics, Workand Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey of FormerSo- viet Citizens, edited by James R. Millar. GregoryGleason ....... 366 Soviet Jewry since the Second WorldWar: Population and Social Structure,by MordechaiAltshuler. Edith Rogovin Frankel ....... 368 Soviet YouthCulture, edited by Jim Riordan. RichardStites. ........ 369 Christianityand Governmentin Russia and the Soviet Union, by Sergei Pushkarev,Vladimir Rusak, and Gleb Yakunin. WilliamC. Fletcher ................................................ 370 Soviet Studies on the Churchand the Believer's Response to Atheism, by Dimitry V. Pospielovsky. Jerry Pankhurstand Carolyn P. Welch .............................. 371 Selected Writingson Soviet Law and Marxism, by P. W. Stuchka. The Soviet Union and InternationalCooperation in Legal Matters. Part 1: Recognition of ArbitralAgreements and Executionof Foreign CommercialArbitral Awards, by George Ginsburgs. Paul B. StephanIII ................................................ 373 CriticalEssays on Anton Chekhov, edited by Thomas A. Eekman. Irene Masing-Delic ................................................ 375 Phantomof Fact: A Guide to Nabokov's Pnin, by GennadiBarabtarlo. Priscilla Meyer .................................................... 376 Civil Rights in ImperialRussia, edited by Olga Crisp and Linda Ed- mondson. Priscilla R. Roosevelt ................................... 378 The Unholy Alliance: Stalin's Pact with Hitler, by GeoffreyRoberts. Jiri Hochman ...................................................... 379 Soviet Ideologies in the Period of Glasnost:Responses to Brezhnev's Stagnation,by Vladimir Shlapentokh.Alfred Evans, Jr. ............ 380 Perestroikain Perspective:The Design and Dilemmas of Soviet
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