GENERAL INDEX TO THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Aberystwyth, see Plynlimon. Anatase in New Red Sandst., 231-32 Abu ~Ro~sh (Egypt), 41, 53. & pl. xii. Aehtriochtan, Loeh (Argyll), 619, Andesites of Coire nam Beith, &c., 625, 636. 615, 616 et seqq. Acidaspis (?) sp. (Tourmakeady), 148 Andesitie rocks, intrusive, of Tour- & p!. vi. makeady district, 130-31, 136-37. Acrotrela (?) hiberniea, sp. n(,v., 150- Angl? Tarn(& Allen Crags), Cumber- 51 & pl. vi. land, dykes near, 74-75. Acti~locamax quadralus, Zone of, in Angwa R. (:Rhodesia), 419. Seaford district, 443 c[ s,r Aniseed Valley (New Zealand), peri- Actinolite in :New t~ed Sandst., 235. dotite-belt of, 355-57. sect. across Acuminattts Zone, see Cephaloffraplus. do., 356. Admission of women to Geol. Soe., Ai;i~a Bay. see Milford Sound. i-ill, iv, viii. Annelid jaws fr. Ystwyth Stage ,~Etosaurus, 440. (Valentian), 507. Agglomerates of Coire ham Beith, Ammal General Meeting, ix-xlix. &c., 616, 617-18. Apm ularia sphenolJhfflloides, 05 & pl. i. Alethopteris lonchitica, 27. --~ slelhda, 25. serli, 27. Anticlinorimn defined, 521 ; W. limb Allen Crags (& Angle Tarn), Cumber- ~Jf Rheidol antielinorium, 519-20. land, dykes near, 74-75. Antigorite-rock of New Zealand, 360 Allt Coire an Easain (Argyll), 62)0, & pl. xvi. 621, 628, 632. Aonach Eagach (Argyll), 619, 625"; A.1111ERST Oil' tIAcKNEY, LORD, obituary Lr. O. R. S. plants ot, 623. of, lxxx. Apatite in labradorite-norite, 87, 88 Amphibole-serpentine rock of Dtm chem. anal. ]Kountain, 359 w. chem. anal. & Apaloeephat~s (?) sp. (Tourmakeady), pl. xv ; see al.~o ttornblende. 148-49 & pl. vi. An t-Sron (Argyll), 631,634 e~ seqq. ; Arant Haw (Howgill district), V- sect. to Moo,_- of t~annoeh, pl. xxxiii. shaped valley near, 600 fig. Analyses of Eskdale Granite, 64; of AaeEa, E. A. N., on the Fossil Plants labradorite, 84; of labradorite- of the Waldershare & Fredville norite, 86, 88 et seqq. ; of Cretac. Series of the Kent Coalfield, 21-39 plant-bearing nodules & Carbon. & pl. i, 40. coal-balls, &e., 2)00, 201; of Sew Areh,'can inliers in Karroo of N. Zealand nephrit(~,370, 371 et seqq. ; Rhodesia, 409 et seqq., 413 et seqq. of :New Zealand magnesian rocks, Arenig rocks of Tourmakeady district, 354, 359, 362, 363. 106-15 figs., 140. 680 GENERAL ,~DEX. [Nov. ,909, Arsenopyrite in Lahat ' pipe,' 387. Barras Nose (Cornwall), sect. through Artlegarthdale (Itowgill district), Trevena Valley, from, 270; sect. 605, 606 ; plan illustrating drainage descr., 275 ; B. :N. :Beds, 267, 269 et of, 590; sect. showg, thalweg of seqq. beheaded Artlegarthdale & its Barrington (Cambs.), boulders in Drift tributary valleys, pl. xxxi. of, 255. Artois-Mendip axis, 36 et seqq. BARROW, G., 279 ; [on kaolinization], Ash Beck Gill (Howgill district), 159; [on fault-intrusions, &c.], glaciation of, 602. 677-78. Ashgilliau of Conway, 172 et se(17. Barton (Cambs.), boulders ill Drift of, Ashy series (Arenig) of Tourma- 255. keady district, 115-18; (Ordovic.) Barytes in New Red Sandstone, 234. of Conway district, 172 el ~,'~'qq., Basal Conglomerates (Dwyka), in N. 176, 177. Rhodesia, 422-27 & pls. xix-xx, Askja (Iceland) caldera, comp. w. xxiii. Gleu-Coe cauldron-subsidence, 666- Basalt in neighbourhood of Victoria 69 fig. Falls, 390 et seqq. ; ~ee also Andesites, Assets, statement of. xl. S'c. Athffris glabristria, 572 & pl. xxvi. ' Bastard granite' (=diorite ?), 77. ~. hiber~zica, nora. nov., 573 & pl. BATilER, F. A., 571. xrvi. Bathyseism defined, 14. lamdlosa, 573 & pl. xxvi. BaYZAND, C. J., 571. Auditors elected, vi, vii. BE*DNELL, I-L J'. L., on the Relations Augite-andesites of Coire ham :Beitb, of the ~Nubian Sandstone & the 615. Crystalline Rocks south of the Oasis Augite-felsite of Tourmakeady dis- of Kharga (Egypt), 41-51 figs. & trict, 129, 135. pl. ii (map), 53-54. Auhunga, a variety of nepbrite, 369. Bedfordshire, boulders in Drift of, Austria-Hungary, Geol. Sure. maps 258-59. presented, v. Beinn Ceitlein (Argyll), vole. rocks, Aeonian, see Carboniferous Limestone. &c. of, 625, 626; boundary-fault, Ayer Dangsaug (Perak) ' pipe,' tin-ore &c. of Glen Coe subsidence, 659- deposit, 387. 61. Beinn Fhada (Argyll), vole. rocks, &c. Backside Beck (Howgill district), 604, of, 616, 617 et seqq. 605; plan illustratg, drainage of, Benarth Flags & Grits, 172 et seqq., 590. 186--87. BAILEY, E. B. (& C. T. Clough, & H. Beris (Kharga Oasis), cryst, rocks, B. Maufe), the Cauldron-Subsidence &e. near, 42 et ~qq. figs. & map of Glen Coe & the Associated (pl. ii). Igneous Phenomena, 611-76 figs. & :Berry Head (Devon), age of sandst. pls. xxxii-xxxiv, 678. dyke at, 235. Bala (?) conglomerate & grit of Tour- Bibliography of Coal Measure flora, makeady district, 125-26, 139. 38-39 ; of Tourmakeady district, :Balance-sheet for 1908, xxxvi-xxxvii. 105; of Ordovie. & Silur. rocks of BALFOUa, H. [on Zambesi stone-im- Couway, 169-71; of boulders in plements], 406. Cambridge Drift, 247 ; of Tintagel Ballyvaghan (Clare), Curb. Limest. at, geology, 265 ; of glacial erosion of 539, 544 et seqq. ; view of barren Snowdon district, 343-44; of ~ew surface of do., w. ' grikes,' 540 fig. ; Zealand peridotites & nephrite, natural limestone amphitheatre of, 378-79; of geology of Central Wales, 546 fig. 464--67; of Garb. Limest. of Co. :Bane :Bryn Chwith (Cardigan), sect. Clare, 582. fr. the Afon Castell over, 483. Biddenham (Beds.), boulders in Drift B's 1~. (Argyll), sect. to Meall Garbh, of, 259. pl. xxxiii. Bidean ham Bian (Argyll), vole. rocks, BARKER, T. V. [exhibits Fedoroff's &c. of, 616, 618. ' universal instruments '] iii. Brassy medallists, list of, xxxii. Fund, list of awards Biotite in .labradorite-norite, 87, 88 from, xxxiii. chem. anal. :B*RNES, J'. [chem. anal. of coal-balls, Bishopstone (Sussex), 447; sect. to &c.], 201. Denton, 448. Vol. 65. ] GENERAL INDEX. 681 Black Head (Clare), Carb. Limest. of, Buachaille Etive Beag & Etivo Mot 545; results of pluvial & marine (Argyll), 617, 618, 619 ; porphyrite action on, 540 fig. dyke traversing rhyolites at foot of Blaen Myherin Mudstones (Ystwyth former, 642 fig., 643. Stage), 468, 516 et seqq. Bunratty (Lr.), barony of (Clare), Blands Gill (I-Iowgil! area), glaciation Carb. Limest. fossil localities in, of, 599. 557-58 ; Bunratty (Upper), barony Bodeidda Mudstones, 172 ct seqq., of, C. L. foss. localities in, 559-62. 182. Burn, A., 23. Bodloudeb Ash Group, 172 et ,~eqq, Buaa, M., 23. 176 ; sect. of, 174. Barren (Clare), Carb. Limest. escarp- Bo~N~:Y, T. G., 262 ; (on New Zealand ment at, 544 et seqq. figs., 547; magnesian rocks, &e.), 380. C. L. fossil localities in barony of, Boot in Eskdale, sect. to Easthwaite, 562-63. 60. Borrowdale Series (& EskdMe Granite), Cadnant Shales, 172 eL seqq., 179-82. 55 et seqq. figs. & pl. iii (microsc. Calamites cf. cisti, 24. sect.). Calcareous series (Tourmakeady Beds), Bossiney Bay (Cornwall), sect. deser., 118-25 figs. 275-77. Calcite in New Red Sandstone, 232. Boulders in Cambridge Drift, distrib. Californian earthquake of April 18th, & origin of, 246-64 w. map. 190f;, 1-20 figs. Boundary-fault (& fault-intrusions) Cam Ghleann (Argyll)~ 617 el seqq., of Glen Coe cauldron-subsidence, 631,635 et seqq., 639. 624-61 figs. Cambridge Drift. distrib. & orig. of Bovey Tracey (Devon), depth & suc- boulders in, 24(')--64 w. map. cession of deposits at, 16"),-65 w. Camddwr Fault (Cardigan), 471. sect. Camerel la thomsoni, 151. Bowderdale (Howgill district), glacia- CP,m'nET, L, R., 248. tion of, 608 fig. ; plan illustratg. Campop,~/llum cylindricum, 578 & stream-diversions in, 603: sect. pl. xxvii. along watershedding line W. of, - sp., 579 & pl. xxvii. pl. xxxi. Caninia cornucopia, 579; aft. cornu- Bowenite of S. Island of :NewZealand, copke, 579 & pl. xxvii. & its matrix, 362-64 w. chem. anals. Cape Colony, Geol. Surv. maps pre- & pl. xvi. sented, cxxvi. Bramrigg Beck (Lake District), gla- Caradoeian of Conway, 172 et seqq. ciation of, 600. Carboniferous, basal, of I.iowgill Fells Breccia (junction), hr. Stony Tam, area, 587 et seqq. & pl. xxix (map). 57, 67-69 figs. & pl. iii (microscop. Carboniferous Limestone of County sect.); breceias of Tounnakeady Clare, 538-86 figs. & pls. xxvi- district, 109, 113 et seqq., 1~9 ; see xxvii (loss.). also Glen Coe, :NewRed Sandstone, C~ercinophyllum sp., 581-82 & pl. ~-~. xxvii. Brighton (Sussex) cliff- formation, Carclazyte, 155 et seqq. 2O6-207. Cardiaster pillula, 446 e~ seqq. Bristol area, &c., correlat, of Carb. Cardiocarpus acutus, 29-30& pl. i. Limest. w. that of Co. Clare, 564-69. Carling Gill (Howgill district), glacia- British Guiana, geol. map of N. por- tion of, 595-98 figs. tion presented, cxxv. Carpalla China-clay pit (Cornwall), Brookite in :New Red Sandstooe, 238 geol. features of, 155-61 figs. & & pl. xii. pl. vii. BROUGH, B. H., obituary of, lxxviii- CARRUTImRS, R. G., 571; award fr. lxxix. Lyell Geological Fund to, xlix. BRowN, A. [presents drawings of CAas~..~s, C., 86. Hawaiian Volcanoes], vi. CARuS-WILsOS, C., [exhib. enhydro (?) Bryn-glAs Mudstones, 471,472 et seqq. ft. W. Indies], exxvi; on the Bryn Glorian-mawr (Conway), grap- Pitting of Flint-Surfaces, 462. tolites found near~ 185. Cassiterite of Lahat' pipe,' 383 et seq~. Bryniau (Conway), loss. found at, Castell Group (Pont Erwyd Stage), 183. 493-505 figs. 682 GENERAL 1NDEX. [Nov. x9o 9, Castley Knolls (Lake District), glacia- Igneous Phenomena, 611-76 figs. & tion of, 599-600. pls. xxxii-xxxiv. Cauldron-subsidence of Glen Cos, Goal-balls in relat, to plant-containing 611-78 figs. & pls. xxxii-xxxiv. nodules fr. Japan, 195-205 & pl. ix. ' Gaunter' vein, 388. Coal Measure flora of Kent, 21 e~ Cautley Beck (Itowgill district), gla- seqq. & pl. i. ciation of valley, 603-604 w. plan. Coal Series (Lr. Matobola), of N. Celestiae in New Red Sandstone, 234. Rhodesia, 427-28.
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