?*••• VOLUME LXVIII, NO. 35. RED BANK, N."J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1946. Capt. Ghezzi Home Will Prune Unique Jig Saw Puzzle On Terminal Leave Globe Motor Sates 25 Sapplings ' TnteresfingLettei*i Capt. Joseph X Ghezzi,' son of • The officers of Bay View Forest, Ml-, and Mrs. .V. Frank Ghezzi of Establishment Opens Tall Cedars of Lebanon,- held a Realty Deal Closed Bast River road, Rumson, is home meeting Monday night in the lodge Broad Street on terminal leave and will soon re- rooms of Mystic Brotherhood lodge,- ceive his honorable discharge. No. 21, F.-and A. M., for making preparations for .a oeremonlal to be Distributors For De Soto, Plymouth held in the ball room of the Molly Van Horn Agency Broker In BHcber hotel Thursday night, Attorney Reussille Gives His SIM ' ^ March 7, at 8 o'clock. Sale Involving Five Families Cars To Operate Repair Shop There will be a class of 25 •"sap- Views On Reade Theater Matter I plings" to be pruned, the degree to : . One of the most unusual', realty With the opening of the Globe be worked, by. the. Asbury Park The Register received deals to occur in the Red Bank Motor Sales establishment at 21,-23 Forest, after which there will be a pleasant call Monday AlexCurchin area in recent years has just been Eight Boy Scouts! East Front stre"et. Red Bank,, the floor.show. •.'••-•. ... Francis Girard from Lepn Reussille, Jr., a reported by the. Ray VanHorn Bruno brothers now have" the most A big'year is promised the mem- of the law firm of Applegato, Is Promoted Agency, Realtors, of 804 • River modernly equipped and one of the bers with a number of entertaining Receives Award Ha, Foster * Reussille c road,, Fair Haven. The transac- Will Be Selected largest automobile display rooms events. .'•'•'.. .. Bank and who resides on tion, which was a related _chalniof_ and repair, shops in Monmouth Present at the meeting • were street almost directly opposite, " Serving In Tokyo four sales,' involved four. lovely To MakeTrip county. ' " ^ Grand Tall Cedar .Russel'L. flritley, Suggestion Saves. site of the proposed Reade dwellings including a small river- Local ^representatives for the Ee SGT: FranknJennlsrScribe- James Hls^all^jwaa^in the interest With Signal Corps front estate, "five families and four Soto and-Plymouth cars, the'new A. Stout, Treasurer Frank Merrltt Govi $6,000;000 those ,who are opposed-to the different communities. Youthi To Visit Globe Motor Sales firm is composed and District Representative Joseph theater project and asked that The War department hu an- According to Mr, VanHorn, the of James, Patsy and .Charles Bruno, Serpico. Tor an engineering plan that .Register give him some spac nounced the promotion of Capt. Whole affair started when Mr. and Mountain Sections' who. under the name of the Globe saved the government an estimated today's. Issue so that his Alexander B, Curchtn, Jr., m of Mrs. Walter F. McDonough, who Petroleum company have operated $6,000,000 in five months of oper- which are also those of many •Mr. and Mr«. Alexander B. Curchin, owned and were living in a large Of New Mexico for the last 12 years and will con- Sells Fair Haven ation, Francis M. Girard of' 45 posing the ,project, could be Sr., of Fair Haven,, from the rank home formerly owned by Mrs. Wil- tinue as distrlbutore for the Cities Peters place was granted an em- before the large family of of first lieutenant. liam Mah'oney on Naveslnk avenue, Eight Monmouth county Boy Service Oil concern, with headquar- ployee, cash award, of $2,023.95 by readers, The Register having Rumson; decided to buy a small Scouts and an adult leader yet to ters on West Bergen place. Property; Moving the War department last Thursday. the matter' quite some front residence - because relatives who be selected will make a trip tq New Charles Bruno, president of. the space in last week's issue, had been sharing the home with Mexico next July as result ot a res- Globe Petroleum company, is man- To Georgia The Register has been them had moved away. olution passed at last week's ex- ager of the new enterprise. -The Bank's Home Newspaper since- , So the VanHorn Agency was ecutive board meeting at the Molly brother trio bought the East Front back in 1878. Its editorial < called In by Mr. McDonough and Pitcher hotel accepting an offer of street property about a year ago merits have always been those the property listed for sale subject JOSEPH J. GHEZZI. from the Norwood Tire company of Van Horn Agency its editor and publisher and to the McDonoughs being able to the National Scout 'association. Long Branch, which had conducted course there are gome who have sell their home and purchase the Capt. Ghezzi enlisted at Fort Mon- The prospect eji outlined would a branch here. It Is the site of the Closes Deal For always approved of The Re; type and size they now wanted. Mr. mouth February 12, 1942, and was thrill any Boy Scout heart—28 days old Empire garage which Allan editorial views. McDonough is associated with the commissioned at EdgewoocUAraen- in the wildest mountain section of Frost conducted successfully for J. William Heim, Jr. However, the news columns American Broadcasting company. al, Maryland, April 4, IMS, In chem- New Mexico, in covered wagons, a ical warfare. He served'as person- many years. The Register have always he About a week later Mr. and Mrs. moving camp each night with.six- The Ray VanHorn Agency, Real- open to the presentation of th nel officer at Camp Slbert, Alabama, horse teams, outriders on bucking The property with a frontage of tors, of River road, Fair.Haven", re- Joseph H. Stern, who owned-and with the field requirements-division 50 feet on East Front street ex- cal happenings in as truthful lived in the former Tobias- river- broncos, side trips, possibly to the port the sale of the brick and frame unbiased mariner^ as Its exi In Baltimore, and the plans and tends an entire block through .to Colonial house of Mr. and Mrs. j. mug life 1 Grand Pike's Peak and the Jnlpn street, a depth of ISO ftet. enced reportorial statT can give training dlvJilOU ill Waaillugtuu, l William Helm, Jr., located in the ard Marsh estate on River road, AaODe village or j"jewTsrexico"*mi The enure""bulldlhg 1 We are therefore glad of the Rumson, decided that they needed KnoIIwodU'"liat!tlOlli oT'Tglr'Haven; -Bortu; r£Hict brother, Victor J. Ghezzi, important example of early Amer- tically reconstructed. • The show- to Mre..MarJorle Kllng of Rumson. a larger home because of a growing ican civilization, out-dating Chris- room, is 50 feet wide and 60 feet Reussille, family, so they called on the Van- former National P. G. A. champion, 1 Mr.' and Mrs. Helm are moving statement in a letter to The who enlisted at Fort Monmouth topher-Columbus. A deep, comprising over 3,000 square to Georgia, near Atlanta, where Mr. Horn organization for advice. Mr. January 19, 1M2, received his hon- The cost-is only $200 per boy, cov- feet of floor space. With a ceiling ter's editor, which is published associated with, the New ering everything, start to finish, ex- of block celotex, plaster walls and Heim has accepted a position in a batim as It was handed to him Jersey Bell Telephone company. orable discharge July 9_, 1945, after managerial capacity of a group of the above named conference: ,« his return from Italy. cepting (Wide trips which are op- terraza flooring, the spacious room cotton mills. Mr. Heim has already Mr. and. Mrs. Norman PooleNa tional. 'The immediate objective is is illuminated with the new cold • February 18, DMA?'" short time earlier had listed their spent about 'a month In the' South Phllmont, New Mexico, a 127,000- cathrode instant lighting. The col- and expects to move his . family Thomas Irving Brown, Editor, home for.sale with the VanHorn acre ranch, gift to Scouting by Mr. or scheme is light green with dark- Red Bank Register, Agency, because they found their little SUver, er green trim. away from this vicinity about the Broad Street, Phillips of the Phillips Petroleum middle of April. Red Bank, N. J. CAPT. A. B. CURCHIN, Jr. nVe-year-old Cape Cod Colonial company. At the rear of the display room home, located on Sunny crest, drive, The attractive Helm property Dear MrJ Brown: Shrewsbury And Other business'at the board meet- are the offices, auto parts depart- consists of a large landscaped FRAKCIS M GIRARD The Broad Street Movie Capt. Ourcbln la now serving In Little Silver, was a bit too small ing Included a report by William ment and men's add women's tile the personnel aection of the' signal for their family which included a plot with a residence of seven The editorial, in your last Buchsbaum for the camp activities rest rooms. Back of the show- rooms. On the first floor are a While associated with the Mon- about Broad street business section of general headquarters for daughter who had become .a. young Eatpntown Sales rooms is the spacious, repair shop lady and a son who was growing committee which Is preparing- the foyer with a tiled powder room, mouth Procurement district at sion gave what appeared to be army forces In the Pacific, In their recently acquired Brisbane Scout with floor space- of 10,000 square opinion of many and ended advance echelon in Tokyo. up. Mr. and Mrs.
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