Ferry informqtion Timetobled Seruice From April 20.l0 A Shields Ferry - either the Pride of the Tyne or nexus.org.uk the new Spirit of the Tyne - operoles ocross the River Tyne between North ond South Shields ferry londings every 30 minutes in eoch direction. The crossing tokes obout seven minules. Hour i,iins post eorh hour Hour Mins posl eorh hour Hour Mins posl eoch hour 06 4s 06 45 l0 rs 45 07 15 45 07 rs 45 il 1545 08 15 45 08 15 45 12 15 45 09 15 45 09 15 45 13 15 45 10 15 45 l0 15 45 14 15 45 il 15 45 lt 15 45 15 15 45 12 15 45 12 15 45 16 ]5 45 t3 15 45 13 15 45 17 t5 45 14 15 45 14 15 45 15 'r5 45 t5 t5 45 16 15 45 16 15 45 17 t5 45 17 t5 45 18 15 45 18 15 45 19 t5 45 19 t5 45 20]5 45 21 t5 45 22 15 40 How to get to Soulh Shields ferry londing The ferry londing is obout o 5 minute wolk from South Shields Metro stotion. Most locol buses serve Morket Ploce ond Keppel Street. 4.,.,.,.] Timetoble from North Shields Mondoy b Wednesdoy Thursdoy b Sobrdoy Sundoy Hour Mins post eoch hour Hour Mins post eoch hour Hour Mins post eoth hour 07 00 30 07 00 30 r0 30 08 00 30 08 00 30 il 0030 Nexus provides, plons ond promoles 09 00 30 09 00 30 12 00 30 public lronsport in Tyne ond Weor. 00 30 00 30 'r3 00 30 r0 r0 There ore mony woys you con get in touch with 11 00 30 il 0030 14 00 30 us for help with buying o ticket, checking times 12 00 30 12 00 30 'r5 00 30 'r3 00 30 'r3 00 30 16 00 30 or plonning your iourney. The list below shows the woys you con reoch us. 14 00 30 14 00 30 'r817 00 30 some of rs 00 30 rs 00 30 00 lf you would prefer this leoflet in lorge print, or 16 00 30 16 00 30 o different formot or longuoge, give us o coll 17 00 30 00 30 17 on 0191 20 20 747 or emoil 18 00 30 18 00 30 mo rketi n g@ nexus.org. u k. 19 00 30 19 00 30 20 00 20 00 30 21 00 30 22 00 30 50 Log onto nexus.org.uk for public tronsport informotion 24 hours o doy, 365 doys o yeor. How to get to Nodh Shields ferry londing The ferry londing is oboul o l0 minute wolk from Locoted in key Metro ond bus interchonges, North Shields Metro stotion. The roule is quite TrovelShops ore open 6 doys o week: steep, but lhe Ferrylink Service 333 provides o o Cenlrol Slotion o Monumenl free shuttle service to Shields Ferry possengers. Melro siotion Metro stotion This service olso goes to North Shields Fish Quoy. o Four Lone Ends . Norlh Shields Metro stotion The Route l9 bus service connects North Shields lnlerchonge o . Pork Lone ferry londing with Royol Quoys, Silverlink Shopping Gqtesheod lnterchonge lnterchonge Pork, Coboh Business Pork ond the Metro system. Hoymorkel . South Shields Metro stolion 34-36 Fowler Street . Heworlh lnlerchonge Coll Troveline for importiol public tronsport plonning odvice. iourneyao www.traveline. info FN ferrylink Sonics 333 traveline o87t 2oo 22 33 ond Route 19 publrc tranSport rnto c.lll lrom landllnog (oll l0p per mrnule See inside for detoils 't11, on lhe Shields Ferry - il's o greot woy to spend o Sundoy ofternoon. Choose o foscinoting live commentory from - r John Grundy locol hislorion ond presenter of BBC W's 'Grundy's North'. oA locqlcommenlqlor with yeors of experience of delivering commentory on the Tyne t Tyne Tours f.F.frrlrlr.E Tyne Tours ot lj s*: Join us for our lf i-r f .,f,1,''1 r,l 2.00pm ond 3.30pm every other r.F Fridoy this summer. The ferry wrll crurse or-r the Tyne for I hour willr t crn infornrctive tcrped conrnrentcry wriiter-r ond I recorded by John Grundy, loccrl historicn crnd presenter of BBC TV's 'Grundy's Nor-th' * All cruises ore on Sundoys, ond leove South Shields ferry londing ot 1.00pm. They soil olong the Tyne to NewcostleGotesheod, orriving bock ot South Shields ot oround 4.O0pm. You'll see the Customs House, Royol Quoys, the Tyne's shipyords, ond riverside developments of North ond South Tyneside before you orrive of the tronsformed Newcostle Quoyside ond Gotesheod Quoys. Here you'll view the BALTIC, The Soge Gotesheod ond Millennium Bridge. Choose from lhe following Aflernoon River Trips 5 June - John Grundy 4 July - A locol commentotor I August - A locol commentotor l5 Augusl - John Grundy Tickel Prices Adults gll Children (oged l4 ond under) €9 Concessions (oged 60 or over) t9 Fomily (2 odults ond up to 3 children) t35 Bobies (under 12 months) Free How to book your trip Afternoon Tyne River Trips Tours i::ilt, The ferry soils to the mouth of the Tyne, post Online - nexus.org.vk/Ierry North Shields Fish Quoy ond Tynemouth Costle ond Priory ond then to Royol Quoys ond Jorrow Slokes before returning to South Shields. You'll see the Customs House, the Terminol other sites Scondinovion Ferry ond On boord on the doy x ,/ from the river's industriol post ond present. TrovelShop bookings Choose from Tyne Tours Afternoon River Trip tickets ore on sole until on lhe following doles closing on Soturdoy (subiect to ovoilobility). 21 Moy,4 June, 18 June, 2 July,16 July, 30 Tyne Tour tickets ore on sole until iust before the July, 13 August, 27 August trip (subiect to ovoilobility). Online ond phone bookings A e I odmin chorge opplies. Orders must be ploced ot the lotest by the Mondoy before the trip for Tyne Tours, ond the Tuesdoy before for Afternoon River Trips. Buying tickels on boord Pleose note thot you must buy Afternoon River Trip tickets in odvonce - you will not be oble to buy them on the doy. Tyne Tour tickets con be bought os you boord however. Tickel Prices Adults €6 Children (oged 14 ond under) 94 Concessions (oged 60 or over) 9,4 Fomily (2 odults ond up to 3 children) €18 Bobies (under 12 months) Free.
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