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Index NOTE: Page numbers in italics refer to photos. Adler, Lou, 152–153 Beach Boys, 138, 139–140, “Aire,” 102 233–235, 237 Alexenburg, Ron, 105, 151, 271 Bee Gees, 173 “Alive Again” (Pankow), 174 “Beginnings” (Lamm), 86, 108, 123 “Along Comes a Woman,” 209 Bell Park (gang), 16–17 American Society of Composers, Berry, Chuck, 30, 34–36 Authors, and Publishers B.Ginnings, 141–147, 180 (ASCAP), 267 Big Brother and the Holding “Another Rainy Day in New York Company, 78–81 City” (Lamm), 155 Big Thing, 2, 92 Appice, Carmine, 61 formation of, 51–63 Aragon Ballroom, 42 Hollywood move by, 65–74 “Are Mafi a Mobsters Acquiring Billboard, 136, 186, 193, 210, 214 a Taste for the Sound of Birch, Bob, 274 Rock?” (Wall Street Journal), “Birthday Boy” (Seraphine), 262 179–184 Bissonette, Gregg, 274 Arvonio, Angelo, 193, 221 Black, Jimmy Carl, 73 Arvonio, Ashley, 193–195, 229 Black Pearl, 71, 73 Asher, Dick, 190 Blood, Sweat and Tears, 85, 87, Atlantic CityCOPYRIGHTED Pop Festival, 111 MATERIAL105, 150 Attic, 62–63 “Bomb, The!” (Bucketheads), Azoff, Irving, 198, 202, 203 266–267 Bombay Dreams (Webber), “Ballet for a Girl in Buchannon” 271–272 (Pankow), 108, 120 Bonham, John, 112 Barnaby’s, 56 Bonilla, Marc, 274–276 Basie, William “Count,” 128 Bracamontes, John, 142, 143, 145 287 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228787 99/7/10/7/10 99:32:40:32:40 AAMM 288 index Bracamontes, Rick, 11–12, 13, 20, songwriting by, 119, 123, 138, 112, 141–142, 145 155–156, 189–190 Bradshaw, Beverly, 260 vocals by, 109, 156, 188, 209–210 Bradshaw, Kit, 260 Chambers Brothers, 77 Braggs, Larry, 275–276 Champlin, Bill, 200, 213, 215, 241, Braumbauch, Steve, 264–265 243, 247 Brooklyn, 271 Charles, Bobby, 49. See also Lamm, Brown, James, 30 Robert “Bobby” Bucketheads, 266–267 Cheap Trick, 145 Buckinghams, 57 Cheetah, 41–42 Chicago, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, California Transit Authority, 102, 103, 104 273–278 Cetera’s departure and, 209–216 “Call on Me” (Chicago), 138 Champlin and, 200 Camelia (Kath’s girlfriend), 168, 261 Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Caribou Ranch, 103, 131–134, 137, name change to, 112 217, 220 Columbia Records contract, Carnegie Hall, 124 85–87, 117–120, 136–138 Cavalcade of Stars, 27 Dacus and, 171–178, 185–192, CBS America, 160 280 CBS Records, 57, 78, 105, 171, disco and, 186 190, 271. See also Columbia drug use by band members (See Records individual names of band CBS Studios, 86, 108–111 members) CBS (television network), early international tours of, 127–128, 133, 139 112–114, 126 Cetera, Janice, 84, 107 fi nances of, 77, 85–87, 117–120, Cetera, Peter, 2, 93, 97, 99, 100, 121, 122, 151 102, 103 fi ring of Seraphine, 245–256, Big Thing joined by, 58–63 257–266, 272–273 Chicago 19 (Chicago) and, 242 Grammy Awards and, 87, on Chicago departure, 266 155–156 Dacus fi ring and, 190–192 image of, 123–124, 134, 179–184 in Exceptions, 57–58 joined by Scheff, 212 jaw injury of, 107–108 Kath’s death and, 1–3, 163–168, Kath and, 59 171–178 lifestyle of, on the road, 136 Pinnick and, 192 marriage to Janice, 84 record sales of, 180 move to Hollywood by, 66, 68–74 Seraphine’s lawsuit against, Seraphine reunion with, 265–266 258–260 solo career of, 200, 209–216 songwriting for, 119, 242–243 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228888 99/7/10/7/10 99:32:41:32:41 AAMM index 289 on tour with Beach Boys, Hollywood house of, 69–74 233–235, 237 name change, 112 travel by, 121, 126–127, 136 naming of, 72 See also Chicago Transit See also Big Thing Authority (CTA); individual Christie, Lou, 30, 36 names of albums; individual Clapton, Eric, 124 names of members; individual Clark, Dick, 27, 30, 33 names of songs cocaine, 123, 133, 163–169, Chicago II (Chicago), 108–111, 120 174–175, 198–199 Chicago III (Chicago), 94, 122–123 “Colour My World” (Pankow), 109, Chicago IV (Chicago), 124 120–121, 215 Chicago V (Chicago), 125, 127 Colucci, Denny, 56 Chicago VI (Chicago), 131–134, Columbia Records, 123 135, 136 Chicago contract with, 85–87, Chicago VII (Chicago), 102, 117–120, 136–138 137–140 Chicago XIV as last album Chicago X (Chicago), 155–156 with, 197 Chicago XI (Chicago), 161 Dacus fi ring and, 185–192, 280 Chicago 13 (Chicago), See also individual names of 186–187, 222 songs and albums Chicago XIV (Chicago), Colomby, Bobby, 150–151 192–195, 197 Conti, Bill, 174 Chicago 16 (Chicago), 202, 226 Cooper, Jay, 136–137 Chicago 17 (Chicago), 209 Cosby, Bill, 76 Chicago 18 (Chicago), Criteria Studios, 172–175 213–216, 242 Curb, Mike, 69 Chicago 19 (Chicago), 242–245 Chicago (city), 5 Dacus, Donnie, 171–178, band’s performances in, 112, 143 185–192, 280 keys to the city, 147 Dance Track of the Year Award Chicago in the Rockies (CBS), 104, (ASCAP), 267 133 Davis, Clive, 85, 120 Chicago’s Greatest Hits Volume DeCarlo, Al, 133 II (Chicago XV) (Chicago), 198 De Francisco, Joe, 22, 53, 56 Chicago Transit Authority Demon Dogs, 146 (CTA), 92 Denton, Bill, 260, 270 Chicago Transit Authority, 86– de Oliveira, Laudir, 132, 138, 193, 87, 105–114 200, 280 Columbia Records contract, DePaul University, 43–44, 45, 85–87 47–49 early shows of, 75–85 Derek, Marty, 149, 232 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228989 99/7/10/7/10 99:32:42:32:42 AAMM 290 index “Devil’s Sweet,” 138 Foster, David, 201–202, 205–207, “Dialogue (Part I & II)” 212, 213–214, 242 (Lamm), 127 Four Seasons, 30, 36 Dick Clark Productions, 133, 139 Foxx, Redd, 87 “Disco Sucks,” 189 Franklin Park (gang), 42 “Does Anybody Really Know What Freak Out! (Zappa), 74 Time It Is?” (Lamm), 71–72, Full Circle (California Transit 108, 123, 265 Authority), 277–278 Donny (keyboard technician), Full Moon Records, 198 166–167 Doobie Brothers, 99 Garibaldi, David, 275 Dowd, Tom, 192, 197 Giancana, Sam, 62 Duca, Rosario, 11 Gibb, Barry, 173 Duke Ellington . We Love You Gibb, Maurice, 173 Madly (CBS), 127–128 “Glory of Love” (Cetera), 214 Duryea, Dick, 161–162 Gorski, Ken, 11 Goudie, Jack, 70, 85, 113, Elsie (Seraphine’s teenage 237–242, 280 girlfriend), 14–15, 25, 194 Graham, Bill, 111 Endless Summer (Beach Granite, Arny, 143–144 Boys), 139 “Greatest Love on Earth, The” English, Chuckie, 21–22 (Seraphine, Wolinski), 173 Epic Records, 151 Grebb, Marty, 156, 158 Evans, John, 232–233 Greene, Marc, 277 Exceptions, 57–58, 156 Greetings from Asbury Park N.J.(Springsteen), 135–136 fans Guercio, Jim, Sr., 139 groupies, 70, 113–114, 121, 126, Guercio, Jimmy, 47–48, 121, 123, 129, 133, 245–246 160, 161–162, 169, 217 international audiences and, 113, Beach Boys and, 138 126 Big Thing and, 57–63, 65, FBI, 182–184 69, 71 “Feelin’ Stronger Every Day,” 99, Blood, Sweat and Tears and, 133, 136 85, 87 Fillmore West (San Francisco), Caribou Ranch and, 131–134 78–82, 111 Chicago-Columbia contract and, Fish, Peter, 273–276 85–87, 117–120, 136–138 Fitzgerald, Larry, 66, 69, 111, Chicago II recording and, 108 118–120, 126, 161 Chicago Transit Authority and, Flores, Chuck, 72 77, 78, 105 Ford, Jimmy, 27–38, 49 Guercio, Lucy, 123 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229090 99/7/10/7/10 99:32:42:32:42 AAMM index 291 “Happy Man” (Chicago), 138 British press publicity and, “Hard Habit to Break,” 209 123–124 “Hard to Say I’m Sorry,” 202, 226 Cetera and, 59 Hendrix, Jimi, 78, 106–107 daughter of, 168, 261 Hot Streets (Chicago) death of, 1–3, 163–168, 171–178 naming of, 174 drug use by, 48, 134, 163 recording of, 172–176 guitar playing by, 72, 124, 192 release of, 177–178 guns of, 134, 166 House of Igor, 23 Hendrix and, 78 in Jimmy Ford and the “I Don’t Want to Live Without Your Executives, 27–38 Love” (Warren), 242–243 marriage to Pam, 126–127 “If You Leave Me Now” (Cetera), in Missing Links, 39–49 155–156 move to Hollywood by, 66, 68–74 Illinois Speed Press, 47–48, Pignose Amplifi ers owned by, 141 70, 156 songwriting by, 119, 155 “Introduction” (Chicago Transit Kaufman, Howard, 77, 117–120, Authority), 77 122, 161, 175, 202, 203, 219 IRS, 181–182 Azoff and, 198 Isle of Wight Festival (1970), 92 Goudie and, 241 “It Better End Soon” (Lamm), 71 Schivarelli and, 137–138 on Seraphine’s business J., Jimmy, 237–242 investments, 142, 145 Jam Productions, 143–144, 145 Seraphine’s fi ring and, 245, 246, Jans, Tom, 149 249, 251, 252–253, 260–261 Jardine, Al, 138 Kaufman, Lester, 175, 255–256 Jerry-Kelly Band, 151 Keane, John, 250 Jimmy Ford and the Executives, 2, Khan, Chaka, 188 27–28, 29–38 “Kind of a Drag” (Buckinghams), 57 “Johnny B. Goode” (Berry), 35 Kleinberg, Ken, 161, 181, 190–192 Jones, Jo, 138 Jones, Quincy, 127 Lamm, Karen, 126–127, 141 Joplin, Janis, 78–83, 112 Lamm, Robert “Bobby,” 2, 49, JPs (gang), 16–17, 19–28, 41, 42–43 99, 103, 161, 224, 272–273, 278 “Just You ’N’ Me,” 125, 132, 136 “Beginnings,” 86 in Big Thing, 51–63, 92 Kalb, Dwight, 27–28, 29–38 drug use by, 163, 198–199, 202 Kath, Michelle, 168, 261 Goudie and, 240 Kath, Pam, 126–127 homes of, 169 Kath, Terry, 90, 102, 103, 221 lifestyle of, on the road, 136 in Big Thing, 61–63, 92 marriage to Karen, 126–127 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229191 99/7/10/7/10 99:32:43:32:43 AAMM 292 index Lamm, Robert “Bobby,” Lukather, Steve, 201 (continued ) Lundvall, Bruce, 190 move to Hollywood by, 66, 68–74 Seraphine’s fi ring and, 254, Madden, “Buffalo” Bob, 39, 40 255–256, 264–265 Madden, Chuck, 39, 90 songwriting by, 61, 71, 119, 125 Madura, 133 (See also individual names of Maglieri, Mario, 77–78 songs) Mahan, Mick, 275 vocals by, 108, 213 “Make Me Smile” (Pankow), 109, Zazou owned by, 141 120–121 See also individual names of Mann, Bart, 251 songs MCs (gang), 24 Led Zeppelin, 112, 134 Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch Lee, Albert, 77 (CBS), 139 Leonard, Pat, 242 Mellow Mel, 66 Leonetti, Jimmy, 22, 145 Mickelson, Jerry, 143–144 “Lightnin’ Strikes” (Christie), 34, 36 Missing Links, 2,

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