Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 9-3-1999 The iH lltop 9-3-1999 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 9-3-1999" (1999). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 241. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/241 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILLTOP The Student Voice of Howard University Since 1924 VOLUME 83, No. 4 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1999 http://hilltop.howard.edu General Asse01bly Votes Down Street Privatization HUSA Budget Unapproved Howard University. ··we mu~1 oppose 1he ,uce1 clos­ studems ha\'e been on one ttecord.'" era! Assembly members remained epresematt ves ot m By Charles Colcmnn, Jr. ··we must join together to combat ing:· said Eames. '·It is not for the said Guyot." If you look ai support• slightly apprehensive of the hasty Attendance at Wednesday's HiI h op Staff Writer this hierarchy of non-collaborated best imerest of 1he yard. It i, 1101 in ers of Howard students, other than nature of the decision. power:· said HUSA President the best interest of our community. just the students you will sec thnt the ··1 would like some time before we General Assembly he firs t General Body meeting Marylin Hoo,en in an inspirational Let\ defeat this thing, go bac~ to the ANC has always been first in line. I vo1e on 1his," said UGSA Coordina­ Cheryl Grady of the 1999-2000 school ye.ir S1a1c of lhe Uni\-crsity speech which drnwing board, and get some com­ h,>pe that you will vote again,t (street tor Alisa Alston prior to the decision, Harry Lawson addre,-.,ed many different issues and munity dialogue so that we can do c)o,ing I unanim()uSI)' •· ··10 go back and discuss the issue Twa, held Wednesday in the Abigal Williams Blackburn Forum. brought lhe Assembly to u standing this thing right." In an adopted motion set forth by with the people in our respective This marked the first General ovation upon i1s conclusion. Lawrence Guyot, community Eric~ Watson, UGSA Financial schools. I am sure 1ha1 the outcome Tori Taylor Assembly meeting wilh a consistent Howard alumni and Advisory activist and former ANC chair for Advisor. the General Assembly will be the same but we should not Elmir Betton quorum throughout 1he evening since Neighborhood Commissioner section I BO:! reminded students of mewed 1ha1 tl1e executive office of act without tl1e input of lhose who we the final meeting in April of Inst (ANC) chair I B. Nik Eames w,i; the supportive role that the ANC has HUSA draft a letter to University are placed here 10 represent." Sandra-Linda Black school year. Among the issues present for the discussion on the Uni­ played as student advocates, both administrators and DC city officials Other considered busioess was the Harshad Joshi addressed were back pay for some versity"s recently filed ttpplication with the University and throughout demanding that all tnlks concerning approval of summer sti pend back Asha May HUSA employees, the approval of a with theCi1y of DC to privatize parts the community. street closing cease inunedia1ely. p:,y for both Simisola Marhino and Fall 1999 HUSA budget, and the of Howard University's main cam­ "Since the late eighties, the DC Though the motion was passed it Kamal Shaw who served as tempo Alexis Mays Ul pus. community and Howard University was not unanimou, and some Gen• See HUSA. Page A-6 controversial ·sueet closing issue ,s....,.-,-_J/t \\ University Student Code of Revises Get On The Bus Sexual Conduct Violates Harassment First Amendment, Policy ACLU Says By Aprill 0, Turner Hilltop Staff Writer A Brief History of Are Students at Howard University's Board of The Student Code Private Institutions Trus1ccs voted 10 revise the schoors Entitled to Civil current sexual harassment policy this of Conduct... ~ummcr. Liberties? According 10 Artis Hampshire­ In lhe fall of I 997, lhe Howard Uni­ By Aprill O. Turner Cowan, Secretary of lhe University, versity administration adopted the Hilltop Staff Writer the need for a revision in lhe policy Ford Rapid Process, lhe purpose of stems from recent Supreme Court which was to restructure lhe way stu­ The American Civil Liberties case~ dealing wilh sexual harJSSment. dents and faculty were nominated to Union (ACLU) has declared Howard "In a large organization with a >tudent judicittry committees. The Universiry"s Proposed Student Code diversity of individuals such as # process also added administration of Conduct 10 be ·•problematic"' as Howard, lhis (sexual harassment), is representatives 10 those conurunees well as ·'ambiguous··. a potential problem.'' said for the first time. The Proposed Student Code ofCon• Cowan."The new pol icy is much At 1ha1 time, Marilyn Hoosen was duct began as a topic of discussion at mor" explicit and allow, for zero tol­ nominated 10 represent the students Howard in Spring 1997. The Code erance:· on 1he l'ord Rapid Process imple­ contains rule, and regulation, by A copy of the revised Selluat ru... m.tlluu tt!J.Jll 11,c:: f·acuh~ Senate which MuJenls ,trc go,e1 ned 011.:c Harassment policy is available in and 1-1 USA ha\'e the responsibility they are validated nt the Uni ven,i1y. every copy of today's Hilltop. of nominating/electing students and According 10 Arthur B. Spitzer, the Sexual harassment is a form of se., faculty 10 serve on these boards. legal director of the ACLU for the discrimination that violates Title The comminee. which had a dispro­ National Capitol Area, it is nm VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. portionate ratio of administrators 10 uncommon for mnny campu" codes Unwelcome sexual advances. Pho10 Bl TrO) Tt<ud students, voted 10 put 1his po"'-cr in 10 violate Fin.I Amendment liberties. requests for sexual favors, and 01her After meeting with se,eeral focus groups earlier Ibis )Car and gauging feedback from those groups, tl1c tl1e hands of lhc Dean for Special Stu• '"Because the ACLU belie,-es lhat verbal or physical conduct of a sex­ Office of Parking and Shuttle O1,erations has contracted a new company to provide ; huUlc services to dent Service>. with HUSA and The all members of the academic com­ ual nature constitutes sexual harass• the Ho" ard Unheersity communil). Faculty Senmc only having the po"-er munity should have the right 10 hold ment. The Office of Parking and Shuttle Sen ices current!) pro, ides sen ices to more than 300 student\ per to make recommendations to the and c~press view, that others 'l1ay When submission 10 or rejection of day. Shuttle services 11re arnilnblc regular() during the \\t-ek and periodkully on ,,rtkends and holida}s. Dean. Student representation "-llS find offen,i,e or emolionally dis• this conduct explicitly or implicitly 1\-ansportation is provided from the de.signaled shutlle , top$, the Im, nnd dhinity school,. and the also ha)\'ed during 1his process from tressing. we )O<lk with great care to affects an individuars employment, Shnw/llo,,ard metro stops. four se:its on lhe bo:1rds to two. ensure that speech codes do 1101 unreasonably interferes wilh an indi­ Schedules for shuttle limes und slops nre mailnble in Blackbum Center and Founders Lil>r:lr), Subsequently, a meeting was held infringe the pro1ec1ed areas of free vidual's work performance or cre­ in April 1998 10 deal with lhe code speech, as many such codes do." ates an intimidating, hostile or offen­ portion of1he Student Code of Coo• Spitzer said. sive' work environment. duct. TI1e administration came to the Spitzer went further to say 1h01 the Se.,ual harassment can occur in a Bison Prepare to Take on Tigers in Jackson meeting wi1h its proposal already Howard code does not offer any real variety of circumstances, including drafted. Once again, the committee solutions and leaves much 10 be but no1 limited 10 the fo llowing: By Ke,in D. Ste,mrl consisted of a disproportionate See ACLU, A-6 •The victim as well as lhe harass­ HiUtop S1affWriter See History, A-6 er may be a woman or a man. TI1e he Howard University Bison victim does not have to be of the mid 1he Jackson St,ue Uniwr­ opposite sex. T,ity (JSU) Ti gen, wjil f,.:e off Rash of Deaths Plagues •The harasser can be the victim·s tomorrow in Jackson, Miss. Within supervisor, an agent of the employer, 1hc pa,1 1wo years. this rivalry hns a supervisor in another area, a co­ grown. after the Bison·s tough 1wo­ Columbia Heights worker, or a hon-employee. poim loss in l 997 and the slaughter Street Patrols To Be Increased, Officer •The victim does not have to be of JSU in 1998. 1he person ha=sed but could be any• When tl1e two teams met last sea­ Says one affected by lhe offensive conduet. son. Howard jumped all over South­ •Unlawful se.,ual harassment may western Athletic Conference seriously wounded Sunday night at occur without economic injury 10 or (SWAC) fa,·orite Jack,on State and By Randy Short discharge of the victim. II :44 p.m. and was taken 10 1hc cruised to " 3-1-8 victory. HU quar• Hilltop Staff Writer Washu1g1on Hospital Center, where •The harasser"s conduct must be tcrback (QB\ led White ll>sscd three unwelcome.
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