If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. /5D 9!5' TAKE BACK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: POLICE AND CITIZEN PARTNERSHIPS IN CONFRONTING CRIME HEARING ACQUnSHTffONS BEFORE THE GOVERNMENT INFORMATIGN, JUSTIOE, AND AGRIOULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION JUNE 24, 1992 . Printed for the use of the Committee OD. Government Operations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 67-745 CC WASIDNGTON : 1993 For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents. Congressional Sales Office. Washington. DC 20402 •• ISBN 0-16-041102-5 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS JOHN CONfERS, JR., Michigan, Chairman CARDISS COLLINS, lIlinois FRANK HORTON, New York GLENN ENGLISH, Oklahoma WILLIAM F. CLINGER, JR., Pennsylvania HENRY A. WAXMAN, California AL McCANDLESS, California TED WEISS, New York J. DENNIS HASTERT, Illinois MIKE SYNAR, Oklahoma JON L. KYL, Arizona STEPHEN L. NEAL, North Carolina CHR1STOPHER SHAYS, Connecticut DOUG BARNARD, JR., Georgia STEVEN SCHIFF, New Mexico TOM LANTOS, California C. CHRISTOPHER COx, California ROBERT E. WISE, JR., West Virginia CRAIG THOMAS, Wyoming • BARBARA BOXER, California ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, Florida MAJOR R. OWENS, New York RONALD K. MACHTLEY, Rhode Island EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York DICK ZIMMER, New Jersey BEN ERDREICH, Alabama WILLIAl'v1 H. ZELIFF, JR., New Hampshire GERALD D. KLECZKA, Wisconsin DAYID L. HOBSON, Ohio ALBER'i' G. BUSTAMANTE, Texas SCOTT L. KLUG, Wisconsin MATTHEW G. MARTINEZ, California DONALD M. PAl'NE, New Jersey BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont GARY A. CONDIT, California (Independent) PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii RAY THORNTON, Arkansas COLLIN C. PETERSON, Minnesota ROSA L. DELAURO, Connecticut CHARLES J. LUKEN, Ohio JOHN W. COx, JR., Illinois JULIAN EpSfEIN, Staff Director DoNALD W. UPSON, Minority Staff Director GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, JUSTICE, AND AGRICULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE ROBERT E. WISE, JR., West Virginia, Chairman GARY A. CONDIT, California AL McCANDLESS, California EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York STEVEN SCHIFF, New Mexico PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii ILEANA ;'tQB-LEHTINEN, Florida COLLIN C. PE'l'ERSON, Minnesota JOHN W. COX, JR., Illinois BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont (Ind.) Ex OFFICIO JOHN CONfERS, JR., Michigan FRANK HORTON, New York LEE GODOWN, Staff Director ED ARMSTRONG, Professional Staff Member JOSEPH SHOEMAKER, Professional Slaff Member AURORA OGG, Clerk MoNTY TRIPP, Mi7UJrity Professional Slaff I (II) • CONTENTS Page Hearing held on June 24, 1992 .............................................................................. 1 Statement of: Cahill, Donald, chairman, National Legislative Committee, Fraternal Order of Police ............................................................................................. .. 156 Callanan, Thomas, chief probation officer, Riverside County, CA, accom­ panied by Michael DeGasperin, assistant director, Twin Pines Correc- tional Ranch ................................................................................................ .. 143 Conwell, Westin, southwest director, Guardian Angels .............................. .. 119 Deering, Donald, commander, Maryland National Capital Park Police ..... 131 Gurule, Jimmy, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice, accompanied by Gerald Regier, Acting Adminis­ trator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; and El- liott Brown, Acting Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance ..................... 22 Mitchell, David B., chief of police, Prince George's County, MD ................. 43 PeW~~:;~lPA~~~~~.~~.~~~.~.~~:.~.~.:~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~.. ~~.~~~~.::..~~~: 89 Saldivar, Philip R., principal, Thomas Jefferson High School, Los Angeles, CA ................................................................................................................. .. 101 Staples, Dallas, chief of police, Charleston, WV .......................................... .. 148 • Waters, Hon. Maxine, a Representative in Congress from the State of California ..................................................................................................... .. 8 Wise, Hon. Robert E., Jr., a Representative in Congress from the State of West Virginia, and chairman, Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Subcommittee: Opening statement ....................................... .. 1 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by: Cahill, Donald, chairman, National Legislative Committee, Fraternal Order of Police: Prepared statement ......................................................... .. 158 Deering, Donald, commander, Maryland National Capital Park Police: 134 G~::;fe~rj~~~A:~;t~~t··Att~~~y·G~~~;~l:·offi;; ..~T.f;·~ti;;··p;:;;g;.;~~: Department of Justice: Prepared statement .............................................. 28 Mitchell, David B., chief of police, Prince George's County, MD: Prepared statement ...................................................................................................... 47 Peskin, Matt A., project coordinator, National Association of Town Watch, Wynnewood, PA: Prepared statement ........................................................ 92 Sa6~~P;e~!~a ~·~&~~~r~:.~~~~~.. ~~.~~~.~~.~~~~.. ~~~.~~: .. ~~~.. ~~.~~. ~~: 106 Staples, Dallas, chief of police, Charleston, WV: Prepared statement ......... 152 Waters, Hon. Maxine, a R~presentative in Congress from the State of California: Prepared statement .................................................................. 14 Wise, Hon. Robert E., Jr., a Representative in Congress from the State of West Virginia, and chairman, Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Subcommittee: Opening statement ........................................ 6 • (III) 150915 u.s. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies 01 the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this 14 g T S material has been granted by public Domain/102d Congress u.s. House of Representatives 10 the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission of the"'" owner. , • TAKE BACK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: POLICE AND CITIZEN PARTNERSHIPS IN CONFRONTING CRIME WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1992 Ii, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, JUSTICE, AND AGRICULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON GoVERNMENT OPERATIONS, . Washington, DC. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room 2203, Rayburn House Office Buildin~, Hon. Robert E. Wise, Jr. (chairman of the subcommittee) presidmg. Present: Representatives Robert E. Wise, Jr., Gary A Condit, Edolphus Towns, John W. Cox, Jr., AI McCandless, and Ileana Ros~ • Lehtinen. Also present: Lee Godown, staff director; Ed Armstrong and Joe Shoemaker, professional staff members; Aurora Ogg, clerk; Monty Tripp, minority professional staff, Committee on Government Oper­ ations; and Don Forcier, GAO detailee. OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN WISE Mr. WISE. This hearing of the Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Subcommittee will come to order. The title today is ''Take Back Your Neighborhood: Police and Citizen Partnerships in Confronting Crime." I want to thank the witness panel that's here, and we look forward to very exciting testimony. Before I get started, I also want to alert the witnesses, I think we'll have the next hour relatively free, but it looks like it's going to be a day of many votes. I apologize and ask your understanding. There are some fairly contentious items on the floor. So we'll try to move this as best we can and as fast as we can to accommodate your schedule. I just wanted to alert you to that. I would ask unanimous consent that my written statement in its entirety be made/art of the record. I do that because I want to depart from it an speak from some notes that I made this morn­ ing. I consider this hearing-and the start of this hearing, inciden~ tally, will be the start of other hearings to come-probably one of the most important set of hearings that I've ever caned as chair of this subcommittee. And the interesting thing is these aren't adverse hearings. This is an oversight subcommittee, but the purpose here is not to engage in adversity but rather it is to learn from each other. I consider these hearings important, because as this subcommittee has been • (1) 2 involved in many areas, and particularly in the area of crime and drug interdiction and drug fighting, this subcommittee has been to many places. It's certainly been to farflung places. Whether you're talking about visiting the Upper Huallaga Valley in Peru or the Chapara region, both major cocaine-producing re­ gions in South America, whether you're talking about viewing the Coast Guard drug interdiction efforts and its C31 functions in Flor­ ida, whether you're talking about local law enforcement and the money that the Department of Justice gets to local law enforce­ ment, the subcommittee, I believe, has been involved at all levels. But I'll tell you what really came home to me was 1 day striding through an area with the present chief of police, Dallas Staples, of Charleston, WV, as we went through a housing project. And as we went through that project, I saw a bunch of youths sitting on a fence. II As we walked through and I saw these young people
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