THURSDAY 11 JULY 2019 SPORT 18 I think Australia pumped us in 2015 in New Zealand’s the final, so it would be nice to (play Trent Boult TENNIS MOTORSPORT them) again. We’ll be on today’s World Cup Wimbledon Championship 2019 Silk Way Rally watching with interest and just more semi-final between The All England Lawn Tennis Stage 5 excited about being on the stage. England and Australia. ACTION Club in Wimbledon, London Ulaanbaatar, Eastern Siberia TODAY’S Al Attiyah maintains Silk Way Rally lead with stage win Qatar’s Cherif, Tijan going great guns in Gstaad Qatar’s Cherif Younousse and Ahmed Tijan celebrate after defeating their Chilean counterparts during the 20th Swatch Gstaad Major, another stop in the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour, in Gstaad, Overdrive Racing’s Nasser Saleh Al Attiyah and French navigator Matthieu Baumel in action in Switzerland, yesterday. They clinched their second their Toyota Hilux during the fifth stage of the 2019 Silk Way Rally in Ulaanbaatar in Eastern win of the day in Group C when they outplayed Siberia, yesterday. Yesterday’s win also extended their overall advantage to 13min 17 secs. Russia’s Ilya Leshukov and Konstantin Semenov Over yesterday’s Ulaanbaatar – Ulaanbaatar loop, they swallowed up the 470 kilometres of 2-1. RIGHT: Cherif blocks a shot during the match steppe at an almost unbelievable 120 kph as their Toyota Hilux team-mates, Eric Van Loon and against Chile. Sébastien Delaunay finished second. Federer, Nadal set semi-final date; Djokovic to meet Bautista Agut AFP Eight-time champion baseline,” 32-year-old Djokovic said LONDON Federer racks up his of Goffin. HeH added:addddedded: “II hadhaa aat ttoughoughuugh matmmatchatchh Roger Federerereerrerarran andanndRadRd RafaelRaR faelfaeael NadNaNNadaladdal ssetetet 100th match win at inint thet heh thirdt hirdi d roundrouro nd (against( agaagainstst HubertHubertt up a Wimbledonbledb edon semi-finalsemi-eemmi-mi finafinai lblbll block-blb ockooc - Wimbledon to reach Hurkacz).HurkHuHurHur acz)acz)z).Ot. OtherOtO herere thanthahanhann that,thaatIt,, I’veI ’ve’vvee wonwowono buster yesterday,erdaydayaayy, 1111 yearsyyeyears afterafterfftter theirthetheirir his 13th semi-final inn straightstrairaiaightg t setsseets andandd playedplayedyed reallyrealre llyy wellweell epic 2008 titletit tlee duedueluelueu l whwwhiwhichchc iiss wiwwidelyidelydee y throughoutthrothhrooughoughhoh ut thethe tournament.tournurnur amenameamene t.t regarded ass thehe greatestgreatesttestest GrandGraG andnd Slam Slaml GoffinGoffGofoffof innwn was was ono nnto toptooppi ini thetthh earlyearea lyl final ever played.playelayayeyedd. “But“BButB t I gogooab aboutababouto t ittl likelikekee everyevereververy stagesstagstasttaggeses as asshe hee sensedsesens sedsed theththe oppor-oppooopopppop r- Eight-timettimem championc hamphamhamppiononn FedererFedeFededed rerrer otheroothotheththheerrma match.”mamatch.tchttcch.ch ” tunitytunittuuniniityty to toobe becomebeb comecome theth firffirsti stt BBelgianelgian racked up hishis 100th1000tht matchmatcmattchhwihw winwiw nnat ata Nadal,NadNadaN d l,, whowhhoo waswasasas alsoalsosos championchamchahamhah mpionpioiio man to makem akeake thetht e semi-finalssemisemsemiem -finfinalsls ata Wimbledonnnan andanandred reachedrer acheacha heh ddhi hishiis 13th133thh inin 2010,2010, brokebrob oke QuerreyQuerruereerrrreyy sixsixx times,timesimese , a SlamSlS amam sincesinceincincee XavierXavXa ierr MalisseMMaliala sses at BORA-HansgroheBORA-Han rider Peter semi-final withwiththh aa4 4-6,4-4 6,6 6-1,6-1,- 6-4,6-4,- 6-46 4 sentsese t downdowddown 10 acesacea ssa andanndd44d4 444 winnerswinwinnnersnerersrs WimbledonWimbmblledoldlededd ninn in 2002.20002.2 Switzerland’s SaganSagan of SlovakiaS winning the defeat of Japan’sapan’ppan s KeiKeK i Nishikori.NiNishikshikh oriori.ri. inin a convincingcoconc nvinciinnccingiinngg displaydispdisispsplayaay whichwwhicwh ch willwwillll HeH broke brokerokro forfooror aa4 4-34-3-3l leadleaeadead Roger Federer fifth stagestage of Tour de France The 37-year-old-yearear-ar--oldldd willwiill bebe playingplayplallayiingng givegivive himhim greatgregreeata h hopeopee off beatingb eatieate tiinngg butu 15-time15-t1515-5t- timemem Slamamm winnerwinw nernner in action in ColmarColmar,, France, yesterday. in the semi-finalsi-finafinfifinaals ofof a majormajomamajajorfor forffoor thethe FedererFedeedd rerr forfo thethe 25th2525tht time.timmee.. DjokovicDjokjokj kovicic thenthen reeledrer eledelee ede offf the during his 45th time. “It’s“It’“It“It’t’t s greatgrreateaeat (to( bee facingfacincinc ggFegF FedererFeFedereereer nextnexxt nineninini e games,games,mem takingtaktaakingingg thethee quarter-final Nadal, thethee two-time two-twwo-timeimmee champion,chamchammpioniononn, attW Wimbledon Wimblimbmblledond again),”agaaga ain),n)),””sa sasaidaidi 33-year-33-yey ar-ar- firstfirsffirfi ttse set,seet, a andnd tthehee secondsecoececono dinddi in match against TourTour de France: made the last-fourlalast-fo-fofourur forf oror thethehes seventh sevene enthh oldo NadalNadaNNadNdaddalwl whosewwhooseossee recentreceececentt 112th2th2t2thh RolandRolRolaRRoolaand whichwhicwwh ch hehe allowedallalllowedowowewedw d thet e Japan’s Kei time and 32nd32n322n2 d ata thet Slams,SlaSSlams,mss, byy GarrosGarrGaGarross victoryv ictoiictctoryy tooktookoook himhih too 18188S SlamSlS aamm BelgianBeBelgBelel ianan justjjuustt foffoufourourpor popointsinintintsntn onon Nishikori Sagan shines as beating Samm QuerreyQuerQuQ rereyreyy 7-5,7-5757-7 5 6-2,6-26-6 2, 6-2.66--2.2 titles.titlit eses.e hisisi serve.servserverve.e yesterday. Tomorrow’srowoww’ssss semi-finals ememi-emie finainnan llw willwiwillll bebe “It’s“It’“It’’sdissd difficultdidifficffffifici ultuul tooio imaginei magimagg neet to toob beb TheThT contestconcontcocontnttestt waswaas overovevevere AAlaphilippelaph the pair’s 40th40th0t0t mmeetmemeetingee ingi andanandd thirthirdhirh ddatda att againagaigag nni ini thatthatht t situationsituatuatata ionon andnd hereher wew byby the thee timet imemme DjokovicDjokDjoDjDjooko ovicovovic Wimbledonn afteraaftetere FedererFedeedererrer wonwoonn theththhee are.are I’mImm excitedexcexcitedited to playplaay againstagainstnstn brokebrokbrobrokokefoe forforra a 3-13-311 leadle d inn reretainstain lead 2006 and 20020070007 fiffinalsnalsnaalsalals beforebefbefe oreore NadaNadall RogerRogeRogRogeer hereheh rerea atattWitW WimbledonWiW mblemblb dondon againagaiagaagaig n thethehe thirdthirth d set.seset. AFP swept to hisisi famousfamama oousu 2008008008 triumph.ttritr umphmphh. afterafteftefteerrsu suchsus chh a longlononggti time.”time.”mem BautistaBautBtBaautututistaistt Agut,AguAg t, 31,31,1 COLMAR,COLMAR, FRANCE The otherheer semi-finalsemiemimi-finfininalal willwilliilll DjokovicDjokDjDjokoko ovicoviovicvi reachedreachedchechh thethe WimWiWWim-- bookedbboobookookoo eded hishiss firstfirstrsr s e e four-timefourfoufof our -tim-titimimm e bledonblededdonnns semi-finalssemi-emiemm finai alss forf orr thetheh ninth nintinthin h appearanceappea peearanancece ini nna a SlamS am championn andd topopop seedsseeedd time,timetitimme, rackingraackininng up hish s 70th70t70t0 hcah careercac reereer winwiinn last-fourlastlalasast-foufouur ata thet 27th27t2727t7 h SlovakSlovak PeterPe Sagan reserved Novakk DjokovicDjokDjDjojojokj k ovicovovio vicici c att thethee AllA llll EnglandEnglanglnglandd ClubClubl inn the thee attemptaattetemptptp byyys seeings eeineeinng enoughenouen gh strengths in the hills tacklee RobeRoRobRobertoobbeb e rtortr to process.procprococo ess.essessss offoff Pella,PellPePelellel a, whowhoho hhadadad off the the AlsaceA region to win Baustista Agut,AgAgut,utt thet e 23rd23rdd SpaniardSpSSpapaaniarard TheThThehe defendingdefedefddee ndinndindndinnggch championchhampiama on hith itt nevernevenevneneveer previouslyprp evioevev ouslyususlyy a reducedrreduc bunch sprint for who has mademadadede thee last-fourlasllaast-fotfot foourur ata t a backbac fromfroomma a breakbreabrebbreakkdo downdown ini nnth thethhe firstfif rstr t reachedrereareacreaceaeaca hedheed a hisiiss 12th overall Tour de major for theheefi firstfiirstt time.timetimtimmmee. setsseett tot carvec arveararvevee outo a commandingcommaommmmmaandinndnndid ng 6-4,6-6 4,4 quarter-finalquarququaruarrter-tteer-eer finanaalatlal atat FranceFra stage win Federererer isissa alsoalslsolsoso thethhee oldestololdeoldldedeestt manm ana 6-0,6-0606 6-2-22 winwi overoveooverr2 21st21sts seeds eededed DavidDaviDavDaavivid thetthe majors.majomama rs.rsrs yesterday.yes to make thehehe semissemissememiemm s of aam majormajorajoajjojorr sincesins ncec GoffinGoffG inn ofoffBe Belgium.BeBelgiugiugig um.m WIMBLEDON: MEN’S QUARTER FINALS France’s overall Jimmy Connorsnornoors atat thethth 199119999991 USS Open.OpeOpOpeen.n Innna a ruthlessruruthleshlesesssdis display,did splasplsppplay,y DjokovicD jokojokovicv c leaderleade Julian Alaphilippe “We haveaveava aal lotlott ofo finf informationini foformforormormmatioatatiatioioon reeledreelreeeeleeeleddod offofff1 15155of ofo thethhee lastlaslaast 171 gamesgamamamese Novak Djokovic (SRB x1) bt David Goffin (BEL x21) 6-4, willwill embarkemb in yellow again on Rafa andndnd so doesd oesoeoes hehea abouta boutbououout us.uuss. I too securesecurecucu eea a placplaplacelace ini thethth semi-finalssemememi-fii-fiinalslsls 6-0, 6-2 onon the firstfi real mountain know peopleplelee alwaaalwayslwal yss h hypeypeyp itt uupppinpi inin a offft thethee majorsmajorajojorjjo s forfofor theththe 36th36thhth time.time.imeme.mmee. test in theth Alsace in Eastern Roberto Bautista
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