. ~ . / , . '. i I. Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List FSC Group 74 Pam III and II Contractor Ampex Audio, Inc. Contract No. GS-OOS·22639 Period July 23, 1959 through 'June 30, 1960 General Services Administration Federal Supply Service GSA Distribution Code 87 GS-OO -22&39 • AUTHORIZED FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE AMPEX AUDIO, INC . 1020 KIFER ROAD SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA 7 If the Ampex Audio Deale r has delivered the equipment from his stock the serial numbers HAl of units delivered and a receipt for delivery REC will accompany the original Government UNf Purchase Order sent to Ampex Audi o, Inc. PLA 8 m pe x Audio, Inc. will invoice to Government Ag nc y on all purchases under this contract. Determine item desired from ihis catalog. Dea l r s lis ted here in a r e not authorized to mod Lfy any portion of this contract. 2 The Government Agency may place an order STE with the nearest Ampex Audio Franchised 9 If a ny eq uipment is r eceived in damaged condi­ REe Dealer, and address the order as follows : ti on , the Government Agency will immediately UNf advise Ampex Audio, Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif. PLA AMPEX AUDIO, INC. by collec t wi re, indicating Purchase Order John Doe, Dealor numbe r, s erIal number of item (if any). extent Street Add ,ou of damage and when items may be inspected. City, Stale Note: For names of Deale rs in your area, write to Government Sales Department, 10 UNIT PRICE - - Eacb f. o. b. destination Con­ Ampex Audio, Inc., Sunnyvale, Cal if. tinental limits of the U. S. (Export del1very extra -- a t cost). No Quantity Discounts. 3 u. S. Go vernment Agencies overseas (ex­ HAL REe cluding Alaska & Hawaiian Islands) add ress 11 DELIVERY -- 30 to 60 days from receipt of UN!' inquiries to Ampex E"'Port Sales, Inc., 934 firm order by Ampex Audio, Inc., Sunnyvale, PLA Cbarter Street, Redwood City, California. California . 4 The Government Agency will place the order ·"'~th toe above addressed Ampex 12 TERMS OF PAYM ENT -- Net 30 days from Audio Dealer. date of Invoice; 2% discount allowed for pay­ ment made in 20 days. 5 The Ampex Audio Dealer may elect to de­ 13 PACEING -- Commercial packing in conform­ liver the merchandise [rom his inventory STE ity ",·itb 8tandards and practices of the industry. or have the merchandise s hipped from REC Ampex Audio, Inc. Export packing in accordanc e witb MIL speci­ UNf' fications will be billed :It 10% of user's net PLA price as additional cost .llld invoiced as a 6 The Ampex AudiO Dealer in every case wi II separate item. A Government Bill of Lading forward the Government Purchase Order sh.ould be furnished for transportation beyond to Ampex Audio, Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif. Contincnto.l limits uf the United States. AMI' SPE. AMIPJEX COM STEl AUDIO INC. SYSl 2 1020 KIFER ROAD SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA ALl PL EA SE G.S.A. PRICE LIST I[ _ _ _ A.'''lra:x ~ ORDER SPECIAL ITEM No. 50-49-2 II AUJD)llCO INc:. BY THIS NUMBER SELLING PRICE TO DESCRIPTION MODEL GOVERNMENT Unmounted HALF-TRACK Grey 902 $427.02 RECORDERS, UNIVERSAL PLAYBACK Unmounted Be ige 904 427.02 Unmounted STEREO Grey 952 565.25 RECORDERS, UNIVERSAL PLAYBACK Unmounted Be ige 954 565.25 HALF-TRACK RECORDERS, Portable UNIVERSAL Grey 91 0 470 .25 PLAYBACK STEREO RECORDERS Po rtable UNIVERSAL Grey 960 617 . 50 PLAYBACK AMPLIFIER P o r La.bl e SPEAKERS ~ Gr y 2010 180.52 Half-Track Recorder Model 910 and 2 eac h Model 2010 25 10 807.02 COMPLETE g~'Q P ortable , G r ey STEREOPHONIC SYSTEMS Stereo Recorder Model 960 and 2560 945.25 2 each Model 2010 Portable, Grey 3 ­ ALL MODELS CARRY UNDERWRITERS' APPROVAL COMMERCIAL RE CORDERS - 6 0 CYCLE* 'COMM ERC!AL R EeOR DERS- 50 l'yd ,'. The modl'l numb", for fh 50 cps (.' ",.., ion of any rpeo rder listed abOl'(: i. the odd number immrdia tdy ABOVE the corrp>pondln[: 60 ")'I'le ('ersion. For example. th (' 50 cycle "aston uf model 66~ is modd G63. DESC SPECIFICATIONS HEADS: Separate heads for Erase, Record and Playback; 601 heads full track or half track; 601-2 has full track era~e , 2-chalUlel record and playback heads (both in-line), ® CIJ) II TAPE SPEED: 7-1 / 2 or 3-3/ 4 inches per second REEL SIZE: 7" RETMA; top may be closed with 5" reels. recorder FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 30 to 15,000 cycles/second; down no MONI more than 4 db at 15,000; 1: 2db from 40-10,000 cycles/second. RECe SIGNAL/NOISE RATIO: Ove r 55 db at 3% harmonic distortion MONl for 601 full track head ; ove r 50 db for 601 half track, 601 -2. PLA) CROSSTALK REJECTIO : (601-2) In excess of 50 db, FLUTTER and WOW: Below 0.17%. STARTING/ STOPPING TIME: Start to full play in less than 1/5 second; stops in l es s than 1 second. PLAYING TIME: 1200 ft . l'ee l, 32 min.; 1800 ft., 48 min. FAST F ORWARD/REWIND TIME: 90 seconds for 1200 ft. r e l. PL AYBACK TTh[ING CClffiACY, ±0.2%. OPERATING MODES: Selector Switches for Play/ Record, Fast Forward/Rewind; s,,-fety button illuminates in Record mode , rAM\PEX LEVEL CONTROLS: 601 -- Sc!-,a rate mixing controls for Line and Microphone Record Levels; Profess ional Meter. 601-2-­ I @ CID Il = ~ Separate mixing controls for each channel; Sepa rate Mete r. RECORD INPUTS: Microphone, high or low impedance (Modcl 8GO Accessory, Page 6, used for low impedance); Line, un­ Two-Track balanced, 0.5V required for program record level, Stereo PLAYBACK OUTPUT: 600 n, 1.23 V (balanced or unbalanced), fr()m tapes rpcorded at program level, Recorder MONITORING: 601 -­ Phone jack with monitor selector sv.'itch STER permits monitoring input to record head or playback output of RECC the tape while recording. 601-2 -- Same for each channel. STER AMPLIFIERS: Sepamte record, playback, microphone and line PLA\ input amplifiers. Negligible distortion (maximum 1%). POWER REQUIREI\IENTS: 117 volts, 60 cycle (for 50 cyclc s ee note at top of page); 601 -- 61 watts; 601-2 -- 85 watts. DIME NSIONS: Transport top area 9-5/ 16" x 12-1/2"; electronic top area (two for 601-2) 6-1/8" x 12-1/ 4"; Depth below top platc 5". Overall size including carrying case, 601 -- 8" x 1.1-3/ 4" x IG-l / 2" ; 601-2 -- 8" x 13" x 24-1/ 2". WEIGHT: 601 -­ 28 pounds; 601-2 -- 42 pounds. SP EC I FICA TIONS FREQ E NC Y RESPONSE: Amplifier 20-20,000 cps ± 1/2 db; overall re ponse G5 - lO,OOO+ cps, e ssentially flat acoustically. POWER OUT PUT, 10 watts, with no audible harmonic distortion. SIGNA L/ NOISE RATIO: 70 db below rated output (including hum). AMP] CONTROLS & CONNECTIONS: Volume; Bass-treble; power switch; SPEA amplifier­ on-off indic ator light; AC power cable; AC convenience outlet; speaker concentric pin audio input cOlUlec tor; hea dphone jack for external s peaker (automatically cuts out 620 sp""ker, reciprocal network). EQUALIZA TION: Single contr ol l5i ves level tilt to output, boosts bass up to 6 db relative to trebl , or treble 6 db relative to bass. IMPEDANCES, Input 20,000 n; Output 12 n to external speaker . POWER REQUIREMENTS: 117 volts, 50 or 60 cycles ; 55 watts. *COMI DIMENSIONS: 8" x 13" x 16". WEIGHT, 25 pounds. versioJ the COl Model ALL MODELS CARRY UNDERVlRITERS' APPROVAL 4 G.S.A. PRI CE LIST '\ \\'IlPEX t __ -­ - .'~ ..~ --.- ~ SPECIAL ITEM No. 50.49·3 If \\Il.JlIJI~ \V INC Jdd 60 CPS* ;63. SelLING PRICE TO GOV ERN MENT 7-1/ 2 Half 652 $565 .25 Portable ~a s e, 7-1/ 2 Full 654 565. 25 Saddle Tan 3-3/4 Hali 656 593, 75 wn no MONAURAL 3-3/ 4 Full 658 593 , 75 lecond. RECORDERS, tion MONAURAL 1-2, PLAYBACK 7-1/ 2 Half 662 51 7 , 75 7-1/2 Full 664 517.75 m Unmounted 3-3/4 Half 666 546 , 25 3-3/ 4 Full 668 546 , 25 reel . Fast de, Line 1-2 -­ 7-1/ 2 Stereo 672 945 ,25 ers. Portable lodel Saddle un­ Tan ~ ed), 3-3/ 4 Stereo 674 992. 75 witch STEREO Jut of RECORDERS, el, STEREO ,d line PLAYBACK ,Ie see 7-1/2 Stereo 676 902 . 50 ~ tronjc Un mounted op plate 3-3/ 4" 3-3/ 4 Stereo 678 945 . 25 db; overall Itortion. Portable ,g hum). AMPLIFIER­ Saddle 620 180, 02 er switch; SPEAKER Tan >utlet; external network) , boosts l to basS, laker, watts, *COMMERClAL RECORDERS -­ 50 cycle: The Model Number fo r the 50 cps version of any recorder lis ted above is the odd number immediately ABOVE ADD 12,00 the corresponding 60 cycle version. For example, the 50 cycle version of Model 662 Is Model 663, G.S.A. PRICE LIST J\lfJD)110 INC SPECIAL ITEM No. SO-52 ACCESS O RIES AND CONVERSION KIT S PLEASE ORDER SELLING PRICE TO BY THIS GOVERNMENT NUMBER D E SCRIPTION MODEL Electro-Voice Model 636 Microphone with Desk-Stand -- GREY 810 $78 . 37 j Electro-Voice Model 636 Microphone wi th Desk-Stand -- BROWN 811 78.37 Head Demagnetizer 820 7.84 Head Cleaner 823 1.04 Oil , 4 Oz. can, for Bodine motors in commercial record rs 827 .95 Oil, 4 Oz. can, for 900 Series and Universal series motors 828 .95 I Alignment tape, 7-1/ 2 inches per second 830 13.77 I Alignment tape, 3-3/4 inches per second 831 13.77 Ma intenance Manuals, Model 601 840 2.71 Maintenance Manuals, Model 601-2 841 2.71 Universal Series equipment Operation and Maintenance Manuals 842 2.85 Portable Cases: Model 601 Monaural Recorder 850 60.32 Model 601-2 Stereo Recorder 851 81.70 Model 910 Half Track Recorder 852 52.25 Model 960 Stereo Recorder 853 56.52 Low impedance plug-in transformer for 601, 601-2 Series 860 21.80 Rack mounting Adapter Panel for 601 Series 861 23.70 Reel hold-down knob for 601, 601-2 Series 862 .66 Universal Playback Head conversion wi th grey head cover 101 71.25 with brown head cover 102 71.25 TAPE SPEED CONVERSION KITS For 60-cycle machines from 7-1/2 to 3-3/4 ips 110 26.55 600 Series only from 3-3/4 to 7-1/2 ips III 26.55 For field application; includes pulley, belt, standard alignment tape for new For 50-cycle machines from 7-1 / 2 to 3-3/4 ips 112 26.55 speed, and complete installation and from 3-3/ 4 to 7-1/2 ips 113 26.55 alignment instructions for converting POWER FREQUENCY CONVERSION KITS 600 Series only For 3-3/ 4 ips machines from 60 to 50 cycles 114 12.11 Includes pulley, belt and complete from 50 to 60 cycles 115 12.11 installation instructions for con­ verting a 60-cycle recorder to 50 For 7-1/ 2 ips machines from 60 to 50 cycles 116 12.11 cycle use or vice versa from 50 to 60 cycles 117 12.11 6 51 SPECIAL ITEM No.
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