Scientific Articles SCRIPT ADVENTURE ANALYSIS - Adventuretts in "The Empire Strikes Back" by Stephen B, Karpman, M,D, The analysis of adventure stories has relevance in the analysis of the life scripts of persons having banal scripts such as the "Nothing Ever Happens" script. In the Script Drama Analysis article (TAB 7:26, 1968) I analyzed drama as arising from switches in roles .(persecutor, Rescuer, and Victim in the Drama Triangle) and location (near-far, private-public, closed-open spaces in the Location Diagram) by the characters set in the Role Diagram. Adventure Analysis here will focus on the units of excitement I call "adven­ turetts," and the total number of adventuretts crammed into a time frame determines the excitement of the participants and their audience. The stimulus for this article is George Lucas' Star Wars sequel The Empire Strikes Back which I've seen three times (the stimulus for Script Drama Analysis was The Valley ofthe Dolls and Wuthering Heights movies). Both articles analyze fairy tales. Star Wars was written as a fairy tale with morals for children. The units are named and randomly listed as adventurett inserts that can be inserted into any adventure story (or script) by the writer to hype the excitement and involveinent level (see discussion later). The list is not exhaustive nor organized by TA concepts, but the reader can find many ofthe currencies, drivers, ego states, etc. as they study the list. ADVENTURETTS: 13. CHALLENGED SIGHT: blind­ l. TRAVEL TO FAR PLACES: a ing zero visibility of Hoth galaxy far, far away. snowstorm. 2. A BATTLE OF GOOD AND 14. CHALLENGED HEARING: the EVIL: imperial forces .vs. rebel al­ assault on Chewbacca in Cloud liance. City; the silence on Dagobah. 3. ROYALTY: Princess Leia. 15. CHALLENGED SMELL: Cut­ 4. EXTREME PERSECUTOR: re­ ting open the Tauntaun's belly. lentless Darth Vader; asteroid . 16. CHALLENGED TASTE: Luke field. tasting Yoda's food. 5. EXTREME RESCUER: heroics 17 . CHALLENGED TOUCH: Leia of Han and Luke. and Han embrace ; unstable footing 6. EXTREME VICTIM: Luke dying in asteroid. in a freezing snowstorm. 18. CHALLENGED ESP: Leia re­ 7. COMEDY TEAM: R2-D2 and ceives Luke' s thought message for C-3PO. help. 8. NATURE'S VIOLENCE: 19. FIRE: explosions, fires. snowstorm on Hoth; rainstorm on 20. F IRE + EARTH = LAVA: Dagobah. Han's molten casing in carbon 9. EXTREME OUTDOORS: humid freezing. swamp on Dagobah; frozen tundra 21. FIRE + AIR = HEAT: sweltering of Hoth. heat on Dagobah. 10. EXTREME INDOORS: ice­ 22 . FIRE + WATER = STEAM: cavern headquarters on Hoth. R2 -D2's steam screen; bubbling 11. DRAMA TRIANGLE swamp on Dagobah. SWITCHES: Admiral from perse­ 23 . EARTH: asteroid cave; R2-D2 cutor to victim. dropped twice to ground on 12. LOCATION SWITCHES: barren Dagobah. planet to busy interior of Star 24. EARTH + AIR = DUST: soiled Destroyer. clothes. 15 25. EARTH + WATER = MUD: 54 . SUSPENSE: awaiting Yoda on Dagobah swamp mud on R2-D2. Dagobah; awaiting winner of bat­ 26. AIR: flying through space. tles. 27. AIR + WATER = MIST: clouds' 55 . THREATS: Vader and Calrissian. around Cloud City; muggy air on 57 . HUNGER: mealtime on Dagobah Dagobah. and Cloud City. 28. WATER: Luke's ship submerged 58 . WEALT H : riches for bounty on Dagobah; Luke in medical tank. hunter. 29. UNIQUE CHARACTERS: 59. POVERTY: Yoda on Dagobah. Y oda, Vader. 60. SLAPSTICK HUMOR: droids 30. UNIQUE ANIMALS: Taun­ bumping into walls and ceilings. tauns, Mynocks. 61. DRY HUMOR: design of AT-AT 31. UNIQUE MACHINES: R2-D2, walkers; acting of Vader's new imperial AT-AT walkers. commander. 32. WISE TEACHER: Ben Kenobi. 62. VICTORY: Yoda lifts aircraft; re­ 33. BOUNTY HUNTERS: Boba bels cheer escape; snow walker is Fett. downed. 34. MAGICIAN: Yoda. 63 . DEFEAT: Vader loses track of 35. GHOSTS: Ben; holographs of rebel craft; The admiral is a failure. Vader and Emperor. 64 . DOUBLE CROSS: Vader to Cal­ 36. LEECHES: Mynocks. rissian; Calrissian to Solo. 37. HORSEBACK: riding along on 65. REUNITED: Solo and Calrissian Tauntauns. as old friends. 38. PIGGYBACK: Yoda on Luke; 66. REVENGE: Calrissian to Vader; C-3PO on Chewbacca. Chewbacca to Calrissian. 39. UNIQUE TRANSPORTATION: 67. BATTLES: land battle on Hoth; snowspeeder; Millennium Falcon. air battle in asteroid ·field. 40. UNIQUE HOUSING: ice­ 68. CHASE SCENES: TIE fighters cavern; Cloud City. going after the Millennium Falcon. 41. UNIQUE NAMES: Chewbacca, 69. HIDING A WAY: rebels on Hoth; Skywalker, Mynocks, Yoda. Han inside asteroid. 42. INVADING ARMY: imperial 70. AN INVESTIGATION: Vader forces on Hoth. must find rebels and sends out pro­ 43. MASS EVACUATIONS: rebel al­ bes for clues. liance from Hoth. 71. A SEARCH PARTY: Han goes 44. UNIQUE WEAPONS: ion can­ out to find the missing Luke on non; light sabres. Hoth. 45. UNIQUE AIRCRAFT: TIE fight­ 72. LURKING DANGER: a sense of ers; X-wing fighters. uneasiness with Luke on Dagobah 46. LUCKY ESCAPE: Han escaping and Han in asteroid cave. ice-cavern and asteroid cave. 73 . SCAREDOFTHEDARK:R2-D2 47. LUCKY HIT: asteroids hitting on Dagobah; Leia inside asteroid TIE fighters. tunnel. 48. BEING CAPTURED: Han on 74 . UNDERGROUND PASSAGE­ Cloud City. WAYS: ice tunnels on Hoth and 49. BEING TRAPPED: Han's carbon corridors on Cloud City. freezing; prisoners. 75 . SHELTER: ice-cavern; inside 50. SETTING A TRAP: Vader sets dead Tauntaun; Luke safely on trap for Luke on Cloud City. Dagobah. 51. INJURIES: Luke's hand; C-3PO 76. IRRESTIBLE ATTRACTION: dismembered. tractor beams; Luke for rescue in 52. DEATH: admiral; battle victims. Cloud City trap; Leia for Han. 53. SAVING LIVES: Han saves 77. ROMANCE: Han and Leia. Luke on Hoth; Leia saves Luke on 78 . FRIENDSHIP: Han and Luke; Cloud City. R2-D2 and C-3PO. 16 79. A GANG OF FRIENDS WITH 98. SUPERLATIVE EFFECT: origi­ TEAMWORK: Han, Chewie, nality of imperial snow walkers; Luke, Leia. Yoda's charm. 80. FAMILY: the unfolding of Luke's 99 . A WELCOME PARTY: Lando story. welcomes Han's arrival. 8 1. EXCLUSION: R2-D2 excluded 100. COMING OUT OF RETIRE- from Y oda' s cave; Luke hiding on MENT: Yoda at work again. Cloud City. 101. INNOCENCE: Luke, droids. 82. SURPRISE IDENTITY: Darth 102. CUNNING: Darth Vader. Vader's revelation ; Y oda' s revela­ 103. MORALLY UPRIGHT: Ben, tion. Luke. 83. ALTERED MIND STATE: 104. DECISIVENESS: Vader reacting Luke's struggle to stay awake in to probe's findings; Han flies into snowstorm. asteroid field. 84. ARACEAGAINSTTIME:Han's 105. FREE SPIRIT: Luke leaving disappearance just before the trac­ Dagobah prematurely; Han's dar­ tor beam is turned on. ing exploits. 85. VERY HIGH SPEED: aircraft 106 . STRUGGLE WITH SELF: Luke chase; laser beams." fighting off evil temptation of 86. AWESOME BEAUTY: Cloud Vader. City at sunset. 107. BEWILDERMENT: Puzzle over 87 . ACHILLES' HEEL DIS­ Han's disappearance behind Star COVERED: power generators on Destroyer. Hoth. 108. PREMONITIONS: "I've got a 88. GHOST TOWN: abandoned ice­ bad feeling about this." cavern on Hoth: 109. OVERRIDING PURPOSE: 89. MACHINES BEING RE- Vader must find Luke. P AIRED: Han and Chewbacca I 10. DROWNING: Suspense ofR2-D2 working on the Falcon. in swamp; Luke in medical tank; 90. PERFECT EFFICIENCY: elec­ Han in carbon freezing. tronic marvels; Han's narrow Ill. SORROW AND TEARS: squeeze on the asteroid. Wookie's reaction to lost Luke; 91. CRUCIAL MALFUNCTION: Leia to Han's mummy. light-speed failure on the Millenium 112. RAGE: Vader at incompetence of Falcon. his admirals. 92. INGENUITY UNDER STRESS: 113. GUILT: Lando regrets the double Han's attaching onto Star cross. Destroyer; use of Tauntaun for 114. FEAR: Yoda warns Luke that he shelter. will be afraid. 93. DESIRES INTERFERED lIS. TEENAGE ANTICS: Han ' s WITH: Vader's captures thwarted; bravado and shunning of romance. Y oda loses Luke. 116. A SPREE: planet to planet joyride 94 . FALLING DOWN: Luke into at a carnival pace. hole and out window while battling 117. PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP: Han Vader. loves his Falcon as his ownjalopy. 95. SWINGING ON ROPE: Luke on 118. SIDELINE OBSERVERS: cable under snow walkers and on R2-D2 and C-3PO. vines on Dagobah. 1I9. A DUEL TO THE DEATH: 96. SHARP CONTRASTS: big and swordplay with Luke and Darth. small snow walkers; light and dark 120 . PHILOSOPHY: Zen messages planets. from Yoda. 97. SYMBOLISM: peacefulness on 121. PROVEN SUBJECT MATTER: Y oda' s planet; metallic darkness of science fiction ; fairy tales; epic war Vader's Star Destroyer. stories. 17 A WRITER'S GUIDE. The weaving of adventuretts into a flowing story can be done by script writers whose left brain and right brain get along with each other (left = logic , right = romance). A right brain writer can learn to logically insert a high number of adventuretts without losing the intuitive 'flow and artistry. A left brain writer can list and outline a prescribed number of adventuretts then allow an inspired imaginative story to flow from that. A third type of writer will have learned the adventuretts so throughly that they appear automatically in the intuitive creative process. In telling bedtime stories to my sons Eric (neighborhood stories) and Justin (science fiction stories) they pick four adventuretts each and with their help I weave a story from their choices. A SCORING SYSTEM. Generally, the success of an adventure story is directly related to the total number of adventuretts in it. A viewer may casually add up the number of adventuretts in several movies and know why some were boring and some were involving. A writer may set a minimum number of adventuretts as a standard for his/her stories. When a high-adventure series such as Sinbad the Sailor doesn't have the mass appeal of a Star War series, it is often because a high number of personal experience adventuretts are omitted.
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