P r o g r e s s , iY)e Universal LaW of f'iaîûre; Th)oûgh)t, tbe Solvent of J"ier Probleros. VOL. 6. CHICAGO. OCTOBER 22. 1892. N 0 . 1 S 2 upon a scientific basis, it would seem a less. A lady desiring some suggestions and excellence over all other systems of safe and satisfactory proposition to and special’ advice in m ental training morals and religions yet known to civil­ THE DUTY OF THE HOUR. ization. loavo Ita prom ulgation tem porarllyjw itb Baid to mo recently: “I have no m em ory at all for nam es or In order that this claim may be those who are satisfied with ita origin dates. My husband had a good memory An Appeal to Spiritualists. recognized, there remains much to be and Its perm anence, and proceed with ami when I wanted to remember any­ done by its friends and advocates. But the effort to place it w ithin the reach of all honest and Inquiring minds. That thing 1 would just say. ’John, rem em ber A L ecture D elivered by is it possible to establish a permanent that for m e,’and he did it." John was system of ethics or morals without some can only bo successfully done through M r. 12. \V. G O U LD , quietly accum ulating a good m em ory by organization, some general bead and an earnest and persistent effort on tne his kindly «orvioe. But one day John At <}uecii City Park Camp. delegated authority, with power or in­ part of Spiritualists who have the d i e d — a n d ho took the memory with fluence sufficient to control, or even sug­ m eans to contribute, and are sufficiently h i m . REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE PRO­ gest ? Tho history of all republican self-sacrificing to spend it in that direc­ DEPENDENCE ON SELF. GRESSIVE THINKER. forms of government recognize this tion, or by devoting their individual principle, and the experience of all suc­ s e r v i c e s . The individual must realize he can Tho genorai agitation throughout the cessful social, religious or political as­ W hen we consider how m uch pleasure !0 p n civilized world, upon tho nubjoct of m or sociations show the necessity of thorough and benefit this new philosophy, this himself. And there cun ho no develop­ als and religious principles, and the organization. new religion is affording us, can wc not m ent w ithout use, w hether it is m usoles dogma* that control them , 1» a t t h e As the spiritual philosophy is now ac­ forego some of the opportunities of w it­ or ideas. W e may com m it our children present m om ent of sufficient im portance cepted and understood, it has no form s nessing phenomena and other social to tho earo of a nurso to give them air­ to Spiritualists as a sect to w arrant a or organization. Each devotee or m em ­ enjoym ents, for w hich we pay so m uch, ing and exercise, hut we cannot huve critical survey of the prom ises, that they ber Is at liberty to Interpret all to contribute our m ite to send these our muscles m anipulated for us in our may properly appreciate their relative phenomena, to set up hisow n standard grand truths to those we know would absence, or our thoughts and ideas position utnong tlio num erous sects and of truth and falsehood, to declare hi* appreciate them ? given an airing or toning up by some denom ination* now claim ing precedence, own code of m orals, to relegate all new The church Ls spending m illion* annu­ one else. Self-reliance Is tho child of and asking recognition, in view of developm ents to mind cure, Christian ally to force upon heathen nations a self-reliance. Tho moro we oxeroiso it scientific Investigation * and advanced science, hypnotism , thco*ophy, Spiritual C hristianity they neither desire nor ap­ tho stronger will it become. All tho thought, since the introduction of m od­ ism or fraud, just as hi* fancy or oppor preciate and both Protestant and C atholic money of tho universe would be useless ern Spiritualism tunlties have presented the subjects to churches have perfect organizations, different from tho one prescribed by the unless it were in circulation, and the Thoro are but fow am ong the educated, h i s m i n d . properly system atized, with church ed­ hook, that is developing most. lie is real value of any piece of money in a the thinking classes, so prejudiced or It would seem, then, that among the ifices in every com m unity, w ith secta­ OUR NEW BIBLE, thinking for him self nnd relying on him ­ com m unity Is not Its face valuo, but the bigoted thut they cannot see and will first steps necessary to place Spiritualism rian schools and theological Institution* self. This spirit should bo ours in all am ount of goodflt does, the num ber of not admit that great changes havo before the world in its true light, and of learning, and are devoting their It Contains Divine Lessons. our study and thought. trips it m akes, the transfers from hand already taken place, not only in the ask from all liberal and intelligent com means and philanthropic effort* in a The nation that is strongest is the one to hand. A gold eagle given from ono physical but In the m ental and moral munities the recognition it la worth way that should com m end itself to S pir­ that is most self-reliant, the one that individual to another, and m oving only world, and that the near future is preg of, that a National Organization, wit itualists and stimulate in them a contains within it* boundaries all that from one to the other, has not done nant with still greater changes, involv­ SELF-RELIANCE. delegated powers from such local or m issionary spirit, with a zeal worthy its people need. If with its ports all so much good to the community as a ing im portant consequences to the whole ganizations and societies as may feel a the great cause in which they have em ­ blockaded it has not within itself the dollar bill that has in a day passed hum an fumily. FAITH OF THK INDIVIDUAL IN HIS POS­ desire to unite in formulating rules and barked. But w hat are we doing? necessities of life and the dem ents of through fifty hands, paid part of fifty W ithout stopping to Inquire what in­ SIBILITIES—TRUE OF MEN AND NA­ by-laws for the government of such Na­ To me it seems an error, a selfish it* continual progress, then it is weak, transactions. So It is in m ind; it is use fluence m odern Spiritualism has had in thought, that is advanced by many TIONS- EVERY DAY SHOULD MARK held by the enemy, and it is only a that makes growtti. No m atter how bringing about these changes, up to the tional Organization, or Congress, should honest spiritual teachers, that Spiritu­ SOME IMPROVEMENT— THE MOTTO m atter of tim e till it m ust surrender. small be our incntul wealth at the be­ present tim e, the im portant question for be convened at a central point, and pro­ ceed to perfect such an organization a» in alists should make no effort at SHOULD NOT HF. " I WILL TRY," BUT Its independence is only proportional to ginning, if wo bo honest w ith ourselves, us to determ ine is: W hat shall be our their wisdom will be competent to pro proselyting. its self-reliance, to Its pow er to sustain be confident, and be solf-roliant, wo position as a seot in the future? CHICAGO’S WATCHWORD. “ I WILL." pare and publish to the world a platform If. as we claim , wc have a superior itself from within. So It is with tho have begun a developm ent that has no In spite of the fraud, tho ridicule and theory, rcaultlng In advanced thought, T o t h e E d ito r :—T ho Now Bible, dif­ individual. That individual is most lim its but of our obedience to the law. the persecution Spiritualism hasencoun of principles, embodying tho Spiritual highorand purer m ental and moral de­ fering from all other blbles, teaches strong in any trial, sorrow or need, that Tho Individual in tho developm ent tered since its Inception, forty-four years philosophy, a* taught by the large ma­ diviner lessons, grander truths, brooder jority of Spiritualists to-day. velopm ents, nothing would seem more can live from his inhorent strength, and strengthening of his confidence und ago, no one whose opinion is entitled to and more charitable sentiments, nnd With such a platform, "representing consistent, m ore philanthropic, than a that needs no scaffolding nor supports self-reliance m ust feel that all m en have respect is bold enough to deny that it has presents to each one something to united effort to dissem inate and spread of common-place sym pathy to sustain within them the elem ents physically, been an im portant factor in aw akening theories as taught by spirits from the broadcast those higher truths, those stim ulate exertions to attain a higher him. W hen sorrow comes to u weaker m entally and m orally, and that all obey scientific investigation, Biblical re other side of life, and accepted by pure life.
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