See CEMETERY, pa~e lOA C:hick~ns Irule,the roostO on Saturday Chickens 'will have the' luxury of Two events will be ,going on Chicken Show hC:lti and the biggest, Tickets can be pu~chased in advance, has to do is t9ss a rubber cl:1icken'lnto becoming Ihe. "l<lng of the roosl" IhlS Ihroughoul Ihe day on Salurday. The 1I11lesl, prettlesl and oddesl egg for $2 each, from Chamber members a hoop. H~w~ver, e~parts,belteve thIs Saturday, July 11, In Wcwne as the Chicken Arts, and, Crafts'Fair' Is (entries must be bona fide chicken or from other padiclpaflng sport could'ieave basketball fans in a annual Chicken Show .takes place, sr;:hedule~ to be available'for viewing eggs, so keep t~ose ostrich eggs at businesses. Cost for a ticket on the stew. wIlh mosl of Ihe actlvilies stheduled between the hours of 10 a.m. to ..;:p.m. home), day of Ihe Chlcl<en Show Is $3,50each. at Bressler Park. Adults, atw chtldren from the area O'ne of the highly publicized events At 2 p.m. will be a Tae-Kwon-Do THE fINAL event of Ihe.day will This year's' theme of the ~ayne can display their roosters and hens natlonaUy of Ihe WayneChlckim exhibition, displayed by Ihe Wayne be Ihe Chicken Olympecl<s, whIch Chlcl<en Show ~hltl<enS In Ihe .. which Ihey plcl<ed ·up as chicks Show' (which made a hit on the Tae-Kwon-Do Club. starts at 4:30 p.m. There wlll be a If Movles. ' • earlle~ thl~ yea~. Johnny Carson Show and on a John kids division (ages 7-0. 9-10. 11-12, The day begins e rly as runners Deere promotional film) Is Ihe Na­ Then al 2:15 p.m. Is Ihe Chlcl<en 13-14 and 15-16) followed by an adull loe Ihe. slarllng line at Millon G. ANOTHER EV.EI1lT going on Iional Cluck.Qf.1 Championship. This Song Contest, where contestants can divI~lon. Waldbaum Co. in Wakefield and run Salurday and. SundaV· will be Ihe evenl will lake place al 12 :30 p.m. peck out their own lyrics and cackle to Wayne~s Br~ssler Park. The race Chicken Show Softball Tournament Last year's National Cluck·off Con­ them to a tune. Each team will have three males begins at 7:30 a.m. at the' softball complex .:- 'wlth test champion, John Agler of Wayne. and three femal.es. Last year's -One hour after the face Is started awards prese~ted In 'bo~h men and who appeared on the Johnny Carson Another popular event each year of champ of Chicken Olympecks was (8:30), the roosters will have women divisions. ' Show lasl year, will be a ludge Ihls the Chicken Show is the egg KTCH Radio. Several teams have somethlng..to crow about as they Plenfy of chlcl<en-related parade year. The, five-time winner said last drop/catch contest, where par­ already entered ~he cont~st In an ef­ compete in a contest to see who can entries will be, strutting davin year that he would not compete In ticipants vie for top honor and risk fort to dethrone the champs, aceor­ record the most crows within a cer­ Wayne's Matn Street to Bressler this year's, show. egg in the face by attempting to catch ding to Olympecl<s coordlnalor Lyle tain time frame. Park, beginning al 11 a.m. on Ihe cor· a raw egg barehanded that Is drop­ George. However, more are needed. Siomachs WQl1'1 go hungry In Ihe ner of 1st and Main. Trophies will be TH E WAY NE Area Chamber of ped for the city of Wayne's cherry morning as there Is a free omelet awarded to entries judged on Commerce is sponsoring a Chicken picker. This event'takes place at 3 Some of the egg-orlented events feed from 9-11 a.m. at Bressler Park. "chlcken·ness" and the theme of the Feed (of barbecued chicken) from 1 p.m. will Include the shoe scramble, egg The Chicken Flying Meet, sanctioned 1987 Chicken Show_ to 3 p.m. at Bressler Park for those rol1 (rolling an egg down a p,ath with by the International Cl1lcken Flying Judging will also take place at noon who grew hungry cackling or crow­ One new event In 1987 will be the your nose)i egg toss; three-legged Assoclatlon,,,wlll take place at 9:30 to decide on the winnIng entries for In,g away"lnto a microphone, or Gr.eat American Chicken Shoot, chlc!<en race; spoon race; and a a.m. the biggest mIdwestern chicken: best anybody eise with 'an appetite. scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. All one mystery event, according to George, From founda'ion, Auxi'iar'l Hospital receives special equipment for rehab, festing By Chuck Hackenmlller there are occasions when Creighton Managing Edlfor University still must be consulted for PrOVidence Medical Center has Interpretation of results_ received $19,200 worth, of special Howeve-r, Marti Thomas, ad­ equipment to be used primarily in the ministrator at Providence Medical cardiac rehabilitation and stress <;eilter, said the purchase of the new testing areas. equipment will result In a savings of The Wayne Hospital Foundation interpretation fees charged fo the pa­ and the Hospital Auxiliary jointly tients: donated the funds for the purchase of Equipment used preViously In car­ ~n,electro<;ardiog~aph,treadmill and diac rehabilitation and stress testing treadmill Interface box, baud modem was' ~ot ccmputerlzed. Thomas said. and a monitor. The' treadmill that was used In the -One primary: feature Qf the new testing for the past' five to seven equipment (s that the' data, after the ;years at the ·h.osp!tat.had belonged to pa-tienf uses -th-e equipment, can now Wayne Stale College and had 10 be be s:elf·interpr~ted by staff members returned, she added. at.Providence' Medical Center. ~ - Thomas said the EKG machlne can" Previously, staff members"woUld be u~ful il) _other ar~s of. the dial a pho~e number arid fran"'smit hospital, I~e EKG or olher lesls 10 Crelghlon University for·lnterpretatlon.' 1he In­ The HosPllaIAux1H~ry conlributed terpretation would then be relayed S8,000 and Ihe Wayne Hospital Foun­ back'to Pr-Qvidence Medlcat Center. dallon donaled SI1,200 10ward Ille Even \\'lth the new equipment, pu,chase of the new 'equipment. James 'Gerholdi Chairman of the·, Board of Directors and, ceo of Ger~ol,d, 'In!=.' and Subsldlarlt~s,. haS; '. anno!-'nced the, a~pointment of ~ Donavan Helmes as Presld~nt. ~ Helmes, joined 'the Gerhold com- ~ panies In 1978 as' Vice, President of ~ Finance after serving 10 years with '; Peat Marwlck In. -Omaha as a CPA. Don and h~s wife Pat are the "parents,~ of four sons. " Gertlold ,Is Involv~ In the construc,­ tlon industry, both as- a heav.y·~ highway contr~ctor and as a sUpplier:' of rea.dy mixed concrete, aggregates ~ and other bUlldlt:19 rylaterlals. It was a,lso announced.thaf.Stuart; Gerhold was,· appolnte<t Executive: Vice Presldenf. He and his wife Sue' are the pa~e~~s ~ two sons. Tr~f~~~~i:~~lynn, against Gerald Baler and June Baler. Polio support.group meets. Norfolk, speeding, Dismissed. ' $22; CharlotteS. Blgge<staff, Wisner, Credit Bureau Services, plaintiff, Post,Polio Support Group will meet Sunday, July 12 at 2p.m, Inthe In' speeding, $13;', Patricia R. K~sse, awarded $485.63 from Kenneth and se'rvl,ce Room at Lutheran Comm'unlty Hospital, Norfolk. Marcus, Iowa, stop sign violation, Evelyn Reikofskl. Chris Miller,' mana~er for J-utheran' Community Hospital' Home $15;' Daniel J., Mundil, Kearney, Medical S,upply will provl,de members with ataur of ttlelr medl~al eq!.:'lp·,. speeding,' $19; Gerald O. Brandstet­ ment department and .dlscuss advances In home. care, equipment ter! Wayner ':10 valid registration, Criminal filings available the handicapped. to $25; Terry J. Heimes, Hartington, Craig M: Andersen. Wayne, minor Newton attends workshop speedlng,r.-s19; Keith 'Sowder" Lin­ In possession. col~, speedi'ng, $13; Walter P. Keith G. Knobbe, Sioux City, driv­ Dean Newton of Wayne attended the 20th, annu~1 School Bus Hamilton III, Wayne, speeding, $25;, ing without a license. Malntenace Workshop June 17 and 18 at Central ,Community College­ Robbie Harmeler, Winside, Hastings Campus. speeding;' $25; Jeanelle K. Moline, Real estate The Hastings Campus sponsors the annual workshop for Nebraska Omaha, speeding, $2$; Layne"W. Ju'ly 1- Clarence L. and Margaret schools In cooperation with the State Depa~tment of E~ucatlon. Lueders, Wayne, speeding, $16; Clint J. Schroeder to Orville G. and Arleln Hastings Campus Instructors and au'fo 'supply' company represen- ' G. Nelson, Wayne, speeding, '$25; "'j F~ Anderson, Elf2 ciiNElf4 of 27-25-1 tatives covered a variety of topics related to sch0!31 bus maintenance and E1f2 of SE1,4 of 22·25-1. OS $49.50. ;durlng the two-day workshop and a Nebraska Highway Patrol represen­ July 1 - Emma Fredrickson to 'tatlve discussed bus safety Inspection procedures. ' Small Claims disposition Merle K. and LaVonne A. Carson, Lot Daryl L. Van Fleet, plaintiff, 7, S1f2 of Lot 8, Blk. 5, Heikes Addition agalnsf Bill Zeckman. pl?ilintlff's' Area cancer treatment"center planned to Wakefield. OS $40.50. claim dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Lutheran Community Hospital has mounted a prolect to provide radla' July 7 - Phil H. and Myrtle L. tlon treatment ta cancer patients In Northeast Nebraska. The program Olauson to Cory Nelson, Lots 11 and' to bUild a radiation therapy center was prompted by the hospital's board Civil Claim dispositions 12, Blk.
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