jIUn/ADJUNCTIVE MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE The Complementary Use of B—Scan Ultrasound and Radlonuclide Imaging Techniques AngelitaDingcongSandersandRogerC.Sanders Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland Too often a single noninvasive imaging technique the kidneys will be enlarged and numerous cystic fails to provide enough information to permit a diag areas will be present. Differentiation between the nosis to be made, whereas a judicious combination two conditions is usually simple: the cysts in a poly of two or more techniques will frequently provide cystic kidney vary markedly in size and in the enough data to obviate the need for such invasive smoothness of the wall, whereas several character procedures as angiography or exploratory laparot istic ultrasonic configurations may be seen in hydro omy. In this article we shall endeavor to correlate nephrosis when it is severe (2). Multiple cystic struc the use of nuclear medicine techniques with sonogra tures of similar size radiating from the center of the phy in several organ systems. In most instances we kidney occur if the bulk of the pressure changes have believe that nuclear medicine and ultrasound should been borne by the calyces, or, if the pelvis is most play complementary roles, although one or the other affected, a large cystic “sac-like―area surrounded by may be uniquely suited to the diagnosis of some a small rim of renal parenchyma will be seen. A conditions. We will attempt to put these noninvasive third configuration occurs in hydronephrosis due to procedures in perspective and develop a guide to obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction : both the their most efficient utilization. Certain conditions are extrarenal and intrarenal pelves dilate, causing two best diagnosed by sonography, such as obstetric adjacent cystic areas with a “dumbbell―shape. problems and abdominal aneurysms. Since ultra Although ultrasound is sufficiently reliable for the sound cannot pass through gas or bone, pulmonary diagnosis of hydronephrosis (1 ), only anatomic and bone lesions must be investigated by nuclear changes are shown, and the degree of renal function medicine or radiologic techniques. Most organs in cannot be assessed. If some renal function persists, the abdomen, thyroid, and breast can be examined nuclear techniques are helpful in three ways: advantageously with both nuclear medicine and 1. A e9mTc-DTPA scan allows one to detect ultrasound. We will consider only those conditions the level of the obstruction. Only severely wherein both these techniques can be used with mu dilated ureters can be visualized with ultra tual benefit, and not those where one or the other sound. has little or no role. This communication will be 2. A 9OmTc..DMSAscan delineates the amount concerned with an assessment of how the two mo of functioning parenchyma in each kidney dalities should be used together for best patient man (3) and permits the surgeon to decide agement in these areas. whether a drainage procedure is indicated. KIDNEY 3. A sonographicdiagnosisof polycystickid ney can be supported if numerous areas of Genitourinary diagnosis involves several problems decreased uptake are seen within the renal in which ultrasound and nuclear medicine play im outline (3) (Fig. 1). portant complementary roles. Kidneys not visualized adequately on excretory urography (IVP) in the presence of renal failure should be studied next with Received Aug. 18, 1976; original accepted Sept. 21, 1976. ultrasound to exclude bilateral hydronephrosis or For reprintscontact: Roger C. Sanders, Dept. of Radiol ogy, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 601 N. Broadway, polycystic kidneys (Fig. I ) (1 ). In both conditions Baltimore, MD 21205. Volume 18, Number 3 205 SANDERS AND SANDERS 4 FIG. 1. Polycystickidney.(Top)Transversepronesection,5 cm (S) is vertebral column. Arrows indicate septa. (Bottom) Right pos. abov iliac crest, showstypical sonographic changes of polycystic tenor oblique and left posterior oblique views of @Tc-DM$A kidneys. Both kidneysare markedly enlarged with multiple cysts(C) scan on same patient showstypical appearance of polycystickid. of varying sizes. Pelvicalyceal echoes (P), although disorganized, are neys: distortion of renal outline with multiple defects correspond. still recognizable. Sound.obsorbingstructure between two kidneys in9 to cystsseenon sonogram. Renal failure due to vascular disorders (e.g., for an ectopic kidney in the pelvis. Should none be thrombosis) may be diagnosed if the kidneys are found, perhaps because of overlying bowel gas, a found to be small or normal in size by ultrasound ODmTc-DTPA scan with flow study, done in the an and if there is no perfusion to the renal bed by a tenor projection using a diverging collimator, will ø9mTcO4flow study. In acute renal failure, the degree show both renal beds and the pelvis, where an cc of ‘311-Hippuranconcentration in the kidneys may topic kidney might be. be of diagnostic significance regarding eventual renal In the absence of hematuria, demonstration or function (4) . In end-stage renal failure, where ultra suspicion of a renal mass on an 1W should lead to sound has shown small but otherwise normal kid an ultrasonic examination to determine whether the neys, there is as yet no means of distinguishing among mass is cystic or solid (7) . Cystic lesions show large the many causes, such as chronic pyelonephritis, posterior-wall echoes, smooth walls, and no internal chronic glomerulonephritis, or renal artery stenosis, echoes. Solid lesions, although they usually contain since all will show diminished flow on the 9omTc@ numerous echoes, may also be more or less echo DTPA flow study. End-stage kidneys retain some free; however, their posterior-wall echo is small perfusion but show equally poor function. because sound has been absorbed. An attenuated In the absence of renal failure, a single kidney posterior-wall echo has been found to correlate with failing to visualize on excretory urography should solid avascular neoplasms (8) , and the accuracy in first be studied with ultrasound, since hydronephro distinguishing cysts from solid lesions has been re sis can be diagnosed easily and a number of the ported as 95% (9). Solid lesions are due to neo other possible causes have typical appearances (5). plasms and arteriography is required to establish the In addition, ultrasound provides information about neighboring organs which may not be available with a 99mTc-DTPA scan (Fig. 2). The sonographic ap pearance of multicystic kidney is that of a cystic mass with multiple cysts of varying sizes within it (6). Sincetherenalarteryisatretic,a 9DmTc@DTPA flow study will show no perfusion on the affected side. If a neoplastic mass occupies the whole kidney, the sonogram will show distortion of the renal out line and central pelvic echoes and, in general, extra echoes within the renal parenchyma. A recent uni lateral renal infarct causes little change in the sono graphic appearance of the kidney, but a oomTc@DTPA flow study will show absence of perfusion to the FIG.2. Bilateraladrenalhemorrhageandrightrenalinfarctin affected kidney (Fig. 2). A small end-stage kidney neonate with oliguria. (L.ft) “@Tc.DTPAflow study, 30.sec frame, shows left kidney (1k) but not right kidney. Visibly avascular is usually detectable by ultrasound if the kidney is areas, thought to be intrarenal, are present in superior aspect of not too small (below approximately 3 cm) . A 9omTc@ left kidney and in region of right kidney (arrows). (Right) Longi. tudinal sonogram through right kidney (rk) in prone position shows DTPA flow study will show a very little or absent cystic lesion (C) above grossly normal kidney and separated by perfusion to the affected side. If none of these mdi w.ll.deflned interface (arrows).(Sonogramof left side was similar.) Bilateral adrenal hemorrhages were found at surgery, with multiple cations is seen, a sonographic search should be made smallarterial emboli in right kidney. 206 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE ADJUNCTIVE MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE pattern of vascular supply and the presence or ab sence of inferior vena caval involvement. The lower limits of consistent visualization of cysts using gray scale equipment is about 1.5 cm, although 1-cm cysts may sometimes be seen. Solid lesions less than 2 cm in diameter may not be shown by ultrasound but may be detected by a renal image taken with °9mTcDM5A(dimercaptosuccinicacid), especially if the lesion is peripherally located. The o9mTc@ DMSA accumulatesin the proximaland distalcon voluted tubular cells and thus normally outlines the extent of the renal cortex (10) ; consequently, mass FIG.3. Lymphoc.le.(Left) @Tc-DTPAscanshowslargeavas lesions in the cortex will be visualized. Small lesions cular area (arrows) above transplant (1). (Right) Transvsrse sono. deeper in the kidney and close to the pelvicalyceal graphic ssction through renal transplant shows irregularly shaped cysticlesion(C)with septumin its lower aspect(arrow). system may not be detected with a DMSA scan (3). Ultrasound is probably more sensitive in detecting deep lesions, particularly if they distort the pelvic line study for perfusion and function should be oh echoes. Occasionally a suspected intrarenal mass is tamed within 24 hr of renal transplantation to assess due to a hypertrophied column of Bertin. Sonogra acute tubular necrosis. This also provides a con phy and radionuclide imaging will show the presence venient comparison with future studies so that acute of cortical tissue instead of the decreased activity rejection or other complications can be detected that would accompany a true mass (11). early (15). Acute tubular necrosis (ATh) is charac A lesion at the upperpole of the left kidneymay terized on the scan by good perfusion and dispro be difficult to detect by ultrasound because of over portionately poor function, with gradual improve lying ribs and lung. Should the NP indicate a mass ment of function over a period of time, depending on in this area and if the sonogram is negative, a @mTc@its severity. The prognosis appears to be related to DMSA scan is helpful.The upperpole of the right the duration of ischemia during transplantation (18).
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