Vol. X I. No. 44 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1903. One Dollar the Y ear. PREACHERS’ MEETINGS A. SOCIAL EVENT OF DANIEL W. APPLEGATE SPEAKERS DISCUSS THIS WEEK AND NEXT THE LATE FALL SEASON WEDS MISS ANNA REED Local Clergymen Will Go: to Freehold OF SCHOOL MONEY Mr, and Mrs. Carr Celebrate the An­ THE STATUE FUND Their Marriage Followed by Sere­ the .Coming Maaday .. y ; niversary of Their Wedding nade and Surprise Party FINAL POLITICAL MEETING BE­ At the preachers’ meeting in St. RECENT LAW MAKES TOWNSHIP. Mastering every detail that would M ATTER IN HANDS OF THE STOKES’ Daniel W. Applegate and Miss Anna .Paul’s church, Ocean Grove, on Mon­ contribute In any wise to the pleasure Reed, both of Ocean Grove, were’mar- . FORE FALL ELECTION day morning, tit. exercises- were TREASURER THAT OFFICER of tileir guests, Mr.. .and Mrs. R. H. ,; " FINANCE COMMITTEE ried on Sunday last at the parsonage opened with prayer by the Rev. W. W. Carr,' of Brooklyn, celebrated their of the Hamilton M. E. Church by tho. RIdgely, o£ West Park. On the sail wedding anniversary last Saturday Rev. W. E. Blackiston/ The bride is <jf committees the Rev H. Jt .Hayter, evening a t their Biimmer .home, 79 Pil­ the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Aaron. ALL OVER BUT SHOUTING of Bradley Beach, read on article TRUSTEE BittDNER IS OUT grim Pathway. In attendance at this NOW ALL WAY CONTRIBUTE Reed, of 119 Abbott avenue. Mr. Ap­ showing the agitation of the Temper­ event were Mrs. M. A. RuddolU ot plegate Is employed with Keith’s ex­ ance question, v/itii ■ special reference' Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burn­ press line in Asbury Park. Candidates Af tee That There li More En­ to the Erlo confcrence. The New Law Makes a Separate School ham, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. King, Mr. and On the Prl*clple That Ever/ Little Helps, On Monday evening, the young cou* thusiasm In Ocean Grove Than at Any . Rev. J. R. Thompson, of North I.ong / District of Bradley Beack, and County Mrs. Jacob Johnson, Mrs. James'Wil­ No Sum, Haweier Small, W1U Be Con­ pie were treated to an old-fashioned Branch, reported,1 the results ot a son, Mrs. T. E. Morgan, Mrs; G. L. serenade,, and on the next night Other Place In the County—Local Club meeting of Pennington Seminary trus­ Superintendent Will Appoint a Full May, the blisses Belle G reen,. NelUe sidered Too Insignificant—Letters Sent (Tuesday) they were given a surprise tees. Garrison; Grace Ashton and Edith party at which the following persona Addressed by Senator Brown,. Dr. Bai- A e : address o a "Reminiscences o f- Board tor That Place—His Successor to Morgan, Arthur Hope, Bert Carr and to People Who Are Believed, to Be were present and offered their con­ last, but by no means least. Master la rl, Ex-lherlft Datls a«d Others Gettysburg” was delivered by tho Rev'; He Elected by November 19 Friendly to the Project . gratulations: J. Morris, of West Long Branch. Rev. Willard'May. Misses Hannah Jones, Lizzie Meeks, The refreshment table was decor­ William Abbott', of Ocean Grove.- also President Rainear of the school Mamie Smith, Clara Hudson/ Florence Rev. Dr. Ballard, Senator O. H; made a few remarks on this subject. ated in keeping with Mrs. Carr's repu­ Actuated by a laudable desire to Smith, Elslei W hite, Nellie Smith, E va Brown, Counselor Wesley B. Stout and board notified’the trustees on Thurs­ tation as. a master hand in this art. perpetuate the memory of the man Next. Monday i the preachers will at­ day evening that the State. Superin­ Asay, Eva Cooper, Leva Bennett, Con­ Assemblyman Candidate O. E. .Davls tend the New Brunswick District mis­ The decorations extended to the sit­ Whose name It bears, the B. H. Stokes stance Smith, Laura Seger, Ella Wal­ were the principal speakers at the Mc­ tendent of Public Instruction had de­ ting room and; parlor, an especial fea­ fire company, of Ocean Grove, is doing sionary meeting at Freehold, and the cided that the aew school law .becomes lace, Belle Wilson, Etta May Reed, Kinley and Roosevelt Club meeting on President, Rev. Sathnol Sargent, will ture heing a handsome cosey corner* all that it can in assisting to raise Lida Cooper, Carrie Wistar, Minnie . Tuesday evening. It is admitted by' operative at ones. This law creates a. funds for the erection of .the proposed occupy, the chair. The program for separate school board for the borough which Mrs, Carr has fitted up for Lewis, CoraAlIgor, Ada Vannote, Lida everybody acquainted with the situtv- the day will be as follows: permanent use, as well as an adorn-; monument to the founder and first Doren Reed, Etta Williams, Mamie tlon that there is more political en­ Morning. Session—9.45, business ses­ ol Bradley Beach, thereby removing1 ment to the sitting room. president of this place. The company Williams, Nettie Reed; Messrs. Ridg- ' thusiasm in Ocean Grove this fall Dr. W; k. Bradner, of that place,, from Prizes in the various diversions of has many friends who^ no doubt, will sion of Preachers’ Meeting. 10.13, de­ the township board. : His successsor way Pyott, Howard Sofleld, H arry than anywhere else in the county. And votions. 10.30, sermon by Rev. D. H. the evening—aiversions at once enter­ be glad to ielp the worthy cause when! May, Samuel Hampton, Henry Bott- this fact furnishes abundant material .will, have to be , elected by .November it is brought to their attention. To. Schock. Devotions, led iiy Rov. 19, or appointed at that time by the taining and instructive—were won by roff, Bert Thompson, Leonard SmltB, : for oratorical efforts—especlaly tho Samuel Sargent. Mrs. Morgan,; Mrs. King, Miss GarTi- that end-the appended letter is now Wallace Reed, Geo. Reed, Arthur efforts made before the local club, county superintendent. aon and Mrs. Wilson. The celebration being sent out'by the chairman of the Lunchcon*Served by ladles of the The new law also legislates S. D. Smith, Robert Williams, Lester Pat­ • Senator Brown received a positive churcli. was continued until blose upon the' company’s finance committee, Post- terson, Howard Asay, Fred Smith, ovation when he made his appearance Woolley out of his position as treas­ hour for extinguishing ' the electric naasteir Wp H., Hamilton i Afternoon r'ession-—1.30, oponing ex­ urer,"of tbe bo>ard, and makes T. Nel- Fred Brown, Arthur Van Arsdale, Wm, in the room. He is a great favorite in ercises 3.45, Italian nnd other home lights in the Grove. Needless to. say “The movement for the; erection Williams, Frank Poinsett, Frank Ben­ Ocean Grove, where, he formerly re­ son Llllagore, Neptune . Township’s work, by Rev. E. L. Pox. 2.15, ad- treasurer, .custodian of the, school the evening was most enjoyably spent of. a bronze statue in Ocean Grove nett, Harry Woolman, Clyde Gray, Mr. sided. The Senator fell in with the dress,’: “Protestant .^s. Catholic School' by those present, and at ; departing to'the memory of its late honored and Mrs. Calvin Reed, Mr. and Mrs. views of all the other speakers in de­ monies, ' . Work In Mexico,;’ by Rev. J. Cordova, As under the new law Bradley .Beach there was universally expressed the president is' approaclilng comple> Wm. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. claring that the gathering of Republi­ 2.45, conference, ‘’Benefits of the Mis­ wish that.Mr. and Mrs. Carr might see tion. The E. H. Stokes Fire Com^ Williams, Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. cans In the . Ocean Grove elubroom is made a separate school district, the many happy returns of the day. sionary Society in Sunday, school,” county superintendent will appoint a pany, No. 3,' wishes to show it" and Mrs. Marriner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. was the best he had seen-this fall. conducted 'by Her. ,0. BY Garrison, of earnest interest in this movement Strudwick, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Dodd, ' “Why, this club has a record of which full school hoard of nine mem­ Craabuqr, 3,20'„Echoeii from Philadel­ bers for that, district. Dr Bradner ; See that your ticket reads Carton. wnile there is an opportunity, and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reed, Mrs. Hud-,, it may well be proud,” said.he. “THe phia Missionary-Convention, by Rev. Davis and Fisher. takes this method of bringing the son, Mrs. Watrous, Mrs. Chas. Cham­ candidates ne^d to come here to get will be one of the appointees. H. J, Zelly, Ph. D., and others. Devo­ Counselor John E. Lannlng last Fri­ matter before the friends of the berlain, Mrs. Stricklin, Mrs. George encouragement and inspiration; they tions and remarks on the miasionary late xjt.. Stokes, with an earnest . Asay, Mrs. C. Cooper, Mrs. J. Wil­ n^ed have no fear of the result in day evening served. formal notice on work of the district, by Rev. J, B. the Neptune Township school trustees HECK AVENUE FOLKS appeal that they identify ;tuem- liams, Mr. Shear, Ellwood Patterson. V Ocean Grove. I've been a candidate Haines, presiding elder. selves with this most worthy and The party , was held at the home of - for office four times, and l\ad I ^re­ protesting'against their action in SOCIABLY INCLINED awarding tbe coal an<l wood contract. important cause. the brme’s parents, where for the ceived the same support elsewhere as “If you have already contributed present Mr. and Mrs. Applegate will . given me in thiB place I would never See that your ticket reads Carton.
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