HENRY FORD'S KINGDOM / Read Erskine Caldwells Series dp AMERICA S ONLY WORKING Detroit do the Feature Page! Daily^ilpVorker CLASS DAILY NEWSP APER CENTRAL OR6AN COMMUNIST PARTY M.S.A. (SECTION OF COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL) <m* 36 ss seeoad-gfaMg sxtffer ai the Port Offlee &* Vol. XI, No. 134 ■4ft* «, Pair, Wtm Y«*, X. Y„ unOar tfc* Art of March 187* NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1934 WEATHER: moderate temperature. (Six Pages) Price 3 Cents JOHNSON AND U.S. STEEL HEAD MEET TO BLOCK STRIKE Toledo Strikers Prevent Signing of A.F.o/L. Chiefs’ Sell-Out */ ” AtlantaCops Make Am Being Flogged , Thaelmann Steel Union in Raids; Prepare for Tells First Workers' Delegation Call for United ff N. Y. Seamen To Picket Nazi Paper Asks Rope for Thaelmann German Communist Atlanta 6” Trial Nazi Consulate on Defies Nazi Police; Wednesday Noon Tells of Torture Strike Action Hudson Quizzes Negro 1 DELEGATIONS GROW HIS FOOD STOLEN Workers on Knowledge Demand MassPicketin g; S.M.W.I.U. Delegates at ? Protest Actions Spread »•* • f.jas*C£r* j!**■»» *** Saar Delegation Breaks General Strike Till All of “Red Meetings” if* Vi"'" "JSfe**** fj Capital. Expose Tighe s Over Europe Through Isolation Demand* Are Von Scabbury “Ripe for the Rope—Revelations of Thaelmann'? Activity RAISE “RED SCARE” NEW YORK.-Several in Mos- SAARBRUECKEN, cow,” is the lynch headline In General Goering’? "National-Zeitung” June 4. STORM NEWSPAPER SEE WAGNER TODAY hundred seamen, meeting at May —"I of Ben of 19, 1934. Goering, who failed In his satanlc effort to behead am and have been beat- Threaten Arrest South and Whitehall Sts. Sun- Dimitroff. must find Ernst lorn from grasp Thaelmann his murderous en!” Ernst Thaelmann, im- Strong Group for Fight Spang of Committee of Davis, I.L.D. Attorney ak ilif I day night under the auspices by the united power of the international working class. prisoned leader of the Ger- of the Marine Workers Indus- man Communist Party, told to Victory Ten. Confused on NRA ATLANTA, Ga„ June 4. trial Union, voted unani- the first delegation to see him attempt to whip Querist t* the Dally Worker BULLETIN In a studied mously to picket the German since his arrest by the Nazis up an atmosphere of lynch TOLEDO, June 4.—With WASHINGTON. June 4.—Roose- Consulate. 17 Battery PI., at noon Moscow Welcomes 2nd more than a year ago. j aid of a secret vote by ballot, velt told his lieutenants in Con* hysteria in preparation for Wednesday to demand the release gress this afternoon that the Thaelmann, Torgler The delegation of Ramsey, business agent of death trials of the “Atlanta of and other three i Wagner company union bill must leaders of the Communist Party of Saar coal miners, one s member ! the A' F. of L. Auto Union. he passed before Congress ad- Six,” planned to take place Germany pre- Schutzbunder whom the Nazis are Group of the Communist Party, one a So- put over his new sell-out journs. It is reported. Roosevelt within the next two weeks, paring to turn over to the execu- . cialist Party member, and one un- | took this action in order to place Mayor LaGuardia of New York, tioner. organized scheme, the government police squads led by the Rev. John By VERN SMITH chance to participate in great politically, all elected by but strikers' the in a position to who wants to put the burden of Picketing the shaft meetings mines, J forclb'y A. Hudson. Assistant Solicitor Gen- of the Consulate, which Daily Worker Moscow Correspondent task of socialist construction with of their suc- | mass indignation after the break the coming stee’ relief on the employed workers began May ceeded in breaking through strike. eral. carried out another series of 23. has been partici- 7 . the toilers of the the wall 4. A U.S.S.R. meeting to * * * and starve the jobless. pated in by thousands of New York MOSCOW June second of isolation and silence that the forced him withhold raids on the homes of Negro and group of 230 members of.the Aus- Sehntihunder? The workers and intellectuals. Trade Class-Brother? Nazis have built up around the he- signing of this settlement. By MARGUERITE YOUNG white workers yesterday, while the trian Schutzbund, the Republican A huge meeting, under the chair- j “new” agreement calls for a 5 per press up unions and other mass organiza- roic leader of the German working Washington boss played the “Red Men- Defense Corps, arrived in Moscow of representatives rent increase, open no guar- (Daily Worker Bureau! tions have delegations protest- manship the of class. They state: shop, ace." No one was arrested. to sent today special Mayor Plans ing the conspiracy to on a train from Nego- the Central Executive Committee | antee against discrimination, and WASHINGTON. D.G., June Forcing his way into the Nazi rush reloye. "We delegates are firmly con- homes of Thaelmann through speedy and the Red Aid, took place in the no guarantee of employment for all 4. —N. several Negro workers. de- a trial They joyfully vinced that govern- R .A. Administrator Hudson to the executioner’s block, and de- were welcomed all enormous station square, filled with the German strikers. manded whether they knew of any Make Masses the way to Moscow. Men and wo- delegates from plants and factories ment gave us permission to see This sell-out acceptance an- Hugh S. Johnson held secret “red in manding the release of Thaelmann was meetings” their neighbor- men workers in the Soviet plants in the proletarian capital. Speakers Thaelmann and speak to him un- by press and other anti-fascist fighters. der nounced the before the conferences today with Wil- hoods and offered to pay them well saluted the Schutzbunders with up- represented the Central Executive the pressure of the tremen- union vote was taken. The act, as * • * Auto- liam W. Irvin, president of to stool pigeons and inform for Relief raised fists and “Red Front” as the Committee, the Red Aid. the Trade dous campaign throughout the Lite Company announced in the on meetings. Pay I T all Communist They S A N B U L.—Athens workers festively decorated train passed Unions, the foreign workers in world for Thaelmann's release.” Sunday press that the plant is to the U. S. Steel Comoration, they Goering’s Mos- were asked if knew' Ben Da- welcomed arrival there through. As the train slowed down cow plants, and the first and second be reopened with scabs—strikers to vis. Angelo Herndon’s defense at- with a roar of protest The Nazi Secret Sendee State and with Assistant Secretary Tax on Employed Is against the in the Moscow station upraised fists group of Schutzbunders. allowed be rehired when needed through an torney, and if they were members Nazi atrocities for Police the delegation to ask of Labor Edward F. McGrady, and demands the and flying banners appeared from All the speeches emphasized that only employment office one week after of any organization with which he release of Ernst and Thaelmann six questions, other Johnson’s No. 1 strikebreaker at Proposed at Banker Thaelmann the train windows. the Schutzbunders guests the p'ant reopens. Strikers ex- ether fighters. were not questions being prohibited. I the New as was connected. Hudson informed anti-fascist At the station were representa- but class brethren of pressed mass opposition to the sell- De.al. union repre- Negro comrade that Meet of the workers sentatives to confer the he had a in City Hall Indignation against Goering and tives of the Central Executive Com- the Soviet Union, "When we demanded the right | out and will meet tonight to vote arrived on Davis, j joining hands national scheduled arrant for w'ho was one of the Nazi regime was expressed not! mittee of the U.9.5.R., 'he Red Aid with them in the of to a?k him whether he was man- down the new proposals. strike for them Reds,” as building so- June 16. well as for Don NEW YORK.—In an atmosphere only by the workers, but among and the Central Council of Trade cialism. handled or tortured, the Nazi po- strong union opposition group Vest, native white organizer. A Pat Cush. National President of !ne It is outwardly calm, but surcharged broad strata of the middle classes. Unions. With these were the first Representatives of the Schutz- lice answered, ‘That Is a political is prepared to fight tonight for all clear that Hudson's threat to ar- i the Steel and Metal Workers Union, with an inner tension created by The newspaper “Anarxartikos.” I group of Schutzbunders, previously bunders stressed the fact that the question and eannot he allowed,'" original demands and to call for rest Davis is pure bluff, as Davis’ growing arrived today ahead of a large del- the momentum of the tin- made a. sharp attack on Hitler and arrived. With the band playing the defeat of the proletariat the delegates asserted. resumption of mass picketing, and whereabouts are well-known to the Goering. Austrian egation which will come in tomor- employed workers’ for and printed a ; • struggles ade- caricature “International," the Schutzbunders w'as due to the lack of revolutionary “We were expressly warned also to initiate a general strike ertire Atlanta police force. quate relief, of Goering caption: ! row. He issued a statement declar- Mayor LaGuardia ad- with the “Any- jumped from the train, and greeted leadership with a definite object. that If we asked any questions through a walkout of To’e~'o Edi- Two days ago.
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