Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME C PASSAIC, N.J., OCTOBER 19, 2011 NUMBER 4949 121 guests enjoy the festivities Traditional fraternal outreach Group 4, “Bishop Stefan Moyzes” Celebrates its Slovak Catholic Sokol Disaster Relief Fund by Julie Ann Dobbs, Supreme Vice President Centennial with Gala Fraternal Program in Chicago As a fraternal benefi t society, one of our obligations is to come to the aid of our members who are in need. In the past month Sokols and Sokolky of Group 4, with a welcoming speech by Frank music was provided by Gene Mikrut. or so, many of you found yourself in the path or the aftermath of “Bishop Stefan Moyzes” celebrat- R. Stolar, president of Assembly 11 After dinner, the assembly was Hurricane Irene and/or Tropical Storm Lee. ed the 100 year anniversary of the of Chicago, Illinois. The oldest So- greeted by Tony L. Scuglik of The fl ooding left some without homes and founding of the Group on Saturday, kol lodge in Group 4, Assembly 11 Kenosha, Wisconsin, who was others struggling with loss of property....it September 17, 2011. Group 4 was was the host lodge for the inaugura- just reelected as Group 4 President also left many of us wanting to directly help organized on April 23, 1911, just tion of Group 4 at St. Michael the at the annual meeting of Group those members of the Slovak Catholic Sokol nine months after the 4th National Archangel Parish, 48th and Damen 4, which preceded the centennial who were directly affected by these natural Convention of the Slovak Catholic in the Back-of-Yards neighborhood banquet. Tony thanked everyone disasters. To this end, the Board of Directors Sokol held in Johnstown, Pa. autho- of Chicago. St. Michael’s was the for attending the celebration and recently approved the establishment of the rized local Sokol Assemblies and fi rst parish to serve the Slovak com- then reviewed the sad decline in Slovak Catholic Sokol Disaster Relief Fund. Wreaths to coordinate their fraternal munity in the Windy City in 1898. membership during the past several This fund will be used to offer fi nancial as- and sports programs in their par- Brother Stolar then introduced years. He also talked about the new sistance to those who have suffered damages ticular local states and geographic Joseph A. Seliga, the Financial Legacy Collection of Life Insurance and loss from natural disasters. This fund is not meant to replace areas. Group 4 consists of Assem- Secretary of Assembly 11, who act- Protection and the Vantage Collec- relief assistance offered through FEMA; fl ood or disaster insur- blies and Wreaths in Indiana, Illinois ed as the very capable Toastmaster tion of Annuity Financial Growth ance. In response to past natural disasters, we have suggested and Wisconsin. A total of 121 Sokol and started off the program by lead- Products. He encouraged our mem- and promoted donations toward Catholic Relief Services and the members and guests represented ing the assemblage in the singing of bers to read more about these new American Red Cross. While we do not want to detract from your their respective Assemblies and the national anthems of the United and exciting insurance and annu- normal donation pattern, we want to offer an avenue for assis- Wreaths from Illinois and Wiscon- States, the “Star Spangled Banner” ity products offered by the Slovak tance that will directly benefi t our members. In compliance with sin. Unfortunately, Sokol members and of the Slovak Republic, “Nad Catholic Sokol. Each of these new the Board of Directors request, and in my role as the Supreme from Indiana were unable to attend. Tatrou sa Blyska.” Brother Seliga products is fully explained in arti- Vice President, I have established a separate account to admin- The recently remodeled Impe- then introduced the Rev. Francis Q. cles appearing in our offi cial publi- ister this fund. Please consider donating and thus assuring that rial Room at the Camelot Banquet Kub, the retired pastor of St. Simon cation, the Slovak Catholic Falcon. monies will be available to assist our members in need. You may facility in Hickory Hills, Illinois, the Apostle Slovak Parish, who Brother Seliga then introduced do so by sending your check or money order made payable to a Chicago suburb, provided the gave a preface to his invocation Julie Ann Dobbs, the newly re- SCS Disaster Relief Fund to: “SCS Disaster Relief Fund”, c/o beautiful setting for the centennial with a brief talk and then gave the elected Supreme Vice President of Julie Ann Dobbs, Supreme Vice President, 5314 Agatha Turn, banquet. The banquet was held im- invocation. Toastmaster Seliga then the Slovak Catholic Sokol, who Racine, WI 53402. mediately following the conclusion introduced Jennifer A. Romine, gave the principal address. In her of the Group 4 Annual Meeting. Vice President of Group 4, to pres- (Continued on page 14) (Continued on page 15) The afternoon’s program opened ent the centennial toast. However, before she began, her sister, Lisa Hoeck, Assistant Physical Direc- tress of Group 4, came forward to honor Jennifer with a very emo- tional tribute on her recent election at the 31st National Convention in Pittsburgh as a Member of the Supreme Physical Fitness Board. Lisa went on to recall Jennifer’s tireless efforts for many years as Physical Directress of both Group 4 and Wreath 93 in Milwaukee. Following the tribute, Jennifer then gave a short about the recent 45th International Slet held at Kutztown University in Kutztown, Pa. as well as other Wreath 93 activities. She then concluded and offered the Group 4 100th Anniversary Toast. Following the toast, the assem- blage sat down to an old fashioned, homestyle meal which was then served. The meal included chicken soup, salad, “Holupky”, dumplings, breaded chicken breasts, “klobasy,” More than 7,000 visitors enjoyed this year’s 34th Annual New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival held roast beef and gravy, assorted at the PNC Arts Center in Holmdel, N.J. on Sunday, September 25. This year’s festival opened with a cooked vegetables, and “kapusta.” concelebrated Divine Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite. Bishop Paul Rusnak, center, Eparch of the Byzan- The wonderful meal was topped off tine Catholic Eparchy of Bratislava in Slovakia was principal celebrant and homilist. Bishop William by ice cream and coffee for dessert. Skurla, fi fth from the left, Eparch of the Byzantine Catholic Diocese of Passaic concelebrated. Flanking During the dinner, sweet, mellow the bishops are festival co-chairpersons John G. Duch and Nina Holy. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, OCTOBER 19, 2011 ton, N.J. beginning with Mass Q Lucina Slovak Folklore En- at 10:30 a.m., meeting and lun- semble benefi t dinner and cul- Introducing our Sokol cheon to follow in the church tural evening at Pokrova Hall, hall. 6812 Broadview Rd., Parma, Calendar Q Group 18 annual meeting in Oh. beginning at 6 p.m ., tick- newest members Lansford, Pa. beginning with ets $30.00, call Tom Evanec 10:30 a.m. Mass at the Church (440)668-7797. SUN.OCT.23 of St. Katherine Drexel, 120 SUN.NOV.13 Q 25th annual Czech & Slo- East Abbot St., meeting and Q St. Martin’s Day observance vak Festival hosted by the luncheon to follow at the Vien- of Group 11 at SS. Cyril and Czech and Slovak Heritage nese Villa Restaurant, Coal- Methodius Parish, 13th Ave. Association at Baltimore 45 dale, Pa. and 2nd St., Minneapolis, Hall(formerly Tall Cedars Hall), NOV.5-6 Minn., Mass at 9 a.m. followed 2501 Putty Hill Ave., Parkville, Q Adult and children’s cloth- by breakfast served in the Fa- Md. noon - 6 p.m., for informa- ing sale hosted by Most Holy ther Dargay Memorial Hall, call tion call (410)662-6094. Trinity Parish in the social James T. Genosky (763)789- Q Group 9 annual meeting at hall, 18 Trinity Plaza, Yonkers, 9196. the Slovak Citizens Club, Rail- N.Y.,Saturday and Sunday, 9 Q 29th St. Martin’s Day Cele- road St., Lilly, Pa. beginning at a.m. - 5 p.m., call (914)963- bration and observance of the 2 p.m., call Alice Podrebarac 0720. 100th anniversary of Group 2 (814) 487-7433. SUN.NOV.6 beginning with 11 a.m. Mass at Q Group 17 annual meeting Q 21st annual Slovak Heri- Holy Name of Jesus Church, at St. Matthias Parish, 915 tage Festival at the Cathedral Stratford, Conn., luncheon and Cornell St., Youngstown, Oh., of Learning Commons Room, program to follow at the Grassy Mass at 12 noon, luncheon and Oakland, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hill Lodge, Derby, Conn., call meeting to follow in the rectory. from 1-5 p.m., call Chris Metil Eileen S. Wilson, (203) 378- Brayden James Upole, born FRI.OCT 28 (412)624-5906. 8837. September 18, 2010, is the son Q Halloween party hosted by Miles David Lehman, born Q Annual benefi t in support of MON.NOV.14 of Kayla Bench of Derry, Pa. the Domovina Slovak Society October 13, 2010, is the son of St. Andrew Svorad Benedictine Q Wreath 111 meeting with the He was enrolled as a member of at SS. Cyril and Methodius Christopher and Alison Milanek Abbey at Assumption Parish, theme of “Let’s Give Thanks” Wreath 15 in Perryopolis, Pa. Church Hall, 218 Ackerman Lehman of Burbank, Ca.
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